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Div 2 [FVSL Div 2] Results and Banter - Nov. '04

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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
my match of the week has got to be the hurricanes against poco. Although i have not seen poco play i have watched a few of the canes game and ithink they will take this one 3-2. i will definitly come to check this game out.
#2 MOTW has to be abby against the titans should be a very good tilt I think the titans will bounce back and take this one. but this could really go either way but on the turf i will give it to the titans.
#3 the standings may not show this but I have to say NDFC vs WRU. WRU has played to well lately to be taken lightly I don't know what to expect out of this one because I thought WRU was one of the worst teams we have faced they seem to be a new team. it seems they have a pretty stingy defense lately and some talent upfront but I don't think shaven and the clan can keep us below 3 and nobody is scoring 3 against us so NDFC on this one


New Member
Nov 23, 2004
Dirty Money
Franchise, you are without a doubt the biggest joke of Div 2, if not the whole sport in general. I read that you are claiming to be on a slump. Slumps definatly do not last more then half of the season, but if so, then i can say with great confidence, that I have never in my life been in a slump. No goals for a forward is pathetic to say the least, especially for one who does as much talking as yourslelf. You also claim week after week, that teams you play are lucky that u didnt score, all the chances you had, and how "silly" you apparently made thier defence look. With that said, it is impossible to lay blame to the system your team plays or even the players you play with as it sounds like you seem to be getting great chances.

Moving on, after playing against you this past week, and seeing the lackluster attempt at what you call to be soccer, i would have to say that i would be embarassed if i ever played like you do. You continually got out classed by my 19 year old teammate who not only shut you down, but as i recall converted a rather nice meg to get past you. Also i am sure at this point of what you have you read you are wondering, "who is this guy?". Well all you really have to know is i got more hatty's then you had shots on goal against us. I hope you enjoyed my goal on the weekend too, and just in case you forgot what it's like i'll help you out, feels great!!

Thanks buddy

you can just reffer to me as the TEENAGE SENSATION or PHENOM, which ever you like best. It's only fair considering that ive went against my will to call you "franchise", which i'm sure is quit obvious that you are not

Good Luck lad


Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money
I agree with Bulljive that the abby/titans game is an important game and so is the NDFC/wru game. Abby needs wru to beat or tie you guys and we need to beat the titans. The titans are going to be tough on the turf, as we are not very familiar with playing on turf fields.


On another note, the G-fence will not be able to play as his hamstring is not healed yet. This is very disappointing as this is a huge game for our club. :mad:

THe abby defence will have to pick it up a notch with out the g-fence at the sweeper position.


But it looks like I will be ready for the game against you! :p

THIS ONE IS GOING DOWN TO THE WIRE!!! :wa: :bronco: :knvb:

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Stal18 said:
Franchise, you are without a doubt the biggest joke of Div 2, if not the whole sport in general. I read that you are claiming to be on a slump. Slumps definatly do not last more then half of the season, but if so, then i can say with great confidence, that I have never in my life been in a slump. No goals for a forward is pathetic to say the least, especially for one who does as much talking as yourslelf. You also claim week after week, that teams you play are lucky that u didnt score, all the chances you had, and how "silly" you apparently made thier defence look. With that said, it is impossible to lay blame to the system your team plays or even the players you play with as it sounds like you seem to be getting great chances.

Moving on, after playing against you this past week, and seeing the lackluster attempt at what you call to be soccer, i would have to say that i would be embarassed if i ever played like you do. You continually got out classed by my 19 year old teammate who not only shut you down, but as i recall converted a rather nice meg to get past you. Also i am sure at this point of what you have you read you are wondering, "who is this guy?". Well all you really have to know is i got more hatty's then you had shots on goal against us. I hope you enjoyed my goal on the weekend too, and just in case you forgot what it's like i'll help you out, feels great!!

