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Noo Choons

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I definitely like Neon Heights... Although there wasn't a large selection to choose from at the time. Someone named Londonboy had them all and decided half way through my downloads it was time to leave. Cnut. I did manage to get 'Again' and a couple others, silky stuff.

Same goes for Syntax, only one or two to choose from, but the one song I got had a 'great' sound. Any other recommendations along the same lines?


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
fcuking arduous........

I'd give her one.

If she'd let me.

The world has gone completely mad when WKRP has access to Neon Heights and I haven't.

WKRP, get that Audio Bully's track. If you don't like that you can get it right up ya and fcuk off while you're doing it. It's like Pop Will Eat Itself sharing a bag of chips with The Streets. That will be £300, thanks.

If you can navigate yourself around a burner I'd like a CD of the last few months Top Choons because I'm a tight cnut and the entire music industry can diappear back up its' own backside for all I care. Plus, it's the least you can do since I've had to tolerate your existence for what seems like a fcuking eternity now. Throw Sondre Lerche on it as well just so I can hear what someone who plays in-store at Zulu records sounds like. I hope the fat Asian one from Cub did his sound for him. That would endear him to all and sundry.

Get on with it, my time is dear in every sense.



New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

"Lover I don't Have To Love" by Bright Eyes ... an interesting cross between The Cure and Pulp, but without the lipstick or the Michael Jackson punch-ups.


"Hayling" by FC Kahuna ... in a word, SEXY!


"U Know Y" from Scottish legends Moguai who've abandoned the toe gazing guitar stuff for something far more exciting and energetic. Brilliant!


"Move Your Feet" from Junior Senior. Good old-fashioned Disco music with hints of The Jackson Five, long before Jermain became a poof and Michael became a child risking circus act.

Willy McDisco


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

Info for the Ladytron show:

Wed, 03/05/03 8:00PM

Apparently tix are $23. The original info I got mentioned they'd be here in late Feb. Now it's early March. They're all lying to me. All of them.

Free tix rule,


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money


I've finally replied to your e-mail so I've decided you owe me a CD for my trouble. I've got dirt on you, remember...............

A CD of your latest recommendations would be great. I mean that sincerely. Especially the Mogwai song. I'd do it for you, you know.

Simian would be worth seeing at the Ladytron show. His album covers are brilliant and his music ain't all that bad either. Bit of a coup for Vancouver to get both in one night.



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
public service.........

Never let it be said I never do anything for you. Despite your appalling musical bent.

Updated:Wednesday, 5/15/02, 6:47 PM PST

[5/15/02]: Eddie will be taking part in the 31st annual Los Angeles Police/Celebrity
Golf tournament on May 18, 2002 at the Rancho Park Golf Course in West Los Angeles.

The event raises money for the Police Memorial Foundation. Click here for additional information about the event.


[5/07/02]: I know I promised I'd get back to you and I'm sorry for the delay but I wanted to let you all know that I've just gotten a 100% clean bill of health - from head to toe. I wanted to share the good news with you immediately. And of course, I thank you all for all your good wishes and prayers along the way. Now it's time to really get back to the music and fun.....so party on and you'll be hearing from us very soon.

All my love,

So there you have it, aliong with the 'love' of your favourite hair-farming axe-merchant. I comes to my attention, however, that your idol is lying to you as it's been almost a year since he fibbed, '...party on and you'll be hearing from us very soon.' At least he's better now. I was very concerned about his health.

Party on........


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
proper choons........

More well-mined gems that you'll never hear in Vancouver for your pleasure..........

Dog ‘Bitten’ (Heavenly/EMI)
Radio 4 ‘Eyes Wide Open’ (City Slang)
Badly Drawn Boy ‘Born Again’ (Twisted Nerve/XL)
Mint Royale ‘Blue Song’ (Faith & Hope) ********Classic
Zwan ‘Honestly’ (Reprise)
Nightmares On Wax ‘70s 80s’ (Warp)

And just for MacFcuk.........

Hot Hot Heat ‘Bandages’ (Sub Pop)



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

Another day and more music to sort out..........

'Let's Hear it For God'- Headland.........the record The Avalanches never made. Mad as a walnut.

'Ghost Trains'- Erlend Oye........ Class 1980's-style production and well-paced vocals from a man who makes Jarvis Cokcer look bulimic.

'1969'- Silver City....... the best thing to come out of Argentina since Ossie Ardilles. A bassline that makes everything seem better while sat on The Northern Line with blood pissing out of your knee having endured a near-riot playing fives in Tottenham. Almost as good as a Jinky piss-take. Malvinas.

Upcoming gigs.......... 22nd February at The great Eastern Hotel near Old Street tube: New Order vs. Pet Shop Boys vs. Arthur Baker in a head-to-head, toe-to-toe, one-off DJ war at Arthur Baker's Return to New York party.



New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Finally downloaded U know Y - Moguai. Moses on a mountain bike.......downhill.

As Fasty would say, "U da man!"



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
u da man indeed..........

Pay attention, this is huge.

