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NHL 2006/07 - Preseason banter and signings


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

To be fair, the 'Nucks drafting hasn't been that bad, it's the development of the draft picks that seem to suck here. They always seem to go elsewhere after a few years and flourish.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

Regs said:
To be fair, the 'Nucks drafting hasn't been .

I suppose you are correct. I researched the last few years worth. The notables and the not-so-notables are below. The Canucks are batting about 80% with their 1st Round Selections (IE: Did he make the big League). They also have had several late selections prove themselves (Cook, Bieksa, Reid).

2001 was quite a good year, not with massive talent but the battnig average of who played in the NHL was pretty good.




49 D Kirill Koltsov
55 D Denis Grot
68 D Brett Skinner
83 G Lukas Mensator

16 C R.J. Umberger
66 C Fedor Fedorov
114 R Evgeny Gladskikh
151 D Kevin Bieksa
212 L Jason King

23 C Nathan Smith
71 C Thatcher Bell
93 D Tim Branham
144 F Pavel Duma
208 C Brandon Reid

2 L Daniel Sedin
3 C Henrik Sedin
69 D Rene Vydareny
129 L Ryan Thorpe

4 D Bryan Allen
31 C Artem Chubarov
68 L Jarkko Ruutu
81 R Justin Morrison

10 D Brad Ference
34 D Ryan Bonni
36 C Harold Druken
64 L Kyle Freadrich
90 C Chris Stanley
114 David Darguzas
117 G Matt Cockell
144 L Matt Cooke

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

LSD said:
Didn't Barnaby just sign in Dallas for $625K, and Roenick in Phoenix for the same amount Ruutu got. I'd say Pittsburgh got pwned. No way I'd want Ruutu here for that $$$.

I wouldn't trade Ruutu for either of them. Maybe JR...if he were 5 years younger.

LSD said:
I thought it was common knowledge that "NOBis" didn't pick up the option on Linden's contract.

How many TTP tokens do you want to wager that #16 will be back in a Canucks jersey next year for less than he made this year? They'll even give him an "A."

LSD said:
--Dial 911 = typical Canuck fan. Don't tell me you're one of those guys calling in radio talk shows saying that they miss Auld.:rolleyes:

I'm not allowed to have a phone. But since we're on the topic, I had no problems with Cloutier being our #1 for 5 million less than what they will pay Luongo. I'd then used that 5 mill to sign Jovo or anyone else who could prevent Bieksa from being our #5 defenceman. Somebody tell that guy where the front of the net is.

LSD said:
I agree that on paper the Canucks currently look like garbage but there is obviously more transactions to come with our vacant roster spots...but next year we have to hope Bourdon, Bieksa, Krajicek, Kesler and Reid can all prove to be respectable NHLers or it could be a frustrating season.

Exactly. And I'm calling it 4 days into free agency.:)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

I wouldn't trade Ruutu for either of them. Maybe JR...if he were 5 years younger.

Are you on crack? Roenick, agreed, but Barnaby is far more effective than Jarko Ruttu. This is a no brainer. Letting Ruttu go is a good thing. Overratted, and a dirty cnut, to boot. Thank God we'll only see him once this year, and they should sit Naslund that game, because Ruttu wouldn't think twice about spearing him or boarding him.

How many TTP tokens do you want to wager that #16 will be back in a Canucks jersey next year for less than he made this year? They'll even give him an "A."

Likely, but they will not be picking up the option. They will release and likely re-sign at money suiting a 4th line centre. I'll bet about $600-$800K.

I'm not allowed to have a phone. But since we're on the topic, I had no problems with Cloutier being our #1 for 5 million less than what they will pay Luongo. I'd then used that 5 mill to sign Jovo or anyone else who could prevent Bieksa from being our #5 defenceman. Somebody tell that guy where the front of the net is.

