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Div 2 [FVSL Div 2] Results and Banter - Nov. '04

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Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: They're doing the best they can... (I hope)

bitter_cabbage said:
Having been playing in the FVSL for close to 17 years now (ouch...that hits home...), I've heard these comments time and time again. Having run a club for many years, I've heard the bitching and the whining for too long too.

What I'll suggest to you Big T and the others out there is that you don't have to like it, but you should appreciate all the hard work the guys running the league do for all of us playing in it. You can't please all the folks, all the time. If you think you could do better, through your name into the ring and join the FVSL Executive, then put your stamp on it and sit back and listen to the others bitch at you.

Give the guys a break. There's no silver bullet solution, but they've got to do something.

Hey bitter,

no doubt that its hard to run this league....I know the guys on the exec and they work hard....don't get me wrong but this division lineup is not making any sense. You know I hate saying what I say because I play in the league and I think it could be much better. But lets gets some consistency.....5 years ago we went away from the 3 group div 2 system to a 10 team per division with set promotion and relegation system, then all of sudden last year we have a 20 team div 2, then this year the uneven 3 group system. Time warp I'm back to where we we started. The league has done some great stuff such as implementing a CAT system and mandating it, but they did not make the right call on this one.


Do you really think I would talk on here if I didn't know shite :rolleyes: Please grandpa tell me why are ND on the bottom of the table when they won Div 2 last year ??? Ok lets take the last 2 years of the promoted teams ....Poco Hotspurs, ND Players, GEU Knights, Port Moody......now only the GEU knights have made in roads.....Poco dropped, ND will most likely go down, and Port Moody I think finished 8th last year and are 7th I believe this year......so what makes you think the next crop that couldn't beat these teams the last 2 years would fare better ?? ........oh because you said so ? Ok, I'll agree with that arguement. how stupid of a me to formulate my thoughts on previous trends. Let me know when the stupid hammer hits your head !!! :rolleyes:


Frodo said:
Thanks Blahzay. Maybe we will play you guys in the cup, but be careful what you wish for, Celtic are finally playing like we should. We were a little intimidated at first in Div 2. but now we're settleing into our own and we should do well. I'm not saying we'll win, but we aren't going down thats for sure. Not by a long shot.

Div 2 isn't as big of a jump from Div 3 as most would expect. Div 2 is only as good as the best teams in Div 3 like the ND Titans, Royals and Hades, although this year is different since half of Div 3 got promoted. I watched the DFC Rovers play NDNBU a while back, a great offensive team but shite D.They could be a threat in the cup. There in your club right?


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Blahzay said:
Div 2 isn't as big of a jump from Div 3 as most would expect. Div 2 is only as good as the best teams in Div 3 like the ND Titans, Royals and Hades, although this year is different since half of Div 3 got promoted. I watched the DFC Rovers play NDNBU a while back, a great offensive team but shite D.They could be a threat in the cup. There in your club right?

No I agree, it's not, but you assume that because the div 2C teams that were div 2 last year suck, that the teams that we're Div 3 last year also suck. Could it not be that they were simply new teams(as we were) that were working their way up(as we did) and really do deserve to be here?

Yes they are in our club. Funny team the Rovers. They have some not-so-good players and some that could be playing premier still. They formed a team because they were all friends that played together back in the day and wanted to play together again.


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Its to hard to go undefeated, the team may be good enough to do it but things just dont work out your way every weekend. Bad bounces, bad calls, and just bad games in general make it pretty hard to go undefeated. But it is nice to see you and poco drop some points in these last weeks lol, should make for an interesting finish.
curious said:
2b good result for everyone but the clones stars 2 clones 0 it was one of those days stars had three shots and two goals (both well taken shots) we hit the post twice,crossbar once ,off the defenders face on the goal line and four missed shots inside the six that the goalie had no saves to make on any on of those sitters plus nurmerous chances inside the eighteen oh well the undefeated season is gone and now we can get down to clone ball again starting with donegals next week ( i know 08,hp, and redwoods like this result)


