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MWSL Premier 2003/2004

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Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money

Granted we were a crap team, I am not saying that we were not. The MWSL had full knowledge of where I would be getting my players from when they granted me a Premier spot (our U-21 team of the previous year and some of the Div. 2 players in our club with a few Div. 1's that I managed to pull over) yet every game they came out to watch they continually reminded me that we were at best an average div 1 team and should be playing there. So why the fcuk did they grant me a Premier spot (and relent about it soooooooooooooo much that now they have done the same thing with this new Richmond team!!!!!!!!).

All I am really souting about is the lack of consistency from year to year. When you are the worst team in your division the is no guarentee that you will be relegated (Surrey United's div 1 team for instance) and when you are the best team in your division there is no guarentee that you will be promoted.

The league needs to realise that there are two sides to the womens game, the competitive and the recreational. At the moment they treat everyone as a recreational team placing them in the division that they (the league) thinks best suits them. That is fine for those teams who just want to play at a comparable level but it is an insult to those teams with a disire to play for something (i.e. promotion/relegation). All the league need do is ask which teams want to play competitively and which want to play recreationally. Those recreational teams can play in a rec league where you stay at div 3 or div 2 forever (but if you get too good and start beating everyone you play in the rec league a level above you - they can switch the team groupings mid-way during the season like they do with the U12's so that no team is too good or too bad, there will of course always be an exception).

The competitive teams could then be split into 2 or 3 divisions of 8 to 10 teams depending on numbers and adhere to clearly defined rules for promotion and relegation. The competitive teams would all sign on A forms with the rec teams on B forms. The competitive teams could then play in an imperial type cup with the better premier teams not playing until later rounds (like the FA does).

IMHO this would provide a better class of soccer to the lower divisions, as teams are fighting to get promoted or to avoid relegation, which would by default create a better class of soccer in the higher divisions.

The one bit of advice that I heard from several Premier coaches during my season at the top:D was not to worry about the losses as the league did not count for anything. Everyone was entered in the league cup at the end and it was rare that teams were ever relegated so I was sure to be around next year. When your games don't count for anything competitive teams play with a recreational manner and the caliber suffers.

I could go on longer but my tea is ready.



New Member
Sep 1, 2003
Dirty Money

I agree 100% with everything you said. The way this league is run is garbage. I'm sure if this Richmond team is as bad as I think they will be, there are going to be some pretty annoyed teams. It is no fun going out and killing any team. Plus, it must suck for those players who are on the receiving end week in week out. Good luck with your team if you are still coaching them.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Spot on, Bravedart. I wish I could show up tonight to beat you in darts though.

I have only been involved in this league for just over a month and I can see there are a lot of problems with divisional organizing. I've heard it is a moot point to join the executive because they are VERY tight. I guess we'll(Club Ireland) will find out soon enough IF their placement was right for us.

Good luck to everyone this weekend.



Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
The ironic thing about all these complaints about teams making it into Premier without having to be promoted from first div or anything is the situation that happened with the team that is now Surrey United. Six years ago a bunch of SFU alumni decided to start a women's team with a core of about 9 or 10 former SFU players and a bunch of other very skilled players (i.e. Diana Artuso) as Cliff Avenue United. The league said that because a Cliff team had dropped out of premier a few years back the new team had to play a full season of Div. 1 before they could be promoted. That resulted in every Cliff game being won by at least 7 or 8 goals and some of those wins were with only 9 or 10 players.

After that season the team obviously moved up to premier and is now Surrey United, but every year since that decision (by Cormack of course) a team has been given (not earned) a spot in premier. The league even suggested that Cliff was lucky not to be placed in 2nd or even 3rd Div. like every other new team would have to be. Glad to see they have stuck by that rule.

The MWSL is the most unpredictable group of decision-makers I have ever seen and unless you have a member of your club on the board you will rarely, if ever, get a decision in your favour. So good luck to Captain Shamrock and Bravedart with your seasons and your team placements and let the gong show begin. :rolleyes:

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
So good luck to Captain Shamrock and Bravedart with your seasons

Cheers, Nutmegs! Hopefully, we can make the successful jump so we can bring you over to the green and white hoops with K-Vale 7. ;) Or we could just hope the league moves us up to Premier, so we can get schooled for a season. Bollocks.



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Where'd they go?

I may have missed it skimming the gigantic posts lately but did anyone find out what happened to Coquitlam Premeir?

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Coquitlam Premier

There were some 'differences of opinion' regarding some administration issues between the Burnaby Canadians and the former coaching staff. While it should have been a matter left to those parties to work out (as it had nothing to do with the players), the MWSL saw fit to get involved and subsequently 'temporarily suspended' Coquitlam until the matter is worked out. The league simply postponed the week 1 and 2 games.

However, as of today or tomorrow, I do believe the matter will have been settled as per the demands of BCFC and the MWSL. Thus the Coquitlam team should be reinstated immediately .... right? Well, it turns out the MWSL president is out of town for two weeks (hence the 2 weeks of byes), apparently meaning no decision can be made in the meantime. (Funny, that's why it's a board of director'S' ... keeping in mind the president has no vote.)

So in the end... the players on Coquitlam City, SBAA and Richmond get the screws. Too bad. But kind of typical isn't it.


PS: Captain... welcome to the MWSL. Get out now!;) Good luck!


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
That's great

Ah, that's great the the president is getting a holidays for a couple of weeks, and there's no better time to take it than the first 2 weeks of the season.

Thanks for the update FB.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Is this fcuking league sponsored by Barnum and Bailey's?

PS: Captain... welcome to the MWSL. Get out now! Good luck!

Cheers, Fatbastard. I have a feeling I might be having a few run-ins with some of the people involved. What a fcuking joke. Let's suspend the league for two weeks. That makes sense. Actually, they should cancel our games too , out of respect for the team(s) involved. SHOC - KING!



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
You can only shake your head and laugh at the VMSL.
From the MWSL Site:
Web page change - we hope to have a new look to the web page up and running by the time League play begins. We will probably run both pages for a couple of weeks while you get accustomed to the new look. New features will include a contacts page so that you can easily contact other teams in the league, a forms page that you can download and print including your Team roster form.
Can the VMSL have their old one?

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Div. 2

Club Ireland 2 Semiamhoo 0

Div. 3

Club Ireland 2 Opponent 2

We only had 11 players today for both teams for a variety of reasons. The 2nd division team went up 2 - 0 in the first half and then coasted after that. We had to finish the last 25 minutes with 10 players, as one of the players had to leave.

The Division 3 team was unlucky not to take the full 3 points. Either way, an undefeated weekend for the women and the men of Club Ireland. :)


Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Premier Results

Surrey United 5 - Poco 0
Sportstown 5 - Norvan 0

Some things never change:rolleyes:

So either Richmond was sandbagging the preseason training sessions, or Westside has taken a step back. (I know WS has lost a few players.)

Cheers to Besty and his Shooters, rather emphatic result against SBAA Kaizen (a div 2 team last year) - yes, SBAA has three premier teams. Wow, what a club!:rolleyes:


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
5 goal maximum

Actually it was 6-nil for Surrey United and it was probably more for UBC Alumni as well but I guess the MWSL has continued its practice of not allowing more than a 5 goal victory to count in the standings.:rolleyes:

Surrey was up 3 after the first half with only 11 players, then dropped to 10 due to injury and still managed another 3 in the second.

The line of the game came from some Poco defenders who were excited about being in our half for a good part of the second half.

To each other - "We're getting close. If only we had (one of their forwards who I won't name) this may be a lot closer game.

Response from SU player - "Yeah and if Surrey played the entire game with only 10 men, maybe it might be."

Looking forward to next week.


