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[North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October & November 2004

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New Member
Jul 29, 2001
Dirty Money
JAGS said:
Pegs 2 v. Coveside 2 on the postage stamp of Norgate. More to follow after I have some steak and wine for dinner. Oh yeah, the Ref had a Fcuking Nightmare..............
Agreed. The ref did have a bit of a shocker, but at least it went both ways. Considering the game was played on such a small field it wasn't that bad of a game. :rolleyes:


New Member
Oct 9, 2003
Dirty Money
Malones 1 Blueridge 0

Very little for the highlight package in this one. Blueridge playing a 4-5-1 formation jammed their half with some very tight marking. Rarely did they move 3 over the centre and were quite obviously looking for some sort of opening. Our goal came in the second off a free kick when it looked like a tie was all we were going to get. Nice header from Trev. off the far post. Must have been quite the boring game for Lupoman and his warriors to watch.


Active Member
Jul 24, 2001
Dirty Money
After some steak and some red wine, I'm still icing the stud show by The Gaffa. :D :D In all honesty, I thought the Gaffa was one of the Coveside better players today. Must have been a flashback to playing in England in a close which measured 12' x 12'. C-Side ........ how is the Tic doing in the standings???????? I need to grab my note pad before I post the full game post mortem ......... or rely on the witty banter of Sir M and feed off that.
JAGS ........looking forward to Cougar Karokee this Thursday night. :wa: :wa: :wa:


Nov 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Sing when you're winnin'........ya better believe it 'cause it don't happen too often! :D A well deserved victory for the lads yesterday, we came flying out of the gate, Wee Man Mark Waring scoring on a one time volley only two minutes in. Duane Guerin potted one about 15 minutes later for a 2-0 lead that we took to the half. Lynn Valley came out hard for the start of the 2nd, generating a couple of scoring chances, but Marco was up for the challenge, having to make his only difficult save on the day. Kevin Steiner converted a great Dave Jeffs cross with a soft tap in to make it 3-0. Chris Johnson closed out the scoring with a left footed strike from about 8 yards out to make it 4-0.We get an always strong Nordic next week, hopefully we can carry the good habits we finally picked on to the game and the rest of the season.



Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
biggs said:
Sir M

Your Auntie Em's smooch on the cheek, pat on the head and whatever else she did to you is again hurting your insides. Never mind, there there, the good Dr. has a little 'peg red' pill for your nerves :rolleyes:


I just dropped some acid. Now I understand your post. :D


New Member
Oct 9, 2003
Dirty Money
Sir M

Thought you'd forgotten about me :rolleyes: You got me good.....think I'll write to Santa as Auntie Em doesn't like wingers :eek:

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
biggs said:
Sir M

Thought you'd forgotten about me :rolleyes: You got me good.....think I'll write to Santa as Auntie Em doesn't like wingers :eek:

Biggs, Guess I'll have to go order up another blotter :eek: and get back to you on that one!

Off to Griffin for the big Seymour match, wish I would have had a bit of a nap...its hell, let me tell you, to face the big lionesses when you are a bit fatigued...they can smell it you know, and feed themselves by "cutting one fron the herd..."


Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
biggs said:
wingers or whingers - she hates em both

I am going to have to get myself an English to Biggs Dictionary I guess... :confused:

Beware, your friend JAGS is starting to find the back of the net all of a sudden coming into your guys bet...

Our 6-0 win on Thursday was not that bad of a game, our 2 strikers Bro and Jua, probably 1-2 in the league in scoring, got the night off and a couple of our over 40s helped us out. Seymour competed well, they could have tossed in the towel being down 2 goals in the first 3 minutes...

The Lynn Valley game was to be honest a rather painful experience. With only 13 players dressed, we had two more than LV to start. We were up by I think 5 or 6 at the half, and sent both the dancing bear as well as new father/sweeper Blair home. When 1 of their guys went home, and 1 or two took knocks, all of a sudden we were playing 9 or 10, depending, for the 2nd half. Eagles' toughest save was when his little laughing pal Spada decided to hammer a 20 yard bending back pass at him with the outside of his right boot, which the Big Fella had to stretch to get his left green yellow and blue wrapped in cellophane packing tape shin in front of (goes really well with the burgundy and grey goalie shorts with pockets) :eek:

It took all efforts to not embarrass the Blue L(i)Vers, who are a great group of guys, but that type of game is good for no one, I spent about 15 minutes of the 2nd half chatting with Jim E and Davey on the right sideline, and they were playing! The chap marking Easton was older than Jim Sr...

