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Div 2 FVSL Division 2 - 2003/2004

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Canada Ger

New Member
Dec 9, 2003
Dirty Money
The league is now up for grabs. Well done to the tigers. Hard fought game but they came out with the result. They deserved the first half but I think we may have deserved the second half. But thems the breaks. Now it is up to the rest of the results. Good luck to everyone this week and I hope more teams join us at our pub after our home games just as the tigers did. Lets see how the week finishes.

Just for old times sake.............. :wa: :wa: :wa:


Active Member
Jan 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Geeze you Rippers talk so much smack before the game, and then are so humble after a loss...Guess you guys arent the team you thought you were. It was a short but i assume sweet stay at the top of the league?? You guys could have had the league, if you didnt...what? choke??

Looks like the league is the Knights after all, we will win thursday to take top spot and go on to division 1. Did anyone really think there was gonna be any other outcome?? Im sure you all hoped and prayed, but really...it was inevitable.

Thanks division 2, it was a good stay, but its time to get the hell outta this shite hole.

Canada Ger

New Member
Dec 9, 2003
Dirty Money
outkast said:
Geeze you Rippers talk so much smack before the game, and then are so humble after a loss...Guess you guys arent the team you thought you were. It was a short but i assume sweet stay at the top of the league?? You guys could have had the league, if you didnt...what? choke??

Looks like the league is the Knights after all, we will win thursday to take top spot and go on to division 1. Did anyone really think there was gonna be any other outcome?? Im sure you all hoped and prayed, but really...it was inevitable.

Thanks division 2, it was a good stay, but its time to get the hell outta this shite hole.
Believe me the rippers are in mourning today, in fact we went on a 13 hour piss up just to drown the sorrows. Outkast, I hope you are not speaking for the rest of the knights in your post as they seemed to be pretty classy guys but just to remind you we went on an 11 game unbeaten streak in the league and that did include beating the knights so I think we did deserve to be up the top. We did lose and it will probably cost us but we are exactly the team we thought we are, a bunch of buddies who get together to party and drink whenever possible and we were still top of the league, all be it briefly, so what does that tell you??? Give credit where credit is due. We do, and it is usually to the knights. Best of luck in div. 1.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Canada Ger said:
Believe me the rippers are in mourning today, in fact we went on a 13 hour piss up just to drown the sorrows. Outkast, I hope you are not speaking for the rest of the knights in your post as they seemed to be pretty classy guys but just to remind you we went on an 11 game unbeaten streak in the league and that did include beating the knights so I think we did deserve to be up the top. We did lose and it will probably cost us but we are exactly the team we thought we are, a bunch of buddies who get together to party and drink whenever possible and we were still top of the league, all be it briefly, so what does that tell you??? Give credit where credit is due. We do, and it is usually to the knights. Best of luck in div. 1.


filling the net

Not Bright
Sep 29, 2003
Dirty Money

I will be the first one to give respect to the rippers....talent wise not as strong as some of the teams.....but I have to admit they put in the same effort week after week and that is why there are where they are. Delta Fc. has alot of talent but competely the opposite....like us they think they can cruise most games and have seen like us...teams can surprise you....

If I was the tigers coach...and I'm not I would see about giving the spot to the delta fc since it will already have a golden ears rep.....taking in mind that I think the tigers don't want to play div 1

Its been a great year.....if we come out and play our soccer tonight they should be no doubts about who deserve to be in div 1!!! :D


New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Respect

filling the net said:
If I was the tigers coach...and I'm not I would see about giving the spot to the delta fc since it will already have a golden ears rep.....taking in mind that I think the tigers don't want to play div 1
Unless the top 5 teams lose this weekend there is no way we can get in the top 2 spots. It looks like the Titans might have a good chance at promotion though.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Knights game vs the Stars was cancelled. Apparently the fields are in some bad condition. A joke if you ask me, I use to think soccer was a rain or shine event, seems that aint the case. The people running this league must think we play baseball or somethin. Whatever happened to the old days of playin in the mud??

Rippers I do give you some credit, you seem like a good group of guys. hopefully things work out for you guys and you get promoted, it would be a shame to stay down in division 2.

Any truth to the third placed div.2 team playing the third from the bottom of div.1 in a do or die game? Winner to go to div.1 loser to div.2? Thats what I heard, and thats what us knights thought was going to happen to our team...Thankfully things worked out. :D


New Member
Jul 24, 2003
Dirty Money

Third team from the bottom in Div 1 has to play the third place team in Div 2 if the Div 2 team wants to . It's the best of 2 games.



