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Div 2 [FVSL Div 2] Results and Banter - Nov. '04

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
LUFC 0 - PAU 0

Unbelievable game, Pau had nothing but about 5 shots all game and nothing that was dangerous. We must have had 20, all with ZERO finish. We were pretty hung after our halloween dance but thats no excuse for not finishing off chances against a team like that.

Credit to Peace Arch who defended well when they had too.

We really needed that one to keep in the hunt of Eagleridge, who really proved themselves Sunday with a well earned 3 points! Now we are three back and are counting on Coq Arsenal to steal 3 points for us..!!


Hades Underling

Eagleridge 1-0 Port Moody

As Legend commented earlier, a well played game between both sides on a cool (more like cold!), crisp evening. Nice if you were running, freezing if you were on the sidelines. Unfortunately, even though I was feeling better by the weekend, I was still not able to suit up in time for this game, and a heck of a game it was too.

Early going was very even, both teams testing each other out and our big break come from a freekick near the half way line which was sent into their box, nicely brought down and controlled by our mid before he put it past their keep. Once we were on top we were able to relax a little more for the rest of the half (last 20 odd minutes) with possesion about 60/40 in our favour. We even got a few more chances to increase our lead, but some excellent keeping and blocking denied any of that. Second half the Lions came out hungry (excuse the pun) and really pushed for the equalizer. Many of the crosses and high balls in looking very dangerous, but our keep was up for the task with some excellent punching and controlled his area well. There were a few times he did get a little too adventurous and was almost made to pay when a low shot from the right crept under his body and luckily for us, went wide of the goal. Last 20 odd minutes I would say Lions had posseion 70/30 and kept pressing, but we played some really solid team defense and were able to hold out until final whistle of the game. Well played Lions, that was a very good game of soccer and I'm kicking myself for not being able to play yesterday.

Probably our best game of the season so far. Ref was awesome, kept the game under control and was very fair, not taking nonsense from any player. Wish we had refs like this every week. Also it was a really nice to be on turf for a change, at least you can predict how the ball was gonna bounce as opposed to our swampy field. Look forwad to playing the Lions again.
They have a really quick backline and a very well rounded team.

Onto PAU next week. We have a good run going, hoping we can keep it up!


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Well, well...November seems to be shaping up to be quite the intersting month of matches, with no team quite running away with any of the brackets. Here is my breakdown of the three:

2A - The Royals are clearly at the top of the table, but are less than two games clear of NDFC, who look poised to tighten up the race for top spot with a win this coming weekend and Tsawwassen idle. The Rippers are falling fast from contention, but are part of a glut in mid-pack, with 6 teams within 2 points of each other! Each week in Nov. should bring a lot of movement in the table, with ERU, WRU and NDFC looking like the teams that occupy the top four spots with the Royals by month's end. Does NDFC have the consistency to leapfrog the Royals?

2B - Poco and LUFC appear to be the class of this table, with their battle for top spot likely to come down to the last week or two of the season. Week #15's clash between these two may very well settle top spot. The Hurricanes are making a mid-season push, and may well factor in to this battle, but with a 6 point deficit they may well need some help to be relevant as well as some better defending. Columbia has played well thus far, and are still within striking distance of the top if they continue to win most of their games. The loss to the Hurricanes was a minor setback, but look to see if they can rebound next Sunday and have a strong November. This table is a four-horse race, with the bottom 5 not having the strength to compete with the top four.

2C - ER Hades are the class of all Div 2, with a similar record to the Royals (2A) and one less game played. That being said, LUFC and Whalley are keeping them in striking distance, with Whalley coming out of the doldrums in October to become relevant in this battle. Port Moody is still in the fight, though dropping four points combined to LUFC and ER in their past two matches calls into question their ability to contest for top spot. Poco dropped points to bottom-of-the-table DFC last match, and that may well keep them from joining what appears to be a four-horse race for top honours. Watch for Whalley to make a November push, as they appear to have the hot squad with the ability to both fill the net and keep it out of their own.

Those are my thoughts thus far...Bring on the comments lads! I want your thoughts!


New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Whatever Shaven, Its too early to be making predictions like that. No team has played every team yet. I would wait to Christmas before making unrealistic predictions like you have. You didnt even mention anything about the Tigers and we are on our longest winning sreak of the season.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
canuck boy said:
Poco City Athletics 2 - DMU United 2 Reeves was perfect, the referee made the best of two chippy teams. Fun game to play with lots of chances for both sides, no kick and run, both teams played a nice control game.

