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Div 1 [VMSL Div.1] Results & Banter - March 05'

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Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Conductor, get your head out!! The ref was full value. Mario had 2 yellow's and had no complaints!, Sam 2 yellows and had no complaints.-how could he? I thought he was lucky not to have been shown a 2nd yellow earlier. PCOV, as I said before the game, are the worst team EVER in terms of discipline/yapping and it clearly showed today! My money was on PCOV before the match, but without Leno(sp) in the line-up and Mario receieving a red in the 2nd half, they had/have nothing! Their best 2 players without a shadow. PCOV without those 2 are no better than a mid table div 2 team. And conductor, that was no hand ball in the box as I know which play you were referring to. You'd make an even worse ref than a player, if that's even possible........ :eek:


May 4, 2004
Dirty Money
Inspector blake go stick your head in a toilet !!! For anyone who saw that game... i could not believe that such a brutal team could win !!! I have seen strange things but seeing the game from an fans point of view... disgusting... PCOV out classed and out played Meralomas... With luck from the referee and a few players being ejected... That was the only chance they had !!! They are clearly a division 2 team... not saying PCOV is not !!! I still cannot believe PCOV lost !!! There are horses in cloverdale running sore cause all the horse shoes were stuck up meralomas rear ends... And one was stuck right up inspector blakes ass... Other than that, things happen for a reason !!! Congratulations to Meralomas for winning and all the best !!! Rrrrr....


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Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
PCOV was up 1:0 when I arrived, and I had only managed to get myself settled when the Mermaids came back with a lovely little touch to head home their first. But it didn't take long for PCOV to come back and bury them. A second goal made it 2:1 at the half and PCOV looked in control.

The 'Lomas gave the usual rah-rah pep-talk, but it didn't make a whole lot of difference early on in the second, when PCOV came again and shoved a third in the back of their net. 3:1 and Div 2 was looking like a sure thing for Connaught Park.

But with little more than 10 minutes left, the Lomas came back with a carbon copy of the first, beating the PCOV keeper with another header. And all the while, from 3:1 on, PCOV kept yapping and yapping and yapping at the ref. Boneheads: everyone of ‘em. I was sitting right at the centre where their bags were so I could hear everything they were saying at/about the ref and linesman.

First comes the red for kicking a ‘Loma when he was down (which has happened more than once on TTP). Then, seconds before the final whistle, buddy clocks another orange shirt in the jaw with his elbow and drops him cold. (Granted, the Mermaid has his head quite low – more or less a replay of the Moore hit on Naslund – but jeez, this ain’t hockey, bud.) The ref had no choice but to give the card and free-kick, but who would’ve thunk that NO2 could actually put that in from that distance? 20 seconds after kick off, the whistle blows. Fantastic stuff, really. :D

Side note: Mr. Elbow moaned from then on about his team getting the shaft from the ref – 2 reds, blah, blah, blah. But it was funny how when he actually got the red, he didn’t seem to care much – thinking the whistle would blow and they’d win. Only after they gave up a 2 goal lead did he take his frustrations out on the man in black (who, by the way, did a great job).

From then on it was simply a war of attrition. 11 vs. 9 meant it was just a matter of time. 4:3, then 5:3, and to top it all off, PCOV finally received the PK they were whining about from the start of OT. Too bad it was saved. :)

I went to this game half expecting to be amused by the Meralomas downfall. And for 60 minutes, I was. But, in seeing the brutal and collective display of Portugese minds, I couldn’t help but root for Dazza’s old boys and grin at PCOV’s demise. The better team may not have won, but the classier one sure as hell did.

Congratulations NO2 and Daz (I know you’re out there lurking somewhere :) ), nice job on a memorable comeback.

Photos coming tomorrow – I’m too tired to get them done tonight. I’m already losing a precious hour as things are. :(


May 4, 2004
Dirty Money
Inspector ... Rumour has it your very disciplined and have never yapped before... You have one of the biggest mouths around !!! I would love to see conductor take u on... one on one on a field and shut u right up !!! If your soccer skill were as good as your mouth.. u would be playing premier... Instead you ll be stuck in division 1... Have a beer and keep cheering... Peachka !!! I forgot your team was one of the better division 1 teams around.. go figure !!!


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Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Fantabulous said:
If your soccer skill were as good as your mouth.. u would be playing premier.
Inspector, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you used to play premier? :rolleyes: :)


May 4, 2004
Dirty Money
Keeper.... Very well said !!! Keep snapping those pictures... Ur absolutely right about onething... The better TEAm didn t win.. but the classier did !! Cheers... Off to the legion to have some beers !!!


