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Div 2 [FVSL Div 2] Results and Banter - Nov. '04

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Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
DFC 5th place 18 goals against div 2c. Thats three strikes your out right there nobody wants to hear about your team. A defensive style like Italy you have 18 goals against we play pretty much all out attack and have 7 goals against. sounds like guys have a future in div 2 a long future. As for the hurricanes win the league then talk about how good you are. i know you guys have a good team but you haven't proved anything yet. Also on another note I think its a bit shitty that winning your division doesn't guarantee a birth in div 1. Thats a year of consistency and hard work thrown out the window.
Nice to know you're so keen on the DFC that you went out of your way to check our stats.....
We had a dismal start. Our 1st year in Div 2, and only 2nd year in open mens, coming straight out of U18 with an average age of still under 20 right now. So I think we're doing quite well. Just keeping ourselves in 2nd div was our objective with our hope of being mid pack.
6 goals against due to PK's alone explains why were so high in goals against. Take those away and some early games getting our feet wet in div 2, and I think we're pretty solid. Holding the top 4 teams to 0, 2, 1, 0 goals against since our dismal start, and I'd say we're doing just fine.

By the way, you said :
DFC 5th place
18 goals against
Thats three strikes your out right there

How does that make three strikes, Wizard ????? :eek:

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
08star said:
Your such a fcking loser lol. If you ever get the pleasure of playing the hurricanes i gurantee you that we would kill you guys and that you wouldnt even come close to making any sort of a impact on the game. And why are you calling us little? Not everyone on the hurricanes is still in highscool you chump. You sound like a disgruntled "has been" who needs to come on here and just take personal shots at everyone because his soccer skills are obviously not good enough talk about nor is his pathetic team :)

"your such a fukcing loser lol." lol? who the hell are you? avril lavige? yeah, that's hilarious. you talk like you're still in high school buddy, wait, you must be one of the many players that still are in high school playing for the canes. and truely, i respect that if a kid in high school is talented enough to play mens league div 3 or higher. but don't come talk shite to me dickface. you seem to think your team is the shite, saying your gonna win the league, and your not gonna lose any of the remaining games, maybe you should 'dismantle' off each others cokcs first dipshit.

i may be on here and talk some shite, but i've never claimed the royals to be some great team that's going to be promoted, g-fence has already looked, so don't bother yourself.

redwoods won't be leaving the field shocked this weekend, you and your team will be leaving the field after being 'shocked' if you catch my drift. maybe your a little too young to know what i'm talking about. hurricane power seems to think you guys will be 'on top' after sundays, hahaha, good luck with that.

why am i calling you little? it was a figure of speech dumbass. 'little shits like you' are you gonna tell me you guys aren't pieces of shite too now? perhaps you prefer to be called large pieces of shite?

yah, so i'm a 'disgruntled has-been' that comes on here to take personal shots cuz i'm not good enough to let my play do the talking. that's exactly what this is all about :rolleyes: fukcing idiot. lets me clearly tell you, it's about you and your team going into games saying you guys are gonna win. all i said is i hope you guys get destroyed and you took it personally. get over it cokcboy...sorry 'cowboy' :eek:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom,

What the hell is your fixation with cokcs and shite all about?

Are you sure you're not 13 years old?

TTP all you want but at least attempt to venture outside the playground with the rest of the adults.




Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
You obviously have a facination with "dismantling ****s" whatever the hell that means. I may say we are going to win games and that may come off as a bit co*ky but hey we're winning so imma keep on talking. The only reason you dont come on here and talk about the royals is cause you guys suck, so theres really nothing you can come on here and brag about. I come on here and make predictions like we're going to win the league because i know that its going to happen. I made the same prediction about us winning div 3 and the cupn last year and we did. Even though we lost out on some points earlier in the year i knew we would pick it up and eventually go on a huge winning streak, so i guranteed that i wouldnt come on here again if we lost and i think we've won about 6 in a row since then. So everything i say i back up so you can kiss my a*s you useless piece of shite. And about this weekend, there is no way we lose. We will beat poco and thats just something everyone else is going to have to live with :) If you hate me going into games predicting we're going to win then your have to drag out your pathetic team to play us to shut me up, but we both know that if we played you guys we'de beat you so bad you wouldnt show your sorry ass face on here again.

