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BCPL- BC Premier League: Proposal


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Quickly? its been a year...
You all act like its brain surgery.
Its fricken soccer..you show up you put on your boots and play...
We joined the PCSL ,sort of the same idea, actually the same idea.
We made not one single change and played..we didnt need a business plan or years of talking or discussing.
We dont need years of talking to play the Island for Provincials either. Hell I pick up the phone and call VMSL teams all the time for games and I sure s hell didnt need to call a meeting for that....

Why do i like this so much...Well I love to play games. Lots of games vs lots of different teams. Teams from all over. I like meeting new people who share my love of the game.
The more people I meet the more I learn. So many different Ideas and experiences.

And the way things now in Soccer Canada are...How can you say that anything...and I mean anything wont make Soccer better here.
You may be happy being in last place or striving for mediocrity. But I want more.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Actually, you're right, the Premier teams have pulled out...Azzi's closing remark upon us telling him we're out and wish to move forward with a 14 team Premier division next season was, "Okay...you guys know we're going to look like idiots...this may be my final VMSL meeting". If Azzi tries to move forward with this, it'll create a bigger disaster than this one he got himself into, but you seem to be more in the know than any of us Ghouse, so if what you say is true and our meeting last night means nothing, have fun playing against Akal, Vancouver Olympics, and Sapperton, or whoever else Azzi promotes to the BCPL...what a top-class league it will be!!! :eek:

We will have fun playing who ever we play..
What people say in a group is not always what they Do alone.

You cant make anyone stay or go..
When the time comes we shall see who stays and who goes.
No big deal.

Remember the teams going still play in the Domestic cups.
Still are apart of the league and still get Provincial berths...It was voted on and passed at the AGM.
I do believe also put in motion with BC Soccer. Yes it was.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
You joined the PCSL? You mean you joined a league already in existence for 50+ years? I can't figure out why that went so smooth for you. Great points, Ghouse. I'll get my coat.

And we're in 6th now.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money

This is realy looking like a fist fcuk.

I guess I feel bad for the execs that have put in a lot of time into this only to see it blow-up in their faces.

Who cares about the execs... What about the people who spent countless hours creating the bcpl web site:D


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Perhaps a lesson was learned here where it might not be a bad idea to get things in writing? Circulate meeting minutes within 7 days of a meeting taking place?

I agree 100% and I think the point was made clearly.

But all I hear all the time is criticism towards Azzi. As I said last night; If Azzi goes who's going to step up and go on the ballot? None of us fcuks! Take the good with the bad, people. Right now it does look like a fist fcuk because everything is being aired on the forum. Have any of you ever been in a brainstorming session, better yet an executive board meeting? First of all, all the BS that is said, suggested and done stays in the meeting room,the light weights will spit out the dribble and made feel important but in the end the uppers take control and it all comes out with direction.

A bit of a ramble...but so be it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Perhaps the BCPL should be called div.1. I mean it can't be called "premier" with top teams declining....:D


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
Dirty Money
WAB, when you say the uppers take control and lead with direction, does that mean a certain person comes out of said meeting after hearing that out of the 11 teams present, only one was for while 8 were definite no's, and 2 others were no as it stood, and this certain person feels the need to send out personal e-mails to very certain select few to try to reverse everything that went on last night. Sounds self-serving to me, and very unethical. After slagging your club last night after you left, I am sure he has done an about face today to ally himself with you to get his goal accomplished. Great direction indeed. Also, I agree that this isn't where things of this nature should be aired, however, I among others, were under the impression things were aired last night, only to find today, people want to flip flop.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
I do feel Azzi could have been more clear and given more info and explained things better to his clubs from the start. I feel if the VMSL knew more and were more involved as the FVSL and VISL teams were from the start ,we wouldnt be at the point we are in now.
From what I read most like the idea they just want more answers and dont want to be forced into it. Forced into anything without information and some sort of plan is not good.
I know whats going on and have asked questions and am comfortable with what I have been told.
I get the big picture and can see how it will effect my team.
I see what I will need to do to make it work.
This is why I am so pro the new division. Cause I have had all my questions answered.
I am not in the dark. I understand.
Whatever happens, who ever plays or does not play. I am not going away and will be a club in support of change until it happens. I will voice my opiniun and more so ,I will take action until all of BCs SR Men are United under 1 Umbrella.

