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MWSL Premier 2003/2004

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Fat Bastard

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Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
postponing games

The rules clearly state that 10 days notice must be given to postpone the game. The offer to postpone games due to WWC in Portland was of the website prior to last weekend. The SBAA vs SU game was not postponed (at least according to the website) until Saturday. Of course, the SBAA coach is on the board - so draw your own conclusions.

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
new MWSL website

OK as the Bastard is one of the more vocal opposition to the MWSL powers I must step back and give credit where credit is indeed due.:eek:

Having already established a top-notch - albeit rarely updated - website, the new web presence is truly top rate. Of the local leagues the MWSL takes top spot for web savvy, followed by the straight-forward yet informative PCSL site. Of course the FVSL and VMSL follow the pack my some margin.

Of course, now if the MWSL could come up with (a) a true sense of direction; (b) a fair and open system of management; (c) and the occassional financial statements, they'd be truly be something. :rolleyes:

(OK that last paragraph was a low blow.)

Cheers on the website. Well done.:D


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Coquitlam 2 - Poco 1

From what i have heard Coquitlam was given a win when they really should have only had a tie today.
Mysterious penalty shot called while two girls chased a ball out of the 18 towards the sideline. Unfortunately, for Poco (and Mrs. Yoda) they were standing too close each other and a foul was in order. PK tied it 1-1 and Coquitlam scored another later to win.

How do you call a PK when there are no punches thrown, no pushing, nobody hit the ground, the ball is going towards the sidelines, and they are running away from goal?
It's not like there was a scoring chance!
But apparently there was obstruction occuring and it deserved a PK.
Same ref the girls had last year at Centenial oval and he's still shocking.

Give your head a shake.

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money
Coquitlam 2 Poco 1

The field (Centenial) was the most shocking field I think we have ever played on, it was almost entirely made of deep sand. It was like running at the beach. Not only did it make the game really poor and hard to play, but I am surprised someone did not blow a knee or ankle. Luckily, I am only covered from head to toe with gross cuts and scratches but that is all. I somehow don't think that Coquitlam will get stuck on that field ever again because it isn't playable.
Poco got an early lead probably about 10 minutes into the game with a goal that somehow managed to find its way past the keeper. Poco had a good first half with many unfinished chances. Coq, had a few chances of their own as well. It remained 1-0 until about 20 minutes left when Coquitlam was given a PK that was a completly F***ed up call from the ref. The supposed foul occurred about 4 yards outside of the box, yet was called for a penalty shot. A normal referee would likely not have even called a foul, not to mention a PK. Both teams were quite surprised with the call. With about 5 minutes to go, Coquitlam managed to score another goal. Not to make excuses, because Coq. could have scored on a few other occasions, but the referee totally ruined the game with that call. After that, even though they shouldn't have, some of our players seemed to get discouraged and give up and that is when Coq. started moving more players up and the result was another goal.
What were the other scores?

Welcome Wagon (formerly known as Wagon)


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Dec 10, 2002
Dirty Money
PoCo vs. Coq

Well I must agree with yoda that the ref decided the game today. What a disgrace to women's soccer that ref is. Both teams were in shock by the call. However, I guess women's soccer should be used to having pathetic, unqualified refs.
Well for a recap on the game, I must say there was some good soccer played. PoCo came out strong in the first half with multiple chances on net. Only one goal slipped by the coq. goalie. The second half was a little different as coq. probably got an ear full during half time. Coq. and Poco were battling back and forth during the second half. And then it was the bloody brilliant call from the ref, that changed the entire momentum for poco. Coq. took that opportunity to put another one away and finish the game 2-1.
Both teams had to struggle by playing on a field that was more than half covered in sand. I am surprised that no one blew a knee or ankle in that crap. It was shocking to have to play on a field or should I say beach at this level. The coq. soccer association really has to find a new field for their premier teams, or should I say their coach needs to find them a new field.
Well after todays game, I believe that the line between the top 3 teams and the rest of us in premier is becoming shorter and shorter. It will be interesting to see how things change when college and university girls come out.
Anyone else have any game results or bad refs to piss about?