Active Member
Jan 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Rex said:

Third team from the bottom in Div 1 has to play the third place team in Div 2 if the Div 2 team wants to . It's the best of 2 games.

thanks rex...

and wow, could be some pretty intense games. Hopefully the 3rd place time in div 2 will want to do that.

Team Canada

Mar 19, 2002
Dirty Money
Well the Royals showed up tonight only to tell us they won't be able to field a team, and decided to forfeit. And yet 10 of their players still showed up and we all played a friendly, so I'm still a little confused, but what can you do right?

Hopefully the Tigers put on a good show and helped us out for the 2nd time this week.


New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Team Canada said:
Well the Royals showed up tonight only to tell us they won't be able to field a team, and decided to forfeit. And yet 10 of their players still showed up and we all played a friendly, so I'm still a little confused, but what can you do right?

Hopefully the Tigers put on a good show and helped us out for the 2nd time this week.
I just got in so I will post the score Tigers win 3 -1 over the Clones at Albion tonight. A Nice way to end the season. Lots of celebrating afterwards at the Ofice , Shooters and the White Wolf. One of the best games we have played all season. Looks like the standings will be tighter than a nuns chimi changa. A sweat victory it was. Good luck to everbody elce.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
It's sad to see how the Royals have fallen. Once upon a time, a game against the Players was a highly anticipated grdge match that brought out the best in both squads.

I hope Bryan simply gets a bit greedy and moves on next year. He deserves better.

ichi fa nee

New Member
Oct 29, 2002
Dirty Money
As my good buddy bar bar black sheep said we won 3-1 last night and the Black knights coach was there on his knees, practically slobbering over us in delight! But this game was not for them but in hopes that our friends the Rippers may have a chance to move up next year. Nice drinking with you the other night Canada Ger and the rest of the boys! We also had a 13 hour piss up last night that would make the Rippers proud. As Ger says hopefully some of the other teams will have the kahoonas to drink it up the Tigers and the Rippers next year! I must say the Clones were a bunch of classy guys and had the opportunity to bull shite with a few after the game! To quote this sight they are "better bastards!" Good luck to the other GEU teams this weekend and I'll finish this post by saying "**** you all!"


Not Bright
Jan 26, 2004
Dirty Money
first off boys congrats on beating the clones its about time you scored a goal on a team after failing to hit the net after our two meetings..this sure does add a little pressure at the top of the leader board which is good....dont have to much else to say really play in the semi's on sun should be good...hopefully we'll come out playing and not watching like we have been the last few games....good luck knights your gonna need it surrey is pretty good hope to see you guys on april 4......out

ichi fa nee said:
As my good buddy bar bar black sheep said we won 3-1 last night and the Black knights coach was there on his knees, practically slobbering over us in delight! But this game was not for them but in hopes that our friends the Rippers may have a chance to move up next year. Nice drinking with you the other night Canada Ger and the rest of the boys! We also had a 13 hour piss up last night that would make the Rippers proud. As Ger says hopefully some of the other teams will have the kahoonas to drink it up the Tigers and the Rippers next year! I must say the Clones were a bunch of classy guys and had the opportunity to bull shite with a few after the game! To quote this sight they are "better bastards!" Good luck to the other GEU teams this weekend and I'll finish this post by saying "**** you all!"

Team Canada

Mar 19, 2002
Dirty Money
Just wanna give congrats to the tigers as well, way to finish off the year in style. I'll be more than happy to join all you hosers for a nice piss up and take care of the first couple rounds, cheers guys :D


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Looks from my calculations that the players are going to get promoted. No offense but you guys should think about selling your spot because I don't think you will have a very fun year. I mean lets face it you guys aren't that good. I more win and the knights will take it cheers hope to see you guys in the final.

Team Canada

Mar 19, 2002
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
Looks from my calculations that the players are going to get promoted. No offense but you guys should think about selling your spot because I don't think you will have a very fun year. I mean lets face it you guys aren't that good. I more win and the knights will take it cheers hope to see you guys in the final.

We've secured 3rd at least, but technically the Titans could pull out a 7-0 win and pass us, let's hope that won't be the case.

And you can say what you want, but we deserve to be where we are just as much as any of the other teams in the top spots. We lost a few key players and shite the bed for the latter part of the season, just as you guys said you did at the beginning of the season, but no one's questioning your talent. We've got some changes to make and some work ahead of us, but I'm sure we'll be fine. If not, then whatever, at least we could say we were there.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
They might look the same as your face after we took you apart for 90 minutes and we won 4-1 not to mention me burning you time and time again
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