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Div 1 [VMSL Division 1] Results & Banter - Sept. 04'

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Blaze rep.1

New Member
Dec 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Blaze 2 - Imitation Polska 1

Blaze dominated in the first half with two picturesque goals. A tacticle error by yours truly allowed them to dominate play in the second as we tried our best to sit on the lead. They scored with 10 minutes left on a free kick from 20 yards out to make it interesting. Then all hell broke loose....not much point in discussing it other than the fact that #10 the little pussy tried to curb-stomp our player while he was already involved with someone else. I'm positive he won't try that again as he stumbled away with a bloody nose. Polska has some very good skilled individual players but the team concept seems to be lacking.

Club I. next week. I'm quite sure there won't be any midfield brawls in this one.

Blaze 3 - Club I 2

Blaze rep.1

New Member
Dec 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Indo - Primos

Just curious as to who played for Indo this game? Was it the same lineup as last week or have they added any of the pros yet.

hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money
Temple 2-0 WFC Rangers......Very sloppy game played by both sides. Temple scored first on a pk to make it 1-0. Leetchy slotted his second goal by skinning the defender to make it 2-0.....Leetchy probably the most dangerous player on the pitch.

Hard Ballz


Active Member
Sep 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Primos 0 Indo/AKAL 10

Ugly...we scored early and often, and then the Primos played a offside trap on every opportunity. When we were successful in breaking through we had plenty of chances, however, we must have set a record of 50 or 60 offside calls. Unreal.

Goal Scorers: Manchild (3), The Gill(s) (3), Steamer (2), Snoop and Ronaldo with singletons.


Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Movin' On Up

I think I should let you know that I have sent in an application to be a moderator. I have an interview in the morning with some of the big wigs at TTP and I'm sure they'll ask me things like

1) Why do you want to be part of the TTP team? and

2) If you could be an animal, what animal would you choose, and why?

I'm going to request helping to moderate the VMSL Div 1 Threads since they are primarily the only threads I read. If someone ever starts a Canadian Idol thread, then that would likely be my second choice.

I know Playboi and Hemi would be glad to hear this, since I would likely give their well written and argued posts preferential treatment. That last post by Playboi was a classic and I'll definitely keep it in the archives.

I just hope that Playboi and Hemi spend less time talking to all their high school pals on MSN and spend more time here on TTP. I'm sure the advertisers would appreciate it as well.

Wish me luck everyone!

star pimp

New Member
Aug 13, 2003
Dirty Money
finally the p.i.m.p has cummmmmm bak to ttp

oh u didnt hemi oh u didnt. U think u hardcore talking trash about my fellow indo canadains. U got alot balls takling like u da shite. You no what freak show im da real deal. so wut if they paying money becuase we got money to spend. We all are ballers and we like to share the wealth. Seems like ur jealous that they wont pay u. No one wants to pay ur slut ass becuase i got 2 words U SUCK. CUm down to abby ill show u wuts up , u think u crazy cum to my pind and ill show u wat a true indo canadain is all bout. WHy u got dis indo candain tournys there part of our community. There are many teams that take that series and play with pride. Hemi u are jealous bum that needs money. Time 4 u to no ur role becuase the star said so_OH BALLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :knvb: lets get this started :bronco: balllaaaaaaaaaaaaa. You really pissed many people of and its time for u shut it.

star pimp

New Member
Aug 13, 2003
Dirty Money
i must leave agian to india

i would like to say stop da trash talking and dising other communitys. MR hemi has hurt many feelings it needs to stop. Hope fully he will be banned becuase there no need for this. Rember im the ttp hall of fame and i brought this site many rating when i had my time. Thank you ttp for letting me share my thoughts.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: finally the p.i.m.p has cummmmmm bak to ttp

Thank you Mr. Star Pimp for another well written and argued post. When I become a moderator, I will ensure that your posts also get preferential treatment. I may have to edit your post a bit, however, so that it is more appealing to our readers. Here's what the final product is likely to look like:



New Member
Sep 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: finally the p.i.m.p has cummmmmm bak to ttp

star pimp said:
oh u didnt hemi oh u didnt. U think u hardcore talking trash about my fellow indo canadains. U got alot balls takling like u da shite. You no what freak show im da real deal. so wut if they paying money becuase we got money to spend. We all are ballers and we like to share the wealth. Seems like ur jealous that they wont pay u. No one wants to pay ur slut ass becuase i got 2 words U SUCK. CUm down to abby ill show u wuts up , u think u crazy cum to my pind and ill show u wat a true indo canadain is all bout. WHy u got dis indo candain tournys there part of our community. There are many teams that take that series and play with pride. Hemi u are jealous bum that needs money. Time 4 u to no ur role becuase the star said so_OH BALLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :knvb: lets get this started :bronco: balllaaaaaaaaaaaaa. You really pissed many people of and its time for u shut it.

can i get a HELL YAAAAAAA!!


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
A Dose of Moderation

No one on TTP, least of all me, is happy with any of the last five posts. "Banter", as in "[VMSL Division 1] Results & Banter - Sept. 04'" refers to coherent discussions about matches and results and the game in general.

Either get with the program or take it somewhere else. Like the Div 2 threads -- then Dap can deal with you.

~Your Friendly Neighbourhood Moderating Team.

Blaze rep.1

New Member
Dec 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Dial-a-date & Kreeper,

I hate to say it but I'll have to agree with both of you regarding the last two pages of posts. Maybe a seperate thread should be created for the Indo teams where they can discuss their differences and grievences amongst each other. I'm fairly confident that not even someone fluent in ebonics could understand star pimps last few posts....wow.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Sikh Temple A 2 - 0 WFC Rangers A

What an absolute stinker.

