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The Vancouver Canucks 2003/2004

Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Jinky said:
Joely, just read your post. How stupid are you, really?

How big was the low-cut bklack top behind granato? Maybe- and this is being generous- 200 lbs? Probably more like 230. Are you freaking kidding me? The girl was a monster...and for you to somehow justify it by saying, " i think it was (yellow tank-top's) friend that was the real looker..."


I know my vision is bad, being a goalie and all, but are we talking about the same girl? and in my post there were three girls total, yellow tank-top, yellow tank-tops friend, and the girl behind granato...did u add two of them together to get the 230?


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: My two bits...

Sage said:
Funny reading all the comments about the "Bert incident". I can't believe all the Bert bashing going on....
I didn't hear you bitching when Big B was laying out Jackman, Foote, Chelios or other poor bastards in the past. Ballbaby is right, lots of hypocrites. And remember, this guy is a top 5 player in the LEAGUE, and most temas would love to have him, so quit moaning and don't jump off the bandwagon so fast.


Well I've always bashed Betuzzi because he's big floater who thinks that because he has good hands he can glide around like Mario and hit the odd guy...cause he's a 1st liner and the play has to come to him :rolleyes:
He's a selfish pouter and a pussy...as evidenced by his "payback" suckerpunch :rolleyes:
Nice frickin' tough guy routine. He just confirmed what I already thought...a big baby... who resorts to mindless cheapshots to "even the score." Embarrassing.
It doesn't matter that he didn't mean to break the guys neck...he did..., by doing something gutless and cheap.
That's why you get in a lot more shite if you fire a gun at someone and it happens to hit them, and unlucky for you...kill them. :rolleyes:



Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
I think that the blame for this crap goes a bit deeper than just Bert. Sure he cheap shotted the guy, and its unfortunate that he is hurt. Have the extent of Moores' injuries been released? I have just heard unconfirmed reports, which means media conjecture and BS to me.
I question why the Refs let it get as out of hand as they did. Crawford did nothing to slow down the crap and try and ease the tension. Also, what kind of fcuking moron coach puts a player with a bounty on his head on at the ice at the tail end of a 9-2 shitkicking. Granato is an idiot, and should have seen this coming.

This is just another reason to get rid of the instigator rule to me. It would not have happened if the Canucks could have gotten at Moore right when he hit Nazzy.

didnt Suter only get 4 games for his hit on Kariya?

We should at least wait til easter before we crucify Bert. :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
Hammerhead if I remember correctly Suter only got 3 games.......and that was an intended cross check.........this punch was intended as well and he'll probably get between 10 and 15 games, maybe even the playoffs

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
This just goes to show how bad it is to be a Canuck Fan, the worst can allways happen. This is going to turn into a nightmare for a team that looked like it could be a powerhouse for a few years.
No matter how many games Bert gets in TO on Wed. morning, he is done here in Vancouver. The media are all over him for this, BCTV news even went to his house during the day, that is Bullshitt, what a joke going to the guys home to get an interview. The talk show guys are terrible, Pratt is comparing the hit to watching "9-11 and the planes going into the builidings" what an idiot. Then how many fans have to phone into the police to say they want charges brought against Bert, I am sure they have all seen it, without all the phone calls to Crime Stoppers.

All of this attention is going to kill Berts game here in Vancouver, he will be under the micro-scope, will not be able to play tough physical hockey just incase he hurts someone, and he will get in the teams and fans bad books. Watch what will happen, the Nucks will faulter in the play-offs now, Bert will want a trade in the off-season because he can't take the pressure, Nazzy will go back to Sweden to play the rest off his days, and we the fans, will lose two very good hockey players that this city has not seen in years.

I am hoping he only gets 10 to 14 games for what he did, ya Moore is hurt bad, but that was not the intention, it was a stupid, stupid play, but if Bert keeps getting abused by the fans and media in this city, this team could go into the dumps. If he is lost for the play-offs too, we may never see Bert play in a Nucks jersey again.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
but if Bert keeps getting abused by the fans and media in this city, this team could go into the dumps.

Sorry, HOS, you're missing the whole point. He deserves EVERY bit of abuse he is going to get. I've never liked the bum, as he has always decided to take too many nights off. Thank goodness he is not a Flyer. Anyway, if team goes into the dumps(they're not far off right now) and he continues to be abused, he better accept it. Do you think Moore has a choice to accept what happened to him? No, so 'Big' Bert better get used to this negative media. He brought it on and he deserves every bit of it. Fcuker. Out of curiosity, HOS, if Moore was your brother, would you want the fans to give the cheap shot artist a break?

Go Flyers

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
BTW, Pratt is a fcuking moron, especially by comparing it to 9-11. What a fcuking tool. He deserves almost as much abuse as Bertuzzi for comments like that.....almost.....

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:
Do you think Moore has a choice to accept what happened to him? No, so 'Big' Bert better get used to this negative media. He brought it on and he deserves every bit of it. Fcuker. Out of curiosity, HOS, if Moore was your brother, would you want the fans to give the cheap shot artist a break?

Capt. you step on the Ice after what happened in the last game, and you have to expect that something is going to happen. Now, it was wrong to sucker punch a guy from behind, and it is terrible that Moore is injured that bad, but come on, every person at GM Place and watching on TV last night knew that when Moore steped on the Ice in the 3rd period that a Nuck was going to take a run at him. I only wish he would have gone with Bert 10 seconds earlier, but it is his choice he didn't, he still shouldn't get the punch. I am not talking about giving him a break, lay-off and let the league give him the suspension, and/or let our justice system go after him if they feel it is warranted, but don't show up at the guys house the next day ringing his door bell. I wish he would have come out and sucker punched that reporter, now there is a great story.