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Coquitlam fields

To my knowledge Coquitlam City premier teams were assigned Centennial Oval by the MWSL. The league is responsible for supplying teams fields in Coquitlam, as they are in Burnaby and Vancouver.

Unfortunately, the MWSL has had for some time a difficult time getting decent fields in Coquitlam. I have heard this has to do with the less than amicable relationship between the MWSL and the guy in Coquitlam who deals with the fields.

I heard that the CCSA had arranged for the Premier A team to play at Parkland, but the MWSL ignored it or didn't know it, and so the club took back the allotment and gave it to a metro team. Can't confirm that though.

For the record... Coquitlam fields are shocking - all of them. Charles Best turf won't be up an running until next year. So there's no real solution to this. (Trust me - after a decade of coaching winter soccer in Coquitlam.)

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money

It is a joke that Coquitlam can't get a decent field, especially since they are a good team. Parkland is a pretty good field. In all of Coquitlam you think they'd have a decent field. I am still stinging from all of the cuts that I sustained over my entire body. I can't even shave my legs yet:( I am just glad that no one got really hurt, and hope that we never have to play there again.


Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money

The sand is even sharper than Billy's back hair when it is growing in .:D. He made me rub lotion on it one time and my hands stung the entire night. Where were you on Sunday, you missed a day at the beach.



Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Attn: Fat Bastard

Originally posted by Fat Bastard

Of course, now if the MWSL could come up with (a) a true sense of direction; (b) a fair and open system of management; (c) and the occassional financial statements, they'd be truly be something. :rolleyes:

(OK that last paragraph was a low blow.)

I agree FB...BUT...they also promised us that they would keep stats on who scored, etc...to give out a "GOLDEN BOOT" award at the end of the year, but have they...nope! The website looks terrific, but yet, there are teams in MWSL that don't even have a field yet. :mad:
Yes...nice website...financial statements...ha ha ha....that'll be the day, eh?


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money

Would be nice if they had a full season schedule up too. so you could print one off instead of having to go there every week to find out.
Noticed they don't have anything past Nov. for scheduled games either.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money

We...Div.2 have our schedule up right up until December 7th....it is great!

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
league stuff

Keeping track of stats? Hadn't heard that one. Don't hold your breath. When I was a scoreperson, I did it for my division. It was pre-website, so I used to fax out weekly updates on standings and goalscorers. No trophy at the end, but one players earned the distinction of golden boot in our div.1 grouping.

I got out of this league because it was like beating my head against a wall. For four years I served on that board, and tried to help take the league into the new milennium.

For one year, when I had some say - under a different president, who also stepped aside due to frustration - I think we accomplished alot: a Premier all-star game, working relationship with the national team, a sponsored Cup competition at all divisions, with a cup final weekend with all finals at the same park. We even established decent communication with referee associations, and other leagues. Our discipline committee was headed up by a capable young woman, a director who was also a player. (Unfortunately she too walked away because she was frustrated.)

Yet the league continued to stall time after time, because quite frankly some long-standing members of the board quite simply wouldn't change their ways.

Now, there is no all-star game. The cup sponsor was basically thrown aside. The cup competition is totally disorganized. And the premier division is being ripped to shreds by a couple of directors who seem fit to punish teams that work for success, and reward those that think success is to be handed to you.

I spent better part of the last decade trying to create positive change, I had hoped someone else would take up the charge. Sadly, despite what I read here, it hasn't happen.

The directors are not held accountable. They continually violate their own constitution. First, there have been no financial statements in God knows how long. It should not be sufficient for the board to state that "there is lots of money in the bank." Second, the league doesn't have a treasurer. This violates the BC Societies Act. Yet they create a position of past-president, something not accounted for in the constitution.

We could go on.

Bottom line, if you, the members of the league, need nothing more than to bitch on a site like this, then so be it. But change won't happen until you all, as a united group, finally hold the League accountable for their actions, or lack thereof.

