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Div 2 2003-2004 Predictions, Results & Post-Game Discussion Part II

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Jun 24, 2002
Dirty Money
RFC 4: Ravens 2

We finally played well when it counted. Credit to Ravens for playing till the final whistle. We were up 1-0 at the half on a free-kick from 30 yds out, their goalie wasn't ready for it and our guy picked the low corner. They really missed their regular goalie, would've been much closer if he was there. We scored 5 mins into the second half on a deadly shot from 25 yds out (same guy), pinged another corner. We made it 3-0, then they replied on a weak goal. Our GK was expecting the ball to bounce to him, it hit the sand and megged him. Ugly from the sidelines, but great game otherwise by our keeper. We had a guy sent off for a second yellow, soft call, but it happens. We made it 4-1 on a pk and they replied on a nice set up and finish to make it 4-2. The ref was excellent today. I didn't get his name, but I think he played sweeper for Temple (div 1) last year before breaking his leg. At least that's what our guys were saying. We're still only playing for 80 mins, and then panicking late, but I'm sure things will change soon. We're just getting into sync now, and hopefully it's not too late to catch WFC. Good hard game by both teams, but only one team could rule the roost today :rolleyes: and it was us.



Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
Signmaster3 Champlain 0

again we can't score......even first half except for me dropping the ball and gift wrapping them their first goal.....1-0 at the half.....second they get a break down the side part way thru he crosses it and the in the middle picks the corner......third goal was a pk, I didn't think it was a foul but from where the ref was it is hard to not call it........one of our guys took a stupid red with ten to go.......end of game......played better than last week but hey still can't get a point


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
second they get a break down the side part way thru he crosses it and the in the middle picks the corner

I meant to say second half they get a break down the side part way thru it and the guy crosses it and the person in the middle waiting for it picked the corner

Big Bird

New Member
Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
and down the GAA goes

zzzzzzzzz...... somebody wake up the keeper so he can handle the back pass.

Well as my first comment suggests I was not busy on this day. We dominated from start to finish carrying 90% of the play in their end.

One goal in the first half and numerous shocking offside calls (the ref was absoloutely attrocious making calls 6-7 seconds after they should have been made)

Anyways we came out in the second half and our goal scorer from the first proceeded to figure out the ref's offside rules and scored two more before one of our d back line put the nail in the coffin with our fourth.

The game was clean and well played by both sides not much of any chippiness or questionable play to make note of.

The west van royals had a few chances but they didn't make anything of them or our defensive coverage got back to clean up.



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
For fear of being redundant . . .

WFC Rangers A 1 - 2 Norvan JB's

As poorly as we may have played (e.g. errand passes, bad first touches, etc.), the JB's simply played very well. They managed to shut every thing down defensively and clogged everything up in the midfield. We just couldn't get anything going.

Within a few minutes, the JB striker (not Bonefish, the other one) faked a defender to his left, then turned to his right and fired of an excellent left footer to the far post. I managed to get some fingers to it, but not enough to redirect it past the post. Fine finish.

The rest of the half went more or less 50/50 until our #7 took two quick yellows for dissent. The whole debacle wouldn't have occured if the ref made a simple call -- nothing serious, just a unfortunate play that injured one of our players. But instead the ref called it against the WFC player who limped off, and #7 lost his cool. Granted, the ref was a dink, but, on the other hand, #7 was warned. After the first yellow, he should have just walked away, but he continued muttering and the ref took offence. I don't know what was said, but . . .

We held out until half, and regrouped during the break. We pushed a defender in to midfield to go with a 2-4-3 thinking we desperately needed the offence. On we went fairly confindent we could pull out the equalizer.

However, about 20 minutes in, a quick (and huge) throw in caught many (including myself) off guard and a the JB centre-back made a 70-yard run forward and found himself WIDE open on the six. Easy tap-in with the head gave me no chance. 2-0.

Finally, at 80-minutes the JB keeper had trouble holding on to a long shot and the Westside striker pulled it away from his feet and pushed it across the line. The finish made for some excitement, as the JB's piled everyone into their half, but nothing could come of it. 2-1 finish.

The JB's are as classy an act as they come; they could teach many VMSL teams a lesson in good sportsmanship. Even our ladies on the sidelines commented how several JB players came to check on our injured player. Post-game, it was great to chat with Bonefish and The Rapist. Bonefish, you surprised me: you don't look an ounce over the 300-pound avatar you've got. ;)


So looks now like Signmaster has become the bitter enemy. With a 1-0 loss the first time around, they're going to be hungry to beat us at Hillcrest. That very well will make or break the season.

Good on RUFC for their win over the Ravens. Were you at Strathcona or Honda?


Jun 24, 2002
Dirty Money

First thing's first, we're RFC, not RUFC-they're in div 1. I don't mean to sound harsh, just clearing things up. The game was at Honda, which has been good to us over the years. We played at Strathcona to open the season (our only loss BTW). On to Champlain, against an improved CH team from what I hear. I hope to get off the sidelines and back into the mix, if my body lets me. More self-physio this week and I should be fit to go!


Blaze rep.1

New Member
Dec 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Blaze 1 - B United 1

A tight game, with the Blaze scoring in the last few minutes to get the point.

