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BCPL- BC Premier League: Proposal


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Has there been any more discussion or answers about the BCPL? Is it a for sure for the end of the year? and if so, whats the story with promotion and relegation, will the top 3 teams from Div 1 being moving up? and is it true that none of the prem teams will be relegated? whats the the update, if there is one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Has there been any more discussion or answers about the BCPL? Is it a for sure for the end of the year? and if so, whats the story with promotion and relegation, will the top 3 teams from Div 1 being moving up? and is it true that none of the prem teams will be relegated? whats the the update, if there is one.

The only thing I've seen from the FVSL side is that there will be no Prem teams relegated and the top 3 D1 teams will be promoted to Prem.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
By going to so many games this year in both Premier leagues I have been able to speek to alot of guys 1 on 1.
The biggest concern I have found lately is not of budget or players jumping but of what will happen to the divisions behind.
How many Premier teams in both leagues will be religated?
How many Div 1 teams will be promoted?
And the best question is...What will the original Premier divisions be called?
Still Premier or what most I have spoken to like ,change it to div 1 the same as the VISL.
And so on down the divisions. Leaveing the only Premier div , this new BCSPL.

What do you think?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
In five years time the BC Super League will be great - the shame of it is - that the current crop of players and clubs in the VMSL Premier Division will have to be the sacraficial lambs.

The VMSL Premier division has really improved over the last couple of years. As was evidenced this past weekend - any team can beat anyone....this was not always the case in the past....enter: Romania, AC Milan etc etc.

The irony here is that the VMSL finally has a competitive league and now its being dismantled. The real losers in this whole process will be the teams placing 5th to 10th in the Premier Div.....good solid clubs that will have to end up playing in a weaker league with three promoted Div 1 team that in my opinion are not very strong. These Div 1 team will have a difficult time picking up players than in the past, because the allure and attraction of the Premier Division just wont be the same.

All to achieve what? I really don't know.....I respect the attempt being made by the powers that be but If it was up to me....and the FVSL, VISL and VMSL want to better soccer in the community. Have the respective league winners from the FVSL and VISL join the VMSL Premier. Simple....instead we have a major overhaul in place that may not even work...:(


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
So much talk in the VMSL Premier thread I thought I would add a comment here and try and direct your BCPL thoughts where they should be so the rest of us who dont read the VMSL Premier thread that much wont be left out of the conversations.
(I do follow the VMSL Premier for the record) dam fine season they are haveing.
Anyways. Over the weekend I was talking to a VMSL Div 1 coach and I asked him what his thoughts on the new Division were. He told me that if a player or team cannot make/afford or doesnt want to play in the new division, that that should be thier right.To stay behind and play in the VMSL local Premier or what ever they will call it (div 1). But from what he was told ,the provincial spots for the VMSL were going to the 4 teams in the BCPL and the 5 remaining would be for the top 5, Div 1(Premier) teams remaining to play for. If thats the case, and no team wanted to move up..his team would gladly make the jump. Yes it would be a weeker division than the VMSL that was left. But for how long. How long would it take before younger players who are use to travel to the Island as they do it now in U-18 and in Collage and PCSL not to mention All Amature Hockey, Rugby, Lacrosse and Football. How long before the older guys against this, retire and the new younger guys comeing in who (might)would want to move up with their team and play in this Div. Because its the norm. How long before its just as strong as what will be left behind. The Future of soccer in BC.
Just a thought for you to bash...LOL


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I can't see Mr. Azzi allowing VMSL Div 1 teams to represent the VMSL in what is supposedly to be the best of the best super league.

Imagine this:

All VMSL premier teams turn it down this year and the VMSL somehow sends 4 Div 1 teams to the new league. If the FVSL & VISL teams are as good as they should be, 3 of these teams are going to come right back down... where does the VMSL put them? None of them have ever played VMSL premier - do you think the league would relegate 3 premier teams that year down to Div 1?

That wouldn't be a nightmare for just the Premier division, it would cause mayhem throughout the whole league.

Now that I think about it, how is any league going to deal with the potential of having 3 teams relegated from the Super League in a single season?

You'll have 2 extra teams in your premier division now (since one will be going up to the Super League). Does the division expand? Do all teams in lower divisions who won promotion actually stay in the division they were in?

Could be a pretty messy situation.

In any event, if young players do act as you believe they will, I have a hard time understanding then why the PCSL doesn't have the best teams in the province already?


New Member
Sep 11, 2007
Dirty Money

I was told, that if two of the top four Prem teams year pass on the "new league". The idea will be scrapped!! They will not be asking the 5th and 6th placed teams to fill the spots. This I admit, was told to me several months ago, so things probably have changed!!! If only one of the top four passes, they will ask the next team in line.

