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Div 2 2003-2004 Predictions, Results & Post-Game Discussion Part II

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Sep 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: damn right

Originally posted by TS
we combined with the PFC guys who played Indo-CAT last year.

and thats a good thing??from what i remember,they were an ancient squad with the average age being at least 30-35!!
firemen actually mustered up 9 goals against those boys believe it or not


New Member
Feb 1, 2003
Dirty Money

Div 3 is the right thing to do. That said, it's even more unlikely 'cause it makes sense. There's at least 6 teams in 2nd and at least 4 in 2cat that would make a 10 team 3rd div. Seeing as how most of us have seen at least 1 postponement if not 2 already 2 less games would make no difference when the league is squeezed for fields and then you try to schedule the cup in there somewhere as well. 3 groups of 8 would work well regardless of how you structure promotion, or even 2 groups of 10. Like Bonefish said, it's mentally trying, soul destroying, bipolar inducing, whatever you want to call it to get shitkicked week in and week out. Lets hope there continues to be enough teams next season to continue the justification for it:confused:


New Member
Sep 3, 2003
Dirty Money
Nomads vs NK

Well finally my team pulled a win.I was suspended but went to support the team.We domineted the whole game and i don't know how Nomads are in the second place.They scored first with a lucky deflection and then every thing was pretty much down hill for them.I am sure PGR will kick their ass too if they get more than 8 players.Any way we have a littlle confidence now and see if we can 3 points from the next inportand match against City.

By the way we are worried about Mcdirty haven't heard for a while.

Any one heard anything please PM The Watcher he is getting very worried

Angry man congrats on your win keep up the good work

How is Paul doing?


New Member
Oct 11, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't think Div 3 would answer any problems. I've played in pretty much every div between U21-Premier-Div 2.

I think the difference in quality is marginal and the only difference really is the turnout, age, and conditioning.

In Div 2 I don't think I've noticed any real difference among the top team in my div and the bottom team. Individual talent is roughly the same among most and i have yet to see any standout talent ever since I've played in the league.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't think Div 3 would answer any problems. I've played in pretty much every div between U21-Premier-Div 2.
I think the difference in quality is marginal and the only difference really is the turnout, age, and conditioning.

I tend to disagree with your comments. First off, if you look to the culmination of men's soccer development, which can be formally considered our Men's National Team, there are obviously some things being done wrong as their is a big disconnect betwen our fairly competitive Youth sides and the Senior Side.

What most people agree with around the world is that quality competition begets quality soccer. If you continually play against substandard teams you do nothing to build upon your skills.

A case in point with our JimBeam squad was making a jump in Summer soccer to a more competitive group. There was a marked improvement at a team level and an individual level.

I am not sure what the full reasons were behind the disbanding div 3 were but the addition of a 3 division should have mostly positive effects on the quality of soccer being played in Div 2.



New Member
Feb 1, 2003
Dirty Money
Say What

I'm not sure what you're smoking but it must be good Pover. In my opinion the difference between top and bottom of 2 is substantial, particularly when it comes to individual skill and conditioning. Commitment ie; numbers is a whole other matter. That affects any level squad all the way to premier but the standings truly reflect the difference in skill, fitness and good game strategy otherwise you wouldn't have 3 bottom feeders in each group. A couple examples-PG Strikers "b" always have a good turnout and reasonable fitness so why do they struggle? Westside Knights are old and maybe not so fit yet they are usually no lower than 5th in their group. I'm not sure that a lack of 3rd div is a "problem" as such other than teams taking a constant thrashing and the best teams getting easy points when it could be a tighter race therefore creating a demand for better quality overall. I think 3rd went away because of a lack of teams in general in 1 or 2 particular years in a row.

Erion-congrats on the win even though you were sitting. Paul has not come out for 3 matches now, causing us to play short with me in goal 2 weeks ago in a cheesy 1-nil loss to Indo C. so who knows?:rolleyes:

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
orriginally poster by pover
i have yet to see any standout talent ever since I've played in the league.

you haven't seen the manager nutmeg yet, probably never will either...besides, you should see the watcher play...perfect example;)

orriginally posted by bonefish
I am not sure what the full reasons were behind the disbanding div 3 were but the addition of a 3 division should have mostly positive effects on the quality of soccer being played in Div 2.

here's why...

the numbers of teams play a minor role in the melding together of div 2 & 3, however, with teams lacking skill, tempers were uncontrollable and conditions became unsafe for refs....I remember one game long ago with Croatia 'C', as we were called in those days, where a player from the opposing team picked upn the dorner flag and attempted to spear other players and the ref...this is the real reason why div three is gone...no class!



The Ranger

Sep 5, 2003
Dirty Money
Originally posted by the manager
I remember one game long ago with Croatia 'C', as we were called in those days, where a player from the opposing team picked upn the corner flag and attempted to spear other players and the ref...this is the real reason why div three is gone...no class!