Then we put goaltender Henderson up front for a run and the knob tries a full on Bike when we're up by 8! :( :confused: :(

Anyway, Malones hopefully will be a better game and no one gets hurt, and the Peg lads are all out on bail and sober after this coming Friday's safari...across the bridge!! :wa: (And we're not giving up which new plain of the lioness we have discovered...) :p


Nov 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Not only were Pegs forced to put on their best " we really are trying " face vs Lynn Valley, then they got to watch the Lupo " I thought you had him " show. A hideous :eek: display of marking from the back line yesterday. No excuses, we were just unable to contain their strikers. A decent effort from the mids and forwards, as we did generate a number of good opportunities that we were unable to put away.

I think perhaps the league has to once again take a serious look at splitting back into two divisions. If you take a look at the results over the last season or two, there really is a clear split in the top half and the bottom half of the league....there are 4 teams who will probably always be at the bottom, 3 serious contenders for the top, and 3 also rans in the middle. It would give the top teams a quality run pretty much every week, instead of the likes of Peg/LV and Nordic/Lupo two out of three weeks. Would also give us cellar dwellers a prayer at a .500 season.....would be bit of a boost for the old morale! Just a thought, but I think it might save us from losing more teams.



Active Member
Jul 24, 2001
Dirty Money
your friend JAGS is starting to find the back of the net all of a sudden coming into your guys bet...

My goal scoring prowess has hit full stride in the last couple matches against teams comparable to Real Madrid and Barcelona. :confused: :confused: .... and I should note that the goal which opened my account this year was a Duzzi special. Yup, an OG. I will not be claiming that goal on the league stats (even though Duzzi keeps telling me to claim it as nobody will know), but I am taking it for the team stats. It allows me to lead the pack in the goal scorers turtle race between Coho (2), The Imaculate Coiffed One - Marleau(1) and Rude(1). All in the hunt for a free pint (with citrus, of course).

Sir M, I am confused and even upset at the comment of Biggs and I being friends. I have a tough enough time being considered a friend of the little red headed garden gnome, Dickens_Cider .......... I do not need another project with Biggs and assisting him to learn the English language. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Lupoman, I could not agree with you more on the splitting of the league. It would only serve all teams better in the long run.


Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money

Be nice to Biggs, I know its difficult sometimes. Just picture Tom Cruise relating to Dusting Hoffman in Rain Man if you are having trouble.

Look at the bright side, it could be the Blewridge Anti-Fan that has a crush on you... :eek:


New Member
Oct 9, 2003
Dirty Money
Sir M said:

Be nice to Biggs, I know its difficult sometimes. Just picture Tom Cruise relating to Dusting Hoffman in Rain Man if you are having trouble.

"you guys crack me up" :D

Hey, I have the same keyboard as my old bartender. They're on for a 10% discount at www.ogduzziyoucrackmeup.com but they aint cheap :confused:

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Pegasus 1 Malones 1

The Peg manager this Sunday took a page out of Sir Alex's Man U vs Fenerbache strategy book and gave 7 of his starters the day off. Unfortunately a bunch of the reserves decided to no-show and we had 11 to start. :eek:

A limping Stevie Hillier then arrived in the Peg change strip (runners, jeans, parka, pint in hand) and Spada, with Burr in tow arrived at the 15 minute mark. Unfortunately the spritely little fullback was still drunk and had stepped in dog poop and as a result was unable to play.

At 25 minutes backup keeper Eagles arrived, and Sir M finally convinced Hillier to get changed so as to give poor new father and slightly unfit Chico a break.

Malones, very well prepared, organized, and in a complete froth of excitement, had arrived 90 minutes before game time and were goose stepping in 4 phalanxes when I arrived 80 minutes later. Despite Peg's lack of numbers and other various physical challenges, we went to half tied at zeros.

