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Div 2 [FVSL Div 2] Results and Banter - Nov. '04

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New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
i hate to say it but i think the favorite for the cup has to be the cup holders (hurricanes) until someone knocks them them out the canes should be considered top contenders (i hate saying that) poco,lufc 2c,ndfc 2a all are clubs with chances eagleridge 2c and royals 2a dont seem to be pretenders either


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
Shifty_dwarf said:
:rolleyes: I wasn't complaining about your grammar, like I said I'm fine with it.
But if your looking for something small to tackle, try blahze's small, bent wiener. He seems to be looking pretty hard for someone else puttin'-from-the-rough, and I thought, Since your hittin' from the ladies tees anyway..?

Writing and Razzin' are different, but is there no room for a little sophisticated ruse? :confused:

Just stickin' up for the hobbits...Someone has to, as resiliant as they are, the little ones can't protect themselves you know. ;)

thats some good shite
thanks for the chuckles
i was just getting tired of the lads makin fun of me spellin


Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
curious said:
i hate to say it but i think the favorite for the cup has to be the cup holders (hurricanes) until someone knocks them them out the canes should be considered top contenders (i hate saying that) poco,lufc 2c,ndfc 2a all are clubs with chances eagleridge 2c and royals 2a dont seem to be pretenders either

I can't say much for the pools A and B, all I have to go by is stats and banter.
Going by stats I can see why you would mention sides like the Royals, and NDFC, poco anf lufc. But Eagle ridge as of late hasn't had the same showing they are capable of. They snuck in the wins, but they haven't dominated. and as tight as 2c is and as up-and-down it is, I dont think their is any Clear contender from this div. not to say that they wont contend, just unclear who's gonna step-up.
:knvb: Im rootin for the wolves on that job :knvb:


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
curious said:
i hate to say it but i think the favorite for the cup has to be the cup holders (hurricanes) until someone knocks them them out the canes should be considered top contenders (i hate saying that) poco,lufc 2c,ndfc 2a all are clubs with chances eagleridge 2c and royals 2a dont seem to be pretenders either

i think your right


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
am not too sure about you hobbit
youve never fought me as i am nothing but a poor little peasant that has no wish for violance
but all you got is tellin the rest of us how much you admire playin touch football and how we displease you with our coments am just tryin to reach for some dirt
FYI shouldnt drink more than one cafinated drink a day might learn to take some jokes
dont get so scared it really is okay to bash guys on ttp this shite aint real life
be kind little man for one day some man may reach around for the ball dangle


hoodrat said:
thats some good shite
thanks for the chuckles
i was just getting tired of the lads makin fun of me spellin

Damnit hoodrat, your smoking too much icky after practice, it's making you all sentimental and shite. And don't worry what they say about your spelling, just keep trying your best. ;)


Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money

Next three games our big ones for you guys. And you have to play the top teams in the division.

Twassawsen - If they score, they might win.

North Delta FC - If you score, you might win.

Abby S.C. - conflict of interest, no comment.

Any comments Shaven?

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
Frodo said:
I'm almost positive that I'm younger than you are. I can say with confidence that our whole team is probably younger than you are. Inventing things in other people, just like Hoodrat, man you guys are really reaching.

haha, right buddy. i guess that's why you named yourself after a character in a fantasy book, wait, i'm not so sure you can read...you must've only seen the movie(s). i'm pretty sure i'm one of the youngest if not the youngest guy posting in the div 2 forum, i dunno about the rest of your team, i don't even know who you play for?

curious said:
i hate to say it but i think the favorite for the cup has to be the cup holders (hurricanes) until someone knocks them them out the canes should be considered top contenders (i hate saying that) poco,lufc 2c,ndfc 2a all are clubs with chances eagleridge 2c and royals 2a dont seem to be pretenders either

wow, at least someone has finally given us some sort of credit.


