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[FVSL Masters] Results & Banter - March 2005

Best Day To Play

  • Sunday @ 10 AM

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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
FWIW, personally, I think the league needs to shoulder some of the blame here for switching up the schedule every damn week (or so it seems).

Maybe next year they can make the Masters League Cup a seven-a-side tourney and if it's tied at halftime, go straight to PKs. With no keepers.



New Member
Oct 2, 2003
Dirty Money
I agree !! In youth soccer you have to have your cup games played by a certian date and that is that. No excuses or you forfeit !! That is the way the Masters cup should be , weather permitting of course !! Bully if you could have taken what you say are the chickenshitte points from aldergrove ( with that analogy isn't what you did chickenshitte ) I am sure you could have mustered up 11 body's for a one game winner moves on Cup game. Isn't that the whole reason you play , to get the chance to make the Provincals !! A sad day in Allblack land that is for sure !! I know you put in a ton of time and I along with every other Allblack appreciates it but... what was all that work for other than to have your shot at the glory of being a Provincial qualifier!!
Seems all your effort went towards the great feat of finishing 4th !!!
5bigtoes you are awfully quiet about this subject ?? What is your opinion , being you are an Allblack now !!!
I hear there might be a fourth spot for the valley ?? Bully do you really think the Allblacks would be deserving of that spot?? If they don't get passed by Sapperton that is !! What would happen if you did get it would you just give the your first opponent in the Provincals a bye ???


New Member
Sep 29, 2003
Dirty Money

The only person questioning your passion is yourself pal...if you were passionate about it you would be suiting up...seems pretty simple. I'm not judging, merely stating the facts, which you admitted to everyone anyways..whats the big deal... :rolleyes: ....I don't know what goes on inside that noggin of yours...I respect the descision you made not to play....and yes I have played against you...a few times....and we beat you.... :D

I am merely defending my teams descision.....all the judgemnents are being made against us in the TTP Court of Opinion... :rolleyes: .for better or for worse, whateveranyone thinks...I am just defending my coach...my team...I am injured and cannot play so there is not really much I can do about anything other than try to get better in the event we are fortunate enough to get a birth from holding 4th spot. Which is WHY we concentrated our efforts to this end. :rolleyes:

If any one of you had been with the AllBlacks enough this year you would have seen what we have been thru this year and would realize we did pretty damn good considering.... :wa:

Hey, this is gettin real good in here lately...we do have phatandslo to thank for that at least....Deep down we still love ya, no matter what anyone says...we're just mad becuase we care.... :) NOW GET OUT ON THE BLOODY PITCH MAN WHERE WE CAN FCUKING USE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D :D :D


New Member
Jan 7, 2002
Dirty Money
Here we go again.

Phatanslow said:
Was all that work for other than to have your shot at the glory of being a Provincial qualifier!!
Seems all your effort went towards the great feat of finishing 4th !!!

You're absolutely right Phatty, we wanted a ChampionsLeague spot and we wanted to finish in the top four. Check the standings. No shame in 4th place with the resources we had. As for Wednesday, I have other responsibilities.

Behemoth, what is the driving time to W.Rock from The Fort? :D


Jun 24, 2003
Dirty Money
BULLYB........Junk in 2004/2005 = Junk in 2005/2006...........................Maybe you can form your own one team league. :eek:


New Member
Oct 2, 2003
Dirty Money
That might be a bit harsh don't you think ??? How the year ended doesn't exactly define the allblacks and if you think it does then you are an idiot !!


New Member
Sep 29, 2003
Dirty Money
furball.......your wit is amazing....

5beertits....my girlish figure and I will be careful of large moving hairymamoths in our next game with The Sunshine Boys..I am already on my way to BULKING up....."hic"


Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
My Two Bits!