'Vision 03' by Voigt & Voigt.......this is what Vancouver's 7th best band subClassic would have sounded like had their genius not been undermined by the scheming, insidious harlequins who make up Vancouver's 12th best band undermars. Add Jinky's vocals to this modern-day masterpiece and Robert's your father's brother you have a song subClassic was born to record. This diamond needs to be listened to on a good system at full amplification. Nuances. The only negative thing about this song is that Voigt & Voigt are Germans so, clearly, recorded this in error.

While I'm up have a listen to Bent's take on 'Dirty Mind' by the purple-clad wanker who is Prince.

As Buckfast would say, 'fcuking awesome. Man.'

HMV Robson Vancouver BC(604)685-9203 04-MAY-97

1 Matthew Good Band * Raygun EP Outside
2 Colorifics * Living City Independent
3 Carlos Morgan * Feelin' Alright Independent
4 Erasure Cowboy Warner
5 Depeche Mode Ultra Reprise
6 Michael Cuccione * Make a Difference Independent
7 Subclassic * Mum Independent
8 Front & Centre * Front & Centre Independent
9 Mythos * Introspection Page Music
10 Kelly Brock Kelly Brock Independent



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money


While staggering down Oxford Street on my way to work this morning I was treated to that Moguai track what you keep on about. How, I hear you ask? Well, I'll tell you.

Jinky played it down the phone to me from his Kits HQ. Sounded great too. The clean, fat (sounds a bit like Saint after his bi-weekly shower) production values make this track shine through even the most troublesome of sound systems. Like a Nokia 3310, for instance. Good choon guitar-man.

Speaking of Saint, Saint Jr. clattered me on two vodka Red Bull buffaloes last night and admitted to 'quite liking' the new Justin Timberlake track. If that kind of thing gets public he'll be a laughing stock. Good job no one reads this website.

And speaking of buffaloes, last night bore witness to the first ever trans-Atlantic buffalo club initiation when Jinky swore in a fella I work with over the aforementioned Nokia 3310. Fcuking eejit rookie isn't in today is he? Maybe he's died to get out of the exclusive club. The nonce.

Here's another classic in a great month for Top Choons: 'Change the World'- Dino Lenny featuring Paul Heaton.

From the Daily Star:

Legendary band the Housemartns have inspired their second dance phenomenon after giving the world Norman Cook.

The 80s group who scored hits with tracks such as Caravan Of Love and Happy Hour, are soon to score a suprise hit with a new house track called Change The World.

Produced by Italian dance icon Dino Lenny, it samples the Housemartins first single Flag Day.

Bizzarely Norman Cook(whho played bass in the Housemartins) heard the track in a club and texted his old band mate and Beautiful South frontman Paul Heaton for a copy. But Paul who was recording the new Beautiful south album in Spain, was unaware that the white label, featuring his vocals, was blowing up in clubland. He immediatley asked to hear the track, loved it and gave Dino full approval.
A source revealed: "Heaton is going into the studio to re-record the vocals and wants to add some new lyrics". He will also front the video and do TV promotions for the track.

A bidding war has broken out with at least 4 major labels trying to buy the track-which Dino wants to release properly in the middle of next year. A source told me, "This is going to be one of the essential tunes at next years Winter music conference in Miami- where all the big tunes are decided".

It's funny that the Housemartins got Norman Cook into music and he went on to be one of the biggest producers and DJs in the world. "Now the band are going to feature on one of the biggest dance tunes of 2003. Its bound to stimulate fresh interest in the group- who became The Beautiful South. Dino himself told me: when I first told my friends of the idea they took the piss. But the track's taken on a life of its own.


New Member
Dec 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm getting confused.......

Now, I am quite familiar with Mogwai (Scottish guitar boys who peddle a t-shirt emblazoned with a "Blur is Shite" logo) but there seems to be some confusion regarding Moguai . They are quite different, aren't they? Is there any connection between the two?


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

They are different, yes, apart from, presumably, their choice of t-shirts. I was hoping Bill would pick up on that but clearly you're far more intelligent than he. It wouldn't take much.

'Love Will Tear us Apart' Joy Division (Squarepusher 2002 remix).



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Spirit of the West's front man, John Mann as released his first solo material, Acoustic Kitty. Saw a snippet on BCCTVGLOBALCHANNEL11THEOLDBCTVBEFOREPAMELAFCUKEDOFFWITHBILL last night where he was perfoming at The Green Room. Seems decent enough to those unlike those Fastshow types who hate shitty Westcoast-Canadian-Celtic knock-off impersonators.

Not available on Kazaa . . . yet.

See: www.johnmann.ca


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Venice has fcuking sunk.........

Seems decent enough to those unlike those Fastshow types who hate shitty Westcoast-Canadian-Celtic knock-off impersonators.

First of all, it has now become obvious why your posts generally consist of little more than inspired links to other websites; you can't write a coherent sentence nevermind one that is grammatically correct. Good job you're going in for teaching. I hope you're up to the challenge of kindergarten.

I'd appreciate it too if you'd desist from telling me what I do or don't hate. Or simply desist completely.

