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Presidents Cup 2005 Presidents Cup Banter

What will the final score be in the President's Final?

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Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
You shouldnt even be alowed to post on here because you and your team are in contention for absoultly nothing! You think we care what you think? And who cares if he celeberated his goal, he hasnt scored in a while and when he did it was a huge goal in a meaningful cup game. How is that classless? What players cant celebrate goals anymore?

On a side note sheep, superstriker, franchise and every other hurricane hater on here can i please ask you to quit your whining? "Oh they use youth players, they're classless, theyre not as good as they think they are, they're not as good as they were last year, bla bla bla bla" Like i said to you chumps before if you have that big of a problem with us then beat us, which by the way you guys have no chance of doing. I know that you guys suck and your teams suck and we're the only exciting thing happening in your lives but come on guys just get off our backs maybe come out and catch a hurricanes game and maybe just maybe you will learn something about winning.

Sheep said:
On another note, after the Hurricanes scored their first goal of the game to go up one nothing the guy that scored it celebrated by running to the corner flag on our side of the field and began to do a bunch of Jumping Jacks. What a moron! The Hurricanes are a bunch of classless guys as is their whole shady organization.


Oct 1, 2003
Dirty Money
08star said:
Wow thats a bold statement, um what was the score the last time we played? I believe it was 7-0 and the time before that it was 4-0 and yet you still come on here and talk shite. Your team f ukin sucks buddy and if we played you losers again we would probably hit double digits! Im not even going to mention the youth because whack and hurricane power have explained how they're part of our team and we dont just go around and pluck youth players we use just the ones that play with us full time. Im just shocked that you come here and talk shite because again do you remember what happened the last time we played you guys? The game was over in the first 15 mins when a 40 year old foward popped two goals in! You suck, your teams sucks, and if you want to talk shite on here do something to back it up on the field you f ukin chump!

WOW!!!! You are truly a special person and by that I mean a tard. We also beat you guys 4-1 but I know in the hurricane minds that didn't count because of all kinds of reasons that we have heard over and over. If it feels good to have a different lineup every weekend then good on you...I think every other team in this league fights through injuries with the team they have. Feel good about your selves and the "team" you put out on the park. I'm just waiting for your response to telling me...I suck, my team sucks, I'm old...add a few Fuks here and there and you have an 08star quote. By the way, way to roll 3 players to your game vs the clones with 25 min left and pull out a victory. Awesome!!


Oct 1, 2003
Dirty Money
Hurricane Power said:
A lot of talk for a guy whose team lost 7-0 to us! In case you haven't been following what the Hurricanes are all about, we do not intend to be a Div 2 team for all our lives like yourself. When we put this team together it was on a plan to be in Premier in 3 yrs. So far so good as we will be Div 1 in 2 yrs. The young players are part of our Club system and play with us cuz they will be part of our team as we move forward. They have as much at stake with us moving up as anyone, as they don't want to stuck playing Div 2 full time when they finish youth. As for you guys, you crack me up that you are still talking. In the 7-0 win over you guys, it was our 40 year old who scored 2 goals in the 1st 15 mins and finished that game before it started. Of our top 3 scorers, only 1 is one of our youth players. You can keep dreaming of wining the division, but I guarantee you if we lose the division to you guys, we will drop out of the league. Imagine losing a chance at promotion to a team we beat by combined scores of 10-0 in our last 2 meetings?!

Well sorry to burst your bubble but we already have a premier team and a cat team and div 2 and div 3 teams. We already fought those battles to EARN those spots. If you lose the div. to us "you will drop out of the league" again showing your class. Take your ball and go home, no one cares.


New Member
Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Redwoods there's no point in me really even saying anything about you and your team. We proved to everyone how bad you guys really are after beating you 7-0 in 75 mins so why not shut up and give it a rest. You talk about us having no class yet it seems as though you and the rest of your team have no class. You guys come on here and constantly whine about who we have play for us. Do you want me to apologize on behalf of the hurricanes for using players that exceed your skill level by significant amount? It's great that your club has a premier club, but the fact of the matter is that you play on the div 2 squad. So if you think that your club even has a remote chance of being promoted this year, my suggestion is ease off on the drugs.

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Redwoods, you guys do see the light even though you don't understand how. You guys are right, we do belong in Premier with the players we have and it's not fair that you have to play us in Div 2. However, FVSL is not about to hand us a Premier spot and we had to start in Div 3 last year and work our way to Div 2. We are now in Div 2 and working our way to Div 1. We are a new club and don't have the luxury of already having a Premier team to put our Premier Calibre players on. We have started a Club system and for that to be successful, we do need to land a team in Premier. So why your buddy that posted earliar thinks it's not fair that we have signed Premier calibre players is beyond me. If we want to be in Premier, we have to have Premier calbre players. Otherwise, how the **** are we supposed to get to Premier? Next year we will be even stronger as we will have many of our youth system players graduating to full-time men's league. As for our team, we haven't changed our team much since the 1st time we played you. The only additions since then were 2 of our guys who were playing College at the time and were ineligibe to sign with us until their seasons at Capilano and Douglas ended. You were just fortunate that the 1st time we played you we had a lot of injuries. As for folding from the league if you guys beat us for 1st, it's nothing personal but like I said, for our Club system to be successful, we have to move up. If we can't land a spot in Div 1 next year and have a shot at Premier, what is the point of having a team?

redwoods said:
Well sorry to burst your bubble but we already have a premier team and a cat team and div 2 and div 3 teams. We already fought those battles to EARN those spots. If you lose the div. to us "you will drop out of the league" again showing your class. Take your ball and go home, no one cares.


