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Div 2 [FVSL Div 2] Results and Banter - Nov. '04

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
Thanks for the update :rolleyes: Your a smart one hey....Look how many points seperate us....not many anyone can win some games in a row and take this division.

Why don't you go watch some games in the other divisions....I will bet you that not one team in our division makes it to round three in the cup!!! I should say probabley round two but there is some div 3 teams out there.

Clones vs Delta FC Final...you heard it first here

Why Don't I watch games in other division? Man, if you really knew anything about me, or who I am you'd be in shock how many games I see in a week.

As for betting, I will take you up on that bet. Whats your wager? Cooler?


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Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
canuckboy said:
Franchise I can't believe that you think 2C is the weakest division, I've probably watched about 6 games in 2B and I would say the divisions are totally comparable, lets face it the Wolves aren't that bad, yet you guys are in last place. When it comes to Cup time it's going to be the hot team that wins it. I'm fairly sure that 2C will be well represented in Cup play, but then we'll just have to wait and see won't we.

well it seems were at the halfway point and the teams are now looking forward to cup play(those who dont have a shot at thier divisional titles) i cant wait to see the match ups when they do get posted as there seems to be four or five early favorites (poco and ndfc ) seem to be the top choices ?
although cup play always provides many upsets


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
hoodrat said:
oh shite you really must be a guru

with complex script such as that maybe you could teach me some skills
and knowledge so i can be as good as you i bet you suck bench all season so maybe you do get a good look at the games please oh please give me some updates on how you team is doing down there in C :)

Well spoken Hoodrat. I hope to god you can play soccer better than you can write. Maybe one day I'll introduce you to my friend "punctuation." Put a damn period in there somewhere, I had no idea where one sentence ended and the next began. Learn how to write yourself before you trash-talk the writings of others.
And just for your information, the sections in division 2 were decided RANDOMLY. Div 2 C is no worse than A or B, theoretically. Way to go, Einstein!

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
hoodrat said:
no prob as it should be only respect on the pitch and at the pub but there is no way i givin anyone respect on a computer

cheers to that.

Frodo said:
Well spoken Hoodrat. I hope to god you can play soccer better than you can write. Maybe one day I'll introduce you to my friend "punctuation." Put a damn period in there somewhere, I had no idea where one sentence ended and the next began. Learn how to write yourself before you trash-talk the writings of others.
And just for your information, the sections in division 2 were decided RANDOMLY. Div 2 C is no worse than A or B, theoretically. Way to go, Einstein!

you are an idiot. if you are having trouble interpreting hoodrat's posts, maybe you should learn to READ. here let me help you frodo, hoodrat is saying "you suck ass at soccer" don't kill the messanger ;)


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom said:
cheers to that.

you are an idiot. if you are having trouble interpreting hoodrat's posts, maybe you should learn to READ. here let me help you frodo, hoodrat is saying "you suck ass at soccer" don't kill the messanger ;)

Cheers Soccer Mom. I suppose I should've been a tad more literal in my blurb, for your sake. I would've thought that anyone with even a child's grasp of the poetic side of language would've been able to ascertain that I was making use of hyperbole, but I suppose I was wrong. For you soccer mom, and anyone else on here with an I.Q. in close proximity to their shoe size: a "hyperbole," is an obvious and intentional exaggeration; a figure of speech not meant to be taken literally. I hope that will clear up the misunderstanding. Now you can use your new found information to decode my post. Good luck to all.


Frodo said:
Cheers Soccer Mom. I suppose I should've been a tad more literal in my blurb, for your sake. I would've thought that anyone with even a child's grasp of the poetic side of language would've been able to ascertain that I was making use of hyperbole, but I suppose I was wrong. For you soccer mom, and anyone else on here with an I.Q. in close proximity to their shoe size: a "hyperbole," is an obvious and intentional exaggeration; a figure of speech not meant to be taken literally. I hope that will clear up the misunderstanding. Now you can use your new found information to decode my post. Good luck to all.

...alright Frodo...give me your fukcin tokens...now...