New Member
Sep 1, 2003
Dirty Money

I play defence for Poco and didn't hear the conversation of some of those defenders. However, if I did I would have set them straight. If you are just happy to reach the other half then you have no place being in Premier. I have no idea which ones they were but at least 2 of them (who I think you are talking about) who played most of the game (due to us missing some players) have never played higher than div 2 if that so I am assuming that it was one of them. I overheard a few retarded comments by some of them but I just ignored them. I think a few of them were just slightly overwhelmed but they should have realized that playing in Premier means that they will be having to play against very good players, something that they obviously have never done before. Although we did have some unfinished chances, 6-0 was definetly quite the ass-kicking, and if they were happy just to have reached your half that is pretty pathetic. I am embarassed for them and glad I didn't hear that during the game. As for this mystery forward of ours, I have no clue whatsoever who they are referring to because we were not missing any of our forwards. Oh well, what can you do. Anyway, congrats on the victory.



Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money

There's no need to be embarrassed about the comments by your players. I posted it just to take the piss. The response by the SU player was said in jest with a smile and a laugh.:p

I thought Michelle Artuso had a great game for you guys. Good luck with the rest of your season.

P.S. The player they mentioned was Janice (doesn't she play for you guys? maybe not at forward I guess)


New Member
Sep 1, 2003
Dirty Money

That is hilarious that they mentioned Janice as our missing forward. She actually played sweeper for us all last year and would have too this year if she was not having a baby. I still think it is pretty retarded that some of our players would actually be excited about playing in your half. I know you were just taking the piss though so no worries :D . I thought Michelle had a good game too. She won lots of balls in the air and that is what we really need as that is not the strong point of many of our players. Heading the ball is fun, I don't know why so many people are scared to do it. I am probably braindead now from doing it so much but that's ok. Good luck this year with you guys as well, and hopefully our next game against you will be a lot better. I hope by then certain people won't be thrilled with just being in the other teams end (especially considering we didn't score). :eek:



New Member
Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money
News from the Semi Camp

Our first team (Div. 2D) tied 0-0 against a talented Westside United team. We played the first half with only 10 players and still managed to carry our fair share of the play. During the second half we were reinforced by some of our better :rolleyes: div. 4 players but by the end of the game were starting to tire under Uniteds relentless 5 player per 10 minute line changes. We'll take the single point thank you very much. BTW our keeper (who isn't really a keeper - but who really is at this level) had a phenominal game and really shut the door on our opponent.

Semi Surf 0 - Club I A 2 (Div 2A) as mentioned before

Semi Strikers 0 - West Richmond Strokes ;) 2 (Div 3A)

Semi Sharks 3 - Columbia Bearcats 1 (Div 4C)


New Member
May 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Premier B Coquitlam 3 Burnaby 3

1st week, Coquitlam came out strong with ending the half 1-0. With this being our first game with the new additions to our team we were looking good. Into the 2nd half we scored the 2nd goal which came from our right defender way outside the 18 yard box and over the keeper into the back of the net. Shortly after the 2nd goal things went down hill. Burnaby turned it on and created many breakaways for themselves and scoring off at least 2 of them. They were just plain out running us and we weren't picking up. Burnaby then scored a 3rd goal putting them up 3-2 on us. Coquitlam kept on pushing right to the end to try and get that 3rd goal to tie the game up, which we succeeded off a corner kick that went to a number of our players and Burnaby's players before it came out to our striker just inside the 18 yard box were it bounced once and she cracked it in the back of the net, great shot and Coquitlam was lucky to tie it up. All in all the game had it's ups and downs and we will use it as a learning experience and move on to Vancouver Only next weekend, should be a good game.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Div. 3 update....

Club Ireland 'B' 2 Kits Saints 0

The women played well in spurts, especially during the second half but didn't capitalize on a few quality chances. It was 3 points and that is all that matters. The team IS slowly improving though. Goals scored by Jenna Homer and Brita (I'm not sure of the last name).

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