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Presidents Cup Presidents Cup 2010

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Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
Sorry to hear about your ankle. And don't worry, I wasn't referring to a tackle. Our game against the Nomads was clean throughout, nobody was out to intentionally hurt anyone physically. I was actually referring to the pip-squeek who was talking non-sense about our captain Jon being a man and not a boy after the guy studded him in the ankle. It's the chirp late in the game insinuating that Jon was being a pu_sy even though the ref called the foul and it was clear Jon wasn't faking it. The same player then having nothing better to say decides to ask me how it feels to lose... hahaha, well I hate losing period, doesn't matter at what level, sport, or game. The comments were all just juvenile and unnecessary at that point, have some sportsmanship.

As for BazzaBlue... many people comment on our team diving. We have 1 player that WAS a diver... he's changed because our whole team hounded him (it was ridiculous to the point where he went down in practice and none of us believed he was hurt... but he doesn't dive anymore)... Other than that player I was referring to, there is only one other player who may be a bit soft on the ball, but I know none of our guys are floppers or divers. Our team plays fairly, we play with class, and we respect all opponents.

When it comes to hard tackles, I'm not opposed to them as long as it's fair. There have been a couple games this year that I've been tackled from behind, both studs up and scissor style. I believe that's dirty and fortunately I wasn't injured, but it's only a matter of time until that happens to a player and they are injured. Personally, I just think the refereering just needs to get better, linesmen would help... And like Rich mentioned, if U12 Girls and Boys get linesmen, we definitely should have them.

I have to disagree, playing your team two weeks ago, you still have several floppers, and some very good actors on your team. You had several that went down very easy, and stayed down foul or not until the play was blown down by the referee. In fact, Your one Asian Centre mid went down and forced a stoppage in play 4 times before finally being subbed off due to a leg cramp. I completely understand the need for a stoppage in play if a player is seriously injured, I also believe that if a player is that seriously injured, a sub should be made. There is nothing more irritating then having momentum stopped for a player preparing himself to play again, rather than taking a sub, except maybe for Jon repeated asking you if "you need a tissue" because you want the game to get going.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
I have to disagree, playing your team two weeks ago, you still have several floppers, and some very good actors on your team. You had several that went down very easy, and stayed down foul or not until the play was blown down by the referee. In fact, Your one Asian Centre mid went down and forced a stoppage in play 4 times before finally being subbed off due to a leg cramp. I completely understand the need for a stoppage in play if a player is seriously injured, I also believe that if a player is that seriously injured, a sub should be made. There is nothing more irritating then having momentum stopped for a player preparing himself to play again, rather than taking a sub, except maybe for Jon repeated asking you if "you need a tissue" because you want the game to get going.

Best thing I learned from the great Johnny K - "When guys are flopping and wasting time feigning injury, all you do is yell as loud as you can to the ref that the guy is hurt, and he needs a sub ASAP" Guys get up pretty quick when they realize they may be subbed.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Sorry to hear about your ankle. And don't worry, I wasn't referring to a tackle. Our game against the Nomads was clean throughout, nobody was out to intentionally hurt anyone physically. I was actually referring to the pip-squeek who was talking non-sense about our captain Jon being a man and not a boy after the guy studded him in the ankle. It's the chirp late in the game insinuating that Jon was being a pu_sy even though the ref called the foul and it was clear Jon wasn't faking it. The same player then having nothing better to say decides to ask me how it feels to lose... hahaha, well I hate losing period, doesn't matter at what level, sport, or game. The comments were all just juvenile and unnecessary at that point, have some sportsmanship.

As for BazzaBlue... many people comment on our team diving. We have 1 player that WAS a diver... he's changed because our whole team hounded him (it was ridiculous to the point where he went down in practice and none of us believed he was hurt... but he doesn't dive anymore)... Other than that player I was referring to, there is only one other player who may be a bit soft on the ball, but I know none of our guys are floppers or divers. Our team plays fairly, we play with class, and we respect all opponents.

When it comes to hard tackles, I'm not opposed to them as long as it's fair. There have been a couple games this year that I've been tackled from behind, both studs up and scissor style. I believe that's dirty and fortunately I wasn't injured, but it's only a matter of time until that happens to a player and they are injured. Personally, I just think the refereering just needs to get better, linesmen would help... And like Rich mentioned, if U12 Girls and Boys get linesmen, we definitely should have them.