Thanks buddy

you can just reffer to me as the TEENAGE SENSATION or PHENOM, which ever you like best. It's only fair considering that ive went against my will to call you "franchise", which i'm sure is quit obvious that you are not

Good Luck lad

Your my hero.....but I think you should have put the game on tape. Never got megged and was dominate with all your defense men!! I would really like it if you could teach the ways :rolleyes:

If you think that I suck then...good on ya but let the game prove it for itself....did you watch or play.....how many forwards where up front for us???? How many times did I beat someone to get no help. Talk that is what soccer is about....I let my teammates know where there at but I didn't talk trash to no body on the field. Thanks for hiding on the computer!!! I know a few guys on your team and there all great.....you though to come on here and spit out garbage that you know isn't true is classless. Your a waste of my time.

If you want to talk about the game then fine or your unbelieveable performance go ahead but critize someone who play hard and got unlucky because of the lack of help from his team. We need some work and after game 2 of the season I knew we where in trouble. Teams don't score alot on us and i think every game but moody has been by one goal so defense we are alright but if we don't send anyone else up front its pretty hard to score.

I understand if you got some goals right on :D How many forwards do you have 2 or 3??? It easy to score when you get support hey!!


New Member
Apr 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Promotion to Div 1, in case no one has seen it on the website. Haven't been in this thread lately so maybe you already have :confused:

1st Div - Bottom 2 teams drop down from Div 1 and the division winners in Div 2 play against the 8th place team in Div 1 in a round robin format with the top 3 advancing to Div 1.


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Will you shutup with the whole "im not geting any help" bullshit. Your a foward, your whole purpose is to score goals and you dont even have one? Lol the guys who come off our bench to play foward have scored more goals than you! If your system is so weak then why dont you guys change it? Anyways your probably not as half as good as you say you are so stop complaining. And by the way when a foward "dominates" a game like you said you did they usually walk away with at least ONE goal.
The Franchise said:
Your my hero.....but I think you should have put the game on tape. Never got megged and was dominate with all your defense men!! I would really like it if you could teach the ways :rolleyes:

If you think that I suck then...good on ya but let the game prove it for itself....did you watch or play.....how many forwards where up front for us???? How many times did I beat someone to get no help. Talk that is what soccer is about....I let my teammates know where there at but I didn't talk trash to no body on the field. Thanks for hiding on the computer!!! I know a few guys on your team and there all great.....you though to come on here and spit out garbage that you know isn't true is classless. Your a waste of my time.

If you want to talk about the game then fine or your unbelieveable performance go ahead but critize someone who play hard and got unlucky because of the lack of help from his team. We need some work and after game 2 of the season I knew we where in trouble. Teams don't score alot on us and i think every game but moody has been by one goal so defense we are alright but if we don't send anyone else up front its pretty hard to score.

I understand if you got some goals right on :D How many forwards do you have 2 or 3??? It easy to score when you get support hey!!


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
08star said:
Will you shutup with the whole "im not geting any help" bullshit. Your a foward, your whole purpose is to score goals and you dont even have one? Lol the guys who come off our bench to play foward have scored more goals than you! If your system is so weak then why dont you guys change it? Anyways your probably not as half as good as you say you are so stop complaining. And by the way when a foward "dominates" a game like you said you did they usually walk away with at least ONE goal.
Both side here have valid points ... If the system is fcuked, and you're into the second half of the season, you need to get rid of the coach. You have to play a system that compliments the players you have, or get rid of, then bring in the ones you need to make it work. If the coach can't, or won't change this, being that it's 9 games into the season and still very little results. CAN HIM!! Or at the very least look for another team to play on. The Rams are doing well in 3rd Div. top of the division. Join them, that way you'll be back in 2nd the next year, and the Wolves are very close to relegation anyway.
Next, if I hadn't scored all year, and even if I was the best forward the leagues ever seen, I wouldn't toot my own horn here. You're asking for abuse. That's not meant as a slag, it's just my 2 cents.
DFC 1st div club has a phenomenal scorer in Wade. They have 32 goals in 10 games, and he was shut out for the first 3 games. When he got the touch back, he's popped in 17 goals in 7 games (that's 17 out of 27 since the 4th game) and he's assisted on most of the rest. When he broke out he got 3, 3, 5, 0, 3, 1 and 2. He even dishes off to other when he could pop one himself. Could have had 7 or 8 in the one he got 5. And he only plays half games!!! This is no bull. He'd light it up even in premier, where they're headed next year. But he never beaks off about any goal EVER. He may be a drunken sot, but he has some class about that shite. My point was.......I forgot my point.... but just wait till you put a few in before you start pattin yerself on the back, or you're settin yourself up...... JMO :)