And now those same players are hiding in Division 2!

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
this may be true....however, I think the guy in particular that i mentioned should have made the VMSL 'indefinite' list of suspensions....

another thing to consider.....with the better calibre of footy being played in div 2 (if we can call it that), the hopes of the VMSL are that this environment would discourage barbaric acts of voilence. when its a little harder to compete agsainst the better teams, the worse teams would be encouraged to sign better players and lose the idiots.

however, i think that the downside is a less competative div 2 which sucks over all....too big of a gap between 1st and NK...I mean last




Dec 2, 2001
Dirty Money
There's too much sense being talked in this forum today. Where's Dapotatoe when you need him :D

Seriously though, Pover, don't know what division you're in, but at least in 2A, there is a massive difference between the top and bottom teams. Really, we will only get 8 good games this year ... the other 10 will be a waste of time. Look at teams like Maplewood and the such and it is a joke that they're even in the same division as most other Division 2 teams.

I don't know what the answer is, just that the way it is right now isn't even close to being perfect and with a few minor adjustments, the whole system could be improved.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Teelay, please don't tell people on this site that you need me. I mean, sweet merciful crap, man, there are 1900 people registered on TTP! If you must know, I have been doing all-nighters here in my tower in Yaletown attempting to solve this conumdrum we find ourselves in. Whether or not we need a division three in the VMSL. Ok, I'm lying. I've spent the last three days playing hour after hour of Rainbow Six 3 on the X-box. My current mission has me rescuing hostages from an island estate and my superiors have asked me to keep the property damage to a minimum, so of course I have selected as my weapons an M16A2 scoped rifle, a Desert Eagle. 50 caliber handgun, a H203E red phosphorous grenade launcher with plenty of ammo and 12 white phosphorous grenades. If there is anything left of Guido's mansion I will be shocked. But not as shocked as I am watching some of the skills on display in Division 2 in recent years. Holy shite, you should just see Bonefish try to turn with the ball. I've seen deep sea freighters turn faster! The Manager has my grandma's knees, McDirty is a seven-foot transvestite, you must be Dan Quayle's son (because there ain't no e in potato) and half of the division looks like fat Oprah and Dr. Phil ate each other to make one big Phoprah. Well, I might be stretching the truth on that last one. Bottom line is, we need a division 3 and a better promotion system to make things more competitive and keep the games more meaningul in the later part of the season.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
I agree with Pover somewhat but I am in favour of a div 3 maybe a div 4 and a smaller Premier.........I've watched Premier and some of the players are decent players.......not premier players though but numbers are needed......hence why most people are saying watered down........some of these players should be in div. 1........the same goes for div.1.......as one of the Primo players said Bosna should not be in Div 1 or at least most of their players are div. 2 players........lot's of players in that league are there because numbers..........there are 30 teams in div. 2......lot's of players know they can't compete in div. 2 and are out for the fun of soccer because there is no lower and hey teams are in need of players because if every team has even 16 players the amount of player comes out to 480 in Div 2.........lower div are needed.........Premier should have 10 teams......div 1 the same.........div 2 have 20 and keep having 20 teams.......that way the better players stay in the higher divs as spots are limited and clubs are forced to choose the better players.........

I'm sure this has been brought up but Azzi and crew probably can't handle more work so they try to take the easy way out

now as for why I agree with Pover is this.......first I agree with most that the skill in Premier and div 1 is better than ours.......but for me the best 2 qualities for soccer are conditioning and speed.......if you can run for most of the game and have speed to keep up to the better players you can compete with them......that's why some players that are in higher divs are there.......also I feel that if you take the best players from our whole div...........i.e players from the Blaze, Primos, WFC, City FC Rangers, RFC, and so on I think these guys would give an allstar team from div 1 a challenge and although a Premier all star team would win I don't think the div 2 team would get killed.......but hey that's the way I just see it.......I just say this because I know of players who are in premier/div 1 that should not be there but they are..........anyways enough of my ranting.......anyone else feel free to respond

anyways back on topic..........hopefully we'll finally beat EW if we get to play this weekend.......our last 2 games vs them have been close games that could have gone either way but they've squeaked out wins........hopefully we can get our team out and give them a run......if we do it should make for a good game......gl to all this weekend


Dec 2, 2001
Dirty Money
I agree with a lot of what you're saying CK... and as for your game vs EW, if you are ever going to beat them, it will be this weekend as they have major major injuries and have had to call on their CAT team apparently...


New Member
Feb 1, 2003
Dirty Money
The Dapper

Dapotayto for league president! Ok, maybe nuthouse captain! Fcuking funny spudster-I'm pissing myself-or maybe it's the beer:bronco:


Jun 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by rikashay
and thats a good thing??from what i remember,they were an ancient squad with the average age being at least 30-35!!
firemen actually mustered up 9 goals against those boys believe it or not

Div 1 CAT, not Div 2. Average age=21
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