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The Battle of Surrey.(Is it really worth fighting over?)


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2001
Dirty Money
what does it matter if SU had the chances to beat PoCo or not? What was the final score? 2-1 in favour of PoCo, that's all that matters. If you had all of those chances and couldn't finish then you don't deserve to win. Stop trying to make your team look better than what it is. Just because it was against PoCo doesn't mean anything.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Actually, they are.


Actually, they are a bunch of turncoats. The Surrey United Premier and Reserve teams are stocked with at least 12 former SC Knights (won the 3rd division last year), possibly more. They were very bitter because the club had chosen to promote the Storm last season to 2nd, instead of them. The Storm hadn't proven the previous season that they deserved promotion, but had played very well during the summer of 2000 in the Surrey Knights (not to be confused with SC Knights) league...a fairly high caliber summer league. Based on the strong team the Storm built, and strong coaching, the Storm were promoted instead.

The Knights were very bitter all last year, and I believe reneged on a portion their club dues as well (that's second hand info though). They, and their coach, left at the first opportunity. As stated before, they have some good players, but mostly fairly young. Surrey United would have been wiser to enter a 1st division team with those players, and hold legitimate try-outs for their premier / reserve team. Most of the former Knights were inexperienced to begin with...and jumping from 3rd to Premier is quite the leap! Now, it looks like they'll loose their Premier spot, and the Reserve spot that goes along with it. They'll only have one team next year, a 1st div team.

They made their decision to leave as a group, and that's fine...freedom of choice, right? The problem was with the way they conducted themselves as club reps throughout the year, and with the manner in which they left. Let's just say it was less than honorable.

Anyhow, hindsight is 20 /20.

Yours in the know,



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
No need

Hey bitter boy,

If you're referring to the chairman, the only part I would need confirmation on was the part about the dues...which is of no consequence anyhow. Do you dispute anything I've written?

Your coach tried to recruit me, and half my team, before settling on the lot you have there now.

Good effort though. I'll give you a 6 out of 10.;)


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

We've been thru all of this before haven't we??? At that time (1998) if the likes of yourself and a couple of other lads in their late 20's had of stepped up to the plate when SC (formally known as FC) was awarded a VMSL Premier spot, then chances are we wouldn't be having this conversation would we??? Lots of talent, but too young to handle the rough and fast pace of the Metro League... Today little wanks (like Bollocks) wouldn't be spouting off to anyone!!! would he??? truth is your club is finally back to respectability and is quite stable once again... Congrats to your mob Bigin!!!
However, the VMSL version of United is full of exFC lads for one reason only!!! Yes, the opportunity to play in the best amature league Canada has to offer!!! If that makes me and some of my mates turncoats, then that makes you and some of your lads yellow for not coming up and rising to the challenge presented!!!:p :p :p


New Member
Dec 11, 2001
Dirty Money
To all the Wankers who thought I changed my name

You're all a bunch of fcuking goofs.

Hey dude next time try not to write a fcuking novel okay.
Skytrain, you're still a wanker.
RF, I'll have to agree with Guinness about the whole turncoat arguement.
Bollocks, where ya been friend.
Kopstar, that was hard luck against PoCo we deserved that one!


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
That's Mr. Mellow Yellow to you

Originally posted by Guinness
If that makes me and some of my mates turncoats, then that makes you and some of your lads yellow for not coming up and rising to the challenge presented!!!:p :p :p

The quote is for KNVB's benefit.

We've been through this before and here we go again.

FIRST AND FOREMOST: I'm kidding man.
I hear ya brother.
I'ts not the first time we've got that, it happens now.
I'm sure there's people in our club today that are disappointed some of our guys (certainly not me) that don't play on our premier side right now.
Maybe at that time we put team before club, but quite frankly, the guy at the time coaching I don't think was too interested in us coming up as he wanted younger blood.

SECONDLY: I was having a go at kopstar, not you. His whole SIDE left our club, not 3 or 4 guys still wanting to play VMSL premier in Surrey AFTER demotion and the side changing dramtically.
Rightly so, completely different story.

THIRDLY: Bollocks is a good player on a good side.
He can spout off to anyone as far as I'm concerned.
You have a go at me that I'm a bit strong and go easy. C'mon.

Cheers on the respectabilty and stability comments.
Two qualities that will have you lot back with us one day soon.:cool:

Love and kisses,

The Judge

New Member
Oct 20, 2001
Dirty Money

I like the name being a liverpool supporter,used to play for Marty when United's rein started,poco where our whipping boys.If you have a problem with the valley team,talk to the Pres.I like Marty,he's worked hard to get where he's at but in my opinon he should help bring respect to the valley team.He should be bringing players up through the system not other teams.United have what;(4 ex metro ford players,4 ex SC players,bunch of langley players).Talk to Marty,get it together.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

I was just TTPing right back at ya, hence these :p :p :p at the ending of my last post!!! as for this
Two qualities that will have you lot back with us one day soon
that is why you never burn your bridges my friend!!! you just never know;)
Cheers, Guinness


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
that is why you never burn your bridges my friend!!! you just never know
Hmm where have I heard that before? Sensei?

Does this include me as well? With the way I treat my body I should be run down and broken in about 4 years. I should think by then I would fit in nicely. ;)



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money

Would you stop fcuking quoting before you post?

But, if you're not over 30 in four years, you'll have to wait until you are.

Also, some red tape.
We may have to alter the mandatory 6 inch by-law to get you and Guinie Prick in. :D


New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Kopstar

Originally posted by The Judge
I like the name being a liverpool supporter,used to play for Marty when United's rein started,poco where our whipping boys.If you have a problem with the valley team,talk to the Pres.I like Marty,he's worked hard to get where he's at but in my opinon he should help bring respect to the valley team.He should be bringing players up through the system not other teams.United have what;(4 ex metro ford players,4 ex SC players,bunch of langley players).Talk to Marty,get it together.

Fellow Liverpool suppoerter - I thank you for your words of support.

I would talk to Marty but I do not even know what he looks like. In fact, I would be very surprised if he knew any of our players' names. I think that's enough said. We'll play with what we've got. Now that some of us are healthy, we feel we can compete with any team out there. We're not the best team by any stretch of the imagination, but we'll fight for our respect.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Are serious about that? That really is sad...who's taken charge of running the FV side of the club then? Is Dotty managing the whole works?

It's just too bad that he's ignoring the club's roots. SU really should have strong sides in both the VMSL & FVSL...amazing what a couple of year's difference makes. As much as we're slagging the shite out of each other, we all know that the whole FVSL would be much better off with a strong SU. If Marty is going to ignore the FVSL, he should at least appoint someone to take over the club on the FVSL end and get you guys back to respectibility.

Keep up the fight boys!


New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money
I am writing this just to get the record straight.

The only reason we left Surrey Knights was because of the way in which we were overlooked when we were promised a Div 1 spot. We had no intention of ever leaving. We had no intention of joining Surrey United at that time but our options were extremely limited. Some of our players didn't want to play in Div 2 which is understandable considering the promises which were broken.

What we have learned from the whole situation is that there are people in important positions who are too concerned with their own image within the FVSL and not concerned with the welfare of their own players. The amount of beurocratic bullshit that goes on is unreal. In fact most of the bad blood between FC and United is due to the conflicts between Mitchell and Dickerson.

We now have a chairman who we don't even know. We have a manager who's a woman. We have only a small squad of players, two of whom are barely 16. We do not have enough players which we can pull from lower divisions who can compete at the Premier level. Hopefully things will change by next year but we'll see. In hindsight, would we have done things differently? Probably! We have some very good players, but we were not ready for the huge jump. You need a bit of experience at this level. We've learnt that the hard way. But I'm not here to whine about our misfortune. We'll play out the rest of the season and fight for our pride. Win or lose we're gaining valuable experience that will set us in good stead in the years to come.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
More clarification


Your post shows that you’re clearly frustrated. Believe me, I can understand the frustration of being passed over for promotion within the club.

In the 1999 / 2000 season, you guys had placed high enough in Div 1C (now 3rd) to be promoted to 1B (now 2nd). I was actually shocked that the Knights were passed over by promotion by the club in favor of the Storm, given the Storm’s previous year’s record (I think they had place 5th in their side of 1C). From my understanding, however, the Club selected the Storm based on their coaching, the team they had built, and the Storm’s willingness to help loan players to the Premier team on a week-to-week basis. From your comment on the “feud”, it has been speculated that the Knights coach was not willing to lend players to the Premier team. This is educated speculation, but I think that attitude weighed heavily on the Club’s decision to promote the Storm in place of the Knights. The Royals- at the time- were also passed over for promotion because we didn’t have a coach in place for the 2000 / 2001 season…limiting our potential to be successful in the new 2nd division. Also, as everyone knows, SC really didn’t have a Premier team last year…they barely avoided relegation by pulling together various players from all over the club, week in, week out. The Hondurans really didn’t have a full squad. In fact, I think the Knights were the only team in the club that didn’t lend any players to the Premier team. Correct me if I’m wrong.

In hindsight, the Club made a very good choice: the Storm obviously had a very successful season last year in earning promotion to the 1st division, and winning the President’s Cup. It was really good to see them succeed amongst such scrutiny. They truly deserved it. The end result is that we have a tighter club this year, with more interaction between players and more movement between Premier and the feeder teams.

Keep your head up though...whatever happens this year, you'll have an opportunity to regroup in the summer, and put together a workable plan to restore pride to Surrey United. I really meant it when I said that the FVSL is much better off with strong Surrey United representation…do everyone a favor and implore Marty to get his head out of his Coppertone and get involved!

Dude- sorryforthbookfellas!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

1st in the 3rd div. The Royals finished tied for 2nd, but were given 3rd because we lost the seasonal match-up with the H&L. Royals benefited by the Knights leaving and were given the promotion by the Club. Everything Hunky Dory.

Where are you going with this?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Mr. Foden

He is an extremely busy man running two Metro league teams and over seeing to more plus two Ladies Metro League teams... He has a full slate in the summer running the Pacific Coast League team, plus over seeing the U-21 Umbro team and Ladies PCSL team... yada, yada, yada!!! my point is he finally decided enough is enough and left the Valley teams in good hands... Dotty is top notch and also is the club's treasurer... as Club President, Mr. Foden has a pannel of volunteers working hard to ensure the club stays healthy at all levels...

Kopstar, good luck the rest of the way mate!!! Do the Club proud!!!:cool: ;)

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