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BCPL- BC Premier League: Proposal


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
Hey Reedie you forgot when you showed your driving skills at Burnaby Lake (grass field), Wesburn Labour long weekend Tourny...ohhh yeah I recall seeing a young lad driving the huge wheels on the wet grass field....ohhh memories BTW Did Daddy paid for the damages to the city of Burnaby? or you did it with the $600 that Edmonton paid you. :D:D

Actually, there might be 2 things to bring me back out of hiatus.

Nope, Dad (may he rest in peace) thankfully did not have to pay any damages that time, as I was certainly broke and could not afford any grass seed or goose vet bills.

I was surely at fault for that embarassing debacle but I did have a minor excuse in that we played our only game that morning at 10am and I proceeded to drink in the beer garden until another person, who shall remain nameless, persuaded me to go for a joy ride.

There goes my election bid for the KFL


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Brought it up with some local soccer players last night over some pints. Conclusion was, soccer fans in Vancouver are soccer snobs. They will not support it cause they think they should be on the field, or knowing that the soccer is not that great.

Going to Canada games myself, there is more Canadians in the stands wearing the opposing team jerseys then our own. Try to do that at a hockey game.

We are the ones to make the difference in that. To change the soccer culture. To support our boys. If you are a TRUE soccer fan. You would want to see change and growth in the local game. So paying $10 and realizing the bigger picture would be something you would be proud of doing.

So for this to work, it would have to be marketed to the grassroots. Fathers and there 12 year old children who appreciate the game, and don't have the time nor money to drive out to B.C. place to see our MLS Whitecaps play.(full of non Canadian players)

I would love to see a summer sunday game with the best of B.C.

Your right though Reedie and Captain. This wouldn't work. It would need local soccer leaders like you to work. You guys have tons of respect and networks in the community. Imagine if you guys were behind this and pushing for it.

Local Legends coming together. Throw Regs and TTP supporting and marketing it.

Yes, everyone is happy with the league now. But as i stated before. Who cares what leagues teams came from. You guys are thinking too much in the now or the past.
If you start thinking on what could be, or what this league could do, thats where you see the benefits.

Most small businesses lose money in the first few years. But they always see the potential growth and what could be once they get through it.

With all your feedback you have given. What do you think can increase the level of soccer in the Province? How can we promote Canadian Soccer players?

Do you disagree that a 10 team B.C. league would not be stronger then a 30 team segregated league?

Perhaps teams like S.U. Metro Ford, Delta, etc... would go back to there region to play out of to make it to the BCPL. They wouldn't have to leave their region to go the VMSL etc..

And if we are complaining about money here. Imagine how much money the island would have to come up with to get over here how many times a year... as %70 of the teams are on this side. But they somehow are down with this..

Honestly, is it VMSL amateur soccer forever?
Or is there another level?

If you can just respond to the questions.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money

YOUR RIGHT! If players don't get paid. Its not professional. So this league would not be semi-pro. Cause there would not be enough money involved to make it that way.

With the attitudes that local soccer fans have, we will NEVER have a Canadian or Provincial pro teams. There are lots and lots of fans out there. But most with the "we suck" attitude. So our top local players, will end up just like you. Is that what you truly want for the future of our game?

If you build it, they will come. Trust.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
Brought it up with some local soccer players last night over some pints. Conclusion was, soccer fans in Vancouver are soccer snobs. They will not support it cause they think they should be on the field, or knowing that the soccer is not that great.

Going to Canada games myself, there is more Canadians in the stands wearing the opposing team jerseys then our own. Try to do that at a hockey game.

We are the ones to make the difference in that. To change the soccer culture. To support our boys. If you are a TRUE soccer fan. You would want to see change and growth in the local game. So paying $10 and realizing the bigger picture would be something you would be proud of doing.

So for this to work, it would have to be marketed to the grassroots. Fathers and there 12 year old children who appreciate the game, and don't have the time nor money to drive out to B.C. place to see our MLS Whitecaps play.(full of non Canadian players)

I would love to see a summer sunday game with the best of B.C.

Your right though Reedie and Captain. This wouldn't work. It would need local soccer leaders like you to work. You guys have tons of respect and networks in the community. Imagine if you guys were behind this and pushing for it.

Local Legends coming together. Throw Regs and TTP supporting and marketing it.

Yes, everyone is happy with the league now. But as i stated before. Who cares what leagues teams came from. You guys are thinking too much in the now or the past.
If you start thinking on what could be, or what this league could do, thats where you see the benefits.

Most small businesses lose money in the first few years. But they always see the potential growth and what could be once they get through it.

With all your feedback you have given. What do you think can increase the level of soccer in the Province? How can we promote Canadian Soccer players?

