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BC Provincial Cup Draw MEN 2009

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New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I know I do not write in much but I really feel this needs to be dealt with. There was no head butt period. I was on the field. I think the worst sending off I have ever seen in this league in the 15 years I have played. I would go as far to say that a yellow card would be over the top. Blakes got dumped from behind jumped up touched tits with the sooke players and talked smack. PERIOD. I have seen this situation happen week in and week out in this league. Not really a big deal. A striker just letting a defender know don’t do it again. This is Blakeways second card in his carrer of red or yellow. A class act. The only people in the stands yelling Head butt were the sooke faithful and the ACBC players and coaching staff not wanting to deal with him in two weeks. On a side note the ref never saw Blakess talking with the sooke player (even more shocking). I talked to the linesmans who said there was contact between the players but it NEVER SHOULD BEEN A RED CARD a yellow at most. From what I understand we are appealing and if ever there was a time to overturn a red this is it. I really wish there was video of this game because this call is that shocking and a player should never be treated and removed the way blakes was today. I am very disappointed and saddened that with 3 officials not one of them could put this right. As far as Sir M’s view I do not know what to say. You are telling me you say Blakes use his head as a weapon and tried to hurt the sooke player with is head? Or did you see two players in each others face talking smack. Let me put it this way if Blakes wanted to head butt the guy he would of and the guy would have hit the ground. I would be interested if you thought what you saw today warranted a red or even a yellow card? Because if that is the standard we will all be playing short handed for this cup. This needs to be put right.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I know I do not write in much but I really feel this needs to be dealt with. There was no head butt period. I was on the field. I think the worst sending off I have ever seen in this league in the 15 years I have played. I would go as far to say that a yellow card would be over the top. Blakes got dumped from behind jumped up touched tits with the sooke players and talked smack. PERIOD. I have seen this situation happen week in and week out in this league. Not really a big deal. A striker just letting a defender know don’t do it again. This is Blakeways second card in his carrer of red or yellow. A class act. The only people in the stands yelling Head butt were the sooke faithful and the ACBC players and coaching staff not wanting to deal with him in two weeks. On a side note the ref never saw Blakess talking with the sooke player (even more shocking). I talked to the linesmans who said there was contact between the players but it NEVER SHOULD BEEN A RED CARD a yellow at most. From what I understand we are appealing and if ever there was a time to overturn a red this is it. I really wish there was video of this game because this call is that shocking and a player should never be treated and removed the way blakes was today. I am very disappointed and saddened that with 3 officials not one of them could put this right. As far as Sir M’s view I do not know what to say. You are telling me you say Blakes use his head as a weapon and tried to hurt the sooke player with is head? Or did you see two players in each others face talking smack. Let me put it this way if Blakes wanted to head butt the guy he would of and the guy would have hit the ground. I would be interested if you thought what you saw today warranted a red or even a yellow card? Because if that is the standard we will all be playing short handed for this cup. This needs to be put right.


Intersting post, Drew. That is exactly how I saw it.........

In the games I've seen Blakes play, he is a player who is a class act. I don't think he has it in him to do something like that. I saw just that......two guys in each others face after they bumped chests......as Smiles mentioned, the ref was facing the other way watching the ball in the Sooke end while this was going on 10 yards behind him.......WTF?


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
actually we ACBC were sitting with pau and wolves and everyone saw the headbutt. And no one said anything. Sooke fans for sure but no one from our area. We all did talk about it for sure. Never the less. The Ref should have blown the play and carded the sooke player for that tackle and he probably wouldn't have reacted that way.
But it was a 100% straight up headbutt. And your right. We never would have expected him to do that. But he did.


New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money

If you witnessed the game as thoroughly as you read my post I can see why you saw a head butt (“And your right. We never would have expected him to do that. But he did.. “) WTF? The real issue here is did Blakeway come anywhere near deserving a red card let alone a yellow. Apparently the red card from what I hear now is for an intent to head butt but one never occurred. Talking smack in each others face is now intent to head butt. I guess this how crazy things get when a player gets tossed for not saying or doing anything of red card proportion. I can not defend if Blakes intended in his mind to head butt or not head butt, bottom line he showed restraint. Maybe at the end of the game he wanted to punt the referee into next week should we suspend him for all of next year as well. Are we really red carding now for intent? As I said before this needs to be put right.


Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
There was a definite head butt, although lightly, by the NV player. Laylow got three games for a lot less than that, sorry. Of course the opponent in that case embellished things.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Sorry Smiles, I saw what I saw,and so did 10 guys sitting with me, Yes he never knocked the guy over with it but he did make contact and it wasnt an accedent. He got up from a very bad tackle and got in the other guys face and the other guy did not back down and after pauseing for a second ,,,headbutted him . The linesmen called it right.
Even calm cool players lose it sometimes. Especially after tackles like the one he received on that play. It was one of the most scrappy games I have watched in a long time. I really think the official should have blown way more infractions and handed out more cards. He let it get out of hand earlyer. Sooke looked so tired as the game wore on and the late tackles became more and more blatent(sp). There were many instances where guys were not even trying for the ball just running at guys.
I feel for your NV player as I can imagine how frustrated he must have felt. But still,,you must walk away from shti like that.


