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Sundin's deadline December 15th...

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
He wont pick a team till Dec. 31st....wants to see the positions of some teams down the stretch for the final 3 or so months....down to 4 teams: chicago, montreal, vancouver and new york rangers.....the last two being front runners. Wouldn't doubt if he ended up in Montreal though

I think this calls for a TTP Bookie Event


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
He wont pick a team till Dec. 31st....wants to see the positions of some teams down the stretch for the final 3 or so months....down to 4 teams: chicago, montreal, vancouver and new york rangers.....the last two being front runners. Wouldn't doubt if he ended up in Montreal though

I posted two links showing that he has narrowed to just the two teams now...Van and The Rangers...

Eklund, TSN, and a few other "insiders" have leaked that he has already selected the Rangers, but the issue is now that the Rangers want to move someone to....You Guessed it! Vancouver!

I wonder who it might be...

Surely it can't be Naslund, It certainly won't be Gomez or Drury as Gillis, I don't think, would be all that inclined to pick up any of those contracts, I cannot see the Rangers giving up on young Dubinsky yet (Although he would look awesome centering a second line with Pyatt or Berrnier with Demitra)

They need to move a centre, and the Canucks are good enough on the back end and don't need Redden or Roszival, the only two guys with contracts that could potentially block Sundin.

Unless Sundin plays for nearly free, or considerably less than he would make with the Canucks, he will be a Canuck by New Years.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Awesome Article by James Duthie @ TSN.com
My least favourite season in this business, my annus horribilis, was 2004-2005, a.k.a: The NHL Lockout. Not only was there no hockey, but months went by without anything of substance happening, yet we still had to talk about it on TV every night. It became Seinfeld, without the comedy. A show about nothing.

Mats Sundin has become The Lockout, version 2K8.

For six months, we've been waiting for him to make up his mind. Six months!?! Presidents and Prime Ministers have been elected. Economies have crumbled. And still, we wait on Mats.

Somebody shoot me. Wait, time to update that phrase: Somebody Plaxico me.

In what psychologists would deem a cry for help, I decided to compile a timeline of the Sundin saga; a form of self-inflicted torture much more horrific than anything that sicko in the Saw movies could dream up. I've added footnotes for…umm…historical perspective.

June 12 - Toronto grants permission to the New York Rangers to talk to Sundin.
(Doesn't that feel like it was 27 years ago?)

June 20 - Leafs grant Montreal permission to talk to Sundin.
(Wouldn't life be great if people couldn't talk to you unless they were granted permisssion? Like, say…telemarketers. And in-laws.)

July 1 - Sundin officially becomes a free agent.
(Within hours, Michael Ryder gets four million a year, Jeff Finger gets 3.5 a year, Cristobal Huet gets 5.6…what does that makes Mats worth? This is going to get silly.)

July 1 - Vancouver offers Sundin $20 million over 2 years.
(Told ya.)

July 10 - Sundin says no thank-you to Vancouver, and all other offers, saying he's not sure if he wants to play.
(When you can say no to 20 million, you clearly have made way too much money in your life. Or you really, really, hate rain.)

July 15 - Rangers officially declare they're still interested.
(I officially declare that I'm losing interest already.)

July 23 - Report indicates Sundin will decide his future on Aug 1st.
(I recoil in fear, thinking TSN will schedule a "Sundin Decision Day" special, forcing me to miss August long weekend horseshoe tournament at cottage. This would hurt me more than you will ever know.)

July 30 - Sundin's agent JP Barry says on Vancouver radio that six teams are interested in Sundin and that he's informed them he'll make a decision in August.
(I believe this is the same way Tom Cruise chooses his wives.)

Aug 1 - Sundin sets soft deadline of Aug 15 for decision.
("Soft deadline?" Isn't that like "Almost pregnant"?)

Sept. 2 - Sundin announces that he won't make his decision until after the season starts.
(So when you said "soft deadline", you meant really really soft, like…mushed bananas.)

Sept. 3 - Sundin says: "I haven't even looked at different options, or teams, or where to play. My first question is, do I want to play any more?"
(13 Seasons with the Leafs can have that affect on a guy.)

Sept. 5 - Sundin returns to Toronto to play in a charity ball-hockey game.
(Confused New York Islanders scout notes that his skating looks shaky.)

Sept. 5 - Sundin meets with Cliff Fletcher.
(Jokester Sundin tells Fletcher he's now ready to waive his no-trade clause. Cliff doesn't laugh.)

1985 - Austrian rock singer Falco records "Rock Me Amadeus!"
(Sorry, mind drifted off for a minute.)

Oct. 4 - Senators owner Eugene Melynk woos Sundin during "chance" meeting at Sens/Pens game in Sweden.
(And by "chance meeting", we mean Melnyk hid in a storage closet in Sundin's luxury box for 18 hours until he showed up.)

Oct. 30 - Sundin starts training in L.A.
(…To be a contestant on American Gladiators.)

