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Premier The FVSL Premier League 2003/2004 Part II

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New Member
Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Dude
After all, we probably do more damage than any other user group out there. [/B]

dud GET A LIFE , what about football and rugby, have you never seen a pair of their boots????


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
ZING! PAU Hit #1

There are a tonne of football and rugby teams out there using the fields as compared to soccer, isn't there?:rolleyes: You're so right Studs: these user groups FAR outnumber the soccer teams in the Lower Mainland.:rolleyes:

What was I thinking.:rolleyes:


New Member
Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
pussy (lions ) UTD

I gotta say these friday night games seemed like a good idea before but it's fkucen c..c..cold o..o..out there, last week against SUFC i nearly froze my balls off, i'm serious it was bad. I think the FVSL forgot to realize that the nights in the winter are disgustingly cold.


Knob Rhider, Regs is going to send you a box of kleenex, a set of gloves and some hot shots. PS your mom is going to bring the oranges, hot chocolate, and a garbage bag to wear under your jersey in case it rains. Try not to wear your jogging pants under your shorts this week. Oh yeah, your dad is bringing your jock strap and your mouthguard.

PS: PAU to finish in the top Ten


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
Originally posted by studsup
dud GET A LIFE , what about football and rugby, have you never seen a pair of their boots????

In Sappy's, I mean Dudes, defence, we are by far the biggest user group going. Rugby gets their own fields and I can speak for Langley and Abby, there is not any cross over or sharing of fields.
Anyhow how did this topic get started, somebody see some green grass growing amongst the near dead saplings?

On an aside, I too predict a top 10 finish for Langley U as well as long as we stick to our game plan.

Knight Rhider

New Member
Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Well look what squad finally found a voice! Nice to have a PAU player back in the mix, if thats what you'd call this muppet...I wasn't whining, just pointing out that my balls were like ice cubes it worked out cause i put them in my rum and coke after the match it did wonders ;)
I like the Friday night games years and years ago in my youth;) we played Fridays at John Oliver, but for some reason this year it's really cold. I apologize if me pointing this out has offended you but we ARE breaking record numbers in low temperatures and I'm just a poor little cub from Trinidad i cant handle the cold:cool:

Girth i think the gravel idea is a good one, just watch out for Chilliwack, Arrow head told me that they are gonna win the PAK!:wa:

oh yeah studs up, dudes right you're wrong, go and lose a match or something:D


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

PAU- start bitching and moaning about Friday evening starts and artificial turf here: It totally sucks from late Oct. to early March!!! :rolleyes:

Cold weather @ 9pm, novelty runs out after playing every fcuking week, turf is NOT grass and my vision sucks at night under the flood lights!!!


New Member
Aug 18, 2003
Dirty Money
friday nights....

Rider, Guiness Totally agree............ I'm enjoying playing div1 this year as we're getting back to the good ol Traditional Sunday games. I didn't enjoy playing friday night games the last two years in premier, after a long week of work I just want to sit down to a nice cold pint.
I hope the league rethinks this for next year as the storm have a good chance to move up.....I don't know if it comes down to the league or teams getting feild times but you'd think there's lots of fields available on sundays....

PS....studsup shutup....or even better post your opinion on something!!!!


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

My final moan on this issue (that has been beaten over the head with crowbar to the little puke that tried to steal your wheels) is I told you so... Way back before the end of last season (we made have even had a thread?) and long through the summer a few of us "traditionalist" had many posts concerning the "Friday Night League" that the FVSL Premier League had become... It was a novelty 10 years ago when John Oliver first opened, but unfortunately the last couple of years have exploded with every team (except PAU, Aldergrove & SUFC) joining in... I don't mind and actually enjoyed the two or three night matches... There used to be a good atmosphere about them... Now with everyone doing it, there is no atmosphere for many reasons...
1) Every week = boring.
2) Guys are playing somewhere else and can't go watch another one.
3) Players no longer circle there 2 or 3 dates on the calander.
Bottom line; no one gets up for "the match of the week" anymore, because it's not the only ticket in town!!!

Personally, I have always expressed my love for Saturday afternoon matches... It is how football was intended to be played, followed by a good piss up afterward... Lads aren't shattered from working all day and Sunday can be spent on the couch watching the NFL... Or in case of family men like Dude or Aves, Sunday can be their little "family day"...;)

Enough ranting over an issue which ultamitely the league has control over, but choses not to do anything about... Yes teams submit their field schedules, but the league has the power (and should use it) by stepping in and blocking new teams from coming in and setting up a Friday night schedule... Honestly I'm sick and tired of it and doesn't give the beautiful game justice!!!