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Jul 24, 2001
Dirty Money

I cannot agree more with the good Inspector. I am by far a Lamas fan or a PCOV Fan (since we play them in the Provincials in Over 30's). Paul Ward was not an issue at all. It was the discipline or lack thereof of PCOV. The first lad who got ejected, should have been ejected earlier when he got his first yellow and then tried to choke out the same player. Ward gave discretion and kept him in the game. He then took a stupid second yellow for kicking a guy on the ground. Standing on the sideline, it appeared he was worried that the beer cooler would run dry before the end of the match. The second yellow for Sam was actually a straight RED. Sam is slow and has been for years. Might want to consider over 30's if he is of age. No less than 5x did he get beat by the Lomas slow forwards. Only response was him dropping the shoulder. Very very cheap. Deserved the red. No discipline for PCOV and it cost them a spot in Div. 1. Let's be honest here and not blame the ref or anybody else. The only reason PCOV is going to Div. 2 is lack of discipline. Paul Ward did not let in 5 goals today, nor, nor did he assist on any of them. PCOV assisted on them all.

Just my thought and I was an innocent bystander at the game, who was looking for Lomas to head down to Div. 2. Well done to the men in Orange. Oh by the way, Dazza ......... might I suggest it is time to head to the WCOTL as a stand by sub.



May 4, 2004
Dirty Money
Jags very nicely said... Rumour has it alot of the older players were heading out... they were making room for the younger players to come in !!! I think mario and leno were being scouted by a few premiers teams !! As for sam, rumour has it he was gonna maybe try out for the merolomas team !!! With his slow speed and very poor skill.. he would fit in very well with the team ! He has just gotta keep the yapping down !!! All good... Good luck to the young portuguese club as maybe down the road they will be back to contend in division 1 !!! Jags who do u play for???


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Nov 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Now that the lomas have had their moment of glory let me say that the better team did not win and granted PCOV did lose their cool but u guys r talkign like u guys r good or something u guys were by far the worst team i have ever watched but PCOV lost and that says something. Guys lose their cool all the time as for the trash talking about sam and mario its funny u guys were all at the feild and non of u knobs said anything to them why is that...i think u guys can sit at ur cpus and yap all u want but in the end u look in the mirror with a yellow stripe down ur back and if u look further into the mirror and ask it what the future holds ull see that its not much for the lomas, u have a few good players i mean a few. As for the beckham wannabe who thinks he scored a great free kick, buddy ur free kick was brutal ii dribbled along the ground and was weak. To all the readers on ttp i would like to close by saying congrats to the oranges but dont let it get to ur heads because PCOV could have easily have tied it down 2 men in the first OT but none of u fcuks said anyhting about that, which on ur part is pretty shady consodering u guys were up 2 men undeservedly that lomas u won but udidnt deserve it and PCOV will be back up in time.
Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Fantabulost, never have I been suspended for yapping! Work on your skills both on and off the field. I'm sure with a bit of hard work and perhaps a few horse shoes or even some rabbits feet, you'll jump right back up. Too bad Leno and Mario are wasting their talents down there. Shock-King!!

Bye bye......bye bye.......!


New Member
Apr 3, 2005
Dirty Money
Inspector jizzdrinker too bad you have never been suspended for yapping but rather have haD alot of people not wanna play with you. Your a superstar and superstud in the making. Ask leno and mario to come play with your team. (((shocking))) is watching u play soccer.


New Member
Apr 3, 2005
Dirty Money
Mr. Inspector blake - have your head up in the summertime as ur lobbans team enters - mark my words - your gonna remember me by game end - we will see who will be yapping - lol... < lee-king > ---> licking


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Rumour has it the PCOV game was sabatoged!!Was out tonight and heard that those 2 red cards they recieved was possibly planned??Not sure if it's just rumours or not,but Mario is not knowing for getting reds and took one,with them still up 3-1.Loma's make it 3-2 a man up then after they score I notice ex pcov players cheering and even honking car horns for the lomas.Soon after PCOV takes another red and the player who got it has been around along time and also friends with those ex players honking there car horn,not sure if they planned it that way on purpose or what.Also heard at the same drinking establishment tonight that another key player (Lino)?? who didn't play today is apart of the 2 red carded guys to form the 3 Amigos.As for Inspector as high on yourself as you are,I"m sorry to say I wasn't watching you with that girl beside you on the sideline
conductor, that was no hand in the box as I know which play you were referring to


New Member
Apr 3, 2005
Dirty Money
Conductor ! The wasn t a woman beside him. Thats was jags !!! In the lobbans world and scheme of things.. Its not adam and eve, but adam and steve !
Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Conductor, valent-gino and Fatubuseless. You're ablsolutely right! I am all those things you mentioned. And on top of all that, I won't be playing in Div.2 next year :cool: Hey Leno if you're out there. This is an official invite to join our team :) For the rest of you, City FC Cobras are scouting for players of your calibre and abilities..
I'm sorry to say I wasn't watching you with that girl beside you on the sideline
And to think you weren't watching.
hahahahahaha..........I love it!
Who wouldn't, muppet? Quality stuff :rolleyes:

Again, the team with the most ability lost! The team with the worst keeper I've seen in a long time still won :eek: ! The team with the least amount of discipline lost!

Bye bye......!


Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
As for the beckham wannabe who thinks he scored a great free kick, buddy ur free kick was brutal ii dribbled along the ground and was weak


It actually went arount the wall and went through the back of the net. Most dribblers don't do that. :eek: Ask your keeper, he'll fill you in. Keep your head up, wipe those tears off your cheek. You're still a winner in my books. :rolleyes:

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