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Div 2 [FVSL Div 2] Results and Banter - Nov. '04

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Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
Port Moody Lions vs Delta Metro Utd. Moody 4-0

LUFC Dynamo vs Eagleridge Hades I'll take Hades 2-1

Dewdney FC Celtic vs Whalley Utd. I'll take Whalley 4-1

Peace Arch Selects vs Coq. City Arsena Peace Arch winning 3-1

GEU Wolves vs PoCo City Athletic I'm going with a tie 1-1 but if we change the system it will be the wolves 3-1

Guru Picks:
Port Moody Lions vs Delta Metro Utd. Moody should be back on track and hungry to stay in th hunt .... Moody 3 - 1

LUFC Dynamo vs Eagleridge Hades These teams are very similar in stats and in style, Neither will want to risk losing, so will be played tight defensively ... Tie 1 - 1

Dewdney FC Celtic vs Whalley Utd. Whalley has a distinct advantage putting the ball in the net, but take away the 5 pks, and Celtic have a stronger defense....which Hades, LUFC and Lions can attest to.
Franchise: Celtic have only given up 4 goals in one game ONCE in 3 years....that was year to the Hurricanes (again it all started on an iffy PK) Whalley 2 - 1 **That hurts to say, but Frodo will back me on the reasoning I'm sure :knvb:

Peace Arch Selects vs Coq. City Arsena Coquitlam is a strange group, but PAU will be the team relegated this year....and for good reason (great group of guys, just not enough there for a div 2 team) C.C. Arsenal 2- 0

GEU Wolves vs PoCo City Athletic Havent run into the Wolves yet this year, but PoCo is just one notch above PAU Wolves 2 - 1


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
..............and constant Dewdney FC having a phone conversion on the forum.

Frenchfries: Why would you say this? ? ? Show me any sign of chatter between any of the DFC people here? It's all been back and forth between other clubs.

OK - FYI, the only 3 DFC posters here are Frodo, Shifty and myself....now to go one further, we all live in the same house, so why would we chat here? I could just shift my cranium to the left or right and have a conversation with either of the other two!! :rolleyes:

Anyone calls us any genderbending stoopud names needs a labotomy!

Although we are all extremely good looking male specimens, we share our affections with the ladies only!! :cool:

As you were...


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
so lads its football talk you want
the lions will beat DMU if they can score dont know the stats they got this year but i am sure they have the same team as they have had since youth and their problem was always goals for.

i have never seen LUFC play so i will assume they can only be better that eagleridge
by 1 goal. do you know if eagleridge has picked up a great deal of talent this year because i am shocked to hear of their performance. although i realize every year is differant last i saw them play they were fast but it didnt look like they could play ball

as for the other games in your pool
i agree with frenchfries
unless that is the poco team that made it to the final 4 in cup last year.
if it is they will loose 1-0 or win 5-0
high hopes i guess

and hey guru you dont own this shite so dont get down if some of us like to have fun
your like ****in warden and if you would like to include your thoughts on the rest of the DIV. i'd be happy to give my 2 cents
p.S. and dont gimmie any crap about how you never said you own this shite


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Alright, Hoodrat, Blazhay, and Soccer Mom,
I'm not gonna take this opportunity to shut down everything you've said about me and DFC...as I, and everyone else on TTP knows I could very well do, and since Shifty and Guru have pretty much said it all. Instead, I'm gonna have to agree with the others...it was a stupid conversation, brought forth with unsubstantiated insults and childish name calling. I for one am gonna move on from here and get back to why we're all really on TTP in the first place...slagging you all as a soccer players. ;) :D


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
I can't wait till playoffs get posted......it will kind of nice to play a team out of the two divisions of 10 :rolleyes:

Port Moody Lions vs Delta Metro Utd. Moody 4-0...good god how does Delta beat teams :confused:

LUFC Dynamo vs Eagleridge Hades Two teams that I think are over achieveing...both solid squads but any team in this division can beat. I'll take Hades 2-1

Dewdney FC Celtic vs Whalley Utd. Whalley isn't impressive but finds ways to out score other teams....MAN IF WE HAD A KEEP WHEN WE PLAYED THEM :mad: I'll take Whalley 4-1 although they have weakness on there backline so if Dewdney can put a ball in the net it could be close.