:knvb: in goal ->TWOpullsONhisDINK
:bronco: in the middle ->Pully-my-pee-pee
:wa: up front standing alone -> 5fantasticBIGtoes

I've only been back five maybe six games and I really have enjoyed playin with the AllBlacks and I've never seen a subject whilst posting and/or lurking on TTP, fire up so many OLD BASTARDS? Well Done! :D

As for playing a mid-week game (IE: Wednesday Night) I am unable to make the game due to other commitments and Mrs 5BT's says I can't get out of it BTW. I can not speak for others on the team but I believe the forfeit has more to do with numbers rather than just surrendering a spot in the semi's to the mighty juggernaut Surrey United. I don't see any reason playing short handed vs SU just for the sake of satisfying playing a game because all you old bastards say to! (that would just be so much fun!!!). I'm not sure how many of the AllBlacks would be available (certainly not PhatNdoe) :p for the game but in the gaffers defence (BullyB) he made all of us AllBlacks aware of the situation and it appears the decision has been made! Good or Bad? think what you will? Playing SU with less than ten men is ridiculous! :eek:

Here's too BullyB for making a very controversial decision and telling you all to fcuk off the natural way! :D best gaffer in the FVSL Masters and I'm just not saying that cause he's my bestest mate! :D Cheers! Burp!


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Thanks 5 Big Toes, gosh does that make it all feel better now?

Question.- Why did Delta play us tonight in the last of the round robin tonight.
Answer- Class.
You boys can paint the fence any colour you want, but the fact is you boys quit. Sorry Bulley yes you quit.

You signed up to play in the league and cup and pure and simple you quit!

The Delta boys were ashamed as we are of your boys actions.

Question- When are you going to be ready for a B.C game.
You needed one more win to have that chance as a team. Rubish!

Rangers 4 - Delta 1 in the last of the round robin matches.

No matter how you try to slice it Allblacks. Quiter F C is your name right now.

(hmmmm, after Christmas i think we will pack it in because we are tired? :rolleyes: )

(Next year the Rangers are going to ask the league to not schedule our team any games after February because we are done! How Lame Is That )

It is bush league boys.

The league and everyone else knows it.

(5 big toes, man you have changed. From conteder to pretender in one year!)

Fire away Bulley! :rolleyes: We are all wrong about this aren't we man.

Mgr, Owner, or Coach. Your team did the league no favors by Your Actions!


New Member
Dec 6, 2004
Dirty Money
I must be getting soft. I'm starting to feel sorry for BullyB even though he's ex-PAU and predicted we were going to get thrashed on the weekend. I'm not going to beat up on the AllBlacks anymore...time for predictions;

FireRangers 4 Sapperton 0

FireRangers presumably without Bailey (overrated defender who should still be playing for West Fraser in FVSL Division 2), but it won't matter. Sappertons defence will do their part, but won't be able to withstand the constant barrage.

PAU 1.5 Surrey United 1

Almost too close to call. Whichever team shows up on the day - probably come down to who wants it more. You could argue for, or against, either team - though I think it will be very tight...

Any other opinions out there...that don't involve slagging the 4th place team in the Valley (who are, incidentally, better than the 2nd place NShore team...hope that doesn't come back to bite me)...

cunning stunt

New Member
Dec 1, 2004
Dirty Money
Not been on the site much lately but wow it makes better reading than the news of the world.As for All Blacks packing it in ,what kind of crap is that,maybe phartnglow knew what was going to happen and just quit before the Quitters F.C quit so as not to be seen in the mass quitting.Anyway well done to all the teams that stayed the distance.I guess if the rangers/firemen and peace arch/sundowners had not of all joined forces to give the mighty surrey utd abit of competion the league may of had some more parity,but now its up to the so called also rans and quitters to bring there level up to make this league more than a 3 horse race.

Rangers/firemen 6 Sapperton 2
Peace Arch 2 Surrey UTD 1

The Bookie.


