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BCPL- BC Premier League: Proposal


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money

I think if the MLS is promoted and run properly, you will see kids lined up in the stands dreaming of playing their. Nobody ****ing dreams of playing mens amateur premier for fukc sakes, by definition it is a group of people who didn't reach their dream. I get some players will make the next step from here, as they currently do but the point is getting 200-300 fans out to local games every week is a pipe dream.

What does this league going to summer really change? Isn't that what the PCSL league is? I watched Surrey united play ACBC last year in front of 10 fans. Yes if they made it a Italian team, Croatian team, Irish team, Indian team, Then a couple Island teams(Rivalry local vs.island, they can be dutch islanders if they want) people would come out. Like it or not people like to stick and support their "people" I wouldn't ever feel Passion towards a local surrey team because I live their. That wouldn't bring me out to Vancouver for away games. It's why East Indians flood to Surrey, Asians to Richmond,Shamrock to tsawassen humans beings like to surround themselves with people that are similar to them..fact. If it's fans you want there needs to be passion but making culturally based teams would never advance the game.

Moving it to summer means all these players would just play winter, on their regular team. You can't move the entire sport of soccer to summer, it will never happen, don't have access to the fields. How does that change the current set up. I just really couldn't see any local team like surrey, richmond ,delta getting 200-300 fans to home games. Croatia could but that will be 80% Croat.

My two sense..

Well just 5 years ago I was dreaming about haveing a team in Premier,
and we have many young guys stop by our games and training sessions and say they would like to play Prmier one day...I use to dream about the PCSL when I was young..Dont say the kids dont dream about playing Premier soccer cause of coarse they do.
And if you think getting 300 fans out is a pipe dream I can tell you have already given up on soccer. If 300 people wont ever come to watch the best soccer we have besides the MLS then you are right we are all waisting our time. I say rubbish..I say they will come. But your right ,not now the way things are...cause who cares to see the same teams week in and week out...we need new blood. Some excitement. Bevys food.
Summer as Lion says is a great Idea, to follow as discussed in the BCPL meetings you all were not informed about.
I do like your ideas reguarding ethnic teams...Now try and get every VMSL team to change thier name to a country....You will need a year to plan it and several hundred meetings, A bussiness plan and you know from the get go that If Inter isnt Italy they will just not do it...Rock Paper Scissors not in the Constitution...or is it...who knows its been taken off the Website.
Surrey United vs ACBC PCSL was thier 17 and 18 year olds and our div 2 guys...Cant compair them..easy to make that mistake except the 10 people watching were all soccer moms from United...hence the cow bell.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
So let me get this straight:

I state I'm 100% for the idea of the super league at the start, I post a couple of concerns as time goes on, ghouse posts 678 times alluding to I and others are past it and only protecting our own interests, I explain again a few times the thinking that goes behind the concerns, ghouse posts another 456 times alluding to I and others are past it and are not 'in the loop', the shite hits the fan and ghouse posts 56 more times to say everything is hunky-dory, I get tired of it all and say to just STFU, ghouse posts his life story 3 times which leads YOU to get in on the act and then somehow try and insinuate that I am to blame for ghouse's personal issues?

Get to fcuk.

I smell fish.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
So let me get this straight:

I state I'm 100% for the idea of the super league at the start, I post a couple of concerns as time goes on, ghouse posts 678 times alluding to I and others are past it and only protecting our own interests, I explain again a few times the thinking that goes behind the concerns, ghouse posts another 456 times alluding to I and others are past it and are not 'in the loop', the shite hits the fan and ghouse posts 56 more times to say everything is hunky-dory, I get tired of it all and say to just STFU, ghouse posts his life story 3 times which leads YOU to get in on the act and then somehow try and insinuate that I am to blame for ghouse's personal issues?

Get to fcuk.

I smell fish.

Don't label me an idiot and try and twist this...

Bottom line, Its personal or at the least u have done a good job to set the perception to seem as such.

Its not justified and is unfair...

Reminds me of an old boys club


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Is this champion league style where a team plays in their regular league and then have additional games in the BC league? Or will it be pulling so called "better players" to this new league.

Some problems:

a) funding (for sure more cost like travel)

b) the goal of "elite". Personally it's the grassroots that will be producing the elite players. Once your pass 21-22, your chances are next to zero. So maybe inappropriate use of resources. My definition of elite would be someone capable of playing on our national team which would be a good starting point. The proposed league will not create better players since your target age will be of no real use when defining elite. Maybe one top men's league will be marginally be better but the overall pool of players in the province I can't see improving.

c) If teams are only playing in one league and the new league draws the "better players", it'll just water the the 3 remaining leagues.

d) If some teams are playing in both leagues, you better be training more qualified referees.

e) Committment of players. Add another 22 games to their busy lives.

If we want to produce better players, I think we need better talent recognition at an earlier age (by qualifed personel) and then re-open the national training center near SFU (or wherever central). Use resources with a purpose instead of sprinkling it haphazardly on recreation soccer.

I worked in Australia and saw first hand the national training center of excellance. Most will agree that country has a great sports program with exceptional funding. You don't see them wasting money on older athletes. Grassroots and bringing all the athletes to Canberra for year around training was there solution.

Sort of off topic but related, in another thread about the national team, we'll only see change if the national team program is ran outside the provincial bodies. The organizational structure needs to be changed. BCSA's primary goal is still of a recreational nature.

It’s interesting to go back into the earlier posts in this thread and see how opinions have evolved…and in my opinion, for good reason.

At the crux of the matter is this: it seems the VMSL guys don’t see the benefit of this new division, and frankly, can you blame them? There needs to be a benefit to them, or their players. As of now they see higher costs, more travel, and no significant increase in level of competition. In fact, if the top VMSL teams don’t go, on paper it is a decrease in overall competition. They don’t see the BIG PICTURE, but again, has THE BIG PICTURE been conceived and drawn up? Ghouse, I know your “I have a dream” stuff touched on a lot of this, but can you kind of see why you need a strong business plan to sell the concept? The VMSL guys have had the BCPL rammed down their throats, and they can’t see the benefit to them. As of right now, the public concept of this proposal doesn’t really fill a void, and offer something better for them. I can’t blame them for rejecting the idea in its current concept.

What are the stated goals of the BCPL? Is there a 3 year plan? A 5 year plan? How does it fill a void in the local market?

On the surface right now, it doesn’t appear to fill a void, and that is the problem.

I would argue that there is a void here, and the void will be even bigger once the MLS is established in town, and that is a true semi-professional development league that offers our “best” youth players a local league a venue to play, develop, and get recognized. I would think the age range should be 16-23. Cap it. By the age of 23, if the player hasn’t made professional inroads, they will be “encouraged” (in other words, cut) to dial back their playing and focus on career, family, or, um, their wakeboarding careers. :D . If they haven’t gotten a shot at a higher level by then, well…time to get on w/ life. Life as a footballer may very well be in the top tiers of on of the three leagues.

Essentially, something like this would be a viable alternative to the university route, and an even more attractive alternative for pure footballing development.

All that said, the concept would require a true club system to support it, which is where the strength of the FVSL and VISL come in. Maybe the focus needs to be in drawing in the clubs and municipalities, not really the three leagues. Maybe what needs to be done is look to the municipalities w/ both facility and club support in place now. Place the onus on the club to oversee management and development, while the city provides facility support. The club should be involved in establishing a billet program as well, as is done in the BCJHL and WHL. Make the league exclusively Canadian, but BC focused. Allow an import ratio for out of Province players.

Where are the facilities now that can support this?

Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Langley, Burnaby (still the best natural pitch around), New West, Coquitlam, Victoria, Nanaimo...cities w/ small stadiums. Am I missing any? You get the point.

This league should be a major investment of the BCSA and CSA, and focus on “Elite” development.

All that said, to do this right, you need not only an up-front SIGNIFICANT investment at the administrative level, and you will need all local stakeholders on the same page regarding supporting the concept. Those include BC Soccer, Soccer Canada, the three Senior Leagues, Clubs, and (hate to point this out), the Whitecaps. The three senior leagues WILL and SHOULD lose their best young talent to this league. Will the league be there to exclusively feed the Caps? Absolutely not. The concept behind this development league is to raise the bar for those younger players to play in a semi professional environment at a young age, and allow the league to market those players to all professional clubs.

