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Canucks 2014/15 season

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Turn about is on the way if Miller stays away from the mist. As you can see tonight even bag of balls are playing better. Sbiza my man can hit.
Love it. We need one more guy like him and Stanton. Start hitting and twins will start moving.
Burki must be going nuts.He dam well needs a hair cut. So far I like it I hope Canucks can get the dam points they need.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
MTKB did you see Miller wing it. It's a bout time 6 mill a year and a big bag of dicks. Big bag of dicks is no use with desert sage.
Lack should be in goal for that one or Miller will have shitty Christmas. Look at Kesler he is on fire in Duckville.
He is missing Schnider, for Christmas Wish.
Must say I am happy happy happy to see twins are getting points around Christmas. Verbat my man should ask his coach if he could hold a shooting drills for the team.
The Cheh sure knows how to shoot. Canucks Coach needs a bit of roche chew to slow down his twitching.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
MTKB did you see Miller wing it. It's a bout time 6 mill a year and a big bag of dicks. Big bag of dicks is no use with desert sage.
Lack should be in goal for that one or Miller will have shitty Christmas. Look at Kesler he is on fire in Duckville.
He is missing Schnider, for Christmas Wish.
Must say I am happy happy happy to see twins are getting points around Christmas. Verbat my man should ask his coach if he could hold a shooting drills for the team.
The Cheh sure knows how to shoot. Canucks Coach needs a bit of roche chew to slow down his twitching.


Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Yellow light for more bud, white for more grow and flashing red get the fricken hell out of there. Franchi "Marry Christmas", let you rooster sing, I see Canucks drop points to Arizona if Miller plays goal.Lack is the Chistmas peace full man. St Nick comes from his part of the World.
Miller is soon daddy to be. Many thing are going threw his mind lately. Focus slips away than it comes back. I hope he stays focused after Christmas.
It's easy to lose money with him in goal.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dog eat dog what went on with Miller last knight. Seven to one. Every guy on Canucks looks good to Boston's GM. It sure looks like Edmonton Vancouver and Boston are trying to work out a deal. Rat from Boston might end up in Edmonton.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Dog eat dog what went on with Miller last knight. Seven to one. Every guy on Canucks looks good to Boston's GM. It sure looks like Edmonton Vancouver and Boston are trying to work out a deal. Rat from Boston might end up in Edmonton.

Nope and nope and.... nope. 0 for 3 with a caught looking and GIDP...

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Christmas is over New Year soon Canucks have to play two tough clubs. Kesler gets a chance to kick the dickens out of Canucks. Adds should be three to one for Ducks and two to one against LA.
Ednonton should fire their MG give Grets a job to rebuild that sad sad club. Low is sitting in the back but in my opinion he is the biggest reason of them kids running around.
They do have money, I think Low wants the McDavid in Edmonton.Fine but guy like Lack could save the season for those kids with addition of two older guys one on D and one up top. Eberly would love Vancouver. Gaunce and Lack are OK trade for Eberly.
Canucks have three guys in Utica one of them could back up Miller. Lack is a good keeper he should be give a chance as number one.
New Year wish, Hamilton and farm team player here Bieksa, Burrows an Jensen to Boston. Boston needs stay at home D and better forwards we need puck moving D and future forward.
Move like that could get us to second round of play-oof's. And also make us younger. I am sure Benning is trying, I hope not for that wee guy last name Krug. He is only 185 LBS and 5'9 inches. Good skill but he will get killed by Ducks, La and Sharks if Bennings brings him over. I hope Weber goes the other way. There is no chance we can carry two small guys on our D. Bieksa has no trade deal I don't think he would go.
Young Dutchman looks good in Canada vs Slovakia game. Slovak are better than the score shows. Slovakian keepers are bit on a weak . I would love to see their number 14 on Canucks in a year or two. Kid sure loves to hit and can skate.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Bobby Sanguinetti is the latest addition to Canucks roster from Utica. At 6'33 200 lbs and a guy that knows how to score could see time with Canucks.
Trip to LA and An-Ducks area is not easy for any club. Sastito should be playing as those two teams love to throw cheep shots. Both Sestito and Sanguittti can throw them if needed with those two and Dorset La and Ducks might play bit cleaner. Points badly needed for Canucks.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Please stop. Hamilton isn't going anywhere, least of all to Vancouver for two guys the Bruins absolutely loathe...

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Did you watch tonight's game. If you think we can go in to first round of plaoff's with the D we have than Vancouver will never see the Stanly Cup. Good thing Miller came to play. Our D gets pushed around like kids from Ducks forwards. Best thing we got a point. At least four on four was fun.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Who in Vancouver actually thought Vancouver was going to the finals this year? I think most would be happy w/ a playoff birth of any kind...

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dude Canucks is much more of a attacking team this year. In my opinion size of our D lets teams like Ducks ,LA. Sharks get close to our keepers. With bit more size in one or two guys team can cut of fifty percent of those chances from opposing teams. Team has to get in to play-off's or all Linden and Benning stand for is not worth it.
Farm team is in first place in AHL,there is four five guys there that could get playing time here. One must give kids a chance. As you can see Bieksa needs day or two off to recharge. Bobby Sanguinetti would do fine in this league. He skates better than Corrado. Kids from farm team come up, but do not get to playing time. There is no way that Gatslof would push Sanguinetti around. Hard nose kid that can score 6'33 200 LBS.
Young man needs a chance forget pet on the back. Archibuald the same 6' 2 " 215 LBS. Strong guy tough in the corners. As far as I am concerned Vey is not strong enough he needs to play more and should spend a year in the miners. He does well on PK but five v five 50% or less. Team needs few grinders to help twins and Verbata . Bonino is the same type of player as Vey, good skill but does not go in to tough areas. Shoots well under pressure.As you can see Burrows plays with Horvat it really helps Bo.
This team is close for a long run all we need is two though guys on our D and one more hard nose guy. With Miller and Lack we are more than OK.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Great to see all of the NHL teams that released their junior players to play for their countries. Builds character,development and ultimately builds winning.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Tomorrow knight is the real test for Canada. Canada has close to two million kids playing Hockey. US has less but it has better youth development.
Countries like Swiss, Denmark and Germany spends way less on hockey yet they are not far away. One can clearly see that in next ten years they all will be very close. Our team is quick team US has more size we will see how it goes tomorrow. Austria and Italy and Croatia, Norvay are next countries to come up.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
In other countries they need to rely on an extremely efficient development system. They need to identify the best, develop those same players, and KEEP them playing hockey.

Our sheer numbers do a lot of the work. Yes, we do a very good job developing, but there is a reason Canada is refered to as a hockey factory. At the top of the US Development system are their top players. At the top of ours are equal numbers of those same top players, at arguably the same quality, if not at better quality, and a multiple of 10 or more times. Those other countries go though serious down years, sometimes lasting several years. For us, we may have a down year or two by our standards, but we are always at the top of the development pyramid. We can afford to play these kids to the point of quitting, because in our case, the argumant that "the strongest survive", or "the cream rises to the top" truly applies. A great player at the Bantam A1 Rep level wants to quit? No problem...he wasn't cut out to be a top pro, anyhow. We burn them out? No problem, next up.

Other countries can't afford that luxury.

In a lot of ways it makes me hate our system, but because of the massive numbers, one can't argue it is wrong.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
So you are saying we shouldn't be sending coaches over to Croatia to see how they are developing their players?
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