John (the ref) had a pathetic game, almost handing B United the game on a silver platter. Way too many safety offside calls while he was standing at half...BS. :mad:

He doesn't seem to understand that its not offside just becuz our forward beats the D-man to the ball....it's when the ball is kicked. We shot ourselves in the foot though with 6 or 7 good chances to score....several breakawayz and missed sitters inside the 6. In fact in the first half two balls off the right post and a sitter hitting one of their D-men in the head as it was going top corner. Should have been 3-0 Blaze at half.

Give B-United credit though...they were very quick on the ball and were winning a lot of 50/50 balls. We could have basically clinched 1st place with a victory today ....now we've made things tough on ourselves and given Firefighters and Primos some hope.

Hopefully B-United, Primos, and FF beat each other up in their upcoming matches.


New Member
Feb 25, 2003
Dirty Money

Firemen find the net!!!!!

This is what the result should have been the first tiime out at the beginning of the season. Cobras were extremely lucky then to pick up apoint but this time out we didn't falter.

If it wasn't for their offside trap we would have been up many more than the 1-0 score at the half when I took off for the Canucks game. Joker, Rickashay, or Murphy maybe you could fill me in with how the second half went besides the obvious fact that 4 goals were scored.


New Member
Feb 25, 2003
Dirty Money
Took in the Firemen A game at Adanac today and when there wasn't much going on I turned to check out the NK Point Grey game from 2B. All I can say is that The NK Keeper just had a stunned look on his face everytime there defence folded and let PG bring the ball in for odd man rush after odd man rush. He didn't even make attempts to save the three goals that I saw go past him!!!!

Back to 2A.

Looks like B United have your # Blaze.
We were supposed to play B United the week most of the games got postponed. Very curious to see what we can do against them. Had hoped to make a trek to Tsawwassen to chek this game out but due to the monster hangover today could only make it as far a Adanac.


New Member
Sep 20, 2002
Dirty Money
joker on the scoresheet

the big news of the secon half was the jackyl,aka "the joker" knocking in a beautiful header to make his comeback complete.
As for the ret of the math porky.ya didn't miss much.Firemen were running on all cylinders and should have put a few more in.
Everybody played well and theman of the match would probably have to be the red head in the middle of the park.

The cobras are a bad team and im hungover...layta

Big Bird

New Member
Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
b united makes things interesting

what is it about "b" united?? do they have horseshoes hiding up somewhere because they seem to be the jeckyl team versus the contenders and the "hide" team versus the rest of the pack, I still can not figure these guys out.

Well the only question mark is now how do the "hosers" aka. firemen fair against the almighty, the undefeated, the tie happy "b" team??



Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
apparently we are unable top field our full squad both times we played them and in doing so have played 2 absolute shite games. We had more chances to score than they did but were only able to score in the dying minutes. The problem with B unted is the fact that there lack of winning games (ie 4 ties) unless things change will end their chances at promotion.


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money

Those sounds like the words of a bitter man. I would take those words to heart if you didn't hold a grudge against certain members of the train.

By the way, odd man rushes happen when your team tries to press forward late in the game looking for the tie.

There was some nice passing and playmaking today on both sides, marred only by the brutal officiating that I'm sure McDirty will comment on.

He called me for a non-existent foul in the box. Not only did it tie the game for PGR it gave them serious momentum.

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Sad to hear the result for the NK Train 4-3 losers over PGR. bad work train...

my contribution cnsisted of cheering on the at times potent NK squad as they controled and put two nice ones past the pgr keeper in the first alone, both, I might ad, by the preverbial PGR hatter erion.

i had to run so i missed the second, a complete game report would be nice...

i heard the 2nd was ugly, mcdirty gone with a red....missed pk....sad,sad,sad


Big Bird

New Member
Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
jb's pull one out their arses!

good on the JB guys with a huge win against the keeper and the rangers squad. I can't wait for bonefish's re cap on this one!

well heres to a tough battle for promo the rest of the way in 2a, things are shaping up (not as nicely as I would like but things are coming back to us a little bit)



Sep 22, 2002
Dirty Money

This game could have been so much better if we would have had a ref who wasnt 90 years old!We scored first on a Beauty by Erion, only to let them back in it with a goal that wouldnt have happened had our defender not intentionally hand balled a shot,changed the direction of the ball and ended up about a foot from the goal line right on a PGR strikers foot.I got a peice but not enough to sop it.We scored another beauty by Erion ,only to have the ref who blew a game for us earlier in the year award them a penalty shot on a terrible call and an even worse DIVE!It's troublesome when you deserve to be up 2-1 at half and you get the wind kicked out of you by some DRUNK LIMEY (The Ref)!They scored one beauty to go up after the half on some dodgy defending and then again on a semi breakaway that I should and could have saved but slipped!We missed a pk and several odd chances to put these guys away but it just wasnt meant to be!Ohh yeah , I let the ref have an earful and told him exactly what I thought of him and his Blown calls, and calls he made when he should have kept the whistle at his side!Why do we pay these criminals when all they do is steal points and ruin games!I'm gonna let the Board know just how I feel about their so called refs!Porkchop, I dont know if there is a goalie on earth who could have saved their third goal and their fourth I slipped!I got my hand on the PK and it freakin trickled in :confused:We are a better team than PGR and fully expect us to make a run at the cup!


New Member
Feb 25, 2003
Dirty Money
Yomama, I only comment on what I saw. At present there are no grudges with any Planes ,TRAINS or Automobiles:D :D
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