New Member
Nov 23, 2004
Dirty Money
Well Guru said it
Wade from DFC razorbacks, now there is an unreal forward. Ive looked up to him since highschool when he scored about 30 goals in 13 games for us. Most prolific goal scorer in Riversdie Secondary Soccer history.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Stal18 said:
Well Guru said it
Wade from DFC razorbacks, now there is an unreal forward. Ive looked up to him since highschool when he scored about 30 goals in 13 games for us. Most prolific goal scorer in Riversdie Secondary Soccer history.

Ahhhhh youth soccer......shades of the Guru as a young lad scoring 45 goals a season....those were the days!! ºººThen one day you move to men's soccer and they have no keeper, so you're stuck in net for 10 years and the glory scoring days are behind you....tsk tsk, what a waste of a perfectly good Guru!!! (....but what a keeper!)

Back to the now.....to clarify things here, my intention was not to trash The Franchise, it was to give some advice to keep the boasting to himself to avoid conflict. I don't like personal trashing "Stahlach18" [greatnumberbytheway], but at least it was a decent inteligent pissing, not like that idiot the other day who used the Franchises handle in his own.

Scoop Dawg

Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
A fellow TTPer (5BIGTOES) has thought of a great way to salute the passing of
Domenic Mobilio. He has asked that for this coming weekends games (Nov 26-28),
that all number 10 jersies not be worn and that they are displayed at your fields to
honour the passing of this Canadian soccer legend. Make sure that your teams take


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Scoop Dawg said:
A fellow TTPer (5BIGTOES) has thought of a great way to salute the passing of
Domenic Mobilio. He has asked that for this coming weekends games (Nov 26-28),
that all number 10 jersies not be worn and that they are displayed at your fields to
honour the passing of this Canadian soccer legend. Make sure that your teams take
That is an outstanding idea. WRU and NDFC will take part...sorry bulljive, but I think we have to do this. I trust you'll not have any objections, though I know its hard to take off your number, believe me.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
guru said:
Ahhhhh youth soccer......shades of the Guru as a young lad scoring 45 goals a season....those were the days!! ºººThen one day you move to men's soccer and they have no keeper, so you're stuck in net for 10 years and the glory scoring days are behind you....tsk tsk, what a waste of a perfectly good Guru!!! (....but what a keeper!)

Back to the now.....to clarify things here, my intention was not to trash The Franchise, it was to give some advice to keep the boasting to himself to avoid conflict. I don't like personal trashing "Stahlach18" [greatnumberbytheway], but at least it was a decent inteligent pissing, not like that idiot the other day who used the Franchises handle in his own.

I am not a quitter so I am going to stick it out an dfor the coach....it's tough to fire someone when there not getting paid and he has close friends on the team.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
I am not a quitter so I am going to stick it out an dfor the coach....it's tough to fire someone when there not getting paid and he has close friends on the team.
I realize it would be a difficult thing to do... maybe some of you players should sit down with him and let him know things are not working the way it is and together come up with alternate ideas. About 8 years ago, when I was coaching U15 we lost alot of players, and we picked up a shitload of mid fielders. Few backliners and fewer strikers. We lost 4 straight using a 4 4 2, so I put the players I moved to other positions back into more familiar roles. I created a 3 5 2 and we won all but one game for the rest of the season. I wrote the formation up on pages and went over the role of each position, using triangle all over the park, options everywhere. They all bought into it and it worked great for us. Like I said before, you have to come up with a system that the players find comfortable, or find players that fit the system.
Just my 2¢.....