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
just makin a suggestion
i do thank the people on the board for there job just somtimes i disagree
no hard feelings
also thought take the piss was here ta ave some fun and take the piss outa eachother
but if its just to post stuff without any contraversial conversation
see ya boys on the pitch

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
hoodrat said:
also thought take the piss was here ta ave some fun and take the piss outa eachother
but if its just to post stuff without any contraversial conversation
see ya boys on the pitch

thank you for that, i need more people like you around here. but since most of the guys here seem like old hard ass grandpa's that are all about 'respect' on a message board :rolleyes: i find myself turning into one of them.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
I have found a park shittier then Eagle Ridge....Association Park in Delta.....what a cow patch they play on out there!! There wasn't one patch of nice grass to be found!!

I am going to agree that Div 2c is the weakest of the three division!!! Cup??? if we don't win a game soon Wolves will be in div 3 next year!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
I am going to agree that Div 2c is the weakest of the three division!!! Cup??? if we don't win a game soon Wolves will be in div 3 next year!

If 2C is as weak as you say, then you REALLY deserve to be in Division Three.
You are at the bottom of the "weakest" group in Div 2..


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: They're doing the best they can... (I hope)

bitter_cabbage said:
Having been playing in the FVSL for close to 17 years now (ouch...that hits home...), I've heard these comments time and time again. Having run a club for many years, I've heard the bitching and the whining for too long too.
17 years? Is that all.....rookie!

bitter_cabbage said:
What I'll suggest to you Big T and the others out there is that you don't have to like it, but you should appreciate all the hard work the guys running the league do for all of us playing in it. You can't please all the folks, all the time. If you think you could do better, through your name into the ring and join the FVSL Executive, then put your stamp on it and sit back and listen to the others bitch at you.

Give the guys a break. There's no silver bullet solution, but they've got to do something.
Totally agree.... I don't like the way it is with all the bye's either in div 2 and 3, (we lucked out to be in the only div without a bye), and the way the shuffle is at relegation and promotion time will not be ideal, however, most of us on the outside don't have a clue as to what happens when it comes time to form the divisions. There are so many teams signing late, as well as new clubs applying, and the league tries to accomodate all these clubs so there's a place for all these players to play. It's a tough job to make sure every team that wants to play gets the chance to. Maybe something better could be done, but they do what they can with what they have, in the very little time they have to put it together. People in Div 2 and bottom of Div 1 have little to bitch about anyway, it's not like these are premier quality players anyway, you play to win, but it's still recreational ball....yer not gettin paid for it, and never will.
Give the guys doin all the work some credit instead of bitchin, and just be greatful you have guys like them to put in the time and effort so you schleps have a league at all to play in......That goes for the refs as well....I do my share of bitching about them as well, but the bottom line is, at least they love the game enough to come out every week-end and take the abuse so that there are games for us to play.

Mistakes are made, but remember guys, they like us are human as well. Cut some slack to all these guys who give there time.

To quote a well known "Cunning Linguist" :
... If you think you could do better, through your name into the ring and join the FVSL Executive, then put your stamp on it and sit back and listen to the others bitch at you....."
- Cunnilinguist : Bitter Cabbage


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: They're doing the best they can... (I hope)


Well said. Every FVSL meeting none of this stuff seems to get brought up.... That would because the complainers are not there to present their case.

Managers are to blame partially, do you guys know HOW many teams 3 weeks before the season was to start were still "not sure" if they'd be fielding a team?

I believe the FVSL tries to do everything fairly and obviously to the best of their ability... Do you think they actually INTEND to do something that we will not like?

My ONLY critism of the leagues decision for the prom/relegation system is that I don't know how much input they got from the teams. SO...at the next General meeting feel FREE to show up and your suggestions can be discussed and inveitably voted on...


Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Div 2A is a very competitive division. No one team has broken away from the pack yet.

Shaven what happened? You guys lost

Congrads on your win Titans. Looks like you guys will be giving it a run for top spot.