I have to comment on Diveing because most div 2 players call dive yet dont really know what a dive really is...A dive is used in or around the opponents 18 to set up a free kick or PK...
When a defensive player known for late hard tackles is flying at you...And you try your best to just push the ball at the last second so that the wild defender does not get a touch on the ball and because of his speed and angle has no choice but to continue on into that offensive player drawing a fowl or PK....A dive occures when the defensive player keeps his balance and does not touch the player trying to draw the other into the trap and because there is no contact and the offensive player goes down..you have a dive...NO CONTACT, PLAYER GOING DOWN = DIVE

When a player clearly beats a player on the field..Maybe he dribbles around the player or shields him or sometimes Megs the guy. And the defender misses the ball and clips the player with the ball and the player falls down. Hard or soft...No matter. Its not a dive ..its a fowl..A free kick..
YES Even if he embellishes the fall..If he was touched in any way before the defensive player touched the ball ..its a fricken fowl..Not a dive as you all seem to think...
So many guys in Div 2 have been watching hockey for so long they think its ok to make contact with an offencive player ..and you cannot, without touching the ball first that is.
Also so many guys get burned by better players and they stick thier leg out and nick the guy and he goes down..dive dive..No dive ..trip.
You just have a hard time with it because you cannot dribble like that and so you dont understand how easy it is to be brought down when you are makeing those types of moves...
Yes I have seen a dive or 2...but to the extent you are all talking..its not even close to that. So rare infact that maybe 1 or 2 all year...

That being said we do have one guy on our team who will not be with us after this season because of just this...He fricken does it in the pregame warmup..and at training...So much so that when he goes down ..No one goes to him anymore and sees if he is OK..He cried wolf so much that we dont want him around anymore as he has embarassed the whole team enough times already. fricken guy yelps like a Yeti in heat...


Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
I understand what a dive is. I also understand what you mean when a guy is beaten and then fouls him, sometimes it is just a nick, but it is enough to get the guy off his stride, and is a foul. However, you have players on your team that you can almost feel push off you on a shoulder to shoulder tackle going down the line. I remember one instance where this happened and the guy rolled around holding his knee.

There are also situations where players can play through the foul, or take the easy way out for a free kick, many players on your team seem to opt for the foul at all times.

Your team is very good at embellishments, maybe not necessarily diving. Doesn't make you any less of a pussy.

That being said, you do have several very strong players who do not fit into this description. Unfortunately, they are overshadowed by the skilled players that do.


Oct 6, 2005
Dirty Money
Ghouse, would it be better if we called them EMBELLISHERS? How about flailers? Most guys on your team play pretty strong on the ball, but there is probably 3 or 4 that are BRUTAL for embellishing fouls. Esa is one of them, I've had this guy go cleats up on me, hack me down, get called for the foul and a yellow card and still be screaming like he got shot or something. Be a man! I popped back to my feet way before the guy even finished his act. Good to see he didn't get to play much against us.

The one who was rolling around on the ground that Dutch is referring to was Slim. Running down the far side of the pitch from the benches our (diminutive) defender was shoulder to shoulder with the guy when all of a sudden he goes flying! He must have rolled on the ground for 5 or 6 rotations (not exaggerating) clutching his knee. Our player got cautioned on this play... Rubbish.

And dont get me started on the japanese center mid. Yes the one who cried. The one who got hurt 4 times. The one who was probably supposed to carry the mis in Scotty's absence. I hope this is the wiener you'll be punting from the team. I can't say enough bad things about this guy... sour grapes? PROBABLY. but still, big pussy.

I'll group Jon in there with them too. Can't tell if he's diving or not, he probably only weighs a buck 20 so he goes flying anytime you get near him. I think I farted from 20 yards away and bruised the guys ribs. Huge mouthpiece and definately the worst player on the team. Doesn't he even have feet or does he just kick the ball of his shins everytime?