Aztec Ruler

Jun 11, 2006
Dirty Money
I've read with interest some of the posts esp from Ghouse who seems to be as interested in the new league as much as anyone. If this league gets scrapped due to lack of interest from 1 particular element in 1 of the vancouver leagues it would be quite a shame. Massive growing pains for all but I totally agree that if we nurture it [as futbal fans] it will become as good as any amateur league in canuck land. I have no doubt that eventually you will see at most 2 teams from the VISL more so from lack of numbers compared to actual talent. Regs is correct insofar as what might happen for the 3 leagues in the upcoming year, how in the heck would one plan for 3 teams getting relegated or....not! And if I read the info correct 1 team from each league is automatically promoted each year...and that might be fine for a strong core as in the premier of the VML, but I think the weaker FVL and VISL would struggle. I would like to see double headers played over a weekend to help off-set any costs which might in turn help setup more exhibition games in their own respective leagues after all we are always looking for the best competition possible... Just a thought or two!!!!


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
The league is 100% a go. It will not be scrapped and if a team does not want to take part then the next team in line(standings) will be asked to play until the quota from each league is met.
Why do you think the better players from lower table teams are jumping to teams doing better already. Because they have moved and its closer to their home?,,they new the guys from before?...Dont kid yourself. Players stay with their teams till the end of the season no matter what and then transfer. Guys are changeing teams now to help push that team into this new Division. Period and dont tell me different.
Dont let what you read here fool you. More teams are in favor than what the posts here indicate. Most people do not come on TTP to talk team or league bussiness and never will. It is guys like me (crazy) who dont mind the banter and discussions who enjoy TTP.
Again most powers at be in soccer do not post on here. Infact many peeps still dont even know what TTP is. (we will fix that as time goes on).
This new BCPL division is the best thing for soccer since nets were put on the back of goals. Its going ahead next season and thats that.
So get with it or get left behind. Change is good.
How will this help soccer someone asked...Now players from all over BC will have the chance to play and meet other great players. So all players in BC can play at the highest level. from 40 premier teams to 10 again. Just like years ago when soccer was better than it is now.
And why not just take the strong VMSL Premier and add 1 team from each of the other 2 Leagues..Well first off thats not politicaly correct or fair,but most important..What happens when the other leagues get stronger. It will happen . Populations change. Kids change,players develope different , There will be a day sooner than later when guys retire and new kids come up in different districts and the mighty VMSL teams wont be the stronger teams anymore.
This new division is fair and allows for change.
when the dust settles in the next few years you will be left with one hell of a division. And you all will be surprized who will be in it.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

I'm growing a bit weary of your schtick here.

Do you ever have anything to say that is even mildly thought provoking?

When this league fails as it is currently presented, which wagon are you gonna hitch to then? Wasn't the PCSL the greatest thing since "they invented nets" one year ago? I guess getting your ass handed to you week in week out there dampens the spirit a bit, eh?


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
No, I still love the PCSL in the Summer win or lose, I might add our team in the summer is not the same as the team we have in the winter. Our summer team is younger made up of alot of our div 2 guys.
This new division,Not league , will not fail. Dont believe all you read on here Regs. More teams like this than what a few TTPers are saying. They can have meetings all they want. It was passed and is going ahead and the top 4 teams will move on,if any one of the top 4 VMSL teams choose not to another Premier team will fill the spot.
Loyalty amongst a few TTPers on here will be squashed easy enough. And a few years from now , any team (if any) will be in the hunt to move up where they should have in the first place.
And I will remember all your posts as you have remembered mine.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money

I'm growing a bit weary of your schtick here.

Do you ever have anything to say that is even mildly thought provoking?

When this league fails as it is currently presented, which wagon are you gonna hitch to then? Wasn't the PCSL the greatest thing since "they invented nets" one year ago? I guess getting your ass handed to you week in week out there dampens the spirit a bit, eh?

The Christmas Grinch has arrived!!!! Regs, that was some real vitriol!:bronco:


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
Dirty Money
No, I still love the PCSL in the Summer win or lose, I might add our team in the summer is not the same as the team we have in the winter. Our summer team is younger made up of alot of our div 2 guys.
This new division,Not league , will not fail. Dont believe all you read on here Regs. More teams like this than what a few TTPers are saying. They can have meetings all they want. It was passed and is going ahead and the top 4 teams will move on,if any one of the top 4 VMSL teams choose not to another Premier team will fill the spot.
Loyalty amongst a few TTPers on here will be squashed easy enough. And a few years from now , any team (if any) will be in the hunt to move up where they should have in the first place.
And I will remember all your posts as you have remembered mine.


Are you aware that the VMSL TTPers you are referring to are the decision makers for the clubs?... Reedie, DCR20, Darkmeat etc. I believe you are out of touch with reality.

The Phantom

Oct 15, 2008
Dirty Money
Ghouse, you are not very bright ( notice my withholding of an insulting name calling) are you

The majority of us in the Vmsl and Fvsl know about TTP and have know about it for many years before you decided to make an appearance on here. So your comment about most people not knowing about TTP is pretty assinine!

Yes I commend you on your work you have done with ACBC and good luck, but if you think that the majority of us in the Vmsl want this, you are mistaken. Just look at the standings right now.

I for one know that the majority of our team will refuse to make the jump to the new league and know of many more that find it a joke considering the status of the Vmsl right now.

See you at the TTP Christmas Party. Shark Club was a blast last year and tear before.

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Come on, it will be a fantastic VISL,FVSL,VMSL Div 3 Superleague. Ask Larson if maybe the Callies want to join too. :rolleyes:

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