Soccer Mom said:
"your such a fukcing loser lol." lol? who the hell are you? avril lavige? yeah, that's hilarious. you talk like you're still in high school buddy, wait, you must be one of the many players that still are in high school playing for the canes. and truely, i respect that if a kid in high school is talented enough to play mens league div 3 or higher. but don't come talk shite to me dickface. you seem to think your team is the shite, saying your gonna win the league, and your not gonna lose any of the remaining games, maybe you should 'dismantle' off each others cokcs first dipshit.

i may be on here and talk some shite, but i've never claimed the royals to be some great team that's going to be promoted, g-fence has already looked, so don't bother yourself.

redwoods won't be leaving the field shocked this weekend, you and your team will be leaving the field after being 'shocked' if you catch my drift. maybe your a little too young to know what i'm talking about. hurricane power seems to think you guys will be 'on top' after sundays, hahaha, good luck with that.

why am i calling you little? it was a figure of speech dumbass. 'little shits like you' are you gonna tell me you guys aren't pieces of shite too now? perhaps you prefer to be called large pieces of shite?

yah, so i'm a 'disgruntled has-been' that comes on here to take personal shots cuz i'm not good enough to let my play do the talking. that's exactly what this is all about :rolleyes: fukcing idiot. lets me clearly tell you, it's about you and your team going into games saying you guys are gonna win. all i said is i hope you guys get destroyed and you took it personally. get over it cokcboy...sorry 'cowboy' :eek:


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
I got nothing against you or your team, you guys are a good young squad and i look foward to our rematch in the cup. But i think we have proved a lot already by dragging ourselves out of the cellar and cracking the top three. After this weekend there will be little doubt left as to who will come out on the top when its all said and done. Good luck on the weekend.
bulljive said:
DFC 5th place 18 goals against div 2c. Thats three strikes your out right there nobody wants to hear about your team. A defensive style like Italy you have 18 goals against we play pretty much all out attack and have 7 goals against. sounds like guys have a future in div 2 a long future. As for the hurricanes win the league then talk about how good you are. i know you guys have a good team but you haven't proved anything yet. Also on another note I think its a bit shitty that winning your division doesn't guarantee a birth in div 1. Thats a year of consistency and hard work thrown out the window.

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Bulljive we are in the midst of proving ourselves right now. I love our chances against Poco this week and in all honesty, I think the Clones match up much better against us then Poco. The Clones veteran smarts make them a very dangerous team in our division. My personal prediction is that the winner of Div 2B will be the team that takes the most points out of the 2 head to head games b/w the Clones and the Hurricanes late in the season. Poco will go into a slump after realizing they can't compete with us this weekend!

As for getting promoted, it does suck that the division winner still has to go thru that round robin tourney to get promoted. Having seen the top teams from all the div 2s play this year though, I would have to say the winner of Div 2C is a long shot to earn a promotion. I would say the winners of 2A and 2B will move up, and the 8th place team from Div 1 will likely stay in Div 1.

Do you know when they do the Cup draw? It's going to be nice to have some interdivisional games and see where the top teams in each division stack up against each other...

bulljive said:
DFC 5th place 18 goals against div 2c. Thats three strikes your out right there nobody wants to hear about your team. A defensive style like Italy you have 18 goals against we play pretty much all out attack and have 7 goals against. sounds like guys have a future in div 2 a long future. As for the hurricanes win the league then talk about how good you are. i know you guys have a good team but you haven't proved anything yet. Also on another note I think its a bit shitty that winning your division doesn't guarantee a birth in div 1. Thats a year of consistency and hard work thrown out the window.