Oct 1, 2003
Dirty Money
Hurricane Power said:
Redwoods, you guys do see the light even though you don't understand how. You guys are right, we do belong in Premier with the players we have and it's not fair that you have to play us in Div 2. However, FVSL is not about to hand us a Premier spot and we had to start in Div 3 last year and work our way to Div 2. We are now in Div 2 and working our way to Div 1. We are a new club and don't have the luxury of already having a Premier team to put our Premier Calibre players on. We have started a Club system and for that to be successful, we do need to land a team in Premier. So why your buddy that posted earliar thinks it's not fair that we have signed Premier calibre players is beyond me. If we want to be in Premier, we have to have Premier calbre players. Otherwise, how the **** are we supposed to get to Premier? Next year we will be even stronger as we will have many of our youth system players graduating to full-time men's league. As for our team, we haven't changed our team much since the 1st time we played you. The only additions since then were 2 of our guys who were playing College at the time and were ineligibe to sign with us until their seasons at Capilano and Douglas ended. You were just fortunate that the 1st time we played you we had a lot of injuries. As for folding from the league if you guys beat us for 1st, it's nothing personal but like I said, for our Club system to be successful, we have to move up. If we can't land a spot in Div 1 next year and have a shot at Premier, what is the point of having a team?

Well to earn a spot which is what you guys are trying to do. We are trying to earn our spot back in Div 1. I have no problem with quality players signing and playing with you just keep it consistent. Everyone I have talked to says you have a different team week in and week out...so what am I to think? I have said on more than one occasion that I thought you guys were a quality side and had a tonne of talent but all I get back is grade school responses telling me I suck. I'm sure there is more to you guys than that. I hope any way.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Hurricane Power said:
Good teams find ways to win games they don't deserve to win, while bad teams find ways to lose games they deserve to win! At the end of the day, the Titans and Hurricanes are moving on and GEU Wolves and Minors can keep making themselves feel better by saying they deserved to win. As for the Hurricanes being terrible and not as good as last year, not even close man. We were missing 7 key starters and no team is going to look good with that many guys out, especially on a field like that where skill is not a factor. We are a much stronger and deeper team than we were last year. If you took 7 starters out of our lineup last year, we probably would have lost by 5 to the Minors. Come watch us next Cup game when we have our guys back and then tell me we are terrible and that 2C is the strongest Div 2. I am saying it here and now, we will make a statement against Whalley United just to show that 2C is by far the weakest of the groups!

You must copy and save your quotes week after week.....same shite over and over again. You don''t have players.

Wow our goalie had two broken fingers and one of our best defense men broke his cheek in two spots last week and was unable to play.....Do we make excuses NOPE.....but I will tell you they got lucky!! Thats the way it goes!! If I want to make myself look like a moron like you guys I would have done push-ups after I made my PK.


New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
You are dilusional franchise, by no means did you guys dominate the game and you guys were lucky our forwards were having problems striking the ball off that field or else we would have been up a few before you guys got your first. And beyond that, I can only recall a few half-decent chances on your team's part while we had about that amount in the second, not including the two incorrect offside calls. As for not making excuses, is listing reason why you guys failed to win any different? Shite is shite no matter how you phrase it. Did you guys have the majority of possession, yes, there is no arguing that, but you did little to nothing with it. Possession means dick all if you fail to create anything from it, nor does it mean you were the better team on the day. And congrats on the pk, no one cares if you can score from a dead ball 12 yards out from goal.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Bluenose said:
You are dilusional franchise, by no means did you guys dominate the game and you guys were lucky our forwards were having problems striking the ball off that field or else we would have been up a few before you guys got your first. And beyond that, I can only recall a few half-decent chances on your team's part while we had about that amount in the second, not including the two incorrect offside calls. As for not making excuses, is listing reason why you guys failed to win any different? Shite is shite no matter how you phrase it. Did you guys have the majority of possession, yes, there is no arguing that, but you did little to nothing with it. Possession means dick all if you fail to create anything from it, nor does it mean you were the better team on the day. And congrats on the pk, no one cares if you can score from a dead ball 12 yards out from goal.