Do you disagree that a 10 team B.C. league would not be stronger then a 30 team segregated league?

Perhaps teams like S.U. Metro Ford, Delta, etc... would go back to there region to play out of to make it to the BCPL. They wouldn't have to leave their region to go the VMSL etc..

And if we are complaining about money here. Imagine how much money the island would have to come up with to get over here how many times a year... as %70 of the teams are on this side. But they somehow are down with this..

Honestly, is it VMSL amateur soccer forever?
Or is there another level?

If you can just respond to the questions.

IMO, the vmsl, fvsl, visl and the proposed super league should never be a link to the Whitecaps and/or the MLS. These leagues are simply a landing ground for those that either don't make it to the highest level or they are ready to retire to greener and funner pastures. Player development is what all those other developmental leagues are for and there is money in the budget to run this properly from professional ownership. Let's leave the development of our future professional, provincial and national level players to the youth leagues that have already been created and are running within the BCSA in conjunction with the local professional team. This is how it works in Europe and this is finally how we are starting to structure it in BC...all you have to do is go on the BCSA web site to see how the Whitecaps have infiltrated the youth soccer system, which is a good thing. You don't see the Whitecaps infiltrating the vmsl for players anymore and you would never see them do that with the super league...it's too late!! We are doing a better job at least of identifying talent much earlier nowadays and feeding the best players into the "professional system" at a young age. It should help.

Sure a 10 team BC Premier league may some day down the road be arguably more competitive than what exists in the vmsl today...but what is the purpose of making those marginal changes at the men's amateur level and ruining these existing men's amateur leagues along the way? This will not significantly impact soccer at all in BC or Canada!!!

Money changes everything and it has definitely changed the culture of soccer in Toronto...but they've done it by marketing the team correctly and building the right infrastructure under the first team, an infrastructure that does not include tinkering with the top amateur men's league in Ontario...it is not an integral piece of the puzzle guys!!

I tell you I might pay money one day to got watch a developmental game where future MLS players could be playing and the thing is run properly because it has the backing of MLSE or Greg Kerfoot. What better place to poach players for the vmsl? And I believe we're headed in that direction, until the government lets us down again and renegs on its promise to renovate BC Place. And to think, we could have had a brand new outdoor soccer specific stadium that was privately funded! That's the real joke here...nothing would improve the culture of soccer more in this province than that new stadium being built....this is a deal that would have passed with one phone call in Alberta, Ontario or Quebec.


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
This is hilarious!!!! I have always thought Reedie and Captain were great players to watch growing up and had the luxury of playing with them. But guys i think that is where it ends. I have great respect towards you guys as players but i think your both totally wring and miss the point. Tell me if i am wrong but what your saying Reedie is that all youth players who do not get picked up by a pro team should basically call it a day and give up the dream.... i have a couple examples that will destroy your argument. ROY KEANE played in the Cork Senior League before going to Nottingham Forest
Owen Hargreaves and Kevin Mckenna both played in the Alberta Major league . All these leagues are equivalent to the proposed BCPL which could help a player get looked at!!!!! Also if the entire country is playing during the same season then that can help create a Pro league specifically in Canada maybe amateur to start but atleast it could be a start to something bigger!!!! all those years at University Reedie really!!!!!! must have been smoking way to much


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't think the geographical realities of Canada will ever be able to support a Canadian Pro league, at least not with any sort of interlocking schedule. What you could have is regional leagues that then go on to some sort of playoff system.

But we already have that.

So what we come back to, is what is the end goal of the BC Super League.

If it is to form a pro league, I withdraw my vote for it.

If it is to raise the level a bit more AND to get to a summer schedule, I like it.

But again, it's the details that are missing here and it's a bit much for those in power to expect everyone to jump on board w/o them.

What's the history of the AMSL? Did it form from established regional leagues? How are teams there "funded" in order to make the needed road trips every couple of weeks?

Here's a thought:

If BC wants to compete better on the national stage, how hard would it be to do the following:

(1) move the provincials to start the last week of August with the final being played the last weekend in September;
(2) all premier leagues start play the first weekend of October with the season ending late April
(3) form a champions league set-up during the year that would pit the best of the best against each other - this is what could be promoted with media attention and a drive for sponsorship.
(4) take the monies raised in (3) to give to the Provincial cup winner to pay for flights, hotels, etc to represent BC at Nationals (since there would be no time for one team to raise funds after winning - look to the other provinces and see how they get their teams funded in such a short period).

Champions League is the cure for everything. And to think Hands of Stone had the idea right here on TTP 6-7 years ago :)


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't think the geographical realities of Canada will ever be able to support a Canadian Pro league, at least not with any sort of interlocking schedule. What you could have is regional leagues that then go on to some sort of playoff system.