A disorganized off side trap at 50 minutes left the one legged Luch putting the Malones overlapping midfielder on side, and Peg were down by one. Minutes later, Jua all of a sudden became inspired when the beleagured Malones left back, as the silky striker blew by him once again, full on kicked Ju in the face. One way traffic after that, but Malones would not break, and effectively triple teamed little Ju as his strike mate Bro, Harris at his side, sadly watched from inside the coaching clinic classroom on the hill. After Peg missed about a dozen sitters in the last 20, at the 90 minute mark Hillier put Findlay through, and the whole Malones back line decided to quadruple mark Jua, and Fin buried the 20 yarder to keep the leaders undefeated going into the Christmas break.

Malones have to have been gutted...today of any day was their chance... :p

And Biggs thanks for the Stella (no it wasn't a bribe pay off ;)

Then the hottest Blood Mary's in the world after the game :knvb:


New Member
Oct 9, 2003
Dirty Money
Malones 1 peg 1

Nice report Sir Alex ;) If the intent was to humour the poor disadvanted Malonian troop, we are forever grateful you held off our total embarrassment from your top squad. We would have been devistated going into the Christmas break and our poor little hearts might have brok...en. I have a hard time just saying it ;)

Merry Christmas Sir M, JAGS, Lupoman, cside17 and all other poster boys and lurkers on this site. :D

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Cside (or Lupoman);

I was having a look at the league standings going into the Christmas break, and noticed that Cside and Malones are tied for 3rd on points, just 1 behind Freybe in 2nd (Nordic and Norvan still within striking range). As it appears that 3 NSCL teams will qualify for the BCs, obviously the spots are highly contested and very close.

So the question begs, what if there is a tie for 3rd after the season? How will that tie be broken?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Sir M said:
So the question begs, what if there is a tie for 3rd after the season? How will that tie be broken?

I believe by automatic default the 3rd spot then should go to a much more deserving Valley team. ;)

Merry Christmas lads as this thread definitely 'cracks me up'.

Good show and merry ho-ho,



Aug 30, 2001
Dirty Money
CSide can correct me if I'm wrong but if there are 2 teams tied on points then the first tie-breaker is "record against each other" and the 2nd tie-breaker is "goal-difference".

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Rangerforever said:
I believe by automatic default the 3rd spot then should go to a much more deserving Valley team. ;)

Merry Christmas lads as this thread definitely 'cracks me up'.

Good show and merry ho-ho,



You are not anticipating actually losing in the 2nd half are you? :p Or are you just being the benevolent person that you are and trying to negotiate a 4th spot for your what is it seven team league? ;)

Best of the season.


Nov 11, 2002
Dirty Money
I wanted to do this post on Sunday, but as Biggs can tell you, never, never post when you're pissed. ( Exactly what did you say, anyway? ) So I'm finally sober, more or less,and it's time for the match report, all be it a Readers Digest form at this point. Both squads show up to McCartney for our 9:30 kick off....having not seen grass ( the playable kind ) in so long it's understandable that some of the lads got lost. At 9:20 we have about 2 subs, Seymour has 8 guys total, the ref shows up, and seeing the sled dogs on the park very wisely decides the park is unplayable. Much grumbling from the Seymour side, but we all head off none the less for a 10:30 at Heywood. Get there, we now have 6 subs, Seymour now has 9 and is dragging 2 more out of bed, maybe. Their captain is saying that they would rather not play the game as they will not have a full squad, and would we mind postponing. I say yes, as I am quite hung over, but my squad uses many foul and abusive words towards me, mostly questioning my parental liniage, and demands that I make Seymour play the match, or forfeit. They decide that they will play and it's game on. A pretty even first half, both teams generating chances yet unable to put them away. Second half is pretty much all Lupo as their lack of subs is starting to be the difference. Loads of chances for the boys in blue, and just when it started to look like a scoreless draw, John Davidson picks up a through ball and slots it in the far corner for the 1-0 win. Kudos to the Seymour boys for playing under the gun and keeping it clean. Was on to the Black Bear for drinks cheer after. Merry Christmas to all. See you in the New Year!!

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