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Why I hate the Leafs....


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
...and so ends another Leaf campaign

Boo-fcuking-hoo to the Laughs and their CBC-based fan club. Another long, troublesome summer to contemplate what went wrong this post-season, and what they can do to return to the glory days of 1967.

Whatever suggestions they come up with, they'll probably have to impletment them without CuJo in the mix, as he seems destined to end up in Philly, Dallas or Chicago. Say goodbye to Tie Domi as well, his unrestricted free agency will surely be a high point to the signing period for all NHL teams looking to pick up a marginally-skilled goon.

Last night also re-confirmed my hate-on for Travis Green, that swarthy prick who probably wouldn't look all that out of place in the I-Tie league.

I also believe "Kaberle" is Russian for "defensive zone turnover". But fear not, Leaf Fan, because with the wave of impressive youngsters like Alyn MacAuley and, well, Alyn MacAuley, coming into the mix, your franchise can bank on him and the talents of Dempsey, Ponikarovsky, Bryan McCough and the sweet goaltending tandem of Corey Schwab and Tom Barasso for years to come.

Cujo goes searching for Mogilny after his poor OT clearance:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
When did that get there? WOW.

Signed Ed Belfore. Should be another short playoff run. TO and Eddy deserve each other..... Wankers.

Jimmy Holiday

Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

So the Leafs sign him for about 7 mil a year.....What did Joseph get in Detroit?

I've heard that they're going after Cassels also.........

Joseph for Belfour is a bad trade off......The Eagle is well past his prime:confused:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
If they go after Cassels, they will certainly land him...so I care!:mad:

How the hell are you to talk to Domenic Mobillio's brother like that?;)

Bad trade off? I don't know about that. I've always thought that Cujo is missing that element that makes him absolutely unstoppable in the big games. Belfour has won some huge games in the last 3 years, while playing in the toughest conference. I think this will rejuvenate him for as long as the Leafs need him- 2 years. In fact, I'd say that this addition could be enough to get the Laughs to the finals- only to loose to Detroit!

Before you say it, I think Detroit would win that match-up despite Cujo, not because of him.

The Apprentice

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Lay off Eddie the E-bomber

Jimmy, Your way past your prime;) Give Eddie the Eagle a break...

Dominic Mobilio's brother is named John.......

Jimmy Holiday

Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Johnny Holiday I think


Yeah I may have jumped the gun by saying that was a bad trade off but I was just looking at last years performances and thought that Belfour was horrible....He has had some great years(and capable of more)but his attitude always made him look like an idiot......If Pat Quinn can whip him into shape,we may see a rejuvinated Eddie The Eagle....


I thought you were my brother:confused:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
We're all brothers! Ok...group hug...;)

(Except you Apprentice...you ran over my beer. I'll get you yet...)


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
I believe CuJo is getting 24 mil over three years.

Holland stated that they wouldn't pay any goalie more money than what they spent on Hasek (eight million a year) - so they signed Joseph to that exact amount.

What about Guerin going to the Stars? Just another Western Conference team who seems set for making the playoffs - who's gonna be the odd team out this season? Edmonton? Chicago? Vancouver?


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
I urge everybody to pick up the most recent copy of Sports Illustrated, which contains an article about hating the Toronto Maple Leafs. I believe the sub-header refers to them as the biggest collection of whiners, divers and cheap-shot artists in the NHL.

A must-read.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Mother Tucker

Is this game on TV, it is going to be a cracker play-off type game but with the fights.

I heard that Tucker needed body guards for this trip.
I think Peca is back playing, hope the Islanders kill em.



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Eddie the Eagle's return to action tonight was a beaut.

4-buzz to the Sabres, arguably the worst result of the season for the Buds. Nobody gives up four goals to Buffalo...or allows them to shut you out.

That, combined with Hull having to wait another day to reach 700, almost took some of the sting away from Vancouver's third-period choke job.



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
what a bunch of fools, those Leafs...

(posted Mar. 4, 11:43PM EST)
OTTAWA -- Maple Leafs agitator Darcy Tucker attacked Chris Neil on the Senators bench, igniting a wild melee during the third period of Ottawa's 4-1 win over Toronto on Tuesday night.

Tucker didn't speak to reporters after the game but Leafs coach Pat Quinn said Neil had spit on Tucker to instigate the incident, a charge vehemently denied by the Senators tough guy.

“I didn't spit on him. He can say what he wants,” said Neil. “I didn't even see Tucker come at me until the last second. I knew I couldn't come over the bench. I just had to be disciplined and hold my own.”

There were 163 penalty minutes in the game and the NHL will likely add more punishments for the nastiness in the final minutes.

Tempers had already flared 7:30 into the third when Leafs forward Travis Green charged at Senators defenceman Shane Hnidy behind the net and slammed him into the boards. Hnidy then went back at Green.

Meanwhile, Tucker skated toward the Senators bench and slammed into Neil, who began fighting Tucker from the bench. All the players on the ice gathered around Tucker and Neil as several players from the bench tried to separate the combatants.

Quinn, angered by the involvement of other Senators on the bench, grabbed his stick and began banging on the glass between the benches.