Again, on crack? Luongo has a track record of being durable, so he's a much better bet to stay healthy all year. That's worth at least an extra 5 wins. That, and his ability will win the 'Nucks an extra couple by stealing wins...something Auld just doesn't offer. Clouts...can't rely on him. They were either going to hang their hat on Auld, and try to keep Jovo, or do what they did. This is a safer route.

So, for the extra 5 mil, it may be the difference to get the team into the playoff picture. You're telling me that isn't worth it?

What team doesn't look like garbage right now?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

My two bits:

It does not matter who’s in goal when the players in front are at best marginal. What once used to be a top-tier defense is now touching the bottom of the barrel:

Ohlund – very good but by no means an all-star. Can’t handle Iginla
Salo – does his job and also very good.
Mitchell – are you kidding me! he’s # 3 in our depth chart
Krajeck – I cant believe I even have to put this guy in our top 4
Bourdon – severely over-rated. He couldn’t handle Brule. Let this kid develop instead of throwing him to the wolves
Bieksa – Still a minor leaguer.

So, it doesn’t matter who plays in goal……..these 6 guys as a group are not very good.

I think Nonis panicked. The year after missing the playoffs - teams like Dallas, NJ and Carolina all rebounded with excellent seasons in the year after.

As we stand now, our roster last year was better than what we have now.



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

Dude said:
Likely, but they will not be picking up the option. They will release and likely re-sign at money suiting a 4th line centre. I'll bet about $600-$800K.

Hopefully there will be no "Linden Factor" in the deal, I love the guy but I don't want to overpay for his name. Fans keep the business of hockey alive but don't put pucks in the net. I hope he signs for the lower end of that pay range. The Canucks still need some cap room for some wingers and every bit helps.

The Nhl salaries for a Center average as follows:

1st Line: 2.9M
2nd Line: 1.9M
3rd Line: 1.44M
4th Line: 800K


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

Whether this year's roster will perform better than last year's underperformers remains to be seen - as they say, the proof will be in the standings and playoff performance. What is clear is that more of the same with the Canucks line-up was not about to provide fans with different results.

Bertuzzi needed to move on for his own good and that of the team. The question was who would give the Canucks something in return and it was not unlikely that it 'd be Mike Keenan and no one else. This off season was a case of a lot of free agents who weren't coming with baggage like Bertuzzi so why would teams want to take a chance on him unless it was a Keenan who likes Bertuzzi and is prepared to ignore the baggage. The move out of town won't let Bertuzzi completely out of the spotlight as Steve Moore's legal wranglings will continue for some time.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

Canucks will be fine.....they will go through the season 10 games above .500 sqeak into the playoffs end up playing the Wings and getting knocked out first round. Everyone will question the same things next year, Loungo will want a trade to a contender and Pokey Redick will step out of retirement and take over in goal.

Bring back the Jim "The HOUSE" Sandlack


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: AVatarrrrrr

The Franchise said:
about the same as Garth Butcher lacing them up again

Hey Franchise, you must spend hours googling on the internet image archices. Every day you seem to have a new picture of Ronaldo. You are wearing out the "change avatar" button.

Can't find a picture that really does it for you? You seemed to llike the crotch shot for weeks until Dude caught you red handed, Now you appear to be into "facial" pictures of Ronaldo with Balls on his head. Is that anything like tea-bagging?



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?


How is your line-up significantly different to what we had most of last year?

Let's review...

Jovo: out for the bulk of the season
Salo: out for 1/3 of the season, including critical playoff run
Ohlund: out for a short spell after Olympic break
Allen: at one point our #1 defenseman (shutter)

Like him or not, Mitchell was only good enough to shut down Todd Bertuzzi during the 'Nucks / Wild series a few seasons back, and as I recall, this was Berts "Big Year" that earned him the big raise. Again, like it or not, Mitchell is rated highly by many a GM out there, and there has not been a bit of chatter about the 'Nucks over paying for him. Likely, he's been had at a hometown deal.