Nov. 3 - Bryan Murray indicates Ottawa is still interested in Sundin.
(And by "interested", he means, "Choose us! Choose us! Oh please please please! Have you looked at our secondary scoring?!? We're dying here, Mats!" I'm paraphrasing.)

Nov. 4 - Sundin meets with Brian Burke in Anaheim.
(To do what? Help him pack?)

Nov. 19 - Sundin meets with Bob Gainey in Los Angeles.
(No one gets more free lunches than Mats.)

Nov. 21 - Sundin meets with Melnyk in Los Angeles.
(Why didn't Mats just have one of those group dates they do on "The Bachelor"?)

Dec. 8 - Sundin sets "target date" of December 15th to make decision.
(Is it just me, or does "target date" sound an awful lot like "soft deadline"?)

Dec. 14 - Sundin talks with the New York Rangers.
(Hey, wait a second. We did that one June 12th! Is this show running on a loop?)

Dec. 14 - Dejected columnist realizes he has spent half a day researching a story he was sick of five months ago. Sticks pen in eye.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Off Topic...Another great article by Duthie (This guy should be notified of the existance of TTP, he would probably shoot to legend status asap) :D :D :D
And now the next episode in the bizarro reality show that is Sean Avery: Image Rehabilitation. (Also known as Career Salvation.)

What other choice is there? The Stars don't want him back. No one will trade for him (except Tampa maybe, they take everybody!) Even the minor league teams Dallas would love to send him to are turning their backs (How far have you fallen when the Manitoba Moose want no part of you?)

So the only option left is self re-invention.

The anger-management counseling is a start. Though if Avery were a rock or movie star (which he apparently believes he is), his next move would be to check into some faux-rehab clinic (Foot-In-Mouth Addiction?), then do Oprah, People Magazine, and pronounce himself a changed man.

Sadly, Oprah has never heard of hockey, and People has Britney booked for the next six covers. So with nowhere else to turn, a desperate Avery calls the one guy who might be able to help him out:

Somewhere in Russia, a cell phone rings.

Ray Emery: "Ugghh…Uh…What the…Where am I…Uhh…Hel…lo?"

Avery: "Oh Geez, sounds like I woke you up. Sorry man. Is it the middle of the night in Russia?"

Ray (rolls over and looks at clock): "Nah, its noon. Oh crap, did I miss practice?!? Wait…oh ya…day off…Phewww. Hey, who is this anyway?"

Avery: "It's Sean."

Emery: "Shean Donovan! Great to hear from a Sen! I knew one of you would call me eventually! It only took…seven months. Wassup!?! You guys miss me don'tcha? I bet Alex Auld's suits are weak, right? No way could that dude pull off a top hat!

Avery: "No…no. It's Sean AVERY! But you're right about the suits. I interned at Vogue, Ray. They even talk about you duds there."

Emery: "Oh, that Sean Avery! Good to hear from you. How are your Rangers doing?"

Avery: "Uhh…Yeah…I actually signed with Dallas last summer."

Emery: "Oh…Sorry. I don't get much NHL news over here. How's Melrose doin' in Tampa, by the way? He's one cool cat. He'll do really well there. Anyways, Dallas, eh? Good for you! It must be nice to get out of that media spotlight in NYC. You know, somewhere you can keep a nice low profile, stay out of trouble."

Avery: "Uhh, yeah, well about that…"

Emery: "Oh-oh. What happened? You wave your stick in front of a goalie again to screen him? I thought that was hilarious, dude! Though just to be clear, I would have speared you in the groin."

Avery: "Nah, it wasn't that. I just made a little joke…tried to get under Phaneuf's skin…it didn't quite get the reaction I was hoping for."

Emery: "That's all?"

Avery: "Basically. Oh, there were a couple of other little things. I ripped the NHL and most of its stars. I didn't really talk to anyone all year in the dressing room. I didn't listen to my coaches. And I pretty much turned into the worst free agent signing in history. But that's about it. And now get this! For some bizarre reason, my teammates don't want me back! And nobody in the league will trade for me, either."

Emery: "Been there."

Avery: "Yeah, that's why I called. What did you learn from your…umm…problems in Ottawa?"

Emery: "Well, let's see. I learned that I need an alarm clock with an amplifier. And I learned that there are some bad freakin' drivers in that city, dude! How hard is it to pull over when a Hummer's coming up your freakin'…"

Avery (interrupting): "No, no…I mean what did you learn about yourself? Because I hear you're playing great in Russia and behaving well, and that you'll probably be back in the NHL soon."

Emery: "Oh. Wow. Tough one. I really just came here for the hot Russian swimsuit models and the fur coats. They have some sick furs here, bro!"

Avery: "Really? I'm in! You should see the shades I wore at my hearing with Bettman! P-I-M-P baby!

Emery: "Sweet! Well, maybe you should come here. Trust me, one trouble-free season in Russia, and no one will remember any of the bad stuff you did before."