I tried. And I admit I failed. I hope someone with a little more energy will take up the cause. I wish them good luck - because the MWSL is a vital piece of the BC soccer community, and home to the best players and teams in Canada. Furthermore, no other soccer league in BC balances the needs of such a wide array of players - from novice to national team player, from the teen player to her mother.

FB will now step down from his soapbox. I am sure this will tick a few people off. Won't be the first time. Of course, one day I will learn to shut the fcuk up!


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
My two cents

Bottom line, if you, the members of the league, need nothing more than to bitch on a site like this, then so be it. But change won't happen until you all, as a united group, finally hold the League accountable for their actions, or lack thereof.
Don't expect much more than this. From what I've seen across several divisional levels (albeit across a single club: Westside), organizational apathy runs rampant. Most women just want to play and care little about the background goings on.

If ever complaints come up regarding scheduling, fields, and other issues of immediate importance, they are usually bitched about for a short period. Then, two hours pass, and each player is free to forget about said problems until training and the following weekend.

Nothing will ever change because the vast majority of players just don't care enough to get involved.

But then, maybe it's just a Westside thing. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Here, Here...

The disciplinary commitee (JJ) is a joke...I am sure that the lady that walked away, did it for good reason, but the dude left behind (JJ) is a joke.
I am still serving my 10 GAME SUSPENSION for fighting, but the girl I fought with got out of it with 3 games and not having to pay the $100 bond I have to pay when I return.
Anyways...I could bitch until I am blue in the face, but you're all right...it just ain't worth it unless we, all the women in MWSL, rally together and do something about it. And yes, most of the ladies in this league just want to play!!

seeyouonthepitch :wa:

glasgow ghirl

New Member
Oct 14, 2003
Dirty Money

I have struggled with the MWSL for years. I find it very hard to believe that for such a big organization, they can't figure out the basics.
I have currently merged my team with Club Ireland, and in doing so we were able to create a second team for our womens side. It took Captain Shamrock and I weeks to deal with MWSL about getting that second team into the league. It was all my old players coming back from injuries, pregnancies and some youth pick ups yet they still wanted our team to start in Div4 ... complete crap. We finally managed to get them to allow us into Div 3. I find the divisional draw ridiculous. Our Div 2 team for the past 4 yrs have come up against the same 6 or 8 teams over Winter and summer. ... where the challenge there. We knew every team by player. We asked if we could be switched into another draw but yet again we had a fight on our hands.

The mens league seems to run just fine ... they have a Metro Vancouver League and a Fraser Valley League ...
The league told me at the begining of the season they would not be allowing anymore teams into the League ...WHAT THE FCUK? How can they turn away all these new teams, what about our youth coming through ...what choice do they have for soccer then??? Why can't they do as the mens league and seperate us then???

As for JJ the man behind the discipline .... we had a situation in the summer with one of our youth players. Was a chiipy game and the ball went out of play and a player from the other team took a 15 yard run at one of our younger players , went cleats up at the back of her knees (player returning form 2nd acl surgery) and arm barred her from the back. Needless to say I am still waiting to hear the results of the Semiahmoo players discipline...IF ANY.

We have to fight them on these decisions ... perhaps we could figure it out through this season and make a point of getting a few players from each team to the next Annual meeting and hit them up then??????

Glasgow Ghirl.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Attention GG...

JJ from MWSL is a complete idiot, and doesn't know what the fcuk he is doing over there. He needs a commitee of 4 girls to help him out and still doesn't come to the appropriate decisions.
My team, got into a little bit of card trouble :rolleyes: in the summer, and man, they threw the book at us. The ultimate penalties they could give with $$ bonds to boot. Their reasoning..."we've never seen something like this before" so we broke the cherry I guess!!

Grrrr...all this talk about the League...let's just play the game we love and get on with it, eh? It just frustrates me to no end.

seeyouonthepitch :wa:

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money
Striker 14

Did you start the fight? If so, then that is why you got the way bigger punishment. If not, then that sucks, you might as well have for all of the games you have to miss.
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