I believe it will make soccer better here.
Derby matches are great, But when thats all you have, the excitement goes away.
This division will allow fans/players/friends and family something new and exciting to support. Its done everywhere in the world. And will actually bring back the excitement to the local derby matches.
I go to as many games as possable.
And when I hear and read that there was a big crowd out and 200 is a big crowd...I laugh to myself because more people go to watch Burnaby play Surrey in the BCJHL than the best 2 soccer teams in BC or Canada for that matter cause really I believe they are the best 2 teams in Canada.
We need change to bring Soccer back to the top of local spectator sports because what we have now is not working.
You want sponsors...well who would sponcer anything where no spectators are involved.
I say build it and they will come.....


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
The provincial cup has already been built ghouse and guess what? They ain't coming.

You have to go get them and you have to have a plan.

Thriller - good points.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I agree 100% and I think the point was made clearly.

But all I hear all the time is criticism towards Azzi. As I said last night; If Azzi goes who's going to step up and go on the ballot? None of us fcuks! Take the good with the bad, people. Right now it does look like a fist fcuk because everything is being aired on the forum. Have any of you ever been in a brainstorming session, better yet an executive board meeting? First of all, all the BS that is said, suggested and done stays in the meeting room,the light weights will spit out the dribble and made feel important but in the end the uppers take control and it all comes out with direction.

A bit of a ramble...but so be it.

Yes, and involving decisions required by memberships and board of directors. Nothing gets done easily or quickly. Too many stakeholders inevitably have a lot of questions and concerns that need addressing. It's a pain in the ass, but it is the reality of being on a BOD.

Initiatives like this takes a full year plus of proper planning before fruition. Sorry Ghouse, but doing things right, when there are so many stakeholders, is a long and difficult task. If this (the VMSL, the FVSL, and the VISL) were your company and you were the sole proprietor or sole shareholder, you could do whatever you want. But it isn’t. You just can’t “throw your boots on and go play soccer”. In this case, you have three societies, each run by boards accountable to huge memberships. You need a full proposal and business plan written and distributed, and a town forum or more w/ the membership to meet, debate, and vote. I understand that at least at the FVSL, the membership met, and voted on this. My understanding is that minutes exist, though I've never had a reason or desire to chase them down. I guess what I'm saying is that it has seemed fairly transparent on this end (though I understand some teams are still not liking the idea).

There was an original written draft of the BCPL, but it is not known what has been revised / dialed in beyond this. That continues to be where the information gap lies- in the logistics and fine details. Way back, members of the league(s) in question- mostly VMSL squads- starting airing questions on this board, due to lack of information…rightly or wrongly, this seems to be the only place to go when there are no clear answers. That led to innuendo and misinformation making the rounds. FFS, even today we have two totally contrasting storylines...one that says the BCPL is tabled for a year to allow some fine tuning, and Ghouse saying that it will go ahead next season no matter what.

Why should the members take it seriously if there is STILL no definitive written word?

Personally, I’ve always liked the idea of this, and I don’t doubt a boatload of effort has gone into this thing. That’s the shame…that it appears to be imploding, and somebody will have nothing to show. That said, the grievances were aired here weeks ago. The concerns were real and legitimate. Sure they were aired on an internet forum…but hey, it is 2010 now, and we have this wonderful technology called the intraweb that allows us to communicate and dialogue openly and w/ no filter. What exactly did they expect?

Again, what a shame…


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You want sponsors...well who would sponcer anything where no spectators are involved.

Fcuk me.

When I first read "sponsor", I allowed myself a quiet cheer...then you went and pulled the rug out.
Jul 11, 2007
Dirty Money
How does this affect the overall league restructuring in VMSL, I recall the restructure and acceptance to go to the BC League was one and the same vote at the AGM, no?

If the premier teams backflip on the BCPL and the DIV 1 teams don't step up( y would they I don't know), does this open up the door for the 9 Div 1 teams heading down to Div 2 to challenge the vote and the restructuring that was tied directly to BCPL?????? What a total can of worms that would be!!!! thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
WAB, when you say the uppers take control and lead with direction, does that mean a certain person comes out of said meeting after hearing that out of the 11 teams present, .........

I was actually talking about how some people are commenting on how this is all shite hitting the fan - fcuked up stuff. But in reality, this happens all the time at all levels of public and private sector. So, I am telling people don't get wound-up about the drama - it's normal - not just in the VMSL.


New Member
Sep 11, 2007
Dirty Money
Teams NOW entering the BCPL:

Cleo's FC.........currrently 1st in Division 3B
Socceroo's......currently 2nd in Division 2C
Friend's Unt.....currently last in Division CAT A


Surrey FC........currently 1st in Division Premier

If Surrey decides not to join the "super league"......for the second time, they will be replaced by the Tiananmen Square "Backdoor" Dragons from the Vancouver Asian League.

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