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Presidents Cup 2005 Presidents Cup Banter

What will the final score be in the President's Final?

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The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Bluenose said:
Well, we played like shite today. We won, but not in the fashion we should have. Defensively, we played lazy today and often let odd man rushes go without too much of a challenge being put forward. Our forwards couldnt strike a ball with any pace or accuracy, even more so than usual. We didnt start passing the ball decently until towards the end of the game and should have won it on a horribly incorrect offside call, the second in about 5 minutes. Wolves were a mouthy bunch with little class. #7 ran our goalie in the first half and felt a need to go at people even after the ball was long gone. Plus a load of diving all over the field on their part. Can't say much for their sidelines either, just a total lack of respect all around. Luckily, we were able to keep our heads somewhat and pulled through. Overall, a win is a win and hammond is a shite field, hopefully rippers won last night so we get the turf in two weeks and get to play on a decent pitch.

What is it with teams in this league....kick and run may work on turf but not on grass for one. We lose today but everyone that was at the park knows we deserved the win, we out played you guys period. PK's we were unlucky having the first two misses but we gave it our all. Classy team you guys got though.

This proved to me that Div 2C is by far the strongest division.

On a side note WOW are the hurricanes horriable...not the same team as last year...not even close!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I am sure if the wolves were missing 7 starters they would look pretty bad too. although i am sure your just trying to piss them off. you lost the titans won.. whether you deserved it or not the titans won just like they have been all year. not the prettiest soccer but they can be tuff to beat. WE will see when the hurricanes play whalley how teams really match up. I think if the canes have their full line up they will win quite easily. Port moody is near the top of div 2c and I think we would beat them by 4 or 5


Aug 16, 2004
Dirty Money
whack said:
Redwoods you are wrong yet again. We will not play you again at any point as we will be in div 1 and you guys will be stuck in div 2 for the remainder of your soccer years. I can honestly tell you that your team is not better than most div 3 teams we played last year. So therefore you have a better chance of being relegated than you do of being promoted.

Check the standings you pompus idiot we are ahead of you for now... How stupid do you feel having the ref come on here to say that he messed up a call and that's the only reason you are still in cup play...must feel like a loss huh !!! You guys had better not drop another point this year or we WILL win the league...go clones go...hopefully they beat you next meeting and you will all have to shut up and quit posting. Maybe you can call up even more players to help you win the league. We're proud to say we are playing with the same team we started the season with (actually lost 2 to season ending injuries - one being a top striker) I'm sure you wish you could have done better with the team you had rather than signing premier quality youth players to win a measly div. 2 (those young guys must be so proud of the caliber of soccer they play with) Most of us are in our slow down years in div.2, we've all played higher levels, it's sad that you have such great players playing below their level to make your shite players feel good and think that they have anything to do with the teams div. 2 success....

If you played us again with the average age being the same as ours (and without your youth hero's) we'd blow you out 7-0 :knvb: :knvb:


New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
I saw the game between the Canes and Miners and I have to say that it is really too bad that the better team on this day didn’t get to advance to the next round. I don’t blame the ref on his missed call as off sides are not always easy to call when you have no linesman, but what a horrible time in the game to miss one. I too was watching my watch and noticed that at least 5 minutes of injury time was added on. 30 seconds after the Canes scored their controversial goal the whistle finally went. Hats off to the Miners as they put on a good showing for everyone that was on the sidelines, especially the pks, they were the best I have seen in awhile.

On another note, after the Hurricanes scored their first goal of the game to go up one nothing the guy that scored it celebrated by running to the corner flag on our side of the field and began to do a bunch of Jumping Jacks. What a moron! The Hurricanes are a bunch of classless guys as is their whole shady organization.


The Franchise said:
What is it with teams in this league....kick and run may work on turf but not on grass for one. We lose today but everyone that was at the park knows we deserved the win, we out played you guys period. PK's we were unlucky having the first two misses but we gave it our all. Classy team you guys got though.

This proved to me that Div 2C is by far the strongest division.
The guys on the Titans are around the same age as me so I know their team quite well, they have alot of really good players on that team but I wouldn't say they play a skilled style of game. If they practised and played their best players rather than equal playing time they could be a Div 1 team in a year or two considering their average age is 21. I realize the Wolves don't win all that often so don't get ****y after a PK loss and start claiming 2C is by far the strongest, but your group doesn't suck as much as everyone first thought it did. Be happy the Wolves didn't play the Titans on turf cause you guys would have walked off the feild with your tails between your legs.


Sheep said:
On another note, after the Hurricanes scored their first goal of the game to go up one nothing the guy that scored it celebrated by running to the corner flag on our side of the field and began to do a bunch of Jumping Jacks. What a moron!
LOL...let me guess, after the tying goal one of their players got on his knees and nibbled the goal scorers dong...fcukin kids will do anything they see on TV.