I hate to keep picking on these little buggers, I really do, but what the hell is Dewdney FC anyway? It seems to me like their a tribe of gnomes who were outcasted from GEU for thinking their highly superior intellectually, being down with the whole homosexuality thing and having no skill at soccer...the only balls you guys dangle at the park occurs in the changeroom...and Frodo...don't try to get all brainiac with me, just go back to watching Lord Of The O-rings...i'm out.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Shifty_dwarf said:
I can't say much for the pools A and B, all I have to go by is stats and banter.
Going by stats I can see why you would mention sides like the Royals, and NDFC, poco anf lufc. But Eagle ridge as of late hasn't had the same showing they are capable of. They snuck in the wins, but they haven't dominated. and as tight as 2c is and as up-and-down it is, I dont think their is any Clear contender from this div. not to say that they wont contend, just unclear who's gonna step-up.
:knvb: Im rootin for the wolves on that job :knvb:
I root for them to if they got rid of the system there playing.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money

Please help and make this site go back to talking about soccer not about pot, touching balls and constant Dewdney FC having a phone conversion on the forum.

I can't beleive I have read 6 pages of the forum and all I saw was repeating of the same crap over and over again.

Big game this weekend Canuck boy....this could drop you guys from div 1 into last in div 2. How did you ever lose to Delta Metro.....I don't think there keeper has ever played soccer before.....if only we would change the system....points would come!!

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
Delta Metro.....I don't think there keeper has ever played soccer before.....if only we would change the system....points would come!!

funny you mention that, we had an exhibition game against DMU in summer '03, it was actually the royals first game together but anyways....the DMU players were claiming it was their keepers first game playing soccer. not sure if there was any truth to that as he played pretty well, and not sure if they still have the same keeper.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom said:
funny you mention that, we had an exhibition game against DMU in summer '03, it was actually the royals first game together but anyways....the DMU players were claiming it was their keepers first game playing soccer. not sure if there was any truth to that as he played pretty well, and not sure if they still have the same keeper.

He is still there.....yells lots but can seem to make any stops cleanly.....huge rebounds.....can't dive worth a shite....if they didn't have Ronald V from GEU they would be horriable.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
Please help and make this site go back to talking about soccer not about pot, touching balls and constant Dewdney FC having a phone conversion on the forum.

I can't beleive I have read 6 pages of the forum and all I saw was repeating of the same crap over and over again.
1st of all, I can see your point about all the crap on here, I was just going to post the same type of complaint, but you singled out DFC. For the most part it's 4 people doing all this crap, and only one is DFC, so shut your gob or get you facts straight. The ball touching, and all other personal coments against character comes from people other than DFC. IE: Hoodrat, Blahzay and Soccer Mom.

What I was about to say was this;
Hoodrunt trashed our group. Suggesting all of 2C should be in 4th next year. I doub't he's even seen a 2C game yet he slags the whole group... no problem, I just called him a "moron" for his uneducated slag against somthing he knows nothing about. Next after some long winded diatribe on his part, I side barred to him that his spelling was subpar... meaning it was difficult for me to understand his post. I had to reread it 3 times. He ties into my character and I ignored him.... he's just the type of person I said he was.
**Hoodrat, all I was saying was, try to make your posts at least have some sort of understanding to it, it's too difficult to read when things are spelled like an instant messenger post.

After that it got into a off topic, where it had nothing to do with soccer any more, it turned into a name and character bashing session... TTP is not about taking personal potshots, it's about pissing on other teams when they're down, or bragging about your own when your up. The personal trash talk is just stooopud. Hoodrat, Blahzay and Soccer Mom are inventing personal character critisisms based on our alias names... that's about as childish as one can get, I'm not buying into that taunt. Maybe Frodo over did it abit about the puntuation, but to back him up, when I read Hoodrats post in question, I almost passed out for lack of oxygen due to his run on sentance.... Not that I care about it, nor even mentioned it. It's a moot point. Post as you want, I'll either read it or ignore it....

