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Premier [VMSL Premier] Results & Banter November 2009

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Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Croatia also has a game in hand to be played against Sapperton. If they were to win that game, you could have 8 teams within 3 points of first place. That's incredible.

On another note, we have now heard some additional very interesting opinions in this forum about the super league...we have now heard in particular from key members of Columbus, WVAN, Croatia, and Inter, all of which voiced anything but agreement on the new league. We have even gotten some feedback from Gorge, again on the negative side.

I would love to hear an opinion from key members of Surrey United and Metro Ford. I have spoken to people on both clubs that don't agree with the super league, as it stands now.

I am 99% certain that Delta is totally against the super league.

I am 99% certain the Richmond is totally against the super league.

I would really like to hear from whataboutbob and Sapperton on this.

I would like to hear from Westside (or have we already?....too many posts to go thru!)

I would like to hear from Norvan...but my sense is that they have no interest in the new league, as it stands.

I am still waiting for a key member of a vmsl premier team to come out and say they are for this new league and cannot wait to get cracking next year if they qualify.

Hey Reedie,

I don't take a hell of a lot to do with the backroom stuff at Westside, but I did outline my thoughts on this league from a personal standpoint. I can't talk for Smallstuff but fairly certain that he isn't a fan either.


Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dancin Bear Why are you against BC League? It will only bring the best clubs in the top league. Now it is split in to few leagues. Bigger clubs will have no problem to run a team in the league. Smaller clubs will have to form member fund to have a club in the league.Tha's good. It is the only way to bring the best player to one league.
PCSL is doing it in the summer and it looks good.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
This is one grand promotional campaign by someone who has an expertise in that area. It is very bad for the VMSL, and very good for the perpetrators of this agenda. I cannot believe it has gotten this far, and I fear that the VMSL powers that be have been fooled by a skilled pitch-man. Good for you Reedie for bringing this to light.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
This is one grand promotional campaign by someone who has an expertise in that area. It is very bad for the VMSL, and very good for the perpetrators of this agenda. I cannot believe it has gotten this far, and I fear that the VMSL powers that be have been fooled by a skilled pitch-man. Good for you Reedie for bringing this to light.

Yes, Reedie has stirred the pot.
For years people have been complaining, me included about the lack of media attention to the VMSL and the low attendance of fans at games. Some people pointed out that the amateur senior mens lacrose league gets media attention, sometimes on local TV, plus the lacrosse game schedule is in the Sun and Province as well as the scores. I've been envious of the lacrosse league. Why do they get the coverage - the answer is lacrosse has one league with all the best players in that league and the Island is represented in that league.
The VMSL Premier teams voted to look into forming a BCLeague and Azzi negotiated the best deal he could get. Azzi then reported back to the membership and he encouraged the clubs to support the idea, which they did because they want to improve local soccer. I applaud their courage. It may work well in which case we can enjoy better soccer and media coverage. Maybe it won't work and if that happens then we can revert back.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
That is nonsense. Why does he have to negotiate?

I just think Reedie has an accurate sense of right and wrong.


Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
The VMSL Premier teams voted to look into forming a BCLeague and Azzi negotiated the best deal he could get. Azzi then reported back to the membership and he encouraged the clubs to support the idea, which they did because they want to improve local soccer. I applaud their courage. It may work well in which case we can enjoy better soccer and media coverage. Maybe it won't work and if that happens then we can revert back.

The VMSL Premier teams voted that IN PRINCIPLE the notion of a BC League sounded like a good idea. We left the organizational meeting with a promise of further details regarding a number of questions raised at the organizational meeting.

We did NOT give the VMSL the mandate to negotiate ANY deal. We requested further information and it was not provided. Instead, a committee was formed without any notice to the Premier clubs inviting our contributions to the committee. WAB and Sandman can tell you what went on there.

At the VMSL AGM we were presented with the current format as a done deal. A few of us challenged the president. By my recollection, the SUFF rep was decidedly against it. The tall, bald fellow from Richmond also said his piece. I believe Columbus was against it but I don't recall anyone saying anything on their behalf.

Mr. Price was definitely for it. The Croatia rep did not care one way or the other.

I believe West Van was absent. Certainly no one from them spoke up.

The issue was presented as one of motherhood and apple pie, i.e. "If you love the game, you will vote in this deal."

Unfortunately, the bulk of the room was made up of Div 2 and 3 teams who did not care one way or the other so they voted how they were told.