New Member
Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
I do not know how many times i have to state the fact that those youth players play full time with us in the summer and will also be playing full time with us next year as this is their last year of youth. We are limited to using only 3 of them per game right now, but next year we will have a solid 7 of them. So we will be just fine you loser, and why would you guys even want to go back to div 1 again, was it not bad enough getting your ass kicked all of last season and being demoted. Do not expect us to drop any points in the remainder of our schedule so accept the fact that you guys will never be better than an average div 2 team.
Anyways as for our cup game, we played some horrible soccer today. Our lineup resembled the one that started the year 0-2-1, and we were lucky to escape with a win. Full credit to Geu minors, they played a great game against us. As for the ref, show some class buddy, for you to come out here now and say yah the hurricanes goal should have been dissallowed is just low. If that was what you thought then you should've made the call then rather than whine about it now.

Superstriker said:
Check the standings you pompus idiot we are ahead of you for now... How stupid do you feel having the ref come on here to say that he messed up a call and that's the only reason you are still in cup play...must feel like a loss huh !!! You guys had better not drop another point this year or we WILL win the league...go clones go...hopefully they beat you next meeting and you will all have to shut up and quit posting. Maybe you can call up even more players to help you win the league. We're proud to say we are playing with the same team we started the season with (actually lost 2 to season ending injuries - one being a top striker) I'm sure you wish you could have done better with the team you had rather than signing premier quality youth players to win a measly div. 2 (those young guys must be so proud of the caliber of soccer they play with) Most of us are in our slow down years in div.2, we've all played higher levels, it's sad that you have such great players playing below their level to make your shite players feel good and think that they have anything to do with the teams div. 2 success....

If you played us again with the average age being the same as ours (and without your youth hero's) we'd blow you out 7-0 :knvb: :knvb:

Get On With It

New Member
Sep 20, 2004
Dirty Money

I thought admitting publicly to a mistake was showing some class. As I stated I made the wrong call when it mattered most and unlike many others am readily able to admit I messed up. Me letting the players know that I crapped that one and yes took the time to write about should show you guys that I am not there to take the $50 and walk away without evaluating and critizing my own performance.

It was nice to hear from one of your players at the ID check, "and we've got a good ref." Might have been gamesmanship or might have been the fact that I did a good job a couple of weeks ago for you guys. Many refs lurk here and I would guess chuckle from time to time and some might even want to challenge your views or statements but choose not to. I use this site to get feedback to improve and when I do a match and see no mention of me than I smile most because I most not have made any impact as it is and should always be about the players.

If you have any other way of dealing with a mistake that will be written about for days I would like to hear them.You guys seem to dwell on the samethings over and over here and I wanted to be front and center and say without question that it was my mistake. Funny how none of your players have disagreed with my view with regard to the goal but instead are looking to get a dig in about other things that in the end don't matter.


New Member
Nov 12, 2002
Dirty Money
LittleKeeper said:
Well it was nice sunny day for the Titans vs Wolves match but that was about the only decent thing you could say. The field was absolute poo with divots and holes everywhere, and the ref was not exactly top notch.

i must agree with you, the field gets worse every week. it was painful to see our good field not being used.. wtg coach..

hard fought battle yesterday, both teams had their chances, hell ova game played by our keep who played with two broken fingers... the titans backline & keeper played a great game...

it was painful to watch the pk's....... fckin painful

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
I always thought admitting to a mistake and saying you were wrong was a classy thing, it takes a big man to own up to it on here and take some heat. Good on GWOI for always coming on ttp and saying what he thinks.

What whacked up idiot would think that what he did was classless ??? :rolleyes: Give your fcuking head a shake. If you need instructions or help in doing that, let me know.


New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Our keeper played well, but our backline and definitely our midfield could have been much better. It was the lack of support from our midfield on this day that forced us to play kick and run. But you guys were far from innocent with kick and run. You only had a few decent lead-ups while moving the ball on the ground, most of it was trying to put it over our heads. And kick and run is almost the best way to go on a field like that, the ball bounces so much along the ground that with how fast you guys close the opposition down it's better to put it up to the forwards. I agree, pk's suck.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Get On With It said:
Just one more reason to ask the league send a team of three to Cup games.

I agree GOWI,
Watched the PAK cup game of Poco and Port Moody and JB had to do the game by himself. No linesmen!
Shouldn't all cup games have 3 officials.
Not that JB did a bad game, he did fine by himself, but cup should still have 3 at each game i think.

Don't think the teams would mind pitching in a few extra bucks to get linesmen for important games like that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I am pretty sure you can request linesmen and pay out of your on pocket if you like. It has been done before.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Leaving it up to teams to make a request for a league cup game is bush.

How long has this been going on now?

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
That's all I was sayin. Refing is a tough job and there will be calls missed both ways during the course of a game. I know I was in the box and that should have been a PK, but if in your judgement, the foul happened outside, then that is how you have to call it. That's why I disagree and find it offensive that you would come on and say that we won because you missed a call late in the game. Personally, I don't think that goal was offside, and obviously at the time, you didn't think it was offside. So why would you come on here and say after the fact that you thought it was offside?