No one is ever happy after a loss, but they sting that much more when you play like sh!t. I can't understand what happened to us over the course of a week. Last week we played so well to deny Cliff Avenue, but yesterday we morphed into the antithesis of who we once were.

Every pass was waist high; every first touch would drop 3 yards away allowing the opposition to swoop in and take it away; Temple beat us to every loose ball; Temple won every 50/50 (one of our centre-mids commented after the game: "I think I went up for 10 headers, and I didn't win a single one."); Temple just way more intense.

But you could see it coming at 1:15. When Temple was kicking the ball around and warming up, our boys were still chewing the fat. Last week our heads were in it from 1pm and that's what I think the difference was.

The goals came as Hard Ballz described. The first on a brutal PK (Not a brutal call -- a brutal foul. The ball was out for a goal kick and our right back foolishly chops him down.), and the second on some nifty work by the Temple striker and shoddy defending from two (TWO!) of our side -- he roofed it from less than 5 yards out.

As poor as we were, however, Sikh Temple is by far the best we've seen yet. Of course, it's only 3 games in and we've yet to pay Indo, but I watched them last week against the Blaze, and I think Temple has more offensive gusto. They're young, quick, skilled, and play with greater team discipline than most other teams like them (i.e. young and skilled). Nevertheless, I certainly believe that when we play with our heads out of our ass, our second meeting will be a two-way street rather than the freeway off-ramp that became yesterday's travesty.


P.S. As much as I complained heavily of our first game's ref and how he cost us two points, I must equally commend yesterday's official. I don't know who he was (stocky gentleman with little to no hair -- describes half of Bingers Army) but his calls were spot on as he was pretty much invisible throughout the match (as every good ref should be). If the powers at large are reading along, have him ref another of our games.


New Member
Sep 23, 2004
Dirty Money
Just what a squad needs after a tough loss, one of it's own pointing fingers and having a go... So much for on field/ off field solidarity!!

Know your role!

The Apprentice

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
From a Polska Player

Alot of different reports from the Polska game against the Blaze. The Blaze player was responsible for starting the whole fight by turning around and punching the Polska player repeatedly. Number 10 for Polska then responded by helping his teamate and he kicked the guy in the head after he threw him to the ground. He did not have a bleeding nose like reported and the guy from the Blaze who was pinned on the ground was lucky to get sparred by #10. It might have been a cheap kick to the head by #10 but he was just taking care of his teamates . It shouldnt have got to this but if the Blaze guys are gonna start punching little defenceless guys in the head than thats what it has to come to.The blaze were out of the league on the field ( very lucky win) and were out of there league in the boxing ring. Polska cant wait to have these hicks show up on their home field for the rematch. Better bring some Pitchfork's Farmers. And the Diamonds in there ears are worth more than the tractors u pulled up to the field in.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Actually Retard if you would look at where you were on the weekend you wouldn't notice much in the way of farms. the farms you idiots passed were Ladner.

As for being outclassed on the pitch you were down 2-0 after 15 and we were moving the ball at will. We made a few subs as were are not very healthy and understrength right now and went into a defensive shell. The Blaze player started the thing. that's a fact , we were trying to sub him off but couldn't do it in time. A kick in the head is totally fcuking uncalled for and is in no way taking care of his teammate who was on top of our guy. As for the game ther second half fom our point of view was terrible as all we did was defend and had no purpose in going forward but we still held on for the win.

As for fighting bring it on you idiots, you don't stand much of a chance.

Blaze rep.1

New Member
Dec 11, 2002
Dirty Money
The blaze were out of the league on the field ( very lucky win) and were out of there league in the boxing ring. Polska cant wait to have these hicks show up on their home field for the rematch. Better bring some Pitchfork's Farmers.

How many points did you come away with from that game? Let me help you....ZERO. We on the other hand received THREE. Maybe if you guys laid off on the after whistle cheap shots and yapping and kept your heads in the game you could have salvaged a draw...but most of your teamates are too interested in showing how tough they are, unfortuneatly a slight problem for team Polska, but not for the Blaze. You dominated the second half...I have no problem with agreeing to that....but you were thouroughly outplayed in the first and were lucky not to be 3-nil down as your keeper made a brilliant save from 6 yards out.

As for those sparkling gems hanging off your ears...let me give you a hint, cubic zirconium is worthless. I saw the exact same pair your left midfielder was wearing at the dollar store for $6.99 while I was stocking up on plastic pitchforks. I have no problem bringing a few pairs to the next match so that at least you look good while losing for the second time to the Blaze. See you in the slums of East Van for the rematch.


New Member
Oct 5, 2003
Dirty Money
I was not at the Blaze/Polska game, however i do know this, Polska was without 6-7 players. as was the Blaze with a few. Regardless, a win is a win.

BUT with all respect, do not TALK SHITE bout East Vancouver! I live 1 block from Burnaby but still in East Van! SLUMS! do not generalize. I am sure our half a million, homes can buy two acres in boonie central.



Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
They could but where is Boonie central. Certainly not in Tsawwassen. 500,000 gets you a basic house in t-town, nothing spectacular on a basic lot. As for talking shite, that is half the point of this site. A lot if it is in good fun and occasionally gets out of hand. If all anyone ever talked about was soccer this could be a boring place. East Van has some dodgy areas and some nice areas to, i was looking at places out there in the summer but don't tell anyone :D .

South Surrey may be next to White Rock but it is still Surrey :D
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