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
08star said:
You obviously have a facination with "dismantling ****s" whatever the hell that means. I may say we are going to win games and that may come off as a bit co*ky but hey we're winning so imma keep on talking. The only reason you dont come on here and talk about the royals is cause you guys suck, so theres really nothing you can come on here and brag about. I come on here and make predictions like we're going to win the league because i know that its going to happen. I made the same prediction about us winning div 3 and the cupn last year and we did. Even though we lost out on some points earlier in the year i knew we would pick it up and eventually go on a huge winning streak, so i guranteed that i wouldnt come on here again if we lost and i think we've won about 6 in a row since then. So everything i say i back up so you can kiss my a*s you useless piece of shite. And about this weekend, there is no way we lose. We will beat poco and thats just something everyone else is going to have to live with :) If you hate me going into games predicting we're going to win then your have to drag out your pathetic team to play us to shut me up, but we both know that if we played you guys we'de beat you so bad you wouldnt show your sorry ass face on here again.

no, see i don't talk shite about my team cuz i'm not a ****y dumbass like you that's gonna have to eat their words like no tomorrow if you ever do lose. i'm sure you like getting your ass kissed by other guys, but that's why we have shifty dwarves and frodo's around ;) i'd be more than happy to 'drag' my team out to play your shitty team, except i'd literally have to drag them as none of them are concerned with playing garbage teams like yours. you can predict all you want, and i'll hope all i want.

and it's 'large pieces of shite' like you that take stuff on here way too seriously. you wanna know why i come on here, to set guys off like you that explode quicker than a firecracker. get a grip. mission accomplished bitch :D have a good day.


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
The only mission you accomplished is proving you and your team suck. I hope we get to face you in the cup and i get to shut your dumb ass up. Go and do that c*ock thing you keep talking about with your team and stop eating my head on here with your incoherent blabber.
Soccer Mom said:
no, see i don't talk shite about my team cuz i'm not a ****y dumbass like you that's gonna have to eat their words like no tomorrow if you ever do lose. i'm sure you like getting your ass kissed by other guys, but that's why we have shifty dwarves and frodo's around ;) i'd be more than happy to 'drag' my team out to play your shitty team, except i'd literally have to drag them as none of them are concerned with playing garbage teams like yours. you can predict all you want, and i'll hope all i want.

and it's 'large pieces of shite' like you that take stuff on here way too seriously. you wanna know why i come on here, to set guys off like you that explode quicker than a firecracker. get a grip. mission accomplished bitch :D have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Guru your third strike was that you play div 2c. figure it out bud you may have your premium membership but your still an idiot.


Not Bright
Jan 26, 2004
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
Guru your third strike was that you play div 2c. figure it out bud you may have your premium membership but your still an idiot.

dam it hard to argue with this guy huh? everything he says is just right on the mark all the time..reminds me of how he plays football always on form...shite im just glad hes on my team cause i couldnt handle all these true observations he has...out

im back in jan so people better beware of #7 cause he'll be around in a bit.. if anyone cares which i know you dont......not like i care if you do or not..your funeral

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
It doesn't take much to set 08star off, but the beauty of it is that he elevates his game to another level when he has a chip on his shoulder. 08star's play is one of the key reasons we haven't been beaten since his prediction. Besides, if we ever lose and 08Star has to leave the forum, the entertainment level will plumet in the forum!! Don't you agree Curious, as you got all this started when you asked 08 for a prediction on Saturday's game?!!

It's all good fellas. Hurricanes like to talk, but I don't think anyone can point out a time when we haven't backed it up. If Poco beats us this weekend, I'll be the first to come on here and give them credit. They got their work cut out for them though. That's for sure!

Soccer Mom said:
no, see i don't talk shite about my team cuz i'm not a ****y dumbass like you that's gonna have to eat their words like no tomorrow if you ever do lose. i'm sure you like getting your ass kissed by other guys, but that's why we have shifty dwarves and frodo's around ;) i'd be more than happy to 'drag' my team out to play your shitty team, except i'd literally have to drag them as none of them are concerned with playing garbage teams like yours. you can predict all you want, and i'll hope all i want.

and it's 'large pieces of shite' like you that take stuff on here way too seriously. you wanna know why i come on here, to set guys off like you that explode quicker than a firecracker. get a grip. mission accomplished bitch :D have a good day.

