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Div 2 [FVSL Div 2] Results and Banter - Nov. '04

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Oct 21, 2002
Dirty Money
I hate to beat a dead horse, but I'm wondering what the "Franchises" team mates think of him spouting off on how good he is and how he gets zero support up front. The fact is it is a team game and you're only as good as your weakest link. Not to say Franchise is a bad player. But you've got to wonder how much they want to support when according to him he can do it all. I would hope that he is just trying to motivate his mates....


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Hey saint jr,

I always preached that without you the rippers were uncapable of winning. After going 3-0 to start the season they have become one of the worst teams in the league. yes there are some good players on the team and they do seem to be a good bunch of guys but before we even started the game against them we could hear them talking about how bad NDFC was going to beat them. Can't win with that attitude and where is my beer......
As for the whole franchise issue i also wonder how his team feels about all his tooting of his own horn and lack of team support. I have a feeling they are not to impressed because from the sounds of it franchise isn't contributing to much himself. Everybody goes through slumps and I am sure you will get out of it. but until you do maybe you should tone down the talk about how good and go out there and prove it.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Blahzay said:
Shaven...what can we expect from your field on Sunday? How is the grass, goalmouth, and drainage etc.?

Our pitch should be in great shape, considering the amount of rain falling this week. Drainage is exceptional, with the only soft spot being around the edges of the turf in the 6. Otherwise, the grass is always short and as Mom said the field is level and solid. Good to go for Sunday, looking forward to it. :cool:

saint jr

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Oct 24, 2003
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
Hey saint jr,

I always preached that without you the rippers were uncapable of winning. After going 3-0 to start the season they have become one of the worst teams in the league. yes there are some good players on the team and they do seem to be a good bunch of guys but before we even started the game against them we could hear them talking about how bad NDFC was going to beat them. Can't win with that attitude and where is my beer......

yeah the rippers do seem to be having a bit of trouble at the moment but i think they can get it sorted out and get some wins. they have a good midfield but now they just need someone who's going to take charge up front and start scoring, from what i've heard from the lads, they're getting the chances but just can't score at the moment. i'm a man of my word your 12 stellas will be at the next game you play against them either i'll hand them to you or if i can't make the game i'll give them to the coach/keeper, can't say that he won't drink them before the game.

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
You should definetly come check out the Hurricane match this week Bulljive. We'll be debuting a new sweeper that you should scout for the Cup run. It's not Gary, but he's damn good. You'll recognize him from your days at Douglas although he wasn't a sweeper there...Gonna be a heck of a game as the Hurricanes live for big games like these!

bulljive said:
my match of the week has got to be the hurricanes against poco. Although i have not seen poco play i have watched a few of the canes game and ithink they will take this one 3-2. i will definitly come to check this game out.
#2 MOTW has to be abby against the titans should be a very good tilt I think the titans will bounce back and take this one. but this could really go either way but on the turf i will give it to the titans.
#3 the standings may not show this but I have to say NDFC vs WRU. WRU has played to well lately to be taken lightly I don't know what to expect out of this one because I thought WRU was one of the worst teams we have faced they seem to be a new team. it seems they have a pretty stingy defense lately and some talent upfront but I don't think shaven and the clan can keep us below 3 and nobody is scoring 3 against us so NDFC on this one


New Member
Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Here is what Redwoods had to say after the first time they played us.
"As for the Hurricanes...WOW, I don't even know what to say. These guys talk more trash for a team who I thought was terrible. They were shocking when we played them, I don't know what happened last year or if they will get new players this year but I don't really care. I don't think much of them either way."
We will see if he still feels this way after this weekends match, in which he will leave the field quite shocked.

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
whack said:
Here is what Redwoods had to say after the first time they played us.
"As for the Hurricanes...WOW, I don't even know what to say. These guys talk more trash for a team who I thought was terrible. They were shocking when we played them, I don't know what happened last year or if they will get new players this year but I don't really care. I don't think much of them either way."
We will see if he still feels this way after this weekends match, in which he will leave the field quite shocked.

you are a jackass. i hope your team gets destroyed this weekend.

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom, you can hope all you want, but the fact of the matter is I would NEVER recommend bettin against the Hurricanes in a MUST-WIN game. Poco is a good team and deserves a lot of credit for the season they are having. However, they are about to get the TOUGHEST test of their season thus far so we shall see how they do this weekend. I expect a good game, but the Hurricanes WILL come out on top at the final whistle no matter what you or anyone else hopes...It's now been 6 games since 08Star stated he would leave the forum if we lost again this season. A lot of people said goodbye to him at that point, but here we are 6 games later and a record of 5 wins and 1 tie in those 6 games, and 08Star is still here!!

Soccer Mom said:
you are a jackass. i hope your team gets destroyed this weekend.


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Hey Whack I watched that game, you guys may have improved since then, but in that particular game you did look terrible. I'm sure you guys will come out with something to prove, but I'm sure you'll agree if you play anything like the first time you played United you'll probably lose again.


Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Blahzay said:
I remember playing against Wade a couple years ago when he was on the Allouette Razorbacks. He scored 4 goals in the 1st half and before the break our left back accidentally broke his leg on a slide tackle, he was done for the year. Sounds as though he's regained his form and is still quite a player.

If this is the same game he talks about, then i dont think hes Completely recovered since. he still complains about his ankle from time to time. But I don't think anyone can deny it, hes stellar. But I think we can stop sucking his d*ck for now.

As for us rockin' coquitlam this week.
NIGHT GAME. I love night games.
be ready coq. we're gonna try not to let up just because your below us in the stats. Weve been where you are, hopefully weve learned. I know we can rock you, its a matter of burying a couple.
see you then.


New Member
Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
I agree with you, if we do play anything like we did the last time we played them, we will get blown out. However that being said we have been pumped about playing this game since the final whistle blew that day out in poco. We will come out strong this time around as it is a must win game.
And as for Soccer mom, all i ask is that you dont jump on our bandwagon after this weekends game.

canuckboy said:
Hey Whack I watched that game, you guys may have improved since then, but in that particular game you did look terrible. I'm sure you guys will come out with something to prove, but I'm sure you'll agree if you play anything like the first time you played United you'll probably lose again.


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
The only jackass here is you. Come out and watch the game this weekend, maybe you'll learn something
Soccer Mom said:
you are a jackass. i hope your team gets destroyed this weekend.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Shifty_dwarf said:
If this is the same game he talks about, then i dont think hes Completely recovered since. he still complains about his ankle from time to time. But I don't think anyone can deny it, hes stellar. But I think we can stop sucking his d*ck for now.

Pretty sure it's not the same injury. The one Blahzay was on aboot was back before DFC days. :
Blahzay said:
I remember playing against Wade a couple years ago when he was on the Allouette Razorbacks. He scored 4 goals in the 1st half and before the break our left back accidentally broke his leg on a slide tackle, he was done for the year.
Regardless, he was 18 then and played his first year of mens in Div 1, he's since recovered from that, but been a target for hacks ever since. When anyteam plays the DFC Pigs, the first thing opponents say is they have to put him out of the game. What a piss poor attitude. Same mentality as in the NHL....injure the stars and the shitty teams have a chance. Dispicable!!!!! :mad:


Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Looks like this is going to be a very important weekend for the entire division 2

Bulljive, I never knew you played at douglas. What year?

Soccers-lut, hope you guys can at least tie again this weekend. I'd hate to be 0-2-1 in the last three games when the race is so tight.

:wa: :bronco: :knvb:


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Just a random thought...

...I don't profess to know anything about Franchise nor his playing history or present, but I wanted to put my two cents in on all the talk here about him and his team...anyone who puts themselves on a public forum and names themselves such a pretentious and arrogant title such as "Franchise," regardless of his ability, is wide open for ridicule and pissing on like a cheap whore on Davie street...perhaps if we all get together and toss some pennies out his way his luck might improve. :eek: That said, we should all lay off just a bit now...I think we should give Franchise some time recover from the golden shower and rid himself of the stench. :D

Hey G-fence, you all going to be on time for your big match this weekend? :rolleyes: :D

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Canuckboy, based on that game, I can see where you are coming from. Keep in mind though at that point we had a very injury depleted lineup and a couple of our guys were also in the midst of their college season. Put it this way, of the 11 starters that started that game, only 4 will start this week. Of those 4 that are still starters, 2 were red carded early in the 2nd half of that game. 3 of the 11 guys that started that day, have been cut by us to make room for guys returning from injury (as you can only dress a max of 20 for a game). We are healthy again and we have depth. If Poco beats us, then they deserve to win the Division. If we lose this must-win game with our healthy lineup, then we don't deserve to win the division.

Poco is a good team and this will be a battle. We will pull it out though so come out and watch the game on Sat if you are lookin for some good soccer...

canuckboy said:
Hey Whack I watched that game, you guys may have improved since then, but in that particular game you did look terrible. I'm sure you guys will come out with something to prove, but I'm sure you'll agree if you play anything like the first time you played United you'll probably lose again.


Dec 4, 2003
Dirty Money
3 of the 11 guys that started that day, have been cut by us to make room for guys returning from injury (as you can only dress a max of 20 for a game).

I thought you could dress more then that, we've had 24 before. I just looked on the website and i see nothing that says how many people your allowed to dress for a game. Just the minimum amount of players. Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
first to G-fence I have made the douglas team the last 2 years but have fallen to fairly serious injuries in both preseasons and couldn't play. TWo years ago a snapped my arm in the last game before the season I had a cast from my wrist to the middle of my biceps for 4 months. This year I tore my quad and couldn't play for 3 in a half months I didn't kick a ball ffull out or have a full out sprint until the first game of the season. So i started this year really out of shape and pretty gun shy to take a shot and am just starting to find my form. As for the hurricanes I take it Andy singh is playing center D for you he's defintly pretty stellar back there but I will take him apart like a turkey on thanksgiving. With new player that will free up CJ to play center mid i take it which will leave Poco wondering how they got down 3-0 in 30 minutes.
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