New Member
Oct 2, 2003
Dirty Money
The reason I left was completely family related. The Allblacks are a great bunch of guys and they are the only team I would play for :D
As for bully's decision lets wait and see how it works out. I know they have some key guys injured and like 5fatrolls said playing with 10 men is no fun. My thinking is they are getting healthy and hoping to catch the 4th provincal spot that might be available to the FV league. If that happens then all will be fine and coach do you really think a 10 man squad would do well against surrey or were you just selfishly thinking of your own team , hoping surrey would get some cards or maybe injured. Which in your mind would then be better for your squad if you happened to meet them later on. No one has said a word about the fact that Aldergrove were willing to give up three points which would have put the Allblacks in this do or die with surrey. What about them ?? No big cry about that coach ?? Isn't that the exact same thing ?? If they beat the allblacks and then the allblacks beat surrey wouldn't all 3 be 2-2 with 6 points ?? Then what ?? But no one has even mentioned this , Why not ?? Wasn't Aldergroves forfeit the beginning of all this yet you jump on the Allblacks :confused: :confused:
Coach explain why it is alright for Aldergrove but not for the Allblacks ???
I know I was all over them earlier but after taking the bully by the horns I have realized why things are happening.


New Member
Sep 29, 2003
Dirty Money
Well, well, well....

Yes, why the fuss about a 4th place team...or maybe worse according to some??? Not one word about Alderbush forfeiting their cup game against us...perhaps a TTP conspiracey to get Pullymypeepees peepee in a knot?!?!

Just remember there are an aweful lot of guys from our team that CANNOT play becuse of INJURY...have we got no class either???..So its the 11 semi-uninjured men..lets see, minus two that are playing against doctors orders, who, if they get hurt further cannot go to work????...and wait..um...two more CANNOT make it because of other commitments????

So I guess we should have played with 7 MEN.....is that your idea of NO CLASS Coach...resting up for a better shot at it????

For the dumbfounded...IF we wait a couple of weeks get a couple of guys back..play ScUm in a meannothingforthem League game..and win...get 4th..WE ARE IN TO THE B.C.s...I really don't know what part of that YOU don't get..this is OUR cup game...

The Delta boys agree with you too huh...well, that makes it different.... :rolleyes: Oh Ya...my Daddy's bigger than your Daddy... :D



New Member
Sep 29, 2003
Dirty Money
damnyourslo.....Bully by the Horns....now thats fcuking funny :D ...Gee I almost missed that one in all my rampage.... :p

gamierthanever....Bad Knee + Walnut Grove = A PERFECT FIT for the Gimp Team...Hmmm...Langley ALLGIMPS....has a ring don't you think...wonder what Colour we'd be??? Magenta, with a hint of Dijon Mustard...

hairymamoth..you see...you thought I was a P.A. Groupie.....I'm really a TTP Groupie... :D I better get back to work or I'll get fired...wait a minute...I Can't get fired, I'm the Boss..... :wa:

Flameboy...about the basement for rent...I can, er, wait a minute..Call Me... :p


Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
Coach said:
Thanks 5 Big Toes, gosh does that make it all feel better now?...........No matter how you try to slice it Allblacks. Quiter F C is your name right now......(5 big toes, man you have changed. From conteder to pretender in one year!)

Nope, I'm not trying to make you feel better Coach! Call us what you will, the AllBlacks team is not the first to forfiet a game and will not be the last. I think as PhatNslow has stated your making a mountain out of a mole hill... so fill your boots laddy. :D

Also....Let me try to explain something to you Coach, as a Husband and Father of three (beautiful children...littletoes) sometimes I have to priortize my schdule and no matter how much I want to play a game of soccer, I just can't do it! :D Maybe this is something you are not aware of as all your committment and life's work is tied up in the next soccer game and apparently this one game....AllBlacks vs Surrey United)??? :confused: but not me, I play for fun and the pints of Ale so if you think, I am as you said...."Contender to pretender?" whatever you like pal! I'll still be playing next year and every other year and having as much enjoyment as I can in the Masters League because I actually thought that's what it's all about?

Maybe I was wrong?

I'm sure that YOU "The COACH" still hope Frank Yallop is coming by to watch and see if he might get a few experience O35's for the Canadian National Team, and that's what makes you "The Coach" and obviously the voice of reason for all FVSL Master Players! :D
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