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Vancouver vs. Calgary

Who will win?

  • Canucks in four :D

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Calgary in four.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Canucks in five.:D

    Votes: 11 30.6%
  • Calgary in five

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Canucks in six.:D

    Votes: 17 47.2%
  • Calgary in six.

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Canucks in seven.:D

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Calgary in seven.

    Votes: 3 8.3%

  • Total voters

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
thundersticks, thunderstruck? anythinhg to bring back the memories of old in Calgary I guess.

i thought Hedberg did a great job, can;t really blame him on the brain fart that cost them the first goal. his puck handling abilities will frustrate the calgary forecheck bigtime.

as for Ohlund, he's a pro and knows exactly what he's doing. little by little, he's getting under iggy's skin and taking him off his game. lets just hope they don't decide to go after naslund because of this.

did anyone catch crawford's comments post game? he thought they were at the corral centre.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
How was that goal Hedberg's fault again?

No one would be bringing up his stick handling abilities had it not been said last night by Cuthbert (or was it Millan?) so lests get off it. As for Ohland getting under Iginlas skin, I think it's safe to say he's under it or at the very least causing severe chaffing. But you've got to love a "superstar" who isn't afraid to drop 'em to defend himself even if it was handbags at 2 paces.



Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
I wouldn't say Iginla was defending himself. I think may have been a little riled at having Ohlund smear his face across the end boards at the end of the game and decided to apply a little cowboy justice. Ohlund then gave JI the hug of his life and whispered sweet nothings while Iginla tried to punch the meatball out of the Swede. Matty is definitely beneath the epidermis.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
handbags at 2 paces

Is that like KNVB in a tackle?

I've always liked Iggy. Personally, a trade straight-up for Naslund would be just fine, thanks. On the fighting front, he's always been tough, and never afraid to go a round or two. Ohlund was smart to hold on for dear life, instead of trying to trade punches.

As for Hedberg on puck handling: anyone who'd watched the 'Nucks this season knows he's a great puck handler, so I don't think it has anything to do with Millen giving his high praise.

Manager: I think I mentioned it earlier in the season, and you poo pooed it- the 'Nucks should have traded for Chris Simon. That would have solved a toughness problem and added a scoring threat all in one trade. The guy has been, and is now, very underrated. He has good hands (that sitter he missed last night was bouncing), good instincts, and is constantly driving the net. Doesn’t hurt that he’s a monster. This guy will continue to stamp his mark on this series as it continues.

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude said:
Is that like KNVB in a tackle?

Manager: I think I mentioned it earlier in the season, and you poo pooed it- the 'Nucks should have traded for Chris Simon. That would have solved a toughness problem and added a scoring thread all in one trade. The guy has been, and is now, very underrated. He has good hands (that sitter he missed last night was bouncing), good instincts, and is constantly driving the net. Doesn’t hurt that he’s a monster. This guy will continue to stamp his mark on this series as it continues.

I can't recall if I did dude, but seeing Simon in the west gives us a clearer picture of his ability. he is more than just fists, i guess people disregarded his good seasons in washington because he was on a line with bondra. we need allen back to help handle him in front of the net.

he would look good in a nucks uni


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Calgary could be an even worse team than Minnesota was last year, if that's humanly possible. The notion of a tape-to-tape pass seems like a foreign concept - all they want to do is chip in the puck, go get it, try wraparounds or just skate it as hard as they can towards the crease and hope it trickles in.

Even when they do win the dump-ins, they never try to pass out of the corners because all their point men are shite and have lousy shots. I swear Iginla is the only guy who can shoot the puck on this team. At least Minnesota scored a couple of nice goals as they always looked to free guys with transition/breakaway passes - and killed a bunch of teams with that spin-back move on the halfboards, flipping a pass back to the on-rushing trailer.