SoccerS-lut looks like you boys need to talk less and show your shite on the field. Need to score goals to win.

Surrey Rippers are a good team. Have some very skilled players that make them dangerous on offence. Red-head dude talks to much, so I spanked him

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
suburbanator said:
If 2C is as weak as you say, then you REALLY deserve to be in Division Three.
You are at the bottom of the "weakest" group in Div 2..

Thanks for the update :rolleyes: Your a smart one hey....Look how many points seperate us....not many anyone can win some games in a row and take this division.

Why don't you go watch some games in the other divisions....I will bet you that not one team in our division makes it to round three in the cup!!! I should say probabley round two but there is some div 3 teams out there.

Clones vs Delta FC Final...you heard it first here


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
Thanks for the update :rolleyes: Your a smart one hey....Look how many points seperate us....not many anyone can win some games in a row and take this division.

Why don't you go watch some games in the other divisions....I will bet you that not one team in our division makes it to round three in the cup!!! I should say probabley round two but there is some div 3 teams out there.

Clones vs Delta FC Final...you heard it first here

Close....I'll Take PoCo City United over N.Delta FC...

Side note: Just looking at our record...we're 5th place in 2C. We've beaten 3 of the teams above us, and tied the other one NO LOSSES to teams ahead ... below us we've tied one, and lost 3 (with one NP....Wolves)... NO WINS :rolleyes: Go figure!!

Analysis: The farther up we move, the less percentage we'll win!! We need to be in the basement to win the cup :D :wa:


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
Guru said:
PHhhhhttttttttt.........Hoodrat = Moron :rolleyes:

oh shite you really must be a guru

with complex script such as that maybe you could teach me some skills
and knowledge so i can be as good as you i bet you suck bench all season so maybe you do get a good look at the games please oh please give me some updates on how you team is doing down there in C :)


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
i think bothe the clones and poco could give ndfc a run
i think that the boys on the hurricanes will get their youth players for the cup and make some people cry and could make it to play ndfc for a rematch with ndfc destroying them


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom said:
thank you for that, i need more people like you around here. but since most of the guys here seem like old hard ass grandpa's that are all about 'respect' on a message board :rolleyes: i find myself turning into one of them.

no prob as it should be only respect on the pitch and at the pub but there is no way i givin anyone respect on a computer


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Franchise I can't believe that you think 2C is the weakest division, I've probably watched about 6 games in 2B and I would say the divisions are totally comparable, lets face it the Wolves aren't that bad, yet you guys are in last place. When it comes to Cup time it's going to be the hot team that wins it. I'm fairly sure that 2C will be well represented in Cup play, but then we'll just have to wait and see won't we.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
hoodrat said:
oh shite you really must be a guru
Well..... maybe not a very good one! I just picked your team to meet Poco in the final, and you trash me....well done...am I the idiot or you? ? ? ? ?

hoodrat said:
...with complex script such as that maybe you could teach me some skills and knowledge so i can be as good as you....
Well Hoodrunt, judging by your few posts so far, I'd call you functionally illiterate.... yor speelin iz atroshuss!!!!

hoodrat said:
..... i bet you suck bench all season so maybe you do get a good look at the games
You might be right.... Maybe I do suck bench.... what ever that means :confused: :rolleyes:

hoodrat said:
please oh please give me some updates on how you team is doing down there in C :)
I just did before you posted you ignoramous!!! read a couple of posts above this ----^

I did pick you to make it to the final, but you have to be in first place in your div. to even qualify for 1st. even then it's the best 3 out of 4....and once you're there (if you make it) chances are you'll be right back down the next year. Remember we did play you guys twice 2 years ago. You beat us 2 -1 and 3 - 1 (in this game we put one in our own net, and you got a PK when your striker was dribbling and stepped on the ball and fell on his own, the closest player to him was your other striker...god knows how the ref saw that one. Should have been 1 - 1. I don't see the teams being much different now either. Next year will prove to be a much different story for our club as well.
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