Oct 17, 2009
Dirty Money
I have to comment on Diveing because most div 2 players call dive yet dont really know what a dive really is...A dive is used in or around the opponents 18 to set up a free kick or PK...
When a defensive player known for late hard tackles is flying at you...And you try your best to just push the ball at the last second so that the wild defender does not get a touch on the ball and because of his speed and angle has no choice but to continue on into that offensive player drawing a fowl or PK....A dive occures when the defensive player keeps his balance and does not touch the player trying to draw the other into the trap and because there is no contact and the offensive player goes down..you have a dive...NO CONTACT, PLAYER GOING DOWN = DIVE

When a player clearly beats a player on the field..Maybe he dribbles around the player or shields him or sometimes Megs the guy. And the defender misses the ball and clips the player with the ball and the player falls down. Hard or soft...No matter. Its not a dive ..its a fowl..A free kick..
YES Even if he embellishes the fall..If he was touched in any way before the defensive player touched the ball ..its a fricken fowl..Not a dive as you all seem to think...
So many guys in Div 2 have been watching hockey for so long they think its ok to make contact with an offencive player ..and you cannot, without touching the ball first that is.
Also so many guys get burned by better players and they stick thier leg out and nick the guy and he goes down..dive dive..No dive ..trip.
You just have a hard time with it because you cannot dribble like that and so you dont understand how easy it is to be brought down when you are makeing those types of moves...
Yes I have seen a dive or 2...but to the extent you are all talking..its not even close to that. So rare infact that maybe 1 or 2 all year...

That being said we do have one guy on our team who will not be with us after this season because of just this...He fricken does it in the pregame warmup..and at training...So much so that when he goes down ..No one goes to him anymore and sees if he is OK..He cried wolf so much that we dont want him around anymore as he has embarassed the whole team enough times already. fricken guy yelps like a Yeti in heat...

just curious, is that the asian kid with gold cleats? Because the two times we have played you that guy has pissed me off so much with, what I think, are dives. And then, I found myself actually wanting to hurt the guy, which is never good.
Nov 25, 2007
Dirty Money
for the record, I don't recall any dives or embelishments in the nomads v acbc game. also for the record, that jonny guy does chirp a lot, and its fine by me cause i like chirpin right back at him, mostly with a smile.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2008
Dirty Money
Chelsea4life's bragging about how Good his midpack div 3 team is.
Tell me once when I have ever bragged about my team.. I know were in Div.3, and were mid pack. I know we have yet to let in a more than 1 goal a game in all of our cup games.. But Guilford will be a fun game, and we are all going to come out hard! (Hopefully with more than 10 players hahah)


New Member
Sep 28, 2007
Dirty Money
Sorry to hear about your ankle. And don't worry, I wasn't referring to a tackle. Our game against the Nomads was clean throughout, nobody was out to intentionally hurt anyone physically. I was actually referring to the pip-squeek who was talking non-sense about our captain Jon being a man and not a boy after the guy studded him in the ankle. It's the chirp late in the game insinuating that Jon was being a pu_sy even though the ref called the foul and it was clear Jon wasn't faking it. The same player then having nothing better to say decides to ask me how it feels to lose... hahaha, well I hate losing period, doesn't matter at what level, sport, or game. The comments were all just juvenile and unnecessary at that point, have some sportsmanship.

As for BazzaBlue... many people comment on our team diving. We have 1 player that WAS a diver... he's changed because our whole team hounded him (it was ridiculous to the point where he went down in practice and none of us believed he was hurt... but he doesn't dive anymore)... Other than that player I was referring to, there is only one other player who may be a bit soft on the ball, but I know none of our guys are floppers or divers. Our team plays fairly, we play with class, and we respect all opponents.

When it comes to hard tackles, I'm not opposed to them as long as it's fair. There have been a couple games this year that I've been tackled from behind, both studs up and scissor style. I believe that's dirty and fortunately I wasn't injured, but it's only a matter of time until that happens to a player and they are injured. Personally, I just think the refereering just needs to get better, linesmen would help... And like Rich mentioned, if U12 Girls and Boys get linesmen, we definitely should have them.

Let's see here, I remember a hard tackle, I remember him getting the foul, I remember backing up for the kick, then I distinctly remember a harmonious chorus of whining from my left:

So were you the half asian with the ACBC looking haircut who called me 16? Or were you the short Frodo looking kid who called me short? The freudian slips in both the digs caught me off guard, I admit.

A hard tackle and you two clowns, let's be clear, start with the chatter. I ask how's it feel losing? Well apparently losing is very disorientating for you because you turtle behind posterity and call me a bad sportsman? Jocularity's, Jocularity's. After your initial comments? This is absurd, for so many reasons, many of which other people on the forum have pointed out. This is Sarah-Palin-I-can-see-your-studs-from-my-house absurd.