Leafs enforcer Tie Domi could be seen mouthing profanities at the Senators.

“What I really feel I can't tell you because I have kids to look after,” said Quinn.

Tucker received an instigating minor, two fighting majors, a 10-minute misconduct and two game misconducts while Green got a charging minor.

“The referees lost control,” said Green.

Neil and Hnidy each got fighting majors and game misconducts.

“I don't know if we need to respond (to what happened),” said Hnidy. “We won the game and that's a pretty good way to respond.”

Wade Redden scored on the ensuing two-man advantage to give the Sens a 4-1 lead.

“I think they were frustrated because they were in the box a lot and just letting off some steam,” said Redden. “It was a good game to win.”

With 1:30 left, Domi took exception to some stickwork from Sens forward Magnus Arvedson and went after him. Several Sens tried to grab Domi and prevent him from attacking Arvedson but he broke free.

Arvedson tried to avoid a scrap but took a sucker punch in the face from Domi that left him with a bloody nose. Sens captain Daniel Alfredsson then appeared to try swinging his stick baseball-bat style at Domi, but his arms were held by Leafs centre Robert Reichel.

Domi got minors for instigating and roughing, a fighting major, 10-minute misconduct and game misconduct. Goalie Patrick Lalime got the only Sens penalty, a minor for leaving the crease.

Domi also didn't speak to reporters after the game.


New Member
Jul 26, 2002
Dirty Money
domi's a homo

domi is the biggest bitch in the nhl......attacking arvedson...come on get real......everyone talks about how he's one of the toughest enforcers in the league but he loses to everyone else whose even remotely tough.....sure he's small....but thats the role he chose to play.......if your gonna be a fighter...you fight other fighters..i am going to be really interested to hear how don cherry sticks up for domi after this one........just last week cherry was saying how theres a code in the nhl that fighters only fight other fighters........domi's an idiot and he needs to get beat up real bad AGAIN....to ensure that he understands his role.........tucker is a dummy too...but that a whole other stroy..............


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Good point about the whole Cherry thing and how he'll react to the Domi situation. Don will be hard pressed to put a positive spin on this one....this incident was almost as embarassing as his blatant KO elbow on Neidermayer in the playoffs two season ago.

You make a good assessment about the fighter's code and tough guys going after tough guys...which is why Domi's actions were so appauling, going after Arvedson (with his fcuking gloves still on! What kind of fighter throws with his mitts still on?) like he did. After seeing the brawl, Tie is lucky as hell that Alfredsson didn't connect with the home-run swing he loaded up. That had McSorley-Brashear written all over it.

At least Tucker went after the right guy....although he went about it all wrong. I don't know how you hope to achieve anything by jumping into the opposition's bench, where you're outnumbered 25-1. Nobody ever accused Tucker of being the sharpest knife in the drawer, though.

Despite all the good Pat Quinn did here in his Vancouver days, I'm starting to find him bloody annoying. Every game, it's bitching and moaning about the disparity in penalty minutes. Gee Pat, I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact you coach a team made up of slow-footed muckers who clutch, grab and fight their way to victory.

The Leafs suck.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Quinn is definitely getting annoying. Time to get a frickin' speechwriter too or at least some new material. He says the same things after every game. Green says the ref(s) lost control. Yeah, it's the ref's fault when Tucker jumps into the Ottawa bench or Domi cheap shots Arvedson. What a fcuking joke.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
suspensions handed down....

TORONTO (NHL.com) -- The National Hockey League announced Tuesday that Toronto Maple Leafs forward Darcy Tucker has been suspended for five games, without pay, and forward Tie Domi has been suspended for three games, without pay, as a result of separate incidents in NHL Game #981 against the Ottawa Senators, March 4.

While on the ice, Tucker became involved in a confrontation with Ottawa Senators forward Chris Neil, who was on the players bench at the time. It was made clear at the hearing that Tucker did not charge the players' bench as a result of being spit at by Neil. Tucker was assessed a major penalty for fighting and two game misconduct penalties at 7:30 of the third period.

"The League has previously issued a clear directive in this regard," said NHL Executive Vice President and Director of Hockey Operations Colin Campbell. "The message should be clear: any interaction by players on the ice and on the bench is not acceptable and will be subject to discipline."

At 18:37 of the third period, Domi was assessed a major penalty for fighting and game misconduct for delivering a punch to the face of Ottawa player Magnus Arvedson.

"Time and score of the game were among the factors considered when determining the length of the suspension," said Campbell.

Tucker will miss Toronto's next five games: March 6 at Buffalo; March 8 vs. Vancouver; March 10 at Edmonton; March 13 at Calgary and March 15 at Vancouver. Domi will miss games against Buffalo, Vancouver (March 8) and Edmonton.

Under the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, and based on his annual average salary, Domi will forfeit $31,388.88. Tucker, who was suspended for two games in March, 2002, now is considered a repeat offender under the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and forfeits salary based on the number of games in a season (82), rather than the number of days (180). He will forfeit $80,792.68 in salary. The money goes to the Players' Emergency Assistance Fund.

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