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
Frodo said:
Cheers Soccer Mom. I suppose I should've been a tad more literal in my blurb, for your sake. I would've thought that anyone with even a child's grasp of the poetic side of language would've been able to ascertain that I was making use of hyperbole, but I suppose I was wrong. For you soccer mom, and anyone else on here with an I.Q. in close proximity to their shoe size: a "hyperbole," is an obvious and intentional exaggeration; a figure of speech not meant to be taken literally. I hope that will clear up the misunderstanding. Now you can use your new found information to decode my post. Good luck to all.

well said...
thanks for the info maybe ill go back to school and learn to write...
hey wait are you sure youre not guru.....
i bet both of you got small man syndrome.......


Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
hoodrat said:
just makin a suggestion
i do thank the people on the board for there job just somtimes i disagree
no hard feelings
also thought take the piss was here ta ave some fun and take the piss outa eachother
but if its just to post stuff without any contraversial conversation
see ya boys on the pitch

ratboy, TTP is for razzin' other people online, theres no sense in whining about the league here, I don't know many league execs here, nor do I think it would make a difference if they read it here. Im not saying they run it perfectly; everyone here knows they dont. Your preaching to the choir if your whining here.


Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
hoodrat said:
well said...
thanks for the info maybe ill go back to school and learn to write...
hey wait are you sure youre not guru......
i bet both of you got small man syndrome........

Just wanted to point out the exesive period use, hoodrat...Three in a row do just fine for most people. I guess you take a little longer to complete your thought process. Also, I suppose you still haven't learned your grammar, even after all the syntax bashing, your sentences are still running into one another. Now, I have no problem desiphering this as I am used to working with the special needs children, but some of the less learned scholars and undergrads are having some difficulty. So, for the benefit of the class, could you possibly employ the grammar and spell-check features in the future?


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
Frodo said:
Well spoken Hoodrat. I hope to god you can play soccer better than you can write. Maybe one day I'll introduce you to my friend "punctuation." Put a damn period in there somewhere, I had no idea where one sentence ended and the next began. Learn how to write yourself before you trash-talk the writings of others.
And just for your information, the sections in division 2 were decided RANDOMLY. Div 2 C is no worse than A or B, theoretically. Way to go, Einstein!

i thought trash talk and writing were differant
eh u gots punctuation tele number
as for theorys
marx is my man
maybe you just need to practice more
oh how i dream this day would come true
being compared to einstein by a hobbit
run frodo run theres a fire in the shire


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
hey another small man!
i aint whinin dwarf
cause i know i aint got what it takes for any sort of organization
even if i were to learn i think i should start small say with grammar and such and maybe some time down the road i can learn other small tasks
any suggestions???


Punctuation? Spelling? Ever since the herd of Celtic folk rolled in here this message board has gone gay. Hey Dwarf and Frodo, i'm guessing both you guys play the centre back position, on and off the feild. Not that there's anything...er...um wrong with that.

Scoop Dawg

Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Talked to some of the ever aging Clones last night and they are mighty upset with
themselves, doesn't bode well for Done(gals) on the weekend , the Clones will be
out for blood on Sunday.


Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
hoodrat said:
hey another small man!
i aint whinin dwarf
cause i know i aint got what it takes for any sort of organization
even if i were to learn i think i should start small say with grammar and such and maybe some time down the road i can learn other small tasks
any suggestions???

:rolleyes: I wasn't complaining about your grammar, like I said I'm fine with it.
But if your looking for something small to tackle, try blahze's small, bent wiener. He seems to be looking pretty hard for someone else puttin'-from-the-rough, and I thought, Since your hittin' from the ladies tees anyway..?

Writing and Razzin' are different, but is there no room for a little sophisticated ruse? :confused:

Just stickin' up for the hobbits...Someone has to, as resiliant as they are, the little ones can't protect themselves you know. ;)


Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
By the way, blahzay:
"Ever since the herd of Celtic folk rolled in here" ?
I've been here longer hoodrat, and almost as long as you...It only got gay when Rats pathetic attempt to pick on the little people needed to be addressed.