Get On With It said:
For the record I blew the final whistle at 47:25. Not sure where you got the extra 5 Franchise? Maybe between the beers and pizza you were looking for somemore extra time.

As for the 2 yards inside the box missed call, sorry mate you fell in the box and the ball was kicked into your feet from the player fouling you who was on the white line. I call them as I see them but a PK needs to be a PK. No different than the other call just minutes earlier. Cleat marks go along way in helping my straining eyes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Any game involving a Premier team is to have linesmen.

I believe the semi finals and the final of the Presidents Cup has linesmen. I know the final will, and I'm pretty sure the semi's have in the past.

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Good teams find ways to win games they don't deserve to win, while bad teams find ways to lose games they deserve to win! At the end of the day, the Titans and Hurricanes are moving on and GEU Wolves and Minors can keep making themselves feel better by saying they deserved to win. As for the Hurricanes being terrible and not as good as last year, not even close man. We were missing 7 key starters and no team is going to look good with that many guys out, especially on a field like that where skill is not a factor. We are a much stronger and deeper team than we were last year. If you took 7 starters out of our lineup last year, we probably would have lost by 5 to the Minors. Come watch us next Cup game when we have our guys back and then tell me we are terrible and that 2C is the strongest Div 2. I am saying it here and now, we will make a statement against Whalley United just to show that 2C is by far the weakest of the groups!

The Franchise said:
What is it with teams in this league....kick and run may work on turf but not on grass for one. We lose today but everyone that was at the park knows we deserved the win, we out played you guys period. PK's we were unlucky having the first two misses but we gave it our all. Classy team you guys got though.

This proved to me that Div 2C is by far the strongest division.

On a side note WOW are the hurricanes horriable...not the same team as last year...not even close!

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
A lot of talk for a guy whose team lost 7-0 to us! In case you haven't been following what the Hurricanes are all about, we do not intend to be a Div 2 team for all our lives like yourself. When we put this team together it was on a plan to be in Premier in 3 yrs. So far so good as we will be Div 1 in 2 yrs. The young players are part of our Club system and play with us cuz they will be part of our team as we move forward. They have as much at stake with us moving up as anyone, as they don't want to stuck playing Div 2 full time when they finish youth. As for you guys, you crack me up that you are still talking. In the 7-0 win over you guys, it was our 40 year old who scored 2 goals in the 1st 15 mins and finished that game before it started. Of our top 3 scorers, only 1 is one of our youth players. You can keep dreaming of wining the division, but I guarantee you if we lose the division to you guys, we will drop out of the league. Imagine losing a chance at promotion to a team we beat by combined scores of 10-0 in our last 2 meetings?!

Superstriker said:
Check the standings you pompus idiot we are ahead of you for now... How stupid do you feel having the ref come on here to say that he messed up a call and that's the only reason you are still in cup play...must feel like a loss huh !!! You guys had better not drop another point this year or we WILL win the league...go clones go...hopefully they beat you next meeting and you will all have to shut up and quit posting. Maybe you can call up even more players to help you win the league. We're proud to say we are playing with the same team we started the season with (actually lost 2 to season ending injuries - one being a top striker) I'm sure you wish you could have done better with the team you had rather than signing premier quality youth players to win a measly div. 2 (those young guys must be so proud of the caliber of soccer they play with) :knvb: :knvb:


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Ya im sure we're horrible franchise, im not sure if you have been following our recent wins or not but we havent lost since september 28th, the day i made the prediction that we would not lose another game. Also you can say what you want but i thought we played our hearts out with a very depleted lineup and i dont care what the ref says about that goal because he didnt call anything at the time and we won. In the last 25 mins i got taken down about 3 times and one of them was from behind (probably cause i schooled about 3 of them)and i could have sworn i was taken down in the box, but hey i didnt get that call and so the way i look at it is, is that there were questionable calls both ways. The fact of the matter is that we are f ukin great :wa: and we aint gonna lose to nobody and we'll prove it this weekend with an absoulute shite kicking of whalley come out and watch franchise maybe ill teach you a thing or too.
The Franchise said:
On a side note WOW are the hurricanes horriable...not the same team as last year...not even close!


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Wow thats a bold statement, um what was the score the last time we played? I believe it was 7-0 and the time before that it was 4-0 and yet you still come on here and talk shite. Your team f ukin sucks buddy and if we played you losers again we would probably hit double digits! Im not even going to mention the youth because whack and hurricane power have explained how they're part of our team and we dont just go around and pluck youth players we use just the ones that play with us full time. Im just shocked that you come here and talk shite because again do you remember what happened the last time we played you guys? The game was over in the first 15 mins when a 40 year old foward popped two goals in! You suck, your teams sucks, and if you want to talk shite on here do something to back it up on the field you f ukin chump!

Superstriker said:
we'd blow you out 7-0 :knvb: :knvb:
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