Peace Arch Selects vs Coq. City Arsena Two teams that should be fighting it out for relegation....Arsenal young and like to drink before games, they can't score but seem to find ways to keep it out of there net. Peace Arch was horriable when we saw them, they fight with each other and are slow....I am going for the upset and see Peace Arch winning 3-1

GEU Wolves vs PoCo City Athletic Close game last time they met, Poco has a strong mid but defense is kinda suspect.....Wolves are playing a horrible system that doesn't compliment them at all....It kinda looks like the Devils trap.... :rolleyes: I'm going with a tie 1-1 but if we change the system it will be the wolves 3-1

Port Moody Lions vs Delta Metro Utd I'm gonna have to agree with Moody, but more like 2 or 3 - 1.

LUFC Dynamo vs Eagleridge Hades Although we beat them both (DFC Rules), I'd have to say LUFC was the better squad. They have more experience and though we beat them, they really did outplay us. LUFC 2 - 1.

Dewdney FC Celtic vs Whalley Utd. I have to agree with Guru on this one. There's no way they're gonna get 4 on us. If they play anything like they did in our first match, We'll take that one 2 - 1. However if they play like everyone else sais they can, It could go either way.

Peace Arch Selects vs Coq. City Arsena Tough to say on this one, neither team is all that good. God knows how Peace Arch was able to beat us(no wait, it was due to our entire back line going away that weekend...bastards). I'm gonna go nil - nil on this one.

GEU Wolves vs PoCo City Athletic Haven't played the Wolves yet, as they punked out of our match the first time. Wolves can't seem to get many goals, and PoCo can't seem to stop em. This one could go either way...it all depends on if the teams play offensive or defensive.


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
hoodrat said:
did your guru spank you and make you shut it?
got any banter or are you going suit and tie

No no, I was just getting board, and I hate picking on the mentally handicapped. Guru can't spank me, dude, he has to save all his strength for your mother. She's a vixen.


suburbanator said:
Based on our finish last season with one bloody loss we should be doing MUCH better this season at this division, in fact all of us are drastically disappointed so far...at the same time we are at least excited at the reasonable level of competition so far in our first season at this spot.

What Div were you guys in last year? I'm going to guess your last years Lightning in U21?

Eagle Ridge sure sent Shaven into a deep state of depression, I haven't seen him in a few days.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Frodo said:
No no, I was just getting board, and I hate picking on the mentally handicapped. Guru can't spank me, dude, he has to save all his strength for your mother. She's a vixen.
Mom jokes are weak. Very weak.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Blahzay said:
What Div were you guys in last year? I'm going to guess your last years Lightning in U21?


Most of us played LUFC Cat last season, about 8 of our guys anyhow. We decided to split from the Prem/Cat program and go out on our own (but still within the LUFC club) because the Cat division was not working for us as a team building thing. Our Club had an opening at the Division Two spot that we just moved into. The balance of our former division two team moved to division one (Hence the trouble they are having).

Our weakness is that we had to pickup 5-6 players from Division Three to fill out our roster after the move. It has turned out well though, with a great group of guys on the team now and bottom line is we are having fun so far.....

Good guess attempt however as most of our guys (all who played together in U21 about three years ago) are only 21-23 in age. I believe we came out of U21 the same time the PM Lions Did as I remember some of them from there I believe.


Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money


Some big matches this week in Div 2A. We got the bye, so we will do lots of drinking this weekend and get ready to make a run at first place, starting with the titans next week! Might catch the twassawsen game on the weekend. Maybe i'll see soccer slut getting dressed!