New Member
Sep 20, 2007
Dirty Money
I feel like it is hard for a ref to give a red card (intent is more difficult) !!! since it is provincials refs, i assume, will try to keep the cards in there pocket !! the last situation anyone wants is a card when every game can lead to a knock out !!! tough luck on the red !!! from my personal experience if i was tackled from behind i would be in the face of the other player as well and i believe that the ref should have kept an eye on the situation !!! i would start looking forward to the next game and get focused on what ur team can do with the loss of ur player !!! best of luck


New Member
Apr 13, 2008
Dirty Money
Hold on. I hate that being said. This is NOT hockey. I dont care if the foul occurs in the last minute of overtime in the game or in the last game of the season as it does not matter. I am not going to comment on this specific offense as I was not there but you can not say the referees should keep their cards in their pockets. The unfortunate reallity is that the refs around here do not card enough.


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Well I was about 50 yards away behind the fence so I'm pretty sure I had a better view than you. :D :D And I agree with you about the lino.........:eek:

I thought I would just get Norvan to appeal it anyway, just so they could be out another $500 for the appeal to be turned down. :D ;)

It was quite a melee to be going on though, while the ball was still being played by the Sooke full-back.

You're right about Sooke though, Sir M.....fitness was lacking, particularly in the back.....the two goals game from simply backing up too far from the attackers and no one wanting to commit to the ball. Having said that, when it was 1 - 0 for Sooke, they had a GREAT chance from right in front of goal and was put over the bar......that would have been game, set, and match.

Why would u say something to stir it up when u did not see it properly this is the problem in BC you guys TALK way to much and try to hang people out to dry.

ps. If Chuckles aka Smiles (drew) said it did not happen i have to agree with him as he is the most honest guy i have known

Also was the Ref a red head with goatee if so that is Rob . I wll try and talk to him to get the scoop

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Larsson, why would you comment on something when you live in Calgary?

I wasn't making it up.....that's the way I saw it and I still believe that.......nose to nose, chest to chest.......there was no head-butt.......that's the way I saw it? I know I was closer than you, Larsson, and speaking of talking too much.......:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money

All this talk of nose to nose, chest to chest, there was no head, but...you still referring to the Blakeway incident or some obscure N. Irish bonding ritual?



New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Again my question still stands. Regardless of what you think you saw if you where at the game do you believe blakes deserves any form of a card from what you saw. The reality is that if no card was given the game would have gone on with no one saying anything about it. As far as carnichores comments he is spot on. With the rules two yellow cards and a player sits a game cards need to be without any question. We have now added a game to the provincial tournament which is unfair to the teams that have to play in the game if the cards carry over. The idea of this tournament is to send the best team to the Nationals. Why is our yellow card rule so strict? I believe 3 yellows and sit a game would be fair but two is ridiculous. One of our players took a yellow for pulling his shirt over his face after the goal. Are we serious about these cards? Side note ref was being assessed during our game. Another great decision. We could not do this in a regular league game it had to be the cup. The best players are sent to the cup from around B.C. why are we not getting the best officials? If Renee was the ref in the game I could have seen him handing out maybe one yellow to a sooke player for a tackle from behind while maintaining complete control of the game. I want to say the ref handed out something like 7 yellows and one red between the teams. All these issues need to be addressed. Do we really want our best players in the Province sitting out games for ticktack yellow cards? Very disappointing.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

I cannot put up with this any longer. You shouldn't get a say in the matter.

You are an American, living in the US taking away good goalkeeping jobs from Canadians.





Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Larsson, why would you comment on something when you live in Calgary?

I wasn't making it up.....that's the way I saw it and I still believe that.......nose to nose, chest to chest.......there was no head-butt.......that's the way I saw it? I know I was closer than you, Larsson, and speaking of talking too much.......:rolleyes:

Just saying why say anything the Ref's are not intentially trying to rip people off. And ya i do talk a lot BACK TO BACK National Champs...i guess for the most part i always back it up...Captain just hate to see good guys get in pissing matches as to who saw what. Most of the guys on here really have no clue and should be on a Soap Opera (Days of our lives) C'mon the CELTS!

PS i love coming one here for pure entertainment it's like watching the MUPPET SHOW all over again


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
And ya i do talk a lot BACK TO BACK National Champs...

Again what exactly did you contribute?

I think we have all been waiting with baited breath to find out exactly what contributions the hallowed "larsson the great" had towards the Callies winning B2B...was it filling waterbottles, filling the net, or filling your face?! ;)


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money

I cannot put up with this any longer. You shouldn't get a say in the matter.

You are an American, living in the US taking away good goalkeeping jobs from Canadians.




Chuckles your a canadian don't listen to this Bald Eagle (lol) Atleast you have a bit more loyalty to the 5 teams you have played unlike Regs 12 teams he has been loyal too.
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