The Flames and those cowtown faithful really thought they were onto something with throwing all they had towards Cloutier, basically making their gameplan to flounder a Canuck goalie. Now that Hedberg comes in and can really handle the puck, Millen was spot-on in saying that Calgary is completely confused as to how to play now. Hedberg's ability to give the defense time to set up neutralizes all that Flame "puck pressure" - it lets Vancouver make passes out of their own end. This kills Calgary because they're so committed to the hard forecheck. Surely everybody has noticed how many odd-man rushes Vancouver has gotten this series. My guess is that we're about to see more.

And, no offense to the big Chris Simon backers here, but anytime that guy is on your #1 line (and your first PP unit), there should be no surprise you struggle to score goals on the regular. He is definitely not a "scoring threat" as mentioned here earlier. Over his career he's averaged 10 goals a season. The reason he's in front of the net all the time is because he has nowhere else to go, and he's playing top-line minutes. What else are you going to do when you can't skate and aren't exactly a dynamite set-up man with the puck?


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Anyone know when Greg Millen had his mouth surgically attached to the Calgary Flames collective hog. He has been smoking so much flame hog it's beginning to get a little stupid. Next thing you know he's gonna run behind the Flame bench and start dry-hmping Sutter's leg. he is shoc-king.
Cuthbert is great though, if only they had an analyst.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Sunsei: take it for what it's worth. I suggested a while back that Simon could be bought for a song (he was), and that he'd be the solution to Vancouver's toughness issue (would have been). The ideal tough guy is a goon that can play reasonable minutes by contributing in other areas. Simon has shown he can, and has decent hands to boot. Don't get me wrong- I'm not confusing him with Bertuzzi here, but as a 3rd or 4th liner on the 'Nucks, he'd fit in pretty well.

Question: would you insert Simon over Ruttu or May (pre-head injury) right now? He'd be an easy upgrade over May.

Of course, getting all the minutes he does on the first line will mean he gets that much more opportunity.

Calgary may be as bad as the Wild, but at least the games are exciting. Having a Sutter means you won't exactly get a chess match out of them.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Dude said:
Sunsei: take it for what it's worth. I suggested a while back that Simon could be bought for a song (he was), and that he'd be the solution to Vancouver's toughness issue (would have been). The ideal tough guy is a goon that can play reasonable minutes by contributing in other areas. Simon has shown he can, and has decent hands to boot. Don't get me wrong- I'm not confusing him with Bertuzzi here, but as a 3rd or 4th liner on the 'Nucks, he'd fit in pretty well.

Question: would you insert Simon over Ruttu or May (pre-head injury) right now? He'd be an easy upgrade over May.

Of course, getting all the minutes he does on the first line will mean he gets that much more opportunity.

Calgary may be as bad as the Wild, but at least the games are exciting. Having a Sutter means you won't exactly get a chess match out of them.

Well, Calgary didn't exactly give the Rangers a can of paint for Simon. They had to trade away three players in exchange for him. So he wasn't that cheap. Sutter wears both hats in that organization so he pulled the trigger on a guy he wanted, but it wasn't a fire-sale pickup. He gave a fair bit to NY. I think it was Betts, McLennan and another youngster from the minors.

Yes, Simon would be an upgrade on Vancouver's 3rd/4th lines. No, Burke would not have given up as much as Sutter did to acquire a 3rd line player.

Anyways, my post was more about how thin Calgary's depth is to consider Simon a top-liner. They're a really ugly team. The games may be more exciting but, from a Calgary standpoint, they're screwed if the forechecking game gets neutralized by Hedberg. With the Wild, you always got the sense that Vancouver never figured out how to combat the trap.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Thank God (not to be confused with Next to God) for that. Last year was ter-ri-ble to watch, in all aspects. Even that game 4 was the shits.

Six of One

New Member
Jan 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Chris Simon

Let's not forget that Simon was in an Avs uniform when Crawford coached there and Crawford called him on the carpet for something. I think it was for not dropping the gloves when Crawford thought it was necessary. Everyone knows what happens when a player gets in Crow's doghouse (hello Adrian Aucoin) and sure enough Simon was sent packing (to Washington I believe) and Parker became the Avs tough guy. I doubