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Canucks 2014/15 season

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Coaching here is a fact of over coaching by the parents that moastley never played the game but all played street hockey. Due to that lots of kids quit because they have no fun. If you ask kids what they want to do all say play games. 99 % practices kids just skate around.
In countries that want to develop it is broken in to fun drills and games. Mostly games till the age of twelve. What better way to learn how to skate. Fitness is all done as dry training. As they get older with out fitness it's all no use kids quit.
As you can see guys with skill on Canucks come from Europe. Taking one percent to top league does not speak much for our local development.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Oldtimer all the best for your Christmas as it coming up and your New Year. Going to Croatia, Checks, Rusia or Sweed development is good for any country that thinks development. We have hundreds of kids playing Junior hockey yet very few get drafted to NHL. Reason is game pace and foot and hands skill. In NHL fifty percent of goalies are Europian. You have to ask your self why. Kids here play just as long,yet most start learning after junior hockey. Way late in my opinion.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Coaching here is a fact of over coaching by the parents that moastley never played the game but all played street hockey. Due to that lots of kids quit because they have no fun. If you ask kids what they want to do all say play games. 99 % practices kids just skate around.
In countries that want to develop it is broken in to fun drills and games. Mostly games till the age of twelve. What better way to learn how to skate. Fitness is all done as dry training. As they get older with out fitness it's all no use kids quit.
As you can see guys with skill on Canucks come from Europe. Taking one percent to top league does not speak much for our local development.

Once again, you are on glue.

624,148. Tha is a fair estimate of the total number number of Canadian hockey players under 18 years old registered with Hockey Canada, according to this website (2013): http://www.cbc.ca/news2/interactives/sports-junior/

Of that I have no idea how the numbers break down by age, but taking that number and dividing by 13, let's just say that you have 144,034 eligible players EVERY YEAR the NHL conducts it's draft.

There are roughly 800 player jobs in the NHL, give or take. Taking 1% of 144,034 is 1,440. And you are unhappy w/ 1%? In Canada, you have to be happy with 1/10th of 1%, if you are being honest.

Also, according to this website- http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/hockey/nhl/2010-10-24-rink-report-american-players_N.htm- the number of Canadian players in the NHL is something like 54% of all. As of today, four of the top 10 scorrers in the NHL were Canadian (8 in top 20). The only other consistent producer of tallent was the US w/ 3 in the top 10- a system very similar to ours.

Don't reply on my opinion to sway you, just look at the simple statistics. Canada produces far more players than any nation making it to the show, and the stats support the idea that we produce the majority of the best players, too. Yes, other countries are more efficient, but Canada doesn't have to be. We can just chew them up and spit them out, because at the end of the the conveyor line, we'll still have the most and the best.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
By By Americans. The Rusians did the job. Todays game Slovaks and Cheks shows that kids have lots of skill. Who ever has Vrana will have a dam good player. Canucks are high on young Dutchman in my opinion his skill is at 50 percent,power game is good. As far as Canucks last knight Bieksa and his partner give up a goal a game on non marking around the net. Miller is like little boy. Lets the goal in then shyts the bed. I think coach is over his head a bit. Kassian is 6 foot 3 inch guy that can play on line number one or two. They always talk about future but older guys play younger guys sit.
Higgens is on his way down Kassian is on the way up. Dumb move by the coach. As far as a young guy from Utica I see no reason for him not to play against big strong clubs. He will do no worse than Bieksa but is 6 foot 3inch guy that can play and score. Getting out-smarted by LA late in the game head to do with coaching.
I hope they do not go the way they did last year. Twins look old at times. Good thing Vrbata keeps on scoring. Higgins and Bieksa would bring us a young D and a third line prospect. The sooner that they make a trade the better. Team needs a kick in the ARS. Coach is trying to stay positive on his talks with TV.
Every so often he has to show that he is in charge or players will run him out of the rum. Team has to get younger. Half of them look like golfers. Coach needs to kick Stanton in the groin for his PK's. He needs two three days off. His head is not in the game.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Sirem, as long as he doesn't steal my hair or mojo, he can keep stealing my password as long as he continues to write brilliant posts like that.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dude last time I have looked there was 382 000 kids plying hockey in Qubeck. Ontario has way more kids playing. What you see is in divisional hockey. House hockey is just as big or bigger yet it is not recorded till kids move to Adams program.
With country like Canada we should hold at least 65 to 70% of NHL players. Watching our Juniors is grate but when they get to last four spots the we will see if this years team can do something. Two years before we missed the medals. This time we should do much better.
As far as Canucks they play five games in ten nights. It will clearly show you where they are. In my opinion D will sink us if Benning does not make a trade.
One or two of those Slovakian kids non drafted could help Canucks. That kid up front sure loves to hit. 6 foot 3 inch power forward is what we need.
Them kids play in men's league and are ready for NHL.
Now is the time to add Archibuald,Jensen, big French man Gernier from Utica. If they fall 6 to 8 points behind there will be no play off's. Team needs a lift.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Sestito sent to miners, what's all that about. Didn't he have to clear the wavers? I do not see the reason why Edmonton would not pick this guy up.
He is better that what Benning thinks. Last year 77 games and nine or ten points this year take a hike.
What"s next another forty year old. Team has much much pace. What the frigen way to start a New Year for Sestito.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Hats off to Canadian boys they did it. What a game to watch. Those boys from Rusia sure never gave up. And to see Slovaks up there is even more fun for me. Ever body was laughing after the first game against Canada. But to see them guys turn it around was a OK.
Canucks sure could use Erik Cernak or Radovan Baundra or Peter Chehlarik. All three with size for NHL. Few of those Rusian kids would fit well.
This is where Linden has to get Burs to help out to swing a kid or two here. We need another number 10 to help out twins.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Way to stick it to Van City Luo......Hope he picked his spot on the ring of honor cause he will be there soon.

Everyone looking to see how Chedder Nuts is doing in NJ......heading to a 40 lose season!

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
I wonder what Linden thinks now? Loose to Florida is maga sat back. Lui is same Lui made tons of saves even went after Dorsett.
Team played like bunch of old man. Only Matthias and Horvat tried hard. Sbisa made so many bad passes to last him a year. D is playing very wide it will coast them naney games if coaches do not pick-up on it.
Benning must make a trade just wake some guys up. Verbata is better with twins than Burrows.
Lui Lui Lui. Thanks.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Team needs a guy that will go to goal hard and we will win. With out that guy it will take some kind of gods will to make the play-off's.15 shots from the point 14 missed the net. Bieksa needs a wooden stick or he would not hit a barn door. Sbisa needs set of contact lenses.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Roumer are Kassian ,Burrows, Higgens and Bonino will find new homes. On Burrows and Kassian there are lots of calls. Higgens third line prospect is possible. Talk is, team is trying to have a young second line two to replace twins and Vrbata in a year or two.
I still think Bieksa can bring a good young D this way. Any team in a hunt for Stanley Cup could use Bieksa and his hard nose . Young Mc Dermit from Boston could fit in here. Lui in Florida would love to add Bieksa to his team. With Bieksa traded, club would have money to buy a second line winger that knows how to score.
It's hard to watch, if the twins do not set-up Vrbata team can not win. Second line is dog's dish. Third and fourth run around with very little result.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
MTKB Benning did not look happy in today's paper. His old guys just don't have legs to get the wins team needs. Also talk is team is down and out from flu bug. I think the sooner that they make glows with remove-able paw pads the better the players will be. Grabbing the mouth guards with gloves that end-up in the same bin is a big no no in the flue season. Gloves should be washable after each game to prevent the flu bug.
Tonight is a big test for Miller as he is over the flu bug. Team needs the points or it might go for a downer spin. Team over all is bit better than last year but they must get rid of two thee older guys and bring some youth in. Twenty four twenty five years old is when guys play the best. We have 8 guys over thirty two, it will bight Benning in the ars if he does not change it. Even if they make play-offs there is no way they will go past first round with out some bigger guys. They will get beat up again as before. At least Willy thinks they will make the play-offs, in my opinion there is to many small Willies on that team. Few bigger Willies are needed.
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