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    • Reccos
      Reccos replied to the thread 2024 Vancouver FC Season.
      If it's like Lions and other CFL games, they seem to report tickets sold vs actual those in the crowd. At the opening with 50 Cent...
    • Reccos
      Reccos reacted to Regs's post in the thread 2024 Vancouver FC Season with Like Like.
      Depends on who you ask. Personally, I say it looks like around 2000 average... sometimes more, sometimes less. This season looks worse...
    • Reccos
      Reccos reacted to dezza's post in the thread 2024 Vancouver FC Season with Like Like.
      That's unfortunate. They seem to have put together a better roster this year and are putting up better results. However, their best...
    • Reccos
      Reccos reacted to Michael's post in the thread Jesse Marsch with Like Like.
      I'm all for more games. 2 games a week would be better than once a week.
    • Reccos
      Reccos replied to the thread 2024 Vancouver FC Season.
      What kind of crowds locally are they getting?
    • Reccos
      Reccos reacted to GoF's post in the thread 2024 Vancouver FC Season with Like Like.
      Saw a TTP scarf proudly hanging in Mark Rogers office last night as we chatted with the CPL commissioner. Would have loved him to have...
    • Reccos
      Reccos reacted to Regs's post in the thread 2024 Whitecaps with Like Like.
      Watching the start of this MLS ALLSTAR game and wondering why yanks are so over the top with this shite?
    • Reccos
      Reccos reacted to CJ Mundy's post in the thread CWNT Road to Paris 2024 with Like Like.
      It is being widely suggested in other Social Media that using drones to spy on other teams closed training is rather common in...
    • Reccos
      Reccos replied to the thread Jesse Marsch.
      "...failing today to provide aspiring players with the standards of coaching, training, and competition needed to optimize development"...
    • Reccos
      Reccos reacted to mtkb's post in the thread Jesse Marsch with Like Like.
      it's the pay to play I was referencing. Everything he said in that regard was 100% my experience in the youth system as a coach and...
    • Reccos
      Reccos replied to the thread America is Cooked.
      When Scheer was head of the Tories, I was contacted by a fellow SFU alumnus telling he could put me in touch with an expert as to why...
    • Reccos
      Reccos replied to the thread CWNT Road to Paris 2024.
      Interestingly most of the obsession comes from males for some strange reason. I still think some of the outrage is over the top as you...
    • Reccos
      Reccos replied to the thread America is Cooked.
    • Reccos
      Reccos replied to the thread America is Cooked.
      MTKB, it's easy to say that but once those rigs were ensconced on the streets in front of Parliament Hill - an error the Ottawa Police...
    • Reccos
      Reccos replied to the thread CWNT Road to Paris 2024.
      Viens finished that nicely. NZ started well and for a while it looked like if they could keep up their play they might even pull off a...
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