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
Frodo said:
Cheers Soccer Mom. I suppose I should've been a tad more literal in my blurb, for your sake. I would've thought that anyone with even a child's grasp of the poetic side of language would've been able to ascertain that I was making use of hyperbole, but I suppose I was wrong. For you soccer mom, and anyone else on here with an I.Q. in close proximity to their shoe size: a "hyperbole," is an obvious and intentional exaggeration; a figure of speech not meant to be taken literally. I hope that will clear up the misunderstanding. Now you can use your new found information to decode my post. Good luck to all.

nice attempt to trying to pick your balls up off the floor, but i think you should just continue watching your Limited Edition Lord of the Rings DVD box set. what's hobbit talk for "I suck ass at soccer" by the way?

Blahzay said:
Punctuation? Spelling? Ever since the herd of Celtic folk rolled in here this message board has gone gay. Hey Dwarf and Frodo, i'm guessing both you guys play the centre back position, on and off the feild. Not that there's anything...er...um wrong with that.

:eek: well put blahzay, well put. we've been over this spelling shite before, no one cares but them old folk trying to get their seniors discount on ttp premium memberships.


Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom said:
well put blahzay, well put. we've been over this spelling shite before, no one cares but them old folk trying to get their seniors discount on ttp premium memberships.

Hey: If no one cares, How come everyone keeps bringing it back up. I posted twice on the subject then dropped it.
since everyone has done nothing but slag me for dragging on about it.
wake up, if you don't want to talk about it, DONT.


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Well "hoodshit", the only youth players we will be getting for the cup are the exact same ones we have been using for the past two year as they are a part of our team. ndfc destroy us? Im sure they're a good team this year as they were last year but considering we have an even better team than last year even though we got off to a slow start this year, and we're all one year older and more experienced, so i dont really see anyone "destroying us". Who do you play for anyways? Whoever it is i would love to get a chance to play against a team thats sorry enough for you to play on.QUOTE=hoodrat]i think bothe the clones and poco could give ndfc a run
i think that the boys on the hurricanes will get their youth players for the cup and make some people cry and could make it to play ndfc for a rematch with ndfc destroying them[/QUOTE]


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
hoodrat said:
well said...
thanks for the info maybe ill go back to school and learn to write...
hey wait are you sure youre not guru.....
i bet both of you got small man syndrome.......

I'm not sure school can do anything to help you man, you're most likely beyond their capabilities. Why would I be on here as Frodo and Guru??? Think before you speak man. What small man syndrome? Have I once tried to fight you? You have no idea who I even am and yet you are insulting my stature. Are you so hard up for insults that you've started to invent things about other people to make fun of? :confused: That's lame man.

hoodrat said:
i thought trash talk and writing were differant
eh u gots punctuation tele number
as for theorys
marx is my man
maybe you just need to practice more
oh how i dream this day would come true
being compared to einstein by a hobbit
run frodo run theres a fire in the shire

Aww, look, you can rhyme...how cute. I can only assume from this gem that you don't know what sarcasm is either. Well sorry Hoodrat, I don't have time to explain everything to you. Marx is your man, eh? I was wondering if you could tell me exactly WHAT his theory was. Because I'm not so sure he has any. Einstein was the one with the theory, genius.

Blahzay said:
Punctuation? Spelling? Ever since the herd of Celtic folk rolled in here this message board has gone gay. Hey Dwarf and Frodo, i'm guessing both you guys play the centre back position, on and off the feild. Not that there's anything...er...um wrong with that.

Celtic folk rolling in here? Take a look, man. I was here for 2 years before you showed up. I can only assume that "playing center back", as you put it, is some attempt at a gay joke...quite a stretch there Blahzay. But hey, points for effort.

Soccer Mom said:
...well put blahzay, well put. we've been over this spelling shite before, no one cares but them old folk trying to get their seniors discount on ttp premium memberships.

Not only have I not mentioned spelling once(it was a punctuation problem that I was addressing), but I'm almost positive that I'm younger than you are. I can say with confidence that our whole team is probably younger than you are. Inventing things in other people, just like Hoodrat, man you guys are really reaching.
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