But we already have that.

So what we come back to, is what is the end goal of the BC Super League.

If it is to form a pro league, I withdraw my vote for it.

If it is to raise the level a bit more AND to get to a summer schedule, I like it.

But again, it's the details that are missing here and it's a bit much for those in power to expect everyone to jump on board w/o them.

What's the history of the AMSL? Did it form from established regional leagues? How are teams there "funded" in order to make the needed road trips every couple of weeks?

Here's a thought:

If BC wants to compete better on the national stage, how hard would it be to do the following:

(1) move the provincials to start the last week of August with the final being played the last weekend in September;
(2) all premier leagues start play the first weekend of October with the season ending late April
(3) form a champions league set-up during the year that would pit the best of the best against each other - this is what could be promoted with media attention and a drive for sponsorship.
(4) take the monies raised in (3) to give to the Provincial cup winner to pay for flights, hotels, etc to represent BC at Nationals (since there would be no time for one team to raise funds after winning - look to the other provinces and see how they get their teams funded in such a short period).

Champions League is the cure for everything. And to think Hands of Stone had the idea right here on TTP 6-7 years ago :)


We have a pro indoor league which is starting out slowly but hopefully keeps growing but it is start (edmonton,calgary,winnipeg and saskatoon) as for the BCSL i am with you i hope it raises the level.

AMSL was re-formed in 1991 with the district associations of Red Deer 1 team Lethbridge 1 team ,Edmonton 3 teams and Calgary 3 teams . Since then they have added a few more teams and those teams had to play-off to get in from other districts. Now how it works is that the last place team can be challenged from any district to see who gets into the major league and a challenge can some from all districts. Teams have sponsors and players fees help pay for travel and hotels. Our club fees pay for that as we don't have a sponsor and we are a poor club but we get by and we do not complain because the level is so good and it shows as we have done very well at the Nations level.

When all said and done BC has to play the same season as the rest of the country in order for us as a country to go forward that is the BOTTOM LINE.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
I do know the powers at be are working on changeing the season for this new division.
Not the whole league(s),talk is just of the new division for now.
There are not enough fields to move everyone with Baseball/Softball so strong here.
If that does work/happen then at least the teams that need to be on the same season as the rest of the country ,will be.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Captain time to wake up and smell the coffee! Eventually the weaker teams will be relegated but you do have to start fairly to give the league credibility. In the AMSL the last place team can be challenged from any top premier team in Alberta. This year only Darts from Calgary are challenging a home and home playoff. Wow Captain reading you post again you are such a hater i guess it is because you can't afford to be a part of the new league , what a baby! again it is people like you that keep Football in Canada trying to get better. So you know it is important for the rest of the Country that BC gets this league going cause it will only increase the level.

Larsson, the day I start taking you seriously is the day I cut my scrotum and enjoy the pain. Once you become a HEAD coach give me a call. You've always been a follower, despite being a Celtic supporter.....

GTF. :)

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
This is hilarious!!!! I have always thought Reedie and Captain were great players to watch growing up and had the luxury of playing with them. But guys i think that is where it ends. I have great respect towards you guys as players but i think your both totally wring and miss the point. Tell me if i am wrong but what your saying Reedie is that all youth players who do not get picked up by a pro team should basically call it a day and give up the dream.... i have a couple examples that will destroy your argument. ROY KEANE played in the Cork Senior League before going to Nottingham Forest
Owen Hargreaves and Kevin Mckenna both played in the Alberta Major league . All these leagues are equivalent to the proposed BCPL which could help a player get looked at!!!!! Also if the entire country is playing during the same season then that can help create a Pro league specifically in Canada maybe amateur to start but atleast it could be a start to something bigger!!!! all those years at University Reedie really!!!!!! must have been smoking way to much

Yes, I'm very wring, Larsson..........Mitch Wring.........The problem is, Larsson, we don't have coaches here as good as you......or fat for that matter. WE do our best but we're not good enough. :(

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Actually, there might be 2 things to bring me back out of hiatus.

Nope, Dad (may he rest in peace) thankfully did not have to pay any damages that time, as I was certainly broke and could not afford any grass seed or goose vet bills.

I was surely at fault for that embarassing debacle but I did have a minor excuse in that we played our only game that morning at 10am and I proceeded to drink in the beer garden until another person, who shall remain nameless, persuaded me to go for a joy ride.

There goes my election bid for the KFL

You were part of an embarrassing debacle? WTF?

