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[Co-Ed] Pre-Season Rumors

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
knvb said:
As for HoS, you can have him, look how many titles he helped us win... Besides we have the best keeper in the AMSL in Besty. He's got more shut-outs in the VMSL than HoS does too.

Can anyone hear that?
It is more Dragons jumping ship now that one of the biggest try-hards in the league is running the once Mighty Club. knvb, I have won a title, with the Dragons, far before you were around, in fact I think you were trying to get laid with Guinny at Cheers with the line "hey I play for Slurrey United, we are in the VMSL now!"
We did not care about winning the title, even though it was a great weekend when we did, ask Old Reggy about it.

Your comment about Besty, all I can say is, True Dat, true dat.

What has happened to the Dragons?



New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Hands of Stone said:
What has happened to the Dragons?

That's a good question. Here I am working hard to get back into shape for a comeback and the team is falling apart?

I blame society.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Just got back from the meeting,have to admit double kick in the ass 1)lost out in work tonight 2)meeting disorganized and a waste of time!!Have to admit when JR was prez at least there was an agenda :confused: As for league breakdown 10 teams in comp and 10 teams in rec.Everyone plays eachother once in own div and then a 5 game crossover random draw.League tournament will be april 30th may 1st at reeves park.As for KNVB being in charge of Dragons,HOS not to worry he wasn't at the meeting.But I'm now worried as there is a new Dragon lady in charge and she has signed 4 young guns to a 1yr contract plus an option.Seems she is in tight with a few SU girls and was at there fundraiser on tuesday and assured them that KNVB was strictly just in charge of the cooler and running the line for Dragons.Not used to losing especially off the field.So if any females are interested in being a young gun,please pm KNVB seeing as he's already started with the poaching!! :mad: :mad:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Easy now pop tart, I was working late tonight and the new 'dragon lady' never called to tell me where we were suppose to meet. (Or did she by not calling?) Not only are the Dragons going to ink 3 former young gun ladies, we've also just signed another former lady in Dapotayto.

They were suppose to discuss at the meeting the .5 lady rule. 4.5 ladies to 6.5 guys on the park at the same time. How ever will Dap, Spazz and Striker 14 get game time if they didn't?


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I'd snatch up the YG girl with the mean left hook. She's always ready to go someone and comes to play.



Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Conductor said:
But I'm now worried as there is a new Dragon lady in charge
I'm sure the Dragons have full confidence in the new management :wa: .
Conductor said:
and she has signed 4 young guns to a 1yr contract plus an option.
Naturally, that's how you bring forces together on/off the field ;)

Conductor said:
.Not used to losing especially off the field.So if any females are interested in being a young gun,please pm KNVB seeing as he's already started with the poaching!! :mad: :mad:
Those are his dirty ways, he just needed a few ladies to step away (get injured) from the team to fill in the blanks :eek: . Apparently LWM and AJ's shoes are REALLY big to fill. :eek: ;)

If Dap is on the squad, I'm sorry I left so early...Don't smoke too much b/4 the games bro:eek:


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Looked into Dial's comments about YG's possibly getting SC,found out that Dragons had no problem releasing her.Only problem is that she won't pass the physical and will be out of soccer for the summer anyways :rolleyes: Oh well YG still on the look out for female players!!


Aug 21, 2001
Dirty Money
you not only got the spelling of my name wrong,
you also dialed the wrong # unless it was you with
the heavy breathing prank calls!


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
SC said:
If Dap is on the squad, I'm sorry I left so early...Don't smoke too much b/4 the games bro:eek:

Okay, Mom. Don't worry I'll wear clean underwear too just in case I have an accident. Of course if I have an accident in my pants I won't have clean underwear but that is life's big dilemma isn't it? That and trying to figure out what Bjorn Borg and Bjork would name their kid if they got married. I'm think Bjonk. Also, I am volunteering my services as a pre-game gender checker for all the ladies in the league. Free of charge.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Knowone, the heavy breathing was Megs... Sorry mate, I wanted to do it, but we thought my distinct deep breathing voice was a dead give away???

Originally made up by HOS
in fact I think you were trying to get laid with Guinny at Cheers with the line "hey I play for Slurrey United, we are in the VMSL now!"
Completely false mate... First off we were standing in the VIP line up outside the Ozone and secondly, KNVB only gets cheeky on the internet... In fact, of the many nights out at a club with Beeker, I've only seen him talk to a strange bird (one who was not affiliated with the group we were with) twice...
The first time was for directions to the pisser and the other time he was hitting (what he thought was a "stranger") on K-Vale at the Blue mule in Penny... :rolleyes: Donkey!!! ;)


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Sorry but this is a long rant so grab a coffee.

Conductor said:
Just got back from the meeting,have to admit double kick in the ass 1)lost out in work tonight 2)meeting disorganized and a waste of time!!Have to admit when JR was prez at least there was an agenda :confused: As for league breakdown 10 teams in comp and 10 teams in rec.Everyone plays eachother once in own div and then a 5 game crossover random draw.League tournament will be april 30th may 1st at reeves park.

