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Premier [VMSL Premier] Results & banter January 08'

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New Member
Sep 8, 2007
Dirty Money

With all due respect - If anyone gets on the refs its your two coaches. So bad in fact that were suspended by the league this year...every team in the league has "issues" with an official at some point in time...


I know... agreed... don't get me started :-S

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
RE: Miro

I've seen him at times being spot on and others on another planet. Today, he reffed a sound game with not much to complain about on both ends. He even did well to correctly call a few offsides that the lino ruled onside.

It's tough to hear that the Indo game didn't go too well, but I have been in similar games where I've seen one squad get up on the ref so much that he turns on them. I've seen Miro take sides in the past. Indo (and Croatia for that matter) are two teams that I know who will often get on the ref if things aren't going their way, so maybe this could be a little karma biting them in the ass. Regardless, it's shitty for any game to be impacted by the referee such that it directly affects the final result. My two cents...

It wasn't the players, Seds........the players were fine......you need to be careful about blaming players in this situation.....it wasn't the coach either. It was spectators. Referees should be 'taking sides' by the way, no matter what happens when it comes to guys/spectators whining.......Wow, things are really tight now.......we're in the relegation spot now but only 3 points behind 3 teams, with a game in hand in one........I must admit that I'm not too disappointed to see Westside and Norvan lose.........Nothing personal just business...........

I'm hoping West Van is going to field a 'weakened' team next Friday. :D :rolleyes: I know...wishful thinking..

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Columbus-Clan FC
Indo FC "A"
Point Grey Turf
4-0 ABD

The game was not abandoned. It was called early because that is what the ref wanted to do. There was nothing that was said on the sidelines which warranted the game to end early. Granted I'm glad it did because I have a feeling the whole team may have been cautioned before the end of the game.

Does this mean we get a replay? :D


Sep 12, 2007
Dirty Money
WVFC 4-2 Indo

We started slow, they started strong...went down 0-1 after 10 mins, then we tied it 1-1, they then went and made it 1-2 with about 15 mins left in the first half. 1-2 at half time.

We came out strong in the 2nd scored early to tie it up. Then we made 3-2 about 5 mins later, then 4-2 with about 20 to go, as they were pushing. We should of scored about 2-3 more but couldn't finish our chances.

Credit to them, they came out strong and took it to us for the first half. We then started to play in the 2nd and deserved the 3 points by the end of it.

Sorry for the shitty game report....too many goals and chances to remember.

Onto Westside next week. Another big game for us....as we have been shite for the last month or so.


New Member
Jul 18, 2005
Dirty Money
Exciting FF vs Sporting Game - 4 - 3 Firemen final.

Few points:

1. Sporting - with Gomes at back, play some of the most organised soccer I have seen in this league. Record is impeccable, but think those two could use some help, not convinced without more from others that group can go the distance.

2. Fat massive ref: no clue of his name, speaks all four languages from the UK, shorts up around his big tits, what a wank - had a shocker, and things he says make no sense, and is impossible to speak with in a match, he is just a twat and was awful, that led to game of

- 10 mins in red card, we go down a guy, a yellow yes, not a red.
- We score min later
- Sporting plays with hammer out rest of half and pisses us, and suprisingly their sideline likes to have a good go at anyone, but adds atmosphere i guess.
- We adjust at half, bag two quickly and play very well.
- Then striker rounds Franksy, dives, admits it, fat twat with spandex calls peno, hands out a bunch of yellows, they score.
- We battle back and score the 4th.

Good game to watch, great game to be a part of on winning side. Was impressed with Sporting in first half, don't think 10 for them started, (plays for UBC i think), but may be the help for the upfront. Gomes - you two do a great job with that squad and JB - upfront????

Heard there were some fireworks after the AFC and Croatia game with a few punches....

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
WVFC 4-2 Indo

We started slow, they started strong...went down 0-1 after 10 mins, then we tied it 1-1, they then went and made it 1-2 with about 15 mins left in the first half. 1-2 at half time.

We came out strong in the 2nd scored early to tie it up. Then we made 3-2 about 5 mins later, then 4-2 with about 20 to go, as they were pushing. We should of scored about 2-3 more but couldn't finish our chances.

Credit to them, they came out strong and took it to us for the first half. We then started to play in the 2nd and deserved the 3 points by the end of it.

Sorry for the shitty game report....too many goals and chances to remember.

Onto Westside next week. Another big game for us....as we have been shite for the last month or so.

A pretty accurate report. The 16 year-old call-up scored both goals for us which explains a lot of our problems this year......scoring goals. Having said that, we also have trouble keeping the ball out of our net too.......West Van's finishing was clincal and based on the second half performance, they did deserve the win. Having said that, another disappointment for our squad after leading at half-time. We might be top of the league if the games were 45 minutes long. :D

Sadly, we broke down too much again in the second half and gifted them the 2nd and 3rd goals by very poor giveaways in dangerous spots. The 4th goal was a brilliant free-kick by Jinky I believe. Overall, a good clean game and Rene did an excellent job in the middle........even if he and his assistant missed the little 'shove' on our defender right before their second goal....:eek:

Good luck the rest of the season to West Van.....


Active Member
Oct 16, 2001
Dirty Money
We had a little bit of a different line up in for last night, but full credit to the Firemen for battling with 10 men and including a goalie with a strained groins. Not sure how much Franksy going to be able to play down the stretch and into cup play, but he showed a lot of heart Friday night.

I thought we seemed very soft and uninterested in winning battles for the ball, and that's something we'll have to change quick. We showed great patience in the first half swinging the ball around the back keeping possession once Firemen went down a man, but for some reason we changed what we were doing in the second half. We started trying to play run and gun and opened ourselves up to the counter attack. We need to do a better job with the lead especially when the opposition is down a man.

Firemen are always a tough battle come this time of year, and they have a lot of weapons with Niall, Pete, Cravs, AK, Rosie, and Skins in the back. If Franksy can get healthy by Provincial Cup time, watch out.

On to Inter next week, we're looking forward to that one.


Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
Inter cancelled their game with Surrey. Somethig about snow... pffft. Cream puffs.

My understanding is that the pussies from Surrey called Ruben moaning about 2-3 inches of snow. :p

Now go back to the crack shack and tire fire and keep warm.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Heard through the grapevine that Norvan players have pulled a Peg circa 1999 and ousted their coach(es) with a vote of no cofidence.



Dec 2, 2001
Dirty Money
I heard the same thing ... yesterday was the first game without the coach - a 1-1 tie. But you can't really argue with the logic. If you don't count the 3-0 win they had over Westside in November, in the last 10 games, the team has scored a grand total of 2 goals... not exactly lighting it up. Something had to give.

I've also heard they've had some numbers problems - I'm wondering if this is in any way related to their coaching issues?


New Member
Sep 8, 2007
Dirty Money
I heard the same thing ... yesterday was the first game without the coach - a 1-1 tie. But you can't really argue with the logic. If you don't count the 3-0 win they had over Westside in November, in the last 10 games, the team has scored a grand total of 2 goals... not exactly lighting it up. Something had to give.

I've also heard they've had some numbers problems - I'm wondering if this is in any way related to their coaching issues?

Right you are lads. Probably the best thing we've done all season given the fact that our line-up hadn't changed much from last year, yet we just were not getting the results we needed, nor the goals (I feel your pain Captain Shamrock!). Low and behold, we actually get a semi-positive result. Kudos to Sapp for pushing strong and getting the equalizer at 7 to go, but we really should have had the 3 points given our chances (e.g. header off the post, keeper save off the line). Got a funny story for you guys about Rene - you guys are gonna laugh your asses off.

Game report to come tomorrow sometime - gotta head out!



New Member
Sep 8, 2007
Dirty Money
Norvan 1 - Sapperton 1

Once again on the Sutherland pitch in North Vancouver. Great field but nay facilities.

Norvan came out strong in the first half, winning balls, attacking the flanks, and actually getting chances. First goal came at around 10 minutes off a great run from Bassaeto down the left who crossed it in to an open Byrza who calmly deposited the ball into the back of the net. We could have had a 2nd a few minutes later with Byrza, all alone from about 8 yards out, not getting enough on the ball to put it by the keeper.

Here's my Renee story. Burgon was totally fouled by the Sapp defender when he was trying to get down the right flank, but for whatever reason, there was no whistle. Byrza made some comments to Renee, and as you all know, Renee doesn't exactly appreciate this from players to put it lightly. Renee walks over to Byrza to "discuss." It looked like Byrza kept on talking back and finally Renee lost it, throwing up a yellow. Renee then came to me to ask that I try to keep Byrza at bay. At half I ask what had happened - the reason why Byrza talked back to Renee was because Renee inadvertently spat in his face when he yelled at him. Here's the best part - the gob of spit landed in Byrza's mouth! Yeah, I'd be a little choked too if that happened to me.

Anyways, the rest of the first half was pretty much the same, with Norvan having most of the play. Ted came on for them to try to provide a little more attack for them, but they didn't have too much success.

Second half was a little more even. The game opened up a bit more, which allowed us more chances. Byrza had a great header which unfortunately hit the post. We had other chances to shoot, but just couldn't get the insurance marker. Last 15 minutes was all Sapp, pressing for the equalizer - they made two great subs with their young speed forward and their experienced midfielder (#12). Goal came at the 83rd minute with a throw-in to their #12 who snuck behind me to receive the ball along the goal line and cross it into the middle to their right winger who struck it well into the bottom right corner. Sapp could have got a second shortly thereafter, but our keeper did well to save the ball.

All in all a good match, but a disappointing result for us given that we could have had 3 points with a better performance in the second. Looking forward to seeing Randy and his boys on Friday.



New Member
Sep 23, 2007
Dirty Money
Got a funny story for you guys about Rene - you guys are gonna laugh your asses off.
Here's my Renee story. Burgon was totally fouled by the Sapp defender when he was trying to get down the right flank, but for whatever reason, there was no whistle. Byrza made some comments to Renee, and as you all know, Renee doesn't exactly appreciate this from players to put it lightly. Renee walks over to Byrza to "discuss." It looked like Byrza kept on talking back and finally Renee lost it, throwing up a yellow. Renee then came to me to ask that I try to keep Byrza at bay. At half I ask what had happened - the reason why Byrza talked back to Renee was because Renee inadvertently spat in his face when he yelled at him. Here's the best part - the gob of spit landed in Byrza's mouth! Yeah, I'd be a little choked too if that happened to me.
I think you left the funny parts out.

Speaking of someone laughing the their ass off, Millar could sure you some of that. It's amazing how he keeps getting mentioned by Azzi how he is playing well with a fridge strapped to ass like that. We'd be better of with-out that know-it-all. Bad for moral he is. The only reason he sticks around the change room is if someone says they're buying a round.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Millar must have cut you at some point of the season or you just couldn't deal with those long balls that he sent you up front.
Trouble at Slurrey U., again.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes, big trouble at SU, HOS. Millar has divided the locker room in half. Literally... his ass takes up the other half.
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