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MWSL Premier 2003/2004

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New Member
Oct 1, 2001
Dirty Money
2003/2004 Season

Who are the Richmond Selects in Premier A? Where did they come from, who is on the team, who is their coach and why are they in Premier A?

Thoughts and comments on the MWSL for this up coming season?

Is Coquitlam City FC basically the old Burnaby Canadians?

Any predictions for the season as of yet...?

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2003/2004 Season

Originally posted by Superstar
Is Coquitlam City FC basically the old Burnaby Canadians?

From what I have heard, the Womens BBY Canadians has moved to Coq., with Jimmy Holiday as the new Head Coach for the coming season. Good luck to Jimmy and the girls on the coming season.

Feel bad for the Burnaby Canadians organization, first the youth teams have left the club to go back to Burnaby Selects and now the Womens team that have won a couple of B.C.'s and a National Title are gone. Tough times for a great club.

That Copuitlam City team is going to be stacked too, they have Phobe Trotman who was just named MVP for the Womens pro league while playing with the Caps. They also have a few other very strong players that were with the Caps, and one of the best keepers in the Country.

Word to the girls, watch out for Jimmy in the Showers.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

I'm trying to find the same thing out. It is a joke. We(Club I) have been put in Div. 2 and 3, despite the fact that all the new players we're adding to one of the stronger second division teams are better than Div. 2 calibre. The coach is Cam McDonald and he coached the Richmond U-17 metro team last year. I am guessing they are going to be absolutely rubbish for that league. The only reason they got there was because of a split up of one of the Division One teams. A bad split up. Anyway, your guess is as good as mine as to how they got the Premier spot. I just found out yesterday about this. Let me know if you find anything out. Cheers.



Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money

I had to leave Richmond (many moons ago) to find a decent team to play for. So after all those years of training on gravel at 59th and Oak, Richmond finally lands a team in the Premier "A" side ? Rubbish.

The league is a complete joke. Every year there are spots to be filled in each division. Naturally they screw the decent 'up and comers' into lower divisions, and place mediocre teams in the top div. They seem to insist on this Premier 'A' vs. 'B' format crap, but it never works...

Perhaps Besty can fill us in on his situation...

"Best of luck blowing the competition away", is all one can say:rolleyes:

Any word on TSS stepping into woman's play?

Superstar, where's your action going to be?

Do tell:confused:



New Member
Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money
From what I know the Premier A and B sides do not play each other at all during the regular season. I belaive the B side was added to up the # of teams that the MWSL has registered on A forms so that they earn more playoff spots.

This league is a fcuking joke! It is basically run at the whim of a single person on the board and if you are not in favour with that individual you get the shite end of the stick (i.e. my ladies premier team being relegated 3 division to div. 2 from last year!). If you are in favour with that individual you get whatever you want to the displeasure of the rest of the league.

And don't even try to get any financial records out of the league. They can never tell us where the money is going but are always quick to tell us not to worry as there is plenty of it. :knvb: If that doesn't raise red flags I don't know what will.

The league needs to realise (and it has been mentioned to them on numerous occasions and in several different ways) that there are teams and players who want to play in a competetive league and those who want to play recreationally against teams of the same caliber all of the time.

They should simply split the league into a competetive side and recreational side. the competitive side could have 2/3 division and be based on a consistent promotion/relegation system where all of the team are on A forms and can playoff against each other at the end of the year (like the FA in England or the imperial cup on the men's side). The recreational side would consist of the rest of the teams and would be reorganised mid-season and at the end of the season to ensure conformity of skill so that no team gets whalloped every game and no team whallops the other guy every game. The rec teams can all register on the B forms and everyone is happy right?

One thing is for sure, the league need to be more consistent from year to year. I am not sure that if we win our group in div. 2 that we will even go up to div. 1 next year, who knows we may end up in the new div. 5.

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Semi going to Div 6

Hey BD...

After comments like that, you'll be lucky to get Div 5!

By the way, I thought maybe this Rich Selects team might have been a UBC Sportstoon breakaway group, but if it is what the Captain says, then we may have a new Semi for the big fish to feast on (sorry BD). Obviously, learning from one's (numerous) mistakes isn't something this league does well.

Anyhow, the jury is out. (By the way check out U21 ... North Shore could have their own division!)

After Burnaby lost their coach, Coquitlam City came in and scooped up a bunch of players who were not that happy with the club. Coquitlam is aggressively going after a top notch womens/girls club system - good on them.

By the way, Premier B - for as flawed as the whole system is - looks like a rather competitive group. Meralomas, Westside, Valley, SBAA Strikers are all long time Division 1 powers. It likely won't be 'premier' caliber, but there should be some good match ups during the year.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
This can't be good.....

Posted: Aug 8, 2003
Richmond based, Premier A team looking for a few more players for the upcoming winter season. All positions open. If interested please contact
Cam at

There was a solid 4 players at a practice beside us last night and it was the div 1 team which split and formed the new Premier A team. Pretty frustrating.....

All positions open can't really be a good sign at this point in time.....


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Coquitlam FC

They may be stacked with talent but they will have one thing against them, and that's the coaching.

I mean, how good can a team be with JH coaching. Really.

:D ;)

My money is on Poco FC, as they've added a couple of big talented girls to there roster this year.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Not telling

You'll have to come out and watch a couple games.

They're not from Poco though.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Nice stuff....