I think you can figure out where I stood at the meeting.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
The VMSL Premier teams voted that IN PRINCIPLE the notion of a BC League sounded like a good idea. We left the organizational meeting with a promise of further details regarding a number of questions raised at the organizational meeting.

We did NOT give the VMSL the mandate to negotiate ANY deal. We requested further information and it was not provided. Instead, a committee was formed without any notice to the Premier clubs inviting our contributions to the committee. WAB and Sandman can tell you what went on there.

At the VMSL AGM we were presented with the current format as a done deal. A few of us challenged the president. By my recollection, the SUFF rep was decidedly against it. The tall, bald fellow from Richmond also said his piece. I believe Columbus was against it but I don't recall anyone saying anything on their behalf.

Mr. Price was definitely for it. The Croatia rep did not care one way or the other.

I believe West Van was absent. Certainly no one from them spoke up.

The issue was presented as one of motherhood and apple pie, i.e. "If you love the game, you will vote in this deal."

Unfortunately, the bulk of the room was made up of Div 2 and 3 teams who did not care one way or the other so they voted how they were told.

I think you can figure out where I stood at the meeting.

Therein lies the biggest issue of the new league...a dodgy vote to accept it.

Don't get me wrong, I am not criticizing Mr Azzi at all. I do not envy him having to deal with "all of us knuckleheads"...the mere fact that he can get more than 50% of the teams in one room at the same time is minor miracle. He has done endless work for the vmsl and that is very often taken for granted by a lot of people.

We can go in circles about everyone's reasons for being for or against the new league but really we won't accomplish anything in an online forum. Most people are not accountable for anything they say and things often turn into personal attacks, which can be loads of fun but counterproductive.

What would be productive is a meeting with the premier teams to discuss this issue over the Christmas break. I think everyone would be up for that and we could even hold our own re-vote to see the truth in person. It would also be a good opportunity to work out any player transfers :D If there is an overwhelming negative response to the new league, then we take it to Mr. Azzi and say that we (the teams) have made a mistake. If there is a overwhelming postive response to the new league, then let's stay on the same path and I will support it 100%.

Of course, many teams will say they need to learn more about the new league before they are capable of making an educated decision, which is fair. But in this case, the decision has already been made...the league has been "accepted" for you. In reality, if you need more info at this time, you are in theory against the league as it stands, especially in light of the timing. However, if we need more info befor a meeting over the break, we can now direct all questions to the apparent president of the super league, who has supplied his contact information. Let's see the entire business plan for the BCPL, current sponsors, budgets, media kit, a commitment from the Island teams...etc. etc.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Reedie well said. You are right if you need to talk about it now it is tolate. VMSL an Azzi will be just as strong. It realy does not matter if four teams go. Eagles are a strong club and Greeks will do good if they get up there. Punjabi always come to play. BCPL is just as Select soccer for youth. Victoria always has two sides in. Youth and senior mostlikley will become club in few years. Then you will see only Surrey,Langley, Delta, Metro Ford, Port Moody, Victoria, Abbi, Peace Arch,West Van,Burnaby and posably,Balkan,Punjab BC. Small clubs will never have a chance to field a strong enough side to stay up there. With out youth help senior clubs will drop out. It has to become one. And I forgot New West if they get together with youth development.


New Member
Sep 11, 2007
Dirty Money

Ya I was there, sleeping in the far back. As for voting on the idea, I didn't. I thought I would vote once I was given all the facts............... I'm still waiting!


Jul 10, 2002
Dirty Money
Yes, Reedie has stirred the pot.
For years people have been complaining, me included about the lack of media attention to the VMSL and the low attendance of fans at games.
I agree, but that is the responsibility of the VMSL powers to advertise/promote their league...why isn't Azzi emailing weekly schedules/results/standings to the local Lower Mainland papers, be it the Province/Sun or the municipality papers like Vancouver Courier, Delta Optimist, Richmond News, etc??? As long as you send this info to these papers, they will print it, so it won't cost the league anything unless Azzi decides to do some other promotional advertising.

The VMSL Premier teams voted to look into forming a BCLeague and Azzi negotiated the best deal he could get. Azzi then reported back to the membership...
Unfortunately, this is where you have it wrong...Azzi promised us at the Premier meeting that he would report back to each Premier club no later than 7-10 days before the league AGM and that his email package to us would have all the answers to the questions posed to him on the night of the Premier team reps meeting...I was there and remember it very clearly...all these posts about what people say happened at that meeting have been farciscal at best...that meeting ended with Azzi not being happy at all because so many of us stunned him with all these questions of feasability instead of just excepting it, which I truly believe he thought we all would. The meeting ended with Azzi asking us would we support him moving forward to determine the answers to all our questions, which we agreed to him doing before we would even consider a vote on the new league itself. For Azzi to then not get this package to us and turn around at the AGM and lie to everyone that the Premier teams supported the new league was an absolute farce and embarassment to the league membership.


Jul 10, 2002
Dirty Money
The VMSL Premier teams voted that IN PRINCIPLE the notion of a BC League sounded like a good idea. We left the organizational meeting with a promise of further details regarding a number of questions raised at the organizational meeting.

We did NOT give the VMSL the mandate to negotiate ANY deal. We requested further information and it was not provided. Instead, a committee was formed without any notice to the Premier clubs inviting our contributions to the committee. WAB and Sandman can tell you what went on there.

At the VMSL AGM we were presented with the current format as a done deal. A few of us challenged the president. By my recollection, the SUFF rep was decidedly against it. The tall, bald fellow from Richmond also said his piece. I believe Columbus was against it but I don't recall anyone saying anything on their behalf.

Mr. Price was definitely for it. The Croatia rep did not care one way or the other.

I believe West Van was absent. Certainly no one from them spoke up.

The issue was presented as one of motherhood and apple pie, i.e. "If you love the game, you will vote in this deal."

Unfortunately, the bulk of the room was made up of Div 2 and 3 teams who did not care one way or the other so they voted how they were told.

I think you can figure out where I stood at the meeting.
Oops!!! Sorry Oranje, replied to PV's post before getting to yours, but well said and I'm sorry to have repeated what you clearly outlined.


Jul 10, 2002
Dirty Money
Croatia also has a game in hand to be played against Sapperton. If they were to win that game, you could have 8 teams within 3 points of first place. That's incredible.

On another note, we have now heard some additional very interesting opinions in this forum about the super league...we have now heard in particular from key members of Columbus, WVAN, Croatia, and Inter, all of which voiced anything but agreement on the new league. We have even gotten some feedback from Gorge, again on the negative side.

I would love to hear an opinion from key members of Surrey United and Metro Ford. I have spoken to people on both clubs that don't agree with the super league, as it stands now.

I am 99% certain that Delta is totally against the super league.

I am 99% certain the Richmond is totally against the super league.

I would really like to hear from whataboutbob and Sapperton on this.

I would like to hear from Westside (or have we already?....too many posts to go thru!)

I would like to hear from Norvan...but my sense is that they have no interest in the new league, as it stands.

I am still waiting for a key member of a vmsl premier team to come out and say they are for this new league and cannot wait to get cracking next year if they qualify.
Just confirming some more for you here Reedie...

We already knew that ICST Peg, Richmond, & Delta are 100% against the new league.

Westside, Croatia, Inter, SUFF, and Norvan have all confirmed for me that they voted NO at the AGM. It appears from Sir M that West Van are currently opposed to it at this point too.

Waiting on confirmations from WAB and Wrecking Crew, but no need to hear from Metro Ford as other posts in this forum are correct in that Peter Price voted yes at the AGM.

Looking forward to getting a meeting together of the Premier team reps and Mr. Azzi to get this mess dealt with for once and for all.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
soon AZZi will have no premier clubs to compete... Sounds like a new league could be formed regardless of this issue...

Mr. Rempa

Jul 26, 2004
Dirty Money
My two cents:

I say forget about the so call BC super league and create a BRAND NEW LEAGUE:

Year 1: Only 10-12 teams Premier (all the premier teams).

Year 2: Each team must add a B Team (reserve)

Year 3: Each team must add a Junior team (U21 or U18)

Year 4: Each team must add a MASTER team (for those premier players who can't keep up with the pace of the youngters)

The PRESIDENT of this League will be: (fo sure not Reedie or Captain Shamrock, please)

Now there will be a NWP list...starting with HOS.

Now if the teams wanted they can reduce the number of years. :D

By doing this:

You don't have to deal with the FVSL, VISL, Mr. Azzi. Ghouse, etc.

Hell but you have to deal with WAB, Wrecking Crew, DC20, Orange, Burnro, Pantusa, Joe Pappa, Smallsy, The MUPPETS, BJB (and his union input), Reedie....ohhhh shite ...never mind ... forget the idea

Plus there are not good referees... hell... we have whitler Blower, Captain Shamrock and now just coming in BRONCO...not good :D


F#%@*&.... and Mr. Base. :wa:


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
My two cents:

I say forget about the so call BC super league and create a BRAND NEW LEAGUE:

Year 1: Only 10-12 teams Premier (all the premier teams).

Year 2: Each team must add a B Team (reserve)

Year 3: Each team must add a Junior team (U21 or U18)

Year 4: Each team must add a MASTER team (for those premier players who can't keep up with the pace of the youngters)

The PRESIDENT of this League will be: (fo sure not Reedie or Captain Shamrock, please)

Now there will be a NWP list...starting with HOS.

Now if the teams wanted they can reduce the number of years. :D

By doing this:

You don't have to deal with the FVSL, VISL, Mr. Azzi. Ghouse, etc.

Hell but you have to deal with WAB, Wrecking Crew, DC20, Orange, Burnro, Pantusa, Joe Pappa, Smallsy, The MUPPETS, BJB (and his union input), Reedie....ohhhh shite ...never mind ... forget the idea

Plus there are not good referees... hell... we have whitler Blower, Captain Shamrock and now just coming in BRONCO...not good :D


F#%@*&.... and Mr. Base. :wa:

Someone on our team had an idea that I liked a lot better. It may have been talked about before on this site but it is a "champions league". All the top teams from each league compete to qualify in this league every season...hey, what about 4 from the vmsl, 3 from the fvsl and 3 from the visl? :D This makes every league game much more meaningful during the season, which is one thing positive that the BCPL has done this year....but a champions league would accomplish this every year.

The qualifiers are then split into 2 groups of 5 the following season, playing each team in your group 1 time. This is followed by a semi-final and final...a total of 6 additional games at the most, which is totally doable with the current scheduling. It is a starting point that could be further developed over time...look for Heineken, Sony and Mastercard to step up right away and the status of men's amateur soccer in BC will be dramatically improved :bronco:

I would happily volunteer my time to the BC Champions League with Mr. Rempa as my assistant and Mr. Base as the Director of Communications. Naturally, Cloughie would be President with full salary and expenses. :wa:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Grab a coffee and have a go:


At the time, I had a couple of venues tentatively agreed upon as well as the referees association being on board and using it to develope/introduce young refs/ARs to the senior game. BCSA was also pretty much on board at the time and would sanction it, not requiring the various leagues' approval - of course this being some 7/8 years later, things may have changed...

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Reedie forget me. No py no go. It is more fun on this page. That will be serious caka.
Who ever takes on that job will have to do well. There is going to be lots of mad guys when they have to dish out twice as much to play top soccer.


Mar 31, 2009
Dirty Money
My two cents:

I say forget about the so call BC super league and create a BRAND NEW LEAGUE:

Year 1: Only 10-12 teams Premier (all the premier teams).

Year 2: Each team must add a B Team (reserve)

Year 3: Each team must add a Junior team (U21 or U18)

Year 4: Each team must add a MASTER team (for those premier players who can't keep up with the pace of the youngters

The PRESIDENT of this League will be: (fo sure not Reedie or Captain Shamrock, please)

Now there will be a NWP list...starting with HOS.

Now if the teams wanted they can reduce the number of years. :D

By doing this:

You don't have to deal with the FVSL, VISL, Mr. Azzi. Ghouse, etc.

Hell but you have to deal with WAB, Wrecking Crew, DC20, Orange, Burnro, Pantusa, Joe Pappa, Smallsy, The MUPPETS, BJB (and his union input), Reedie....ohhhh shite ...never mind ... forget the idea

Plus there are not good referees... hell... we have whitler Blower, Captain Shamrock and now just coming in BRONCO...not good :D


F#%@*&.... and Mr. Base. :wa:

Another league would just add to the problem. I thought the consensus among most people on here was that premier is at it's best right now.. When there is only one division.Not A and B. Essentially all your doing is re-creating that. Condensing the talent into more leagues.. or did you figure that the VMSL would just decide to not have their own Premier league if yours was created??and whats not to say they go through with the Super league??Alot of crazy ideas seem to be coming out here, I think that if the vote was one that wasn't legitimate, then take it again (now that all the information for the super league is supposed to be avaliable) and stop all the bitching:D.
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