Canuck Boy,
What game were you watching? ? ? Poco played the DFC Celtic! And we absolutely OWNED the second half.....don't believe me, ask "Johnny" from port Moody Lions who was at that game the whole time. We had maybe 60% of the play in the first, and 90% in the second.You guys were lucky not to be beaten 10 nil!! How ever, we can't finish, same as always!

One team was chippy, the other retaliated (Celtic) ...the sign of a young pissed off team ....The ref, "Chia pet" was his typical BRUTAL self. Our 5th PK, this year, and 3rd tie because of terrible PK calls in our box. Our defender, Frodo out paced the "rather large" poco forward, tucked the ball off the endline, then was raked from behind by the beast (cleat marks to prove it on his lower leg and back of the thigh), then had to be helped off the park. This tackle came from behind, while he cleared the ball. Somehow Chia pet calls our defender on a trip as the mamoth fell over top of Frodo......PK.....Poco ties it up. BRUTAL.....absolutly insulting this type of refereeing continues.... I'd rather play with no ref. How does one call tripping on the runner in front while clearing a ball? ? ? Not to mention, the ball was out of play, and no scoring chance for the behemoth sloth anyway? We've had Chia Pet 3 times, and he's cost us for two of them.....ask PM Lions how they felt about him when we played them and beat them....Bad for both sides then...We were fortunate to come out ahead, and played our best game this season to do it.

Our record sucks big time, and maybe being such a young team ('cept the Guru) we play with little inteligence. Very frustrating!! Our skills are there, just no brains to go with them. Jumping from 4th to 3rd now to 2nd in 3 years is too much, especially when it wasn't earned (promotion). We should have stayed in 3rd, and most definately would have been promoted next year on our own merrit. Although many teams came up undeservedly. I don't care where these 3rd Div. teams end up....top or second, they shouldn't be there...they didn't earn it. And Bradner should definately have not been relegated while 9 or 10 other 3rd Div teams went up.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Sheep said:
Whatever Shaven, Its too early to be making predictions like that. No team has played every team yet. I would wait to Christmas before making unrealistic predictions like you have. You didnt even mention anything about the Tigers and we are on our longest winning sreak of the season.
If you had actually read my post fully, you'd have seen that there is little or nothing in the way of predictions in it :confused:; merely my own observations and some food for thought to invite some discussion. You don't appear to have anything to discuss, so I suggest you spend more time reading and less time posting-off-at-the-mouth. As for the Tigers...do something worth mentioning, and you'll get mentioned. BBAAAA-AAAA... :rolleyes: :D :D


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Guru said:
Our record sucks big time, and maybe being such a young team ('cept the Guru) we play with little inteligence. Very frustrating!! Our skills are there, just no brains to go with them. Jumping from 4th to 3rd now to 2nd in 3 years is too much, especially when it wasn't earned (promotion). We should have stayed in 3rd, and most definately would have been promoted next year on our own merrit. Although many teams came up undeservedly. I don't care where these 3rd Div. teams end up....top or second, they shouldn't be there...they didn't earn it. And Bradner should definately have not been relegated while 9 or 10 other 3rd Div teams went up.

The whole promotion/relegation process after last season seemed to have little rhyme or reason to it, I'll agree. Good thoughts Guru, and I'll venture there are other teams in Div 2 experiencing much the same frustration you are.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
interesting that you put WRU in the race for div 2. I think you guys are alittle to far out of it but wishful thinking. I really think it will turn into a two team race with other teams creating a few upsets to make it interesting. As for div 2b definitly seem to have a strong division columbia have a really talented hard working team, I think it will stay close amongst the top 4 all year with hurricanes taking the title if and only if they beat the clones. AS for div 2c who cares bring the hades into div 2a or 2b maybe port moody and send everybody else into div 3. although there are so many bad teams in div 2c it is hard to tell if the top few teams are even good.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
interesting that you put WRU in the race for div 2. I think you guys are alittle to far out of it but wishful thinking. I really think it will turn into a two team race with other teams creating a few upsets to make it interesting. As for div 2b definitly seem to have a strong division columbia have a really talented hard working team, I think it will stay close amongst the top 4 all year with hurricanes taking the title if and only if they beat the clones. AS for div 2c who cares bring the hades into div 2a or 2b maybe port moody and send everybody else into div 3. although there are so many bad teams in div 2c it is hard to tell if the top few teams are even good.

Right...for the last time lads, I did not make any predictions in my post. bulljive, if you re-read it you'll see that I did not put WRU in the race for top spot; I merely posted that we should be in the top four by month's end. We have no allusions of taking the division, but if our strong play continues we will be among the top four. That's all, got it? :rolleyes: I do agree it will be a two-horse race in 2A, and pretty much said as much. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money

shaven said:
2B - Poco and LUFC appear to be the class of this table....