Avery (excited): "Really, no one?

Emery: "Okay, Phaneuf might."


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Heard they will announce on thursday who Sundin has signed with! IMO, this means he is signing with Vancouver. They want to wait until thursday, so that they don't take away any excitement from Trevor's festivities tomorrow night!:cool:

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Rangers say he will decide before Christmas, agent says it isn't true and is hoping makes his decision by tommorow night.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I read, can't remember which of the 20 or so articles today, that Sundin has rejected a contract offer from NYR, but that he hasn't ruled them out. They basically made him offer based on what they could do sending three guys to Hartford (probably Rissmiller, Prucha, who has rejected an assignment to Hartford once already this year, Dawes, Fritcshe, or Korpikovsky)

The Rangers need to make a trade to get into the (reportedly) 6 Million dollar for the season then prorated range in order for Mats to sign. He is giving them tonight, and then an answer will be given by tomorrow (Since Mats is in Sweden 9 hrs ahead of us in Vancouver)

He wants to be suiting up and training or playing following the Christmas Break...

I could see him "Agreeing terms" with the Rangers and then leaving them the break to figure out what they are going to do...but that would be too risky imho.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
I read, can't remember which of the 20 or so articles today, that Sundin has rejected a contract offer from NYR, but that he hasn't ruled them out. They basically made him offer based on what they could do sending three guys to Hartford (probably Rissmiller, Prucha, who has rejected an assignment to Hartford once already this year, Dawes, Fritcshe, or Korpikovsky)

The Rangers need to make a trade to get into the (reportedly) 6 Million dollar for the season then prorated range in order for Mats to sign. He is giving them tonight, and then an answer will be given by tomorrow (Since Mats is in Sweden 9 hrs ahead of us in Vancouver)

He wants to be suiting up and training or playing following the Christmas Break...

I could see him "Agreeing terms" with the Rangers and then leaving them the break to figure out what they are going to do...but that would be too risky imho.

Just read the same thing....Rangers need to clear 6 million in cap space or he isn't going to sign there....They have till tommorow by his agent...

Nothing like Sloppy Seconds!

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Just read the same thing....Rangers need to clear 6 million in cap space or he isn't going to sign there....They have till tommorow by his agent...

Nothing like Sloppy Seconds!

They better sign him because nobody whose name was mentioned will be playing very hard for Sather any more...

And if he comes to Vancouver, for the remainder of the season, Sundin will also have to explain to Vancouver media why it took so long to choose between Vancouver and New York considering Vancouver appeared to have so much more on the table.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
They better sign him because nobody whose name was mentioned will be playing very hard for Sather any more...

And if he comes to Vancouver, for the remainder of the season, Sundin will also have to explain to Vancouver media why it took so long to choose between Vancouver and New York considering Vancouver appeared to have so much more on the table.

The Province is reporting that Sundin is a Canuck just now...could there be a Santa Claus?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
God, I hope this isn't another Mark Messier....
TSN said:
After six long months, the Mats Sundin saga is finally over as the unrestricted free agent has agreed to a contract with the Vancouver Canucks.

The signing ended months of rumours and speculation around the coveted centre, who was undecided on whether or not he would return to the National Hockey League for an 18th season.

The Montreal Canadiens were given exclusive rights to talk to Sundin this past summer in the week leading up to the free agent signing period. The club's negotiating window passed without an agreement and as many as six NHL teams lined up to acquire his services.

Among the teams interested over the last six months were the Canadiens, Chicago Blackhawks, Philadelphia Flyers, Ottawa Senators, Toronto Maple Leafs, Vancouver Canucks and the New York Rangers.

The Canucks had the most lucrative offer for Sundin, with a two-year, $20 million contract that was never pulled off on the table.

Sundin, 37, finished with 32 goals and 46 assists for 78 points in 74 games last season with the Leafs, leading Toronto in scoring for the fourth straight year.

The franchise leader in goals and points, he has played 13 of his 17 NHL campaigns with the Maple Leafs, who acquired him from the Quebec Nordiques in 1994.

Sundin has 555 goals and 1,321 points in 1,305 career NHL games since he was drafted first overall by Quebec in 1989. He re-wrote Toronto's record book over his 13 seasons in blue and white, scoring 420 goals and a franchise-best 987 points.

In 83 playoff games, Sundin has scored 35 goals and 74 points, with all but four of those points coming in a Leafs uniform. The two-time second-team NHL All-Star also won a gold medal with Team Sweden at the Torino Olympics in 2006.

More to follow.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
If he doesn't pan out on a huge scale before the trade deadline, ship him off to New York for Drury or Gomez :D

We are a contender now if Luongo returns :(


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
If he doesn't pan out on a huge scale before the trade deadline, ship him off to New York for Drury or Gomez :D

We are a contender now if Luongo returns :(

can you post the jizz in the pants song in this thread cause i just did:eek:


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
now im torn. i dont know who i want more in vancouver. Mats or his woman:D


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