New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
short term memory's a bitch.....

joely_the_goalie said:
I know my vision is bad, being a goalie and all, but are we talking about the same girl? and in my post there were three girls total, yellow tank-top, yellow tank-tops friend, and the girl behind granato...did u add two of them together to get the 230?

Relax JTG, most of my post was copied and pasted from Dudes self-righteous attack on you earlier. Read them again and you'll see.

What Bert did was very stupid indeed but that muppet Granato has alot to answer for as well. Moore couldn't possibly have thought that he was paying the price for taking out Naslund by picking and winning a fight with Cooke. You don't get to pick your executioner. He turned down fights with Bouk and Rutuu before turning down Powers Boothtuzzi. Granato knew this yet still sent him out to play in the middle of the third when he could have kept him out of trouble. Granato shouldn't throw stones either. I remember well the time he tried to cut that Pittsburgh player's head off ten years ago.

BTW, Burke should have brought in Eric Lindros. He could have got him on a pay as you play basis for fcuk all.


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Sometimes it seems like you are all retarded. When Domi blinsided Neidermeyer with a vicious elbow everyone said his time was up, especially in Toronto. That was the end of his carreer and he would be a hated man throughout the league.Well things change don't they. I hope that all this propaganda on the news hasnt penetrated all your minds. I can see how women and kids may feel like what Bert did was extremely severe, the media replaying it every single chance they get doesnt help either, but we must not confuse the degree of Moores injury with the severity of the retribution. Its pretty much impossible to punch someone in the face from behind. He didnt hit him in the back of the head nor de he use his stick. Bertuzzi will get the respect back he earned in this city, to think otherwise is retarded. Time goes on and someone else will take the spotlight away. Bert is a huge piece of the success pie.
Berts #1 fan


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Taking liberties.

Hands of Stone said:
Pratt is comparing the hit to watching "9-11 and the planes going into the builidings" what an idiot.
Captain Shamrock said:
Pratt is a fcuking moron, especially by comparing it to 9-11.
If you're going to comment on it, at least get it right.

Pratt only mentioned 9-11 in the context of Bertuzzi perhaps being found criminally negligent. As a result, with a criminal record, he would face difficulties in crossing back and forth across the border -- particularly in a post 9-11 milieu.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Taking liberties.

Keeper said:
If you're going to comment on it, at least get it right.

Keeper he said it a couple of times, and in one context, he said watching the Bert hit on video over and over, was like watching the planes fly into the buildings during 9-11, over and over. Taylor even gave him, a "Come On" when he was saying it, the guy is a goof.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
He compared the feeling he had when he saw the planes hitting the towers to the feeling had when he saw the Bert incident. I agree with Capt & HOS: idiot. It's a big deal today, in this city, but you simply can't compare the two events in any way, shape, or form. I was grief struck when 911 happened; the anger I feel towards Bert, and sympathy for Moore don't even come close to the emotions post 911.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Dude said:
I was grief struck when 911 happened; the anger I feel towards Bert, and sympathy for Moore don't even come close to the emotions post 911.
What does your missus think of the whole Bertuzzi nonsense thing?

gong show

New Member
Nov 5, 2001
Dirty Money
First of all i am with the majority that think bert's sucker punch was way out of line....but i found the comment's and reaction's of Granato amusing...isn't this the same joker that got 15 games in 94 for a slash!! :confused:


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: short term memory's a bitch.....

Jinky said:
Granato shouldn't throw stones either. I remember well the time he tried to cut that Pittsburgh player's head off ten years ago.

It was actually Neil Wilkinson, who was playing for Chicago at the time. Granato got 15 games for that bad boy.

As far as cheap-shots go, I seem to recall Matt Johnson prematurely ending Jeff Beukeboom's career with a similar cheap-shot/blindside punch in '98. Johnson got 12 games for it. The punch knocked Beukeboom out cold, and he crumbled forward and smacked his head on the ice, resulting in a major concussion.

Colin Campbell has made a point of saying - in his last few press releases following violent on ice-incidents - that the league takes into account (very heavily) the health of the victim when talking length of suspension.

The only things that can save Bert are 1) being perceived as a star player in the NHL and 2) the hope that Burke and his agent can claim that the dogpile afterwards led to injuring Moore on top of the punch and piledriver to the ice.

Bert's fcuked.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

She is putting up a pretty angry front about it, but I think it's just a cover. Her Pillates classes, co-incidentally, fall on the same days after the Nucks play home games. That, and she goes to 8-Rinks for them, usually around 11:00 AM or lunchtime. Now, I'm not accusing her of having a hot little tryst on the side with the big fella or anything, but she has always fancied him.

I think I need a PI. Can I use the one you hired for your psycho?

Dude- self-righteous member, outer circle.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Get your cnuting facts right. I heard Fat Pratt say.......

"It left me with a numbing feeling, like when I was watching the planes hit the twin towers. It was all so surreal."

So, he did compare the two, arse hole. Cheers.

Has the fcuker been given his suspension yet? Let's hope for a massive suspension so the media can continue to TTP out of the bum.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Captain: that was very self-righteous of you. Careful, or a member of the inner circle will slap your hand.

When the hell is Bert going to face the music? He has had more than enough opportunity to get in front of the public and apologize. His teammates say he is remorseful, upset, gutted, etc. Well, even McSorely came clean right after axing Brashear. In addition to this, he unleashed a plethora of f-bombs at the media camped outside his house yesterday. Poor bugger...imagine the self-righteous media wanting to get his side of the story? Fcukers...

Bert hasn't shown that he gives two shits for anyone but himself.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
How would you know Dude? Do you live with Bertuzzi? Do you play with the Canucks? Perhaps Dazza's snout with Tottenham is phoning your mobile with updates? There is no possible way you would have any idea what steps Bertuzzi has taken to rectify the situation since the incident happened.

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