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Scoop Dawg said:
A fellow TTPer (5BIGTOES) has thought of a great way to salute the passing of
Domenic Mobilio. He has asked that for this coming weekends games (Nov 26-28),
that all number 10 jersies not be worn and that they are displayed at your fields to
honour the passing of this Canadian soccer legend. Make sure that your teams take
Great Idea Scoop..... We're planning on a moment before the game, and wearing black arm bands as well.
How would you suggest to "display" the jersey? Draped oh the back of the goal netting, or do you think thats in poor taste? I thought being inside the net might be fitting, anyone with other suggestions?

One more thing, can this be posted on the FVSL website.... is there someone here who knows who's in charge of FVSL web updates, and maybe HE can pass this along to all BC soccer sites as well. It would be great to see this all over the Province. That would be a great tribute.


New Member
Nov 23, 2004
Dirty Money
normally I'd just read what the Franchise has to say and get a good laugh out of it but I just have to clear a couple of things up. First we play a system with three strikers not one. Second this system worked fine for those of us who have been with the team for the last few years. I'm not saying that it is working as well as we would like right now and we are looking at a change in systems but the reason we are losing isn't just because of the system. It's not a problem with the system when you get chances and don't hit the net.

It's taken us some time to get rid of some problems that we had earlier in the season with guys forgetting that this is a team game but things are coming together now. I'm not young or stupid enough to make any predictions about how we'll do the rest of the season but we will make it tough for teams to get points off of us.


Shaven...what can we expect from your field on Sunday? How is the grass, goalmouth, and drainage etc.?

Soccer Mom...looks like Eagleridge changed their home feild to Pinetree. Sucks for the Royals eh, since you guys love playing on cow feilds. :rolleyes:


guru said:
DFC 1st div club has a phenomenal scorer in Wade. They have 32 goals in 10 games, and he was shut out for the first 3 games. When he got the touch back, he's popped in 17 goals in 7 games (that's 17 out of 27 since the 4th game) and he's assisted on most of the rest. When he broke out he got 3, 3, 5, 0, 3, 1 and 2. He even dishes off to other when he could pop one himself. Could have had 7 or 8 in the one he got 5. And he only plays half games!!! This is no bull. He'd light it up even in premier, where they're headed next year. But he never beaks off about any goal EVER. He may be a drunken sot, but he has some class about that shite. My point was.......I forgot my point.... but just wait till you put a few in before you start pattin yerself on the back, or you're settin yourself up...... JMO :)

I remember playing against Wade a couple years ago when he was on the Allouette Razorbacks. He scored 4 goals in the 1st half and before the break our left back accidentally broke his leg on a slide tackle, he was done for the year. Sounds as though he's regained his form and is still quite a player.

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
Blahzay said:
Shaven...what can we expect from your field on Sunday? How is the grass, goalmouth, and drainage etc.?

Soccer Mom...looks like Eagleridge changed their home feild to Pinetree. Sucks for the Royals eh, since you guys love playing on cow feilds. :rolleyes:

WRU home field is amazing, you should have no problems with it blahzay. turf lines, turf in the goalmouth. flat field that's well maintained. it's by far the best 'natural' field i've played on recently.

as for eagleridge, the royals play well on cow fields ;) shouldn't be a problem with the field. next to that, south park isn't that bad of a field, maybe shaven can back me up as he just played on it. as for my status....right now it's not looking like i'll be playing this weekend, but it's still early. i was walking around like a limping gorilla today, it was beautiful, i'm sure the ladies thought it was hot :cool:

saint jr

New Member
Oct 24, 2003
Dirty Money
Scoop Dawg said:
A fellow TTPer (5BIGTOES) has thought of a great way to salute the passing of
Domenic Mobilio. He has asked that for this coming weekends games (Nov 26-28),
that all number 10 jersies not be worn and that they are displayed at your fields to
honour the passing of this Canadian soccer legend. Make sure that your teams take

hopefully all teams take part in this. i think it's a perfect way to remember a great man and a great player.

gone but never forgotten
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