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
hoodrat said:
....and hey guru you dont own this shite so dont get down if some of us like to have fun your like ****in warden
p.S. and dont gimmie any crap about how you never said you own this shite
I 'm not gonna get sucked into a pissy match with you... all I did was agree with a couple of other posters here when they suggested getting back to SOCCER, and stop using this in a "phone conversation" manner. There was way too many posts OFF TOPIC, and it's a watse of time pouring over all the crud just to get to the real posts.

BTW, what does "...you dont own this shite..." mean?

hoodrat said:
.... if you would like to include your thoughts on the rest of the DIV. i'd be happy to give my 2 cents
Thamks for the offer, if I have a question you'll be the first person I ask. For now, I have no thoughts on the other groups, I haven't seen any games from outside 2C. And frankly they mean nothing to me. I keep my comments directed to my own group. Any comments made by people outside your own group are not valid anyway.

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
G-fence said:


Some big matches this week in Div 2A. We got the bye, so we will do lots of drinking this weekend and get ready to make a run at first place, starting with the titans next week! Might catch the twassawsen game on the weekend. Maybe i'll see soccer slut getting dressed!

you seem quite concerned about bulljive and shaven not being around, i guess you miss your off field action with them :eek: :wa:

in that case, i'd rather you not come out to our game this weekend, though i doubt you would make the hour long trip anyways.


Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Your soooooooooooo funny soccer slut.

Are you telling me not to drive an hour because you already no it won't be worth my while?

Is that because your not going to be there, or that you know your team is going to lose?

WRU needs this win after giving up three points last week. Look for shaven to kick some ass.

And whats with all the gay talk on this site? Just cause a guy is asking about another guy, doesn't make him gay.

I'd be concerned about my sexuality if I had a name like soccer mom!!!

ABBY to score :bronco: :wa: :knvb: :bronco: :wa: :knvb: :knvb: :wa: :bronco: off the field!

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
G-fence said:
Your soooooooooooo funny soccer slut.

Are you telling me not to drive an hour because you already no it won't be worth my while?

Is that because your not going to be there, or that you know your team is going to lose?

WRU needs this win after giving up three points last week. Look for shaven to kick some ass.

And whats with all the gay talk on this site? Just cause a guy is asking about another guy, doesn't make him gay.

I'd be concerned about my sexuality if I had a name like soccer mom!!!

ABBY to score off the field!

it was a joke buddy take it easy there. i was joking not to come cuz i'm scared you'll try and grab my ass or something :eek: i'm not gonna touch on that anymore cuz i'll be asking for a ban.

and you betta believe i'll be there, i dunno how we'll do though. i don't like to make predictions on my own games. the only one i have this year was against NDFC i called 2-1 win for the royals, and damn was i dead on :D

soccer mom is a dope alias, i don't give a shite if you think it's gay.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Guru said:
Hey RG: That's not what your mom said last night, she loves a good mum ribbing ! :D
Hey easy Guru maybe you should think a little before you speak as not everyone may be as fortunate as yourself to still have two parents alive? Obviously not intentional Therob but maybe a lesson learned for the guy.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
girth said:
Hey easy Guru maybe you should think a little before you speak as not everyone may be as fortunate as yourself to still have two parents alive? Obviously not intentional Therob but maybe a lesson learned for the guy.

I realized that very thing after I posted it. As I told theRob, it was more just an intentional lame comment from me because of what theRob said. I assure you it wasn't intended as a personal jab. And by the way, I don't have 2 parents, I have one, and my wife has neither, but unless the person taking a shot at me knows that, then you have to chalk it up as just a joke, and nothing personal.

We can't live our lives walking on egg shells, I don't believe ANY comments here should be taken seriously. Most here don't even know each other so the majority of comments are really just to rile a response.

Anyway, for anyone who was offended by my comment, I appologize, as I said, purely unintentional.

....back to some piss taking......
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