That bold comment says it all....how do you judge a team being better then :confused:

they must cause god knows your forwards couldn't do it all game :D

What about the throw-in...that was purely brillant as well. It was kinda humerous to see you guys not being able to defend your own play :D

Good luck in the next round...lucky you get a div 3 next round it will give you guys a few weeks to get your act together.

Anyways by knows means does this take away from your win...you guys did what it took to win. I was simply shooked about how much Bulljive and Shaven praised your team and didn't give the Wolves any credit. Your team in my view and safe to say from what was said from others watching on the sidleines wasn't anything special.....this is why I said Div 2c as a whole Division is stronger then the other two.

Yes Bulljive your team is good your divison isn't.

Hurricanes your team is good division not.

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
We aren't makin excuses Franchise. We said we would struggle in that game and we did. We said we would still find a way to win and we did. Injuries are part of the game and good teams find ways to overcome them even if it is ugly. Bottom line is we won the game and moved on. Despite the injuries, we certainly did not get outplayed by the Minors. It was an even game and the Minors have a good young team. They will do well in the future.

Bluenose, you guys have a good team. You guys are inconsistent sometimes during games but that comes with being probably the youngest team in FVSL Div 2. Good luck to you guys in the next round as you guys deserve to be in the finals from your side.

The Franchise said:
You must copy and save your quotes week after week.....same shite over and over again. You don''t have players.

Wow our goalie had two broken fingers and one of our best defense men broke his cheek in two spots last week and was unable to play.....Do we make excuses NOPE.....but I will tell you they got lucky!!

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Earn a spot is exactly what we are trying to do. We have 20 guys signed and we bring up 3 youth players from our U-18 team each game. We like to get as many of our youngsters experience in Men's league as possible so we do try to rotate the 3 youth players whenever possible. The rest of the roster doesn't change other than guys missing due to work or injury. Think about how that would be possible, we would have to sign new guys each week. Where would we find new unsigned players that are any good? There is no logic behind such a theory...

redwoods said:
Well to earn a spot which is what you guys are trying to do. We are trying to earn our spot back in Div 1. I have no problem with quality players signing and playing with you just keep it consistent. Everyone I have talked to says you have a different team week in and week out...so what am I to think? I have said on more than one occasion that I thought you guys were a quality side and had a tonne of talent but all I get back is grade school responses telling me I suck. I'm sure there is more to you guys than that. I hope any way.


New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Franchise, I should have been clearer in what I meant by that. Neither team was better on the day. Our forwards couldn't score with the opportunies provided, and you guys couldn't do much with the possession. That's why the game ended a tie. Neither team deserved the victory from regular time. As for your throw-in, yeah, we had a problem with that as we had not played on such a narrow field all year long and it took us a while to adjust. And I don't know where you get the idea that it's our own play, we don't practice any plays whatsoever as we barely even practice at all. I do understand how you can view us as a bad team as we didn't do much to dispell that notion against you guys. HP, I agree, we are a terribly inconsistent team, especially recently as we seem to be having a problem day time games. I know, cheap excuse, but before last weekend, we had not played a game during the day or even on grass since hallowe'en and shaven can tell you how well that went for us.


New Member
Nov 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Hey franchise, you buried your pk, so I guess you didn't look like a moron, but what does that say about the other three guys who put it right at me? Sure makes it easy for the keeper when he only has to to take one step in either direction. As for the throw-in goal, it was very nice, i tip my hat to you, but what did you mean about it being our play. We don't have any set plays for anything.


New Member
Nov 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Bluenose, for christ sake will you give our team a little credit, you make us sound like the crappiest guys to ever set foot on a soccer a field. We are a pretty okay team, and we work hard and if we win pk's, we still win and move on. simple as that.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
LittleKeeper said:
Hey franchise, you buried your pk, so I guess you didn't look like a moron, but what does that say about the other three guys who put it right at me? Sure makes it easy for the keeper when he only has to to take one step in either direction. As for the throw-in goal, it was very nice, i tip my hat to you, but what did you mean about it being our play. We don't have any set plays for anything.

i was commenting on your flick play you guys were trying to use throughout the whole game. When I went to take the throw-in I was second guessing myself if I should try the long throw because I thought you guys would be able to defend it.


Aug 16, 2004
Dirty Money
Is there a mod on here, 08star has 3 posts in a row again, time to get kicked out again I think since no-one on here gives a shite what he says....it's all high school you are this, you are that fcuk **** ****... get rid of him

:eek: :eek:


New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
lilkeep, we had a bad game, that's my opinion, we are capable of better and we should not be happy with our performance


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
i got to say it would have been nice to see the huurricanes lose to a second to last div 3 team. i don't think they would have ever heard the end of it. On the other hand I am glad they won because I would like to have a shot at them. They definitly got to be favourites against anyone, because they are probably the best team in div 2. but wouldn't it have been nice to see those bastards lose.. If only they didn't have horse shoes up their ass and who knows what else :wa: :wa:
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