Given what we had in the back last year, given the marginal goaltending provided by Auld, given that our top guys weren't exactly lighting it up, and given that Noonis isn't close to being finished, I don't see how actually improving the goaltending and becomming more defensive back there won't win the 'Nucks at least 5-10 more points, which should get them in the playoffs.

Christ...Noonis has actually shaken up this team, which was badly needed. Naslund will be back...healthy, and very likely playing like he has something to prove. Same w/ Morison. By the end of this, they will likely add a decent enough scorrer to allow the second line to produce at the same clip as Carter did.

So, relax. The team sucked last year, full stop. Bert out of the room is addition by subtraction. Part of the recent moves/signings is you get a much better goaltender, and an upgrade from Allen. Throw in a healthy Salo, and Bourdon, and you actually have the making of a solid defense.

Besides, Ohlund not being able to handle Iginla isn't exactly a problem exclusive to him...Iggy is a pretty tough package to contain.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: AVatarrrrrr

suburbanator said:
Hey Franchise, you must spend hours googling on the internet image archices. Every day you seem to have a new picture of Ronaldo. You are wearing out the "change avatar" button.

Can't find a picture that really does it for you? You seemed to llike the crotch shot for weeks until Dude caught you red handed, Now you appear to be into "facial" pictures of Ronaldo with Balls on his head. Is that anything like tea-bagging?


Actually! I like to update just to piss KNVB off....I find it funny. Plus I need something to do while I work!!!

Don't worry when they win today I will change it again. Maybe Keeper can hook me up with his avator with the world cup;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

More Free Agent Signings by relevant teams:

Calgary Flames Signed left wings Alex Tanguay and Jeff Friesen, Friesen is a good fit there.

In addition, Dallas has signed Barnaby. A good utility player who I thought would fit in well in Vancouver.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

pillow biter said:
Actually! I like to update just to piss KNVB off....I find it funny
Why would it piss me off? You’re the one who looks like a flaming poof goggling men in shorts all day.

Dude, if think Luongo wins the Canucks 5-10 games how many do they lose becuase Burts 75 points and Caters 33 goals are gone with no replacement. As it stands at 12:02PM Wednesday, July 5, 2006, the Canucks are rubbish.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

One player I didn't mention in my "analysis" above is Baumgartner, off to Philly. This is a tough one...

He got the opportunity out of circumstance...Bieksa being injured at the onset of the season, and Jovo going down. He made the most of it. One year, tough to say if he can repeat; certainly a gamble for Philly to offer that amount of cash for him.

Hopefully a solid replacement for him can be had through free agency or trade.

Sub...do you happen to have a list showing free agents still about?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?


So are most teams, due to the free agent / cap situation.

Your point is?

Bert was a liability last year. Terrible +/-, and allegedly terrible in the room. Addition by subtraction. Many teams proved last year that a good corp of youth can replace the big names by committee. Carter...replaceable, especially w/ the way the twins have come along. Maybe you'll see Reid play w/ them, and flourish. He can play either wing or center as well.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

Salary dump - Clouts to LA.

This will free up the needed cash to resign Carter.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

Not at $3m they won't.

I agree w/ the 'Nucks stance on this...he's worth $2M, based on his spotty history of only playing well in contract years.

Three year, $6m contract, tops, for Carter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: What's Next?

Your 'Addition by subtraction' is a ridiculous statement, IMO not to mention it does nothing to solve the 75 point issue. I’m glad all the Canucks will swap wives and shooter rounds at the Roxy now, but who makes up for all the freaking points? Carter could be replaced, you’re right, but only if the Sedin's year wasn’t the classic over achieving 'contract year' NHLers seem get before negotiating their new contracts. Chances are he wasn't ging to net 33 again either. I'd rather have 2 at 1.5mill than him at 3. Also, he's certainly isn't going to be replaced by anyone from the Manitoba Moose. They're there for a reason.

My point is, since you asked, is that you're poof who loves dropping buzz words and clichés about players in your analogies. Oh, and your hair looks like what my cat coughed up last night after licking himself.

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