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VMSL Rants (and Raves ?)


New Member
Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
Highly Unlikely

I stuck "elected" in there because there is actually a way to change the the system (thus rendering this thread moot): get nominated for a directorship.

First, I would not want to get nominated.
Second, Even if I tried, I don't think I would be successful.
Not because I am incapable, but because I don't kiss ass.
Also, I would totally change things at VMSL headquarters.
This is not something the VMSL does not accept graciously, if it doesn't promote certain director's causes.

There is good reason why VMSL numbers have dropped and one of the reasons is the fact there are special rules for certain teams (not to mention the cost of having a team).

As for comments about this thread being moot, I would have to dissagree. Because, if I changed the system, it will be troublesome for someone else and thus this thread would go on. Can't make everyone happy.


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I stand corrected; this thread wouldn't be made moot by changing the guard at the VMSL Home Office. Rants and raves will go on regardless of who's in charge.

I agree about the constitution TB, I'm all for and always have been in favor of making it readily available for all to see. I'm pretty sure that any team/club in good standing can get their hands on it if they're persistent.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Does any one know how to get advertising on the VMSL site?

Is it a prerequisite to have the last name of Azzi or can someone else get a foot in the door?

Golden Boot Cafe or Pazzo lounge? Decisions, decisions, decisions... :rolleyes:


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
VMSL Cup Day

I see the Imperial Cup and U-21 Cup are both set for Sun March 30, field TBA.
Lets hope the league can get all 4 Cups, Imperial, Div. 1, Div. 2, and U-21 at the same location with all games on Sun March 31.

Adanac Park would be great with both fields side by side, and the park is allways packed for any Double headers, imagine what 4 Cup game would draw in.
BBY Turf would be not a bad idea, but who want s to see any cup matches on Turf, and there really is no atmosphere at the Turf fields.
Kinsmen has always hosted many a final, but with only one pitch it is hard to play 4 matches in one day, but there is the time change in two weeks.

Need something to do with no games until Mid-April.



Jul 22, 2001
Dirty Money
Not a bad shout HOS, Hilcrest would be a good venue as well depending on the condition. I think that might beat out Adanac because the east field is chopped up, and it is even worse when it rains lots.

JB:wa: :knvb: :bronco:


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Tell us something we don't know.


  • Our clubs are reminded that only 5 substitutions are allowed in the VMSL. Teams using more than 5 substitutes are using ineligible players and could be subject to the loss of points and heavy fines. The opposition and the referee cannot agree to allow more than 5 substitutes.
  • Discipline hearings are held every Thursday at 7 p.m. at the league office. Players that have been ejected are invited to appear on the Thursday immediately following the ejection. If the ejected player does not appear, his case will be dealt with in absentia.
  • When a player has accumulated 3 cautions, the team manager will be notified and the player’s ID card must be brought to the office immediately. The player must sit out the next game. We will contact you early in the week. This means that we are always one week behind. PLEASE DO NOT SIT A PLAYER WITHOUT HAVING RECEIVED OUR NOTIFICATION!!!
  • A player playing in the CAT system must sit out his suspension with the team with which he is registered. He is not allowed to play for any other team until his has served his suspension.
  • Players without valid VMSL identification cards are ineligible to play in any VMSL game. The only exceptions are: 1) Youth players playing on permit; these players must have a signed BCSA permit form and a valid BCSA youth ID card. 2) Players with a letter from the VMSL giving them permission to play without an ID card.
  • OFFICIALS’ FEES: ALL VMSL referees will receive $50 per game during the 2003-04 season. In Premier Division games, assistant referees will be paid $25 each. Please remember that officials are to be paid no later than the commencement of the second half of play.
  • Please remember that 2 overage players are allowed on the roster in Under 21 games. These players must be from the club’s CAT system. This rule applies only to VMSL league games.
  • Referees have to check rosters, ID cards, field preparation, and other important matters well before kick-off time. If the field is not lined properly (burned lines are not sufficient), if the nets are not affixed properly, if the uniforms are inadequate and/or insufficient, if the rosters and ID cards are not ready when the referee asks for them, the team will be fined. Please remember that it is the home team’s responsibility to supply a match ball and to change jerseys in case of a colour conflict.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages on the sidelines is not permitted. We will fine teams that are guilty of this infraction. Please remember that you are responsible for the behaviour of your players and fans.
  • Game postponements will be posted on our website (vmslsoccer.com) each Friday afternoon. Look for “This Week’s Schedule” for regular updates.
Isn't this the kind of material that should just be a permanent document on The Excellent Site? Nothing here is new. And besides, if this stuff is so important, then why didn't the league send it out at the start of the season rather than 7 weeks in?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Drinking alcoholic beverages on the sidelines is not permitted. We will fine teams that are guilty of this infraction. Please remember that you are responsible for the behaviour of your players and fans.
I think this statement is more for "show" than anything. I think we all know that pints while watching a game are a regular occurance around the league, especially at Mundy #4.

I'm not insinuating anything by bolding that last blurb.



Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
I love this one

When a player has accumulated 3 cautions, the team manager will be notified and the player’s ID card must be brought to the office immediately. The player must sit out the next game. We will contact you early in the week. This means that we are always one week behind. PLEASE DO NOT SIT A PLAYER WITHOUT HAVING RECEIVED OUR NOTIFICATION!!!

This one is a classic, a player gets three yellows, but he doesn't sit until the league tells the team that that player has three yellows. This often happens right before you are about to play Metro Ford:eek: , what a cowinkydink.

So the player is then sitting on 3 yellows and is hoping that maybe the ref didn't put one in, or that they have not noticed at Head Quarters, but they will catch you they allways do.

There has to be a better way to keep track of yellows, so that players sit when the have 3, and don't keep playing until "We will contact you early in the week. This means that we are always one week behind. PLEASE DO NOT SIT A PLAYER WITHOUT HAVING RECEIVED OUR NOTIFICATION!!!"



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Very Important Notice

I have no difficulty with receiving the Very Important Notices at any time. When you drop in the VMSL office and listen to some of the crap the guys there take both in person and over the phone, you 'd understand why.



Our clubs are reminded that only 5 substitutions are allowed in the VMSL. Teams using more than 5 substitutes are using ineligible players and could be subject to the loss of points and heavy fines. The opposition and the referee cannot agree to allow more than 5 substitutes."

Once again the sub number keeps coming up. At the AGM this year, Burnaby Canadians Div. 2 CAT team coach, I think, brought the issue up to get the sub rules liberalized for at least CAT.

Other than Willi Azzi, who said he'd quit if it were altered from its present form, there was complete and overwhelming support from all clubs. At least all who spoke up agreed it should change if only for CAT teams.

I have never heard anyone from Premier complain about the sub rules during Province Cup play under BC Soccer rules. As I recall the rule, it is 18 players on the roster, 5 subs with sub slips during play and no slips for the teams half time changes. Maybe KNVB can comment on the rules at the Nationals for subs.

This kind of sub rule makes sense, if not for all VMSL divisions then anything below Premier, would be a good compromise. Players coming off injuries can try it out in a Div. 1 CAT game to see if they can go the next day in Premier is a good example of where this helps. I am often asked to play the Premier back up goal keeper for a half.

The only arguments I have heard against this are:
1. the purity of the game of football; and,
2. it will be like a line change as 7 players will enter the game like kids games and stop the flow.

I can't help but feel for soccer purists, but if we stayed that way, the offside rule would be stricter than it is now and we'd be still be using water-logged leather balls.

On the second point, most of us are also in summer leagues and I have not once seen a full scale change of that order yet. Who wants to hurt the flow of their sides game by doing that?

Maybe it is time for the clubs to be canvassed on this before the next meeting and get this approved. This is not intended to make Willi quit, but rather get some common sense thinking into the game to make it serve the interests of teams and the players, rather than the interests of those who run the league.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I have never heard anyone from Premier complain about the sub rules during Province Cup play under BC Soccer rules. As I recall the rule, it is 18 players on the roster, 5 subs with sub slips during play and no slips for the teams half time changes. Maybe KNVB can comment on the rules at the Nationals for subs.
Alrighty then... They used the same format and rules as the provincials, 5 subs during play, unlimited at half etc... I think this is the best format.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Ineligible Players

The Leopards were deducted 3 point for using an ineligible player a couple weeks back, but the team they beat did not get the 3 points. Why Not?

The points and the win should be awarded to the other team.

Here is a scenario....plausible or not, it could happen:

1 game left in the Div 1 season. The top team needs a win over some middle of the pack team to get promoted.
A loss would leave them in second if the 2nd place team beats some other easy team.
A bunch of premier players do not want to see this team get promoted so they stack their buddy's middle of the pack team with premier players. They win.

the middle of the pack team loses 3 points-so what.
the 1st place team loses but does not get any points.
the 2nd place team wins and gets promoted.

Where is the justice?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Couldn't happen.

The only a team could get "stacked" by premier players is if they were a CAT team. There's no promotion involved in the CAT league.




Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
It could

Premier talented players.....

What about a bunch of players who are not signed for anyone. ie: Whitecaps players waiting for their summer recreational league to start up at Swangard?

Besides, your missing the point, Regs. How the league does things now, this is very possible.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
WAB's may have the wrong example, but he has a good point. This could happen without the team playing an ineligible player purposely causing the other team promotion.

Some years back when I was assisting Jim Easton with the SFU JV team and we were playing U21, a team that was getting hammered by us in the last game of the year I started a brawl very late in the game.

Despite the idiots running that committee accepting the ref's report that SFU did not start this, no points were awarded to us, causing us to lose 3rd place to the team that caused the brawl when it was clear they weren't going to win the game.

Our point in protesting after the league was decided was that this benefitted the team that started the riot as they came in third instead of us as they were a point ahead of us in the standings at the time of the last game! What message is that?


Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
1. AFC & Serbia Tied

2. AFC lost the one point while serbia was awarded the win. (they did get the 3 points)

3. The league then deducted an additional 3 points from AFC.

All this for a player who didn't even set foot on the field??



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