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HPL Founding Franchises

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Bollocks why do you care what they did. We all know who they are. Only two local kids realy can make it in MLS per year. Do you realy think they will help them. The hole ting is about money grabing. I am glad now they will grab from their own. Realy MSL is good enough for rest of the kids. They will clime on top your garage to see what you have if you post against them. One can only lough how far these guys would go. Once I was told it is a spacific number they go by. Watch the numbers. You have to remember. Most of them were shyt players. Pass pass and boom.
MSL is good rest of us could not care less what they do. Once fother Bouer said I will prey if I have to but I will also play ball if I have to. Teach your kids to go to Universities and get a degree. Soccer is just a good pass time. If you want to be serious about it just hop one pain and go to Europe. Any club will give you a look. If you got it paper work is just spit away.


New Member
Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money
So charging $20 is the answer? FFS.......How about letting the coaches make the decision without the parents paying $20? That is simple enough, isn't?

No it is not the answer but it does go towards the hiring of professional evaluators to observe and assess the players. This allows clubs to defend against the many claims of "dishonest" and "racist" selections they get from parents whose kids have been "cut" from the team. It can get ugly and I have seen in the past some families take a club to provincial court with these claims and it can drag on for years.

Because of the fallout that has occurred, from the minority of historical instances where a lack of general accountability has screwed over some kids, clubs have had to "professionalize" their coaching and selection processes. This seems to have maintained a level of accountability that is appropriate to the end user.

I don't blame clubs for covering their asses in this day and age of legal liability and law suits. Vancouver FC typically has 5 or 6 paid coaches on the field for each of the 3 or 4 "try-out" sessions that are held for each team...that eat's through your $20 per player cost...the club doesn't make a profit on this. In addition the head coach at each age group typically knows many of the players in their district who play at the lower tier and has already scouted some games looking for the players who show signs of promise.

In an ideal world there would never be any OPEN try-outs but players would be continually recommended by trusted sources (TD's, other head coaches) and/or scouted by the team/club staff. They would then be brought into the training mix on a short term basis with the exisiting team until the head coach can make a comfortable decision about their fit within the program. The Head Coach would also be continually keeping an eye out for top talent at the lower levels and building relationships with the coaches who would push players into their system.

Players who are no longer performing at the level would be notified about this and challenged to step up but a consistent failure to do so would result in their release form the program. The higher tier coach would work with the lower tier clubs to ensure this player has a place to go once released from the program.

Our faults with player development have typically been because we don't know how provide appropriate feedback in terms of poor and deteriorating performance. These kids are often told all year that they are doing fine and then receive the shock of getting cut after the try-out process.

It is getting better mostly due to the greater professionalism in the general soccer community (and am talking more about professional attitude than paid position). In addition, the shift in seasons between BCPL and the lower tiers will allow for BCPL coaches to scout the MSL during Nov - Feb for the next players they want to bring into the fold. Coaches outside of the BCPL can no longer "keep" a couple of strong players on a generally weak team in order to "have" a metro team because the development pathway is much more clearly defined.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Balbaby forget the grammer poetry. We are talking about local soccer. They chare twent dollars to grab some cash. Fields are $12 dollars an hour for youth tryouts. It would be nice that they would help a poor child to play ball. There is tonns of very good players that can not aford the coasts. Now they are going to make it four times as much as select program. Give your head a shake and think. It will be only high heat boys. It is ok. As you all know. Kids have no place to go after youth but to senior men beer leagues. How many kids can get spots on Caps. None from HPL or MSL. They have their own acadamy. Most of you guys are getting worked over somthings that will never change. With out Pro clubs all we can do is make it fun for kids.
Teach them to go get shreded papers as they do in my part of town. Shoot the breez. Make it fun for our kids. Orginize good local Tournaments. Have the finals in the stadiums. This is what our kids need. Forget all that HPL and US Crap. Be proud. We have tonns of good kids. It is only due to our government that our kids do not have a NASL league in Western Canada. That is all we need.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes, thank God for those Professional Assessors. How much do they get paid to stand and select the kids? Honestly, I can't believe people think it is okay to charge kids to tryout out for these teams. Surely they should charge for the Gold and Silver teams, right? Get the professional coaches in to do that.

Over the years when we handed in resumes for jobs, how many times did we have to pay the company to have them look at the resumes?

"Here you go, Sir. I've included the $20 you requested and hopefully when I don't get the job you can give me a good boot in the stones. Thanks for your time."