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
Hurricane Power said:
It doesn't take much to set 08star off, but the beauty of it is that he elevates his game to another level when he has a chip on his shoulder. 08star's play is one of the key reasons we haven't been beaten since his prediction. Besides, if we ever lose and 08Star has to leave the forum, the entertainment level will plumet in the forum!! Don't you agree Curious, as you got all this started when you asked 08 for a prediction on Saturday's game?!!

It's all good fellas. Hurricanes like to talk, but I don't think anyone can point out a time when we haven't backed it up. If Poco beats us this weekend, I'll be the first to come on here and give them credit. They got their work cut out for them though. That's for sure!

haha, 08star is nothing. curious started absolutely nothing. that convo was done til i said shite to 08star. what i said wasn't even that big of a deal, but appearently not. guys talk about refs having short fuses, some of you need to look in the mirror.

and you (or 08star) just said you are going to beat poco, there are no 'ifs' now dumbass. you'd better win otherwise mom is gonna have the biggest PMS session of her life.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Regs said:
Soccer Mom,

What the hell is your fixation with cokcs and shite all about?

Are you sure you're not 13 years old?

TTP all you want but at least attempt to venture outside the playground with the rest of the adults.



I see in my absence at work today that Regs got to this before I did, and as the Mod I agree with his sentiments, and raise him a warning...I've said this before, and this is the last time I will say this before bans start to occur...Stay on topic! Time to play TTP cop, as one so eloquently put it: Enough immature sandbox references. Enough talk about cokcs and other homosexual innuendos that are meant to be insulting, not tongue in cheek and funny. Talk about the game, and a lad's on-field game, or one by one you'll be silenced, and like children at an adult function you'll be seen and not heard. :eek: I don't do engage in this idiotic line of posting, and will no longer tolerate any of you doing so either. 'Nuff said, let's post about this weekend's matches, as they're shaping up to be pivotal in the division races.

~ Shaven


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
Guru your third strike was that you play div 2c. figure it out bud you may have your premium membership but your still an idiot.
WHAT I want my $$$ back...... I wuz told that wen ya pay yer dooz, ya wernt never gunna be a idjiat agin!
I guess I deserve to be in 2c and not even a capital "c" at that !!! I am ashamed :eek:
Handjive, ewe you give me the tee hee's. :rolleyes: After I picked yer squad to win the cup, you make fun of our club... that's bad form bro. :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I woudn't be making cup predictions in a single knock out anyone can win. you play a bad game you can lose to a bottom of the barrel team. I wouldn't even go out there and say we are going to win we could draw somebody like the clones or hurricanes in round 1 then a top team will be out. hey maybe even DFC will win it no bloody likely though you wanker

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
shaven said:
I see in my absence at work today that Regs got to this before I did, and as the Mod I agree with his sentiments, and raise him a warning...I've said this before, and this is the last time I will say this before bans start to occur...Stay on topic! Time to play TTP cop, as one so eloquently put it: Enough immature sandbox references. Enough talk about cokcs and other homosexual innuendos that are meant to be insulting, not tongue in cheek and funny. Talk about the game, and a lad's on-field game, or one by one you'll be silenced, and like children at an adult function you'll be seen and not heard. :eek: I don't do engage in this idiotic line of posting, and will no longer tolerate any of you doing so either. 'Nuff said, let's post about this weekend's matches, as they're shaping up to be pivotal in the division races.

~ Shaven

damn, it was just getting good dude. but you're right, punks like 08star shouldn't be here spreading their foulness of a grandma's tampon :p predictions this weekend...

Poco over Canes of course
North Delta FC over WRU
Abbotsford SC over ND Titans
Surrey Rippers over Aldgergrove


New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Shaven, if you were a true Moderator your name would be highlighted in red, which it is not. So we will not listen to you.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Well my name is in red and I'm not a moderator - but you better-the-fcuk listen to what I have to say.

Shaven is a moderator, you know it and if some of you want to be idiots about it, you can let me know in 2 months when your ban is over.

Premium Memberships or not.

This is the final warning.

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