I agree with you conductor the meeting should have been organized better but I thought the meeting was for grown adults and not children. Maybe next time we can schedule quiet time and have a play pen for the kids that get out of hand.
It also was my mistake to try and put the top ten teams in the competitive division and the weaker ten teams in a recreational division. The problem was that nobody told me it was league policy that new teams start at the top and have to work their way down. Wait till the other leagues around the world get word of this ground breaker we came up with, soon they will all be following in our wisdom.
Crossovers between divisions may not be the best solution but the weaker teams in the competitive div. are not as thrilled to play teams full of world beaters twice. I know it sounds crazy, you would think they should be honored to play a team that can run the score up to double digits.

I am sorry that you had to miss work but if we didn't have your contributions about how the voluteers should run the league we would have all been at a loss. Lets see if I can sum up what I remember you had to say.

1) New teams should have to bring a field with them in order to be let in the league. Now that was a good point even though we have enough field space for twenty teams the extra fields are needed. Sorry I missed that one.

2) New teams are suppose to start in competitive regardless of how strong they are. You can take credit for that one when other leagues want to follow our example.

3) We shouldn't have crossovers because you don't want to play the weaker teams unless of course we forced them into the competitive division and you get to beat up on them twice.

I am sure you had a lot more to say but you will have to forgive me, I tuned certain people out after awhile.

What I can't figure out is the people who have so much to say about the league were pretty silent when we were looking for volunteers to run things. Next year when we are looking for someone to run the league I will be sure to listen to you then. In fact I will go one step further and let you know I am listening right now so feel free to offer your services, the job comes with great perks.

Competitive teams 25% of the league but 75% of the problems.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
On that note. Was there anything constructive that did come out of the meeting?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Sounds like everything will be going ahead with the tournment on April 30 and May 1st and the league following it. Not every team is happy with the league format but if we tried to keep every team happy we would have twenty different leagues. Are you looking for a job?

BTW I meant to say the new teams start at the top and work their way down. What interest me is teams want the new teams in competitive but the year a new team came in with a guy wearing jean shorts they all complained that they had to play that team. Interesting and no I wasn't in charge that year.


New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money
I assume the Conductor is one of the SUPER Try Hards in the league who runs around whacking everyone? Maybe there should be a 5 Team competetive division where they play each other 3 or 4 times. That way they can beat up on each other instead of the people that play co-ed summer for the beer and good times. I love watching/playing in games when a team loses by 6 or 7. Great for the try hards ego's. :rolleyes:

STD is right.....until people volunteer their time than knowbody should critisize(too much ;) )


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
STD,your a knob who didn't have control of the meeting is what my point is!!Don't get me wrong what you are volunteering to do is a shitty job that most people don't or won't do!!I'm not the one who was against crossover look to BDGC about that.Yg has never run up the score on anyone in league play,mind you we have been slapped hard before!!In the years past it was always said that any new teams coming into the league had to have a field with them.My apologies to you for already knowing that the league had the fields.But thanks for basically telling the league what you were doing and not taking a vote on it,.Which brings another point up about the problems last night.Telling teams like Beernuts,Cosmos and Gunners that they had to move up to comp,without informing them about it and maybe even asking them about it.All 3 teams were surprised to hear it last night hence the debate.Also the only new team that I suggested should play in comp was the one new team that didn't have a representitive there last night.I didn't think your team or Barry FC should have to go up.As for dealing with adult's not children,that's kind of what it felt like last night a little bit of a free for all.No agenda or minutes from last year,usually they at least do the tournament draw at the meeting(not Times)just group where you pick a number out for yourself so that it's not fixed,decide on the discipline committie,even go around the room and announce who you are and what team your with!!Like I said I wouldn't want your job but if your gonna step up and do it maybe call JR for pointers
I tuned certain people out after awhile.
Exactly what I felt happened to you last night!!


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
To Balsa,you must know me well
I assume the Conductor is one of the SUPER Try Hards in the league who runs around whacking everyone?
I try to play about 80 minutes a game the other 10 minutes I use for my valuable smoke break!!As for the competetive talk I can't remember YG scoring 6 goals combined into two games.If everyone is gung ho about rec,than why have a ref and even keep score.At $25 a game for the ref times 14 games look at all the money you could put towards booze and food for the b-bq.My apologies to those rec teams that I know want the fun of the game with the after party,but do still want to keep track of stats!! ;)


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Conductor said:
Yg has never run up the score on anyone in league play
Conductor said:
I can't remember YG scoring 6 goals combined into two games.
How about in 1 game.
See attached image


Doesn't sound like you tried to help settle the situation or give him a hand or pointers either though. It's easy to tell someone what they should have done then walk out of the meeting and complain about it, but it's another thing to offer some assistance in the matter.

I do agree that new teams should start in rec and work up to competitive. Every other league does this. I remember the team that had the guy in jean shorts and i believe they were way out matched in competitive and got hammered every game, not fun for them i imagine.

If we didn't have refs and keep track of scores how would you know you won the league? You also wouldn't be able to make up championship t-shirts either.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Agreed. I seem to recall a handful of matches where YG Inc won by a touchdown. Yoda, where did you find those stats? The links I follow bring me to the 2002 schedule.

As for new teams having to play in competitive, it's not the competitive teams who are requesting this; it's the recreational teams that do not want to play up. New teams don't really have a say in these things, thus are thrown to the wolves. All in the spirt of recreational soccer. ;)

I thought the reason we started recreational/competitive divisions was because new teams wearing tie-dyed shirts and jean shorts were getting destroyed? I guess some of us have a selective memory.

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