FYI: Guru is just over 6' (I shrunk from 6'2" over the years), Shifty-Dwarf 6'2", and Frodo about 5'9". Our club (aside from me) has about an average age of just under 20, I bring it up to 35 or so. DFC have now gone unbeaten in all 4 teams above them in the standings.

Now can we just let this slag session die a meaningless death.


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
predictions for 2b this week is easy poco,clones,hurricanes ,tigers all winners any other result has to be considered an upset .nov 28th weekend the division will liven up a bit with the much awaited canes vs poco tilt

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
I can't wait till playoffs get posted......it will kind of nice to play a team out of the two divisions of 10 :rolleyes:

Port Moody Lions vs Delta Metro Utd. Moody 4-0...good god how does Delta beat teams :confused:

LUFC Dynamo vs Eagleridge Hades Two teams that I think are over achieveing...both solid squads but any team in this division can beat. I'll take Hades 2-1

Dewdney FC Celtic vs Whalley Utd. Whalley isn't impressive but finds ways to out score other teams....MAN IF WE HAD A KEEP WHEN WE PLAYED THEM :mad: I'll take Whalley 4-1 although they have weakness on there backline so if Dewdney can put a ball in the net it could be close.

Peace Arch Selects vs Coq. City Arsena Two teams that should be fighting it out for relegation....Arsenal young and like to drink before games, they can't score but seem to find ways to keep it out of there net. Peace Arch was horriable when we saw them, they fight with each other and are slow....I am going for the upset and see Peace Arch winning 3-1

GEU Wolves vs PoCo City Athletic Close game last time they met, Poco has a strong mid but defense is kinda suspect.....Wolves are playing a horrible system that doesn't compliment them at all....It kinda looks like the Devils trap.... :rolleyes: I'm going with a tie 1-1 but if we change the system it will be the wolves 3-1


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
GEU WOLVES VS POCO CITY ATHLETIC. I have to say if we don't improve our defensive system we deserve the bottom. Christ 25 goals against? At least we have 21 for. Big game for both teams as neither the Franchice or I want to be stuck at the bottom. Look for another close game how about a 5-4 win for poco. shite the way we score and and get scored on why not 11-10?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
suburbanator said:
As for betting, I will take you up on that bet. Whats your wager? Cooler?

Hey Franchise, I didn't see your response regarding this potential wager, whats up? You in or out?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
LUFC Dynamo vs Eagleridge Hades Two teams that I think are over achieveing...both solid squads but any team in this division can beat. I'll take Hades 2-1

You have played each of us ONCE, and you have an opinion on our achievements? You may have played Eagleridge last season and have something to go on, but how the hell you do feel we are over achieving?

Based on our finish last season with one bloody loss we should be doing MUCH better this season at this division, in fact all of us are drastically disappointed so far...at the same time we are at least excited at the reasonable level of competition so far in our first season at this spot.

Anyhow...... Eagleridge so far has been the only team to really take it to us on the pitch, I think they deserve to be where they are at so far.


Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
I can't wait till playoffs get posted......it will kind of nice to play a team out of the two divisions of 10 :rolleyes:

Port Moody Lions vs Delta Metro Utd. Moody 4-0...good god how does Delta beat teams :confused:

Dewdney FC Celtic vs Whalley Utd. Whalley isn't impressive but finds ways to out score other teams....MAN IF WE HAD A KEEP WHEN WE PLAYED THEM :mad: I'll take Whalley 4-1 although they have weakness on there backline so if Dewdney can put a ball in the net it could be close.

I'd have to agree with most of your last post, but I dont think the lions are gonna dominate DMU, They are both good sides, And im not just saying that because DMU beat us, 'cause we beat the lions. I'd take moody, but 2-1. no more than a goal lead.
As for whally vs Dewdney, we tied whalley the first time we played 2 all. Now I've heard, and thier stats show, that whalleys first few games were uncharacteristic, but have you seen our first games compared with us as of late??? where did you conjure this up? 4-1 seems a little extreme to me for two teams who tied before, and have both since turned their game around.
But It should definately be a good match to see whos really on the up.
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