Suppose next time you think before you speak.

"Our team plays fairly, we play with class, and we respect all opponents." I like it, I think you've got yourself a new slogan for your club; it's roundabout, belaboured and totally off base. A perfect ACBC fit.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Let's see here, I remember a hard tackle, I remember him getting the foul, I remember backing up for the kick, then I distinctly remember a harmonious chorus of whining from my left:

So were you the half asian with the ACBC looking haircut who called me 16? Or were you the short Frodo looking kid who called me short? The freudian slips in both the digs caught me off guard, I admit.

A hard tackle and you two clowns, let's be clear, start with the chatter. I ask how's it feel losing? Well apparently losing is very disorientating for you because you turtle behind posterity and call me a bad sportsman? Jocularity's, Jocularity's. After your initial comments? This is absurd, for so many reasons, many of which other people on the forum have pointed out. This is Sarah-Palin-I-can-see-your-studs-from-my-house absurd.

Suppose next time you think before you speak.

"Our team plays fairly, we play with class, and we respect all opponents." I like it, I think you've got yourself a new slogan for your club; it's roundabout, belaboured and totally off base. A perfect ACBC fit.

POST OF THE YEAR!!! HAHA! Atta boy Bazza! Keep up the good stuff!


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
Dirty Money
ghouse youve got a big gob and like using it but why dont you excercise some other muscles like in the gunners v acbc game u could have walked 20 paces down the sideline when your player is clearly injured. show some class, it was our guys that ended up helping him out. and then your right back that came in to replace him didnt look motivated at all, not happy with the club perhaps, im not surprised, doesnt seem like a good club to play for, lots of negativity, lots of getting at eachother like schoolgirls fighting over a doll.


May 28, 2007
Dirty Money
Wow whats with all the banter on ACBC? We know we are hated but come on now. Listen guys I know we embellish our tackles sometimes but its not like we're always crying wolf. We dont encourage diving or faking being hurt. Unfortunately we do have 2-3 players that take it to far but thats about it. We have all talked to them and told them whats up but if they continue doing it what are we to do? You guys all watch professional leagues in england spain italy france portugal, shoot i think 75% of all fouls are embellished and the other 25% are slide tackles or tackles from behind. Some players tend to attack skilled players and almost every team in this league goes at us by trying to physically beat us and we try to avoid it by getting the easy foul, its part of the game guys, we do not play north american soccer, never have never will. you've all seen are team, we arnt huge, we play ball moving soccer. we play to our strengths now if that pisses you guys off whatever its not our problem.For example I went into a challenge that I usually would go into against a bigger guy and ended up cracking my rips and best part is even when we are actually hurt a couple of Gunners on the field and atleast half of the Gunners on the sideline were all telling me to get up dont be a b*tch, divers etc.. and yet I could hardly breathe. Even the ref ran over and told me to hurt and get off the field. I agree that we have to get those few players to smarten up and like rich stated some will be no longer with us but to say..
BazzaBlue; I do believe class said:
Is a dumb comment from a bad so called soccer player who should count his lucky stars hes on a legitimate team. Cause on any other team he'd be warming the bench up for the water boy.

Good luck Nomads, win this cup so we can face off again in Richmond.

Also there isnt any trouble in the ACBC camp. The second team has always had trouble with attendance during practices and there are some players wishing to play more but what can you do we wernt undefeated for nothing. ACBC is a good club to play with just as good as Port Moody or Langely or even Guildford now, its just even if your a great player you dont always fit into the system or "personality" of the team if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Is a dumb comment from a bad so called soccer player who should count his lucky stars hes on a legitimate team. Cause on any other team he'd be warming the bench up for the water boy.

Good luck Nomads, win this cup so we can face off again in Richmond.
I'm not jumping into the debtae at all, I'm too hungover today (Vegas Baby! :D ) but I have to interupt you on this one point. BazzaBlue is a fantastic player... not at all a bad player. He is not lucky to have us. we are lucky to have him. In fact he is one of our best players and was the one neutralizing your midfielders all game.

Thanks for the good luck wishes juventino.


New Member
Sep 29, 2003
Dirty Money
Let's see here, I remember a hard tackle, I remember him getting the foul, I remember backing up for the kick, then I distinctly remember a harmonious chorus of whining from my left:

So were you the half asian with the ACBC looking haircut who called me 16? Or were you the short Frodo looking kid who called me short? The freudian slips in both the digs caught me off guard, I admit.