The Real Mackenzies........... word on the street is that they're a growing concern.



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
exciting times.........

For Jinky and all others with taste..........

The new video for the Bent single 'Magic Love' is now available for inspection at www.bent-world.com

Like a less up-it's-own-backside Fleetwood Mac with that little cnut Lindsay Buckingham taken out to piss off with his girl's name.

Bent also DJ'd Radio 1's Breezeblock sessions this past Monday so that should be available on Kazaa by now if you do a 'Breezeblock' search. I would like a downloaded copy of this set as I contrived to miss it given the fact I'm a fcuking twat. You know my address and thank you in advance.

The new album is also, apparently, downloadable. For those bastards who have access to such pleasures. My address continues to be the same.

I'm not fcuking about with this, this lot are the most relevant and original band to come out in the past decade. Fcuk it, fifteen years. Their genius is unmistakeable and undeniable. I'll be gutted if they ever obtain mainstream success, they're far too good for commoners.


The Clinic will run from March 4th to March 8th
12:30 - 14:30
16:00 - 23:00
340 Old Street, London

Is the relentless grey normality of everyday life getting you down? Or worse, making you sick? Then Bent are here for you!!!

For a limited time only, the public is invited to feel the benefit of
Bent's wonderful bedside manner and extensive medical training at their Clinic For The Tediously Sane, a temporary medical institution offering treatment for all manner of ailments, mainly mental. Over two floors of clinical madness Bent's impeccably qualified nurses will soothe your cares and your sanity away, leaving you refreshed albeit two test tubes short of a chemistry set. You'll be amazed at the difference!!

Patients will be politely requested to sit in the waiting room (top floor) before being gently ushered downstairs into the clinical trial room. This room will contain two hospital beds upon which the convalescent can recline and listen to the curative tones of the brand new Bent album, The Everlasting Blink. The video for single Magic Love will be playing as a visual aid to recovery. Limited quantities of specially medicated Bent Merchandise will be available at the Clinic, including pickled onions, vodka, slipmats and t-shirts. Please note: all these items have been subjected to rigorous clinical trials. Honest.

The uplifting Bent Hospital Radio will provide a calming musical balm, the aural equivalent of a cool hand on the forehead. During the evening, Bent will be dispensing specialist treatment via a set of twin turntables. They will be dressed as doctors, and may request the loosening of all clothing as a precautionary measure. Ooh, matron!!!

Why wait for the men in white coats to take you away? Commit yourself to Bent.

Bent's new album 'The Everlasting Blink' will be released on March 3rd.



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

More obscure songs those brave enough to try will have a bastard finding......They are, however, well worth the effort. As ever.

'Hendrix with KO'- Manitoba: Sounds like The Mock Turtles (who are making a comeback in the new Vodaphone advert with Can U Dig It?) crossed with Dead Can Dance at their least shoe-gazing stuck in a tent in Nelson, B.C.

'Ill Culinary Behaviour'- DJ Format: hippity hop from Southampton home of Saint, Le Tiss, and the wholly unnecessary Craaaaaaig David. Old skool. No idea what he's on about but his drums are sound. It's all about the beat.

'The Snow'- Audio Bullys: This is Chicago house. I've never had the slightest desire to go to Chicago but apparently the Audio Bullys made a pilgrimmage from their West London HQ to a place people seem intent on believing has the full marketshare on windy conditions. We should all be pleased they went as it means we don't have fcuking have to and that this is rather good.

'The Birds and the Bees'- Mr C: The man responsible for ensuring TTP's Oor Wullie drove up and down Robson Street in a clapped out Celica screaming 'E's are good, E's are good' during the height of his Shamen preoccupation comes wading back into the fore with this 808 State inspired tech-house wobbler. Memories are made of this.

'Everybody's Girlfriend'- AM and the UV: A song, presumably, written about Sweet Fanny Adams. Sounds like Goldfrapp mud wrestling with the Cocteau Twins. Enduring image.

'Eastbound'- Palace of Pleasure: Fcuked up feedback with trumpets served up over a red-hot reggae beat from Norway. The world's gone mad and the only undeniable truth left to us is that trumpets are fun.

'Where are You'- Moonflowers: stunning, ethereal, and fizzing with sex. This is a must-have for anyone who fancies themselves as a musical connoisseur. And anyone who just likes a fcuking class record that will guarantee sopping gussets from any bird within 20 feet. You cannot do better.

'Running Boy'- Frost: not a song about the queer relationship shared between CDK and his slavic bachelor chum BJB but a song with production reminiscent of Fad Gadget at their 'Collapsing New People' best. I suspect Jinky will be the only TTP'er to remember Fad Gadget so this is, perhaps, a poor analogy but I know what I mean and it's all about me anyway.

'Hotel Sleep'- Slowpho: the sound of Shirley Bassey's meds being incrementally increased by a schoolgirl in a thong.

'India Pindia'- Toyen: like driving through Surrey Lanka at 45rpm's aboard a decrepit Kenmar bus with no wheels.

Whoever is able to download this lot wins a vanilla envelope choc-full of rubbish.

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