Edmonton 1990 CSC

Mithee Bundha

New Member
Jun 14, 2007
Dirty Money
Owen Hargreaves and Kevin Mckenna both played in the Alberta Major league . All these leagues are equivalent to the proposed BCPL which could help a player get looked at!!!!! Also if the entire country is playing during the same season then that can help create a Pro league specifically in Canada maybe amateur to start but atleast it could be a start to something bigger!!!! all those years at University Reedie really!!!!!! must have been smoking way to much

I'm not sure but when did Owen Hargreaves play in the AMSL?
He may have played a game, but come on, thats like saying the Dolphin Basketball Tourney in Richmond developed Brandon Roy to become a star with the Trailblazers...:rolleyes:

anyways Owen doesn't mention the AMSL on his own website:

Owen played in a number of positions, primarily though, in attack. In that season he scored 23 goals for the under-14s. In the summer of 1994 he was the only player from that under-14 team to be called up to represent Alberta at under-15 level. Thomas Niendorf often helped the real coach of the side, Burk Kaiser, to prepare the side for tournaments in 1995. The Calgary Foothills duly won the national under-15 title the following year.

At about this time Harald Hoppe, a one-time junior coach at FC Bayern Munich, was visiting Thomas Niendorf. Harald Hoppe soon noticed Owen and made contact with FC Bayern. Following a trial in October 1996 Owen joined FC Bayern’s junior team in July of 1997.


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm not sure but when did Owen Hargreaves play in the AMSL?
He may have played a game, but come on, thats like saying the Dolphin Basketball Tourney in Richmond developed Brandon Roy to become a star with the Trailblazers...:rolleyes:

anyways Owen doesn't mention the AMSL on his own website:

Owen played in a number of positions, primarily though, in attack. In that season he scored 23 goals for the under-14s. In the summer of 1994 he was the only player from that under-14 team to be called up to represent Alberta at under-15 level. Thomas Niendorf often helped the real coach of the side, Burk Kaiser, to prepare the side for tournaments in 1995. The Calgary Foothills duly won the national under-15 title the following year.

At about this time Harald Hoppe, a one-time junior coach at FC Bayern Munich, was visiting Thomas Niendorf. Harald Hoppe soon noticed Owen and made contact with FC Bayern. Following a trial in October 1996 Owen joined FC Bayern’s junior team in July of 1997.

Owen played for Dinos and was not told how many games but either way i never said specifically that the AMSL made Owen ..YA MUPPET
Burk Kaiser is a great coach for Callies


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Larsson, the day I start taking you seriously is the day I cut my scrotum and enjoy the pain. Once you become a HEAD coach give me a call. You've always been a follower, despite being a Celtic supporter.....

GTF. :)

A follower!!! man you must be a real bad alcoholic. Have already been a Head Coach and won championships so why would i call you ? WTF have you won!! And what kind of wisdom would i get from a drunk? Yes i am a assistant coach learning the position under arguably the best Coach in Canada. As for most of the wankers on here ,and your probably top of the list ,tell me how your trying to improve Football in this country? As for a Celtic Supporter ..........i won't go there no need to get personal!

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
A follower!!! man you must be a real bad alcoholic. Have already been a Head Coach and won championships so why would i call you ? WTF have you won!! And what kind of wisdom would i get from a drunk? Yes i am a assistant coach learning the position under arguably the best Coach in Canada. As for most of the wankers on here ,and your probably top of the list ,tell me how your trying to improve Football in this country? As for a Celtic Supporter ..........i won't go there no need to get personal!


I do nothing except admire you, Larsson. You are the best coach in Canada. Burke Kaiser has no idea how lucky he is to have you around. Burke Kaiser is a classy guy who I had the privilege of meeting many years ago. You, Mr. Sneddon, should take notes from him. Take a break from being a **** just for a day.

Can you let me know when your next coaching clinic is because I want to learn from the best?

I'm not trying to improve the game at all. I just coach for the hell of it. I just ref for the hell of it. So I guess I do nothing in terms of bettering the game. But then again, we don't have many Jose Larsson's around here.


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money

I do nothing except admire you, Larsson. You are the best coach in Canada. Burke Kaiser has no idea how lucky he is to have you around. Burke Kaiser is a classy guy who I had the privilege of meeting many years ago. You, Mr. Sneddon, should take notes from him. Take a break from being a **** just for a day.

Can you let me know when your next coaching clinic is because I want to learn from the best?

I'm not trying to improve the game at all. I just coach for the hell of it. I just ref for the hell of it. So I guess I do nothing in terms of bettering the game. But then again, we don't have many Jose Larsson's around here.

hahahaha lol you guys are so easy to wind up. pure entertainment!!!! Have another pint PADDY!!!!! Sir M care to jump on to the Wheel? No need to validate shite to you load of shite bags. Because ultimately i don't give 2 shits what you lot think cause this is all about winding you up!!!! and boy are you guys easy!!! :)

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