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
CapitainI agree with you as far as not charging twenty dollars fror a try out rest no comment. I have been around soccer for a long time. Nothing has changed. Kids will always pay. Now three times as much as before.
Trauble lays where do they play after parents spend fity sixty thousand dollars to develop thei skills. I say save the money play gold one and go to Europe at U20. Your chances are just as good as some guy that has spent thousands of dollars Right place on right time and here you go. I have been there I have sent kids there that did make it. All the kids they send come back brocken harted.
Now bit of good info. Nick Dasovic a local lad that played gold soccer is now a new Assistent Manager to Toronto FC.
Maybe some day he will help one of the kids here as we did help him. Just onother local guy that left to Europe to find his game. Worked his but off and look were it got him. There is hope for other local kids with hart and drive. Capitain I wish you get the job you are looking for. HPL is not for me. I would cut them all and get some silver one players with balls and drive. That's the only way forward. I wish them all luck.


New Member
Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Yes, thank God for those Professional Assessors. How much do they get paid to stand and select the kids? Honestly, I can't believe people think it is okay to charge kids to tryout out for these teams. Surely they should charge for the Gold and Silver teams, right? Get the professional coaches in to do that.

Over the years when we handed in resumes for jobs, how many times did we have to pay the company to have them look at the resumes?

"Here you go, Sir. I've included the $20 you requested and hopefully when I don't get the job you can give me a good boot in the stones. Thanks for your time."

Who said "thank God for the Assessors"? I simply stated WHY clubs go that route...mostly to avoid the headaches that moronic parents with too much time on their hands can create and the ineptitude of a handful of coaches who can't and won't do a proper job...which tends to happen just as much and if not more at the gold and silver levels then at the top tier. I have not met a "paid assessor" who is unable or unwilling to explain their assessment of a player's ability. They will happily speak with the player and their family to discuss their observations and provide suggestions for improvement. I have, on the other hand, met a few inept volunteer coaches who cannot be bothered to properly assess a player, cannot verbalize their observations and often shy away from any challenge a player or parent brings towards their point of view.

You don't pay to have your resume looked at because it is generally looked at by an HR professional or someone who knows what they are looking for. That individual has been hired by the company (paid assessors whose income is generated from the profits of the company) to assess your talents and skill set as it relates to the position you have applied for. Quite often you are assessed and interviewed by a panel of key members of the organization.


Sep 22, 2003
Dirty Money
Hey.....where is the course given that entitles you to be a "Professional Player Assessor" given????? Just wondering in case I want to get on this gravy train. Oh...and do they give you a certificate or a license that says you are a "Professional Player Assessor"??
Just wondering...:confused:



New Member
Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Hey.....where is the course given that entitles you to be a "Professional Player Assessor" given????? Just wondering in case I want to get on this gravy train. Oh...and do they give you a certificate or a license that says you are a "Professional Player Assessor"??
Just wondering...:confused:


BC Soccer and the CSA are in talks to organize this course as soon as they release phase two of the LTPD program that was due out in 2007...


Sep 22, 2003
Dirty Money
Right on brother......let's self appoint ourselves as "Professional Player Assessors"!:) We'll charge $15 bucks a kid....return the money if they don't make the team or return the money when they do make the team to help with the extravegant club fee:rolleyes:


Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Guys it is clubs presidents duty to tell the assistant coaches to stay down in lower levels with their kids if they do not have it at that level. Nothing to do with BC Soccer. A technical guys must tear the teams properley. If the club lets things like that go, none of the good coaches will stay with that club. It will be again parents coaching that never played the game. Five years later it is all for waste. All of the kids will endup in bronze soccer. Four teams are gone due to bad politcs. Only one team left standing. And most of time only nine guys show up.
We have to ask our selfs why and corect it.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Right on brother......let's self appoint ourselves as "Professional Player Assessors"!:) We'll charge $15 bucks a kid....return the money if they don't make the team or return the money when they do make the team to help with the extravegant club fee:rolleyes:


Let's undercut even more....$10 is a bargain deal surely?


Sep 22, 2003
Dirty Money
Captain.......sounds like a done deal!

Mr.B......I truly hear what you're saying...although I only have daughters...lucky me:rolleyes:...and have watched them being coached by someone who has never played but "read some good soccer books"......my own fault about that but I couldn't put in the time needed to coach. That has since changed. I agree that some parents just don't get the fact that their son/daughter is not the next Pele (my era)....my thoughts:)



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
So where does this leave parents who are developing the next Kara Lang? Coming from a parent of two daughters :)

I'm betting that there will be a chosen few who will not have to pay a cent to make or even have to attend these tryouts, and the rest will pay there $20, only to be told, i'm sorry.
Politics will always win out here, you can charge $50 a player to tryout, but my guess is that a majority of players will already be known or chosen, and that money from those parents, who think their child is the next best thing, will only go towards lining someones pocket.

The same process can be acheived by not paying anything at all, as the same players will be chosen whether paying nothing, $20, or $100.

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