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Gun control on a more serious level

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
I see the guy that the jury in the Boston Marathon bombing has come in with a verdict of the death penalty for the convicted bomber.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Not sure what you're basing your take on. Herr Harper has amended the criminal code such that Justin Bourque got absolutely hammered (although the effectiveness of counsel is apparently being challenged so stand by)...

as for sex offenders with long rap sheets, at least in this province the Crown is moving to have more and more of them declared "dangerous offenders", which means indefinite imprisonment. Remarkably low hurdle to meet it to, if you have the right rap sheet...

the reality is that whenever experiments are done asking members of the general public to listen to fact patterns, review rap sheets, and impose jail time, invariably their sentences are lower than the sentences actually handed out by the judges in the actual case... but, thanks to the media cherry-picking which cases they report on and how they do it (not remotely ethically, but I digress), the public gets a distorted view of things and comments such as yours come to fruition.

Tsarnaev in this country? 1st degree, terrorism motivated murder yeah? If you think even an NDP appointed parole board would ever let him see the light of day, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow, you beat me to it! I literally have the cut and paste in my chamber, ready to fire (no pun intended).

Three things I thought of when I saw this:
1. Looks like a scene from my youth when we were being shite disturbers at night, sneaking into pools, drinking in public, etc. Basically, being disrespectful youths, as we can be sometimes.
2. Holy fcuk, are those guys ever on edge down there. Pulling a gun? It’s not fair to ask the question “would an RCMP or VPD ever pull a gun”, I’m sure they would if the threat justified.
3. When I was busy being a smartass, disrespectful youth, I was detained in much the same way (no gun pulled, though), had the knee in my back, the whole thing. I was being a dick at the time. I wasn’t being respectful of the residence in the neighbourhood we were being dicks in, or the cops, once they showed up. In retrospect, I deserved to be detained. They were being dicks.

Just goes to show, no cop is safe anymore from a phone camera. It’s a different world. And down there…wow. It’s fcuked. Truly, and completely, fcuked, when it comes to racial lines. That country is a powderkeg. I would not want to be a cop down there. Well, I wouldn’t anywhere, but especially down there.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
There was a crazy lady in our neighbourhood a few years back stealing everyone's hanging plants, yard stuff, etc. She made the mistake of stealing neighbour Ray's plants, and hanging them in her yard. Neighbour Ray is a correctional guy, and bad-ass. I'm going to his place when the Zombies come, cause Ray has the guns.

Anyhow, Neighbour Ray confronted her, she went bat-shite crazy on him, and he detained her in much the same way. Called the cops. Cops came, and Ray went around the neighbourhood giving people back their plants. Local hero.

Two days lady, the crazy lady's boyfriend showed up in his Hummer looking for Ray. Ray had left for a hunting trip, and crazy lady's big Indo Canadian boyfriend caused quite the huff in the neighbourhood, since when he knocked on Ray's door, Ray's wife said she didn't know any Ray. He then went around looking for Ray. Nobody gave up Ray.

Ray came back, he contacted the boyfriend, and he and the boyfriend had a good chat about the situation. Whatever was said seemed to have calmed any ill feelings. The lady moved out that week. Ever since, it's been Pleasantville (with the exception of the Koreans in the hood selling their houses at fire-sale prices. Once one leaves, they all leave, and fcuk me, our property value is taking a hit).Next Korean owned house that goes on the market, I swear to God, I'm sending over Ray to have a little chat about doing something to keep our property values up to local levels, FFS.

That's all.

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