Poco is definately the best Div 2 team in any of the groups....JMO

shaven said:
2C Poco dropped points to bottom-of-the-table DFC last match, and that may well keep them from joining what appears to be a four-horse race for top honours.
See my post above for comments on that game....Poco did not drop points to the bottom dwellers, the Celtic inneptness to finish cost THEM the points. God knows how Poco has the record they have, or haow they beat ER. PAU and Poco are definately the worst teams in 2C. Except for our 3 undeserved ties, (see my post above regarding PK's) we would be in 5th with 12 points, and probably where we should be. Are we a top team in this div...no way, but also VERY unfortunate to be bottom, and don't deserve to be. That said, we've sucked this year and maybe deserve what we get. Too pissed off about yesterdays match to think straight yet.....and I think I caught a cold as well walking around last night in just my Homespun, (Hindu diaper) dressed up as Ghandi (Guru). Wasn't cold last night due to drowning my depression in alcohol, but feeling the effects today.


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Well shaven its nice to see you giving us so much credit again! Wasnt it you that predicted a swift win for the bearcats over the hurricanes this past weekend? Anyways, we lost to poco cause we had 4 red cards and a make shift lineup to begin with, i gurantee you that we dominate poco next time we play them, in matter of matter i defy anyone to to put any sort of a wager on that game in pocos favour. Im not dissing poco they were a strong team i just feel that with our full lineup they dont stand a chance. If our defense plays better? well shaven we have given up 4 goals in our past 4 games so our defense is doing just fine now. I really hope we get to play your team sometime this season so i could finally just shut your dumb ass up. I would love to hear your prediction for this weekend for the clones game, please enlighten us with your prediction. You were right about the bearcats though, they probably will bounce back because they have a pretty good young squad.
shaven said:
Well, well...November seems to be shaping up to be quite the intersting month of matches, with no team quite running away with any of the brackets. Here is my breakdown of the three:

2A - The Royals are clearly at the top of the table, but are less than two games clear of NDFC, who look poised to tighten up the race for top spot with a win this coming weekend and Tsawwassen idle. The Rippers are falling fast from contention, but are part of a glut in mid-pack, with 6 teams within 2 points of each other! Each week in Nov. should bring a lot of movement in the table, with ERU, WRU and NDFC looking like the teams that occupy the top four spots with the Royals by month's end. Does NDFC have the consistency to leapfrog the Royals?

2B - Poco and LUFC appear to be the class of this table, with their battle for top spot likely to come down to the last week or two of the season. Week #15's clash between these two may very well settle top spot. The Hurricanes are making a mid-season push, and may well factor in to this battle, but with a 6 point deficit they may well need some help to be relevant as well as some better defending. Columbia has played well thus far, and are still within striking distance of the top if they continue to win most of their games. The loss to the Hurricanes was a minor setback, but look to see if they can rebound next Sunday and have a strong November. This table is a four-horse race, with the bottom 5 not having the strength to compete with the top four.

2C - ER Hades are the class of all Div 2, with a similar record to the Royals (2A) and one less game played. That being said, LUFC and Whalley are keeping them in striking distance, with Whalley coming out of the doldrums in October to become relevant in this battle. Port Moody is still in the fight, though dropping four points combined to LUFC and ER in their past two matches calls into question their ability to contest for top spot. Poco dropped points to bottom-of-the-table DFC last match, and that may well keep them from joining what appears to be a four-horse race for top honours. Watch for Whalley to make a November push, as they appear to have the hot squad with the ability to both fill the net and keep it out of their own.

Those are my thoughts thus far...Bring on the comments lads! I want your thoughts!


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
08star said:
Well shaven its nice to see you giving us so much credit again! Wasnt it you that predicted a swift win for the bearcats over the hurricanes this past weekend?.
I did have the scoreline right, at least, but I guess I had the winner and loser backwards....should work on that... :D :D :D
Actually 08star, I thought I was giving your squad credit...my bad, I'll make sure to give you less next time. What was I thinking??? :rolleyes:


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Hurricanes over Clones this week-end in a squeeker ...... Poco over GEU in a romp! Poco will be in 1st alone. Then they'll be there for a while...if not the rest of the season. The Key with Poco is that they haven't given up a goal against any of the bottom 4 teams, and have only given up only one per game to the 4 teams directly below. I don't see that trend changing either.