A hard tackle and you two clowns, let's be clear, start with the chatter. I ask how's it feel losing? Well apparently losing is very disorientating for you because you turtle behind posterity and call me a bad sportsman? Jocularity's, Jocularity's. After your initial comments? This is absurd, for so many reasons, many of which other people on the forum have pointed out. This is Sarah-Palin-I-can-see-your-studs-from-my-house absurd.

Suppose next time you think before you speak.

"Our team plays fairly, we play with class, and we respect all opponents." I like it, I think you've got yourself a new slogan for your club; it's roundabout, belaboured and totally off base. A perfect ACBC fit.

haha, well written.

first, I am the half asian with the ACBC looking hair cut (didn't know our club had it's own hair style)

I'm not sure what my "frodo looking" teammate said to you as I didn't hear it, but I'm sure it was in response, similar to me for you saying to our player to be a man and not a boy or whatever it was. When players are down, especially when it was clearly a hard tackle in this case, why take a jab and call him a boy? My comment to you about you looking 16 was merely because you look young and you're telling our player to be a man. No this was not meant as a compliment, but it also wasn't intended to get under your skin. Obviously it did take you off guard which is why I'm assuming you asked me how it felt to lose... So yes, I was expecting a bit more sportmanship out of you. I'd expect you in that situation to do walk away from the foul and keep your mouth shut, nothing more would have come out of it. Call it jocularity but I don't find poking fun at injured players funny. If you were referring to me hiding behind posterity by saying there was a lack of sportsmanship when you asked me how it feels to lose... Well again, I don't find that funny. You never hear any ACBC players ask a team how it feels to lose even though we've been on the winning end more often than not...

I'm not sure why you don't think our team plays fairly, or why you feel we don't play with class, or that we don't respect our opponents. Our team is never out to hurt anyone, we play to the best of our ability for the love of the game and to win, and when we do get the result (or not in this last case against your team) we will give you a solid "hip hip horray", shake hands, and give credit where due.

I'm done regarding this side topic on the Presidents Cup wall, Bazza, either send me a PM or feel free to chat me up before or after your after your semi final match. It's all in the past now and you're lucky enough to still have at least 1 more game to play... I don't want to take away from your focus which should be geared towards the Red Devils at this point. For me, it's all water under the bridge. Good luck.


New Member
Sep 28, 2007
Dirty Money
haha, well written.

first, I am the half asian with the ACBC looking hair cut (didn't know our club had it's own hair style)

I'm not sure what my "frodo looking" teammate said to you as I didn't hear it, but I'm sure it was in response, similar to me for you saying to our player to be a man and not a boy or whatever it was. When players are down, especially when it was clearly a hard tackle in this case, why take a jab and call him a boy? My comment to you about you looking 16 was merely because you look young and you're telling our player to be a man. No this was not meant as a compliment, but it also wasn't intended to get under your skin. Obviously it did take you off guard which is why I'm assuming you asked me how it felt to lose... So yes, I was expecting a bit more sportmanship out of you. I'd expect you in that situation to do walk away from the foul and keep your mouth shut, nothing more would have come out of it. Call it jocularity but I don't find poking fun at injured players funny. If you were referring to me hiding behind posterity by saying there was a lack of sportsmanship when you asked me how it feels to lose... Well again, I don't find that funny. You never hear any ACBC players ask a team how it feels to lose even though we've been on the winning end more often than not...

I'm not sure why you don't think our team plays fairly, or why you feel we don't play with class, or that we don't respect our opponents. Our team is never out to hurt anyone, we play to the best of our ability for the love of the game and to win, and when we do get the result (or not in this last case against your team) we will give you a solid "hip hip horray", shake hands, and give credit where due.

I'm done regarding this side topic on the Presidents Cup wall, Bazza, either send me a PM or feel free to chat me up before or after your after your semi final match. It's all in the past now and you're lucky enough to still have at least 1 more game to play... I don't want to take away from your focus which should be geared towards the Red Devils at this point. For me, it's all water under the bridge. Good luck.

You're a sensitive soul under that haircut, Kaz. I had no idea. I'll weigh my words accordingly next time. Good luck in Richmond. One solid Hip Hip horray, to you man. To you.
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