BTW, you won't see any mittins or sweat pants under the shorts on this guy!!!;)

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I gotta say these friday night games seemed like a good idea before but it's fkucen c..c..cold o..o..out there, last week against SUFC i nearly froze my balls off, i'm serious it was bad. I think the FVSL forgot to realize that the nights in the winter are disgustingly cold.

I'm too lazy and busy:rolleyes: to go back and see who posted this. Just wear your fcuking black tights, wooly mittens, hooded sweat shirt under your jersey and you'll be fine. You can put Hot Shots in your mittens and boots and you'll be fine. Lord knows our EXTREME weather conditions:rolleyes: don't allow us to play sexy football but we have to make do.

Personally, I LOVE Saturday games. I like the idea of having a day off before going back to work again. I don't think I would be crazy about a Friday night(not because of the treacherous(sp?) weather conditions)game because it would be quite late before you could start drinking. Also, I like to have Friday nights to do nothing. That was my two cents worth.

BTW, we all know why the Valley went to Friday night games, don't we? So it will allow the players to go see some quality VMSL football on Saturday and Sunday ;)



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Here’s the dilemma we’ve created for ourselves: having the Friday night games has made scheduling A LOT easier for the league, especially when it comes to the late part of the season.

The arrival and use of the light fields, especially the turf fields, has allowed the league to play nearly all it’s games. Rarely, if ever, will a fixture on the turf be cancelled. If for some reason there is a postponement (like during the tropical storm a few weeks back), it is easy for the league to make it up. Hell, they can do it any night of the week now. Way more flexibility.

So, having said that, is there a better way to make use of the fields? What about playing Cat games on Friday, then Premier on Saturday (I’d prefer that, too) or Sunday? In an ideal system, this would make the best use of the Cat teams. Play Friday, and ask the top performers to come out Sunday.

To always play on grass would be great. The problem is, grass fields get torn apart as soon as the inclement weather arrives. The municipalities have invested millions in these fields, and from their standpoint, the turf is a big money saver, long term. What can we do? We live where we live, and we can’t change that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
I love grass. I hate the artificial turf. As any keeper will tell you, the turf is NOT forgiving when you are flopping on it for 2 hours every Tuesday and Thursday. However, turf is better than practicing on gravel. That said, I can't believe that there are so many games being played on the fake stuff... even in the provincial cup... WTF?

Note: the worst FVSL grass pitch in late february is still better than 95% of the best VMSL fields in September. How many turf fields are used in that league?

I like having both night games and day games. It was sooooo great having our home games friday night, with away games on sunday. It's too bad everyone else followed suit. Since everyone followed Crafty's lead with Friday night games, the trendsetter has moved our home games to Saturday... How long will it take for the other teams to follow suit?

Delta by 1.


New Member
Jan 18, 2002
Dirty Money
Poco v SUFC

The Poco v SUFC match has been postponed tonight due to Poco Parks and Rec deciding at the last minute to do some "emergency safety repairs" to the field.:rolleyes:

Neil Fuge will be contacting SUFC and the match officials regarding this. He is seeing if we can play this on Sunday.

Stay tuned........


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
personally I wouldn't mind playing Friday night's.....it leaves me the whole weekend to do something.......plus as long as the regular season is played on that crap until december and then afterwards they put teams on grass so when the cups come around it isn't difficult to adapt to, it wouldn't be bad......the grass would be in decent if not good condition and teams will have no reason to complain that we haven't played on turf or vice versa....just my thoughts


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

The Captain is starting to admit he likes me!!!

Originally posted by Captain Shamrock

Personally, I LOVE Saturday games. I like the idea of having a day off before going back to work again. I don't think I would be crazy about a Friday night(not because of the treacherous(sp?) weather conditions)game because it would be quite late before you could start drinking. ;)


I believe Cainy discussed Saturday matches for PAU, but our pitch isn't available to men's team on Saturday's!!!:mad: :rolleyes: BTW, Sixfyv was it not that muppet John Mantie (sp) who was at the helm of Delto Metro when they began Friday night fixtures??? Not too sure how long Crafty has been in charge at Delta (as I was in the superior VMSL for the previous 4 years):rolleyes: maybe the fossil Milhouse can confirm this???;)

OK I'm really finished talking about this subject.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
draven I cleared my night so I could watch your beer cooler (I mean game), is it cancelled for sure:mad:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
BTW, we all know why the Valley went to Friday night games, don't we? So it will allow the players to go see some quality VMSL football on Saturday and Sunday
Fcuk, KNVB, give it a rest! These guys don't need you starting another "who's better" war with your anti-FVSL/PAU rants :mad:


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