The return match between these two is in Cloverdale, on turf.... whatthefcuk? ?
As long as it's not at that shite Straberry Hill mud bath, Poco will win on turf.
Poco 4 Hurricanes 2


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Shaven, is that your team that played at South surrey #5 esterday, in the terrible Vanilla Ice cream color and white stripes? Just wondering as i was coaching at 2:30 pm on field 6.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
BlazeArmy said:
Shaven, is that your team that played at South surrey #5 esterday, in the terrible Vanilla Ice cream color and white stripes? Just wondering as i was coaching at 2:30 pm on field 6.
We played at 12:00 on field #5, and were finished at about 1:45...our alternate jerseys are yellow and white vertical stripes, so if that's what you saw at that time, then yes that's WRU, and that's my sqaud. If it was closer to 2:30, we had left the park already. I'm #13, in case you were wondering and you did in fact see my squad. So, was it us?

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
Sheep said:
Whatever Shaven, Its too early to be making predictions like that. No team has played every team yet. I would wait to Christmas before making unrealistic predictions like you have. You didnt even mention anything about the Tigers and we are on our longest winning sreak of the season.

i also fail to see where shaven made any predictions....get your head out of your ass dude, i dunno where you come up with some of the stuff you say.

Guru said:
Although many teams came up undeservedly. I don't care where these 3rd Div. teams end up....top or second, they shouldn't be there...they didn't earn it. And Bradner should definately have not been relegated while 9 or 10 other 3rd Div teams went up.

i disagree, ya there are probably a few teams that shouldn't be in div 2 that moved up undeservedly from div 3, there are a select 2 or 3 that should be here. from what i heard the royals were selected to move up based on our play in the summer. ahh well, shite happens.

bulljive said:
interesting that you put WRU in the race for div 2. I think you guys are alittle to far out of it but wishful thinking. I really think it will turn into a two team race with other teams creating a few upsets to make it interesting. As for div 2b definitly seem to have a strong division columbia have a really talented hard working team, I think it will stay close amongst the top 4 all year with hurricanes taking the title if and only if they beat the clones. AS for div 2c who cares bring the hades into div 2a or 2b maybe port moody and send everybody else into div 3. although there are so many bad teams in div 2c it is hard to tell if the top few teams are even good.

totally agree bulljive. the royals defense is starting to pick up aswell, we've only allowed 2 goals our past 4 games. we've also just signed a new mid fielder, pretty fast dude. if there was one team in 2A that could compete with the royals and ndfc, i'd have to say it's the rippers. just have to see if they can pull it together without saint jr or whoever that guy was they lost.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom said:
since when and why did you become a mod shaven?
Recently, and I was asked to. Thought it would be a good challenge, as someone has to keep y'all in line ;) . Any objections Mom? :D


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom said:
i disagree, ya there are probably a few teams that shouldn't be in div 2 that moved up undeservedly from div 3, there are a select 2 or 3 that should be here. from what i heard the royals were selected to move up based on our play in the summer. ahh well, shite happens.

No way Soccer MILF,

I've already bantered this back in October, but I'll try and sum up.
What's the point of promotion and relegation if you choose a dozen other teams to move up anyway? Just because you can compete, doesn't mean you should be there. The system has set up a format as a way of filtering, so that eventually every team is where they should be. The big problem is that the league didn't want 5 divisions. And to speed "NEW" teams up who should be playing at a higher level, they made Div 2 last year 20 teams. And trashed Div. 4. That was fine in theory, but they had all 20 teams in one group, which didn't help at all. Right now they have 3 groups for Div 2, (which is ok) but the numbers are off and there are byes for 4 teams every week in Div 2 and Div. 3 combined. Should have left the odd number mess for Div 3. and leave the upper divisions alone.

*Premier, CAT, Div 1 should all have 10 teams....top two go up, bottom two go down.
*Make Div 2 into two groups, (10 teams in each) top in each go up, bottom 2 in Div 1 go down.
*Div 3 make into 3 equal groups (10 teams or 8 teams in each) and bring up the top in each, and drop the bottom 3 from second.
*in the event that the groups would be uneven due to having an odd number of teams join the league, there is a waiting list.
*Any team that drops out of any Division, is filled with the next in line, and goes down the line to each Division.

Also....by arbitrairily saying: "Team X in the summer did well, so lets move them up to 2nd", is rediculous. What has that got to do with the winter league. Summer should have no bearing on winter at all.

Anyway, my point is it's a mess and needs to be straightened and clarrified for next year. Hard fast rules should be in place for advancement by order of league finish.
Just because a team CAN compete, doesn't give them the right to...they must prove it over a year in the lower division and earn it.

Ya I know I've said all this before....yada yada yada!!
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