If done properly, this concept would not be “gate” driven for revenue. Yes, if run in the summer, it could be marketed, but it should not be gate revenue reliant. The payoff would come back to the clubs in the form of transfer fees…assuming the league truly develops players for the professional game. Yes, that also includes the Whitecaps. If they want the players, they will have to pay to get them. This way, the pressure is on the BCSA, CSA, and coaching staff to develop talent.

Anyhow, that’s my “pie in the sky” take on it. More and more, I’m thinking you blow this thing up and start from scratch. Do it right, and fill the void.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

I would argue that there is a void here, and the void will be even bigger once the MLS is established in town, and that is a true semi-professional development league that offers our “best” youth players a local league a venue to play, develop, and get recognized. I would think the age range should be 16-23. Cap it.
That void is already filled as well.

PDL & Y-league


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Maybe, maybe not. I'm not sure that those leagues are truly on the scale I'm thinking.

But again...my pie in the sky...coming from an interested observer who has no stake, and is far to busy to read another of Ghouse's posts.

So fcuk off, Big Timer.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Funny stuff, maybe your best attempt yet on TTP.

Keep it up!

Na... that would be leading people to think i'm polish:D

On topic... Your champions league format, i would like to discuss further...

To start... what is a fair number of entrants per league?

Also lets not forget.. Division 1 winners from the previous year to be included?

Input from Vmsl and fraser as to what they consider fair?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Outkast it's not up to the players. What I will say is like it or not (and you do have a choice to turn it down if your team qualifies) this league will go on. If that means a div 3 team represent the VMSL in this league which I think would still be better then any Fraser Valley team, then so be it.

The fact of the matter it was rammed through at the AGM which means that unless an emergency meeting is called by the VMSL the minutes reflect it was passed. I haven't seen the minutes to reflect the question but it seems as though it was passed. Now unless guys have flip flopped I am under the impression that the premier teams have said no. As a manger I have not been approached nor has our President on anything after the said meeting took place. So as far as I'm concerned unless I get a call our coach told us the results of the meeting.

OK I guess after some calls I need to clarify something. I was fukcing around. It doesn't matter what the bylaws or constitution say if the members say we're not doing it then the majority would be successful in deciding. This would be referred to as "mutiny". Which is exactly what occurred. I have no idea why this has become the venting center for the BCPL but one thing has occurred a fellow by the name "Millar" has become an addict and personnally feel he needs some help. ;).

I have not seen the by-laws or constitution so I have no idea what they say. These should be made available to all clubs.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
First off Ghouse just because Lion agrees with you doesn't mean the rest of us don't get it. Plenty of people like the idea, but when people see holes, or have concern in what you appear to feel is just your dream, all you do is speak louder or allude to us being past it or all ready given up. I probably watch local amateur soccer as much as anyone because I just enjoy being outside and watching the game. People like me are few and far between in Canada, as there are at most 30 people at the top games.

I see moving to summer makes it easier to promote, as people will watch when it is 20 degrees. However to me I see the PCSL and see 2 teams from Okanagan, 2 island teams, ACBC,Khalsa and a few other....why isn't it working. To me this league you guys speak of is potentially in place. Are these not teams from Vancouver, Victoria, Okanagan, Why are the best players not playing in this? Why are there no fans? What does calling BCPL instead of PCSL do to change it? Why will all the top guys now play summer?

Maybe The PCSL just needs to add a Croatia, Inter(Italy) and be promoted properly. My concern isn't trying to stop this league from happening, I'm just wondering what the difference really is from league such as this. Is it essentially the same but everyone wants to start fresh and promote it properly. The fact of the matter is if this league is given the majority of provincial spots people will play I guess.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
First off Ghouse just because Lion agrees with you doesn't mean the rest of us don't get it. Plenty of people like the idea, but when people see holes, or have concern in what you appear to feel is just your dream, all you do is speak louder or allude to us being past it or all ready given up. I probably watch local amateur soccer as much as anyone because I just enjoy being outside and watching the game. People like me are few and far between in Canada, as there are at most 30 people at the top games.