20. Schedule of Fines

Any violation of these Operating Rules, as listed above, may result in the MWSL Board of Directors levying a fine, as per the following schedule:

Field inadequately lined $50.00
Improper or no corner flags $25.00
Improper or no goal net $25.00
Unsuitable or no match ball $25.00
Improper or incomplete team lists $25.00
Improper player dress $25.00
(i.e. no numbers, mismatched shirts, etc.)
Failure to pay match official(s) $25.00 (plus fee)
NSF Cheque $25.00
Failure to report score by 6:00pm Sunday $10.00
Non-attendance at League Meeting $50.00
Late-registration $100.00
Failure to provide ID cards $100.00 (+)
Game default/forfeit without notice $150.00
Game default/forfeit with less than 24 hrs. notice $100.00
Game default/forfeit with more than 24 hrs. notice $75.00
Playing a suspended, ineligible or $200.00 (+)
non-registered player
Offences noted with (+) could, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, result in additional penalties in addition to or in lieu of the stated fine.In order to allow for exception circumstances, enforcement of the above Operating Rules is under the discretion of the Metro Women’s Soccer League Board of Directors

I was wondering how much they would fine the ladies for wearing knickers that don't match the uniform. I'm sure that will be added in this year. Fcuking shambles.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
On the ball

Nice to see the MWSL has their schedule and leagues up on their website already.
As opposed to the FVSL site that is usually done the night befor the first games, and that's just for the first week. They'll fill in the rest as they go along.


New Member
Dec 10, 2002
Dirty Money
Premier A

Just curious if there are any new rumours and info about the womens premier league this year. Is richmond going to beable to field a team that is at premier level? Or is it going to be another semi team, that everyone slaughters. Also is there any other news from the new coquitlam team. Specifically your feelings about your home field at centenial (pot hole) oval. Just thought I'd get the pot stirring again.


Rumours and such...

The Canadians appeared rocked after losing their A team.....but had close to 50 players for premier B and U21 tryouts so should be respectable at those levels. How the hell did Richmond and Coquitlam get premier A spots? One has no track record and one just stole players from another club and put them in new jerseys?? Fcuked up league, that's for sure. I understand Semi dropping a level....but all the way to div 2???:confused:


New Member
Sep 1, 2003
Dirty Money

Although it sucks that Semi got sent down to Div 2, it really can't be too unexpected. We played your team several times last year and it was ridiculous. I think we won 15-0 the second game, and 4-0 the first game and we played like garbage in that game. The second game was so one-sided that we were leading 7-0 or more at the half, and in the second half we were so bored that we decided to play with 10 and then 9, and on top of this we played all of our players in completely random positions. I think we scored 8 more goals and we really weren't trying to score. It was easier to score than not to score. It was a waste of a game and we probably would have rather practiced. Although a few of the players were ok and were all good sports, especially considering the ass kicking they received game after game, the majority were div 1 or 2 caliber. Also, until the team has a minimum 11 showing up at all of their games, what right do they have to expect to play even in div 1. Hopefully they will do well in Div 2 so they can move back up to Div 1.

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Coquitlam Premier

and one just stole players from another club and put them in new jerseys
For the record... Coquitlam did not 'steal' the players. First of all, players are free to sign with whatever team they want. Second, in this instance, the Burnaby Canadians board bungled up the whole fiasco and dealt with the premier coach so badly that the players simply did not have the confidence in the club to find a suitable replacement. Coquitlam simply saw an opportunity and went for it. Good on them. More teams/clubs should show that much iniative. To my knowledge, 12 Canadians signed with Coquitlam. The remaining 8 players are from other teams, or were unattached last year.

As for the Canadians, from what I have seen thus far with the premier team and the division 1 team, the club continues to show a distinct level of indifference to the womens side. Last year's "B" team - which showed progress near the end - has been ignored, and none were contacted directly regarding tryouts for this years team. As a team they weren't very good, but a few of them would have helped the new coach in dealing with the new level - 'cause despite his claims to people of his team's ability, he's in for an eye-opener, even on the B side.


Agree to disagree...

FB, I agree that players are free to sign anywhere. As far as the Canadians bungling up the coaching situation...I think they were more than fair with the former coach who left them hanging for two months and then did commit to them for this season on more than one occasion but then walked at the very last minute. Then when he changes his mind and leaves them hanging, you think the Canadians were the ones screwing it up??? Think again. For the problems that were there for a year or more between club and team, I thought they were more than fair to DP and let him dictate what happened with the team and they were more than willing to let him carry on in his own direction. If he was as committed as he said he was, the team wouldn't now be in Coquitlam.:confused:

And how did Coquitlam (or Richmond for that matter) gain a premier A spot? No promotion?? No team there from last year?? And the Coquitlam B team/coaches didn't even know this was happening until they saw it on the MWSL list of 2003/04 teams...how's that for co-operation and building something? Hope Cormack has a valid reason that these teams got in. I don't think your "good on them" quote for the Coquitlam team stands up here...if this is the way they build their team, well, we should all be so above the board??? When 12 players leave one team at the last minute and all of a sudden a new team appears.....aren't the Mobilio's and DP related???....nuff said by me...:p :eek:


New Member
May 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Coquitlam City Premier A team?

I have just noticed that the Coquitlam City Premier A team has been taken off the MWSL website. Now there are only 7 teams in Premier A. Does anyone know what happened and if there is still going to be a team?

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