I see moving to summer makes it easier to promote, as people will watch when it is 20 degrees. However to me I see the PCSL and see 2 teams from Okanagan, 2 island teams, ACBC,Khalsa and a few other....why isn't it working. To me this league you guys speak of is potentially in place. Are these not teams from Vancouver, Victoria, Okanagan, Why are the best players not playing in this? Why are there no fans? What does calling BCPL instead of PCSL do to change it? Why will all the top guys now play summer?

Maybe The PCSL just needs to add a Croatia, Inter(Italy) and be promoted properly. My concern isn't trying to stop this league from happening, I'm just wondering what the difference really is from league such as this. Is it essentially the same but everyone wants to start fresh and promote it properly. The fact of the matter is if this league is given the majority of provincial spots people will play I guess.

First off I dont see any holes...but I obviously know more about whats in the plan...and the PCSL doesnt have the support of the players because the players just came off a long Winter season. I know this because I combine both my teams to make one Summer team. They all are just to tired and want time off. And choose the Winter to play because it is longer,has more teams and most important, the Provincials are at the end of the Season.
They will all tell you that they enjoy the Summer better and wish the League that was of more importance was in the Summer. But its not.
One league not 4 is what we need at the Premier level.
10 Provincial Premier teams not 35

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
9 and 1.

2011/2012, or if not sorted out by then, 2012/2013 start.

Then start relegating/promoting.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Nope.....Still wait and see, Something good is going to come out of this..I have faith.
The majority of people know we need a Provincial League/Division.
We also need to align with the rest of the country and play in the summer.
If we keep trying it will happen.
If at first you dont succeed...try, try again.
Its truly a shame that we are letting this great opportunity pass us by right now while the rest of the country seems to be expanding and growing all thier leagues and teams.
Edmonton in the NASL..Calgary putting in a bid. Ottawa a bid...MLS comeing to Van and Montreal.
The CSA even knows we need to grow...
They have just granted full CSA Membership to the CSL....which were at odds for years.
What does that mean...well now the CSL can grow Nationally..and better yet the CSL Champion looks to be the 4th team into the Nutralite CONCACAF Championships.
Not bad for a Provincial League, With a Quebec team.
Something we could have achieved out West....

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Ghouse VMSL head a meeting regarding BC Premier League. Almost all clubs have no money to go in to it. Now is the chance for Fraser Valley League to step forward and do it. Fraser Valley can send five sides in. Victoria can send three and League is on. All you guys have to do ask Khalsa And Chinise community and League will go.


Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
Nope.....Still wait and see, Something good is going to come out of this..I have faith.
The majority of people know we need a Provincial League/Division.
We also need to align with the rest of the country and play in the summer.
If we keep trying it will happen.
If at first you dont succeed...try, try again.
Its truly a shame that we are letting this great opportunity pass us by right now while the rest of the country seems to be expanding and growing all thier leagues and teams.
Edmonton in the NASL..Calgary putting in a bid. Ottawa a bid...MLS comeing to Van and Montreal.
The CSA even knows we need to grow...
They have just granted full CSA Membership to the CSL....which were at odds for years.
What does that mean...well now the CSL can grow Nationally..and better yet the CSL Champion looks to be the 4th team into the Nutralite CONCACAF Championships.
Not bad for a Provincial League, With a Quebec team.
Something we could have achieved out West....

Another message from Baghdad Bob. :rolleyes:



Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
Ghouse VMSL head a meeting regarding BC Premier League. Almost all clubs have no money to go in to it. Now is the chance for Fraser Valley League to step forward and do it. Fraser Valley can send five sides in. Victoria can send three and League is on. All you guys have to do ask Khalsa And Chinise community and League will go.

Mr. Base, I don't remember seeing you at the meeting so I don't know how you think you know why the VMSL teams won't do it.

Five fantastic teams from the FVSL and Victoria CAT teams. Sounds "Premier" to me.

Makes as much sense as promoting teams from Div 1 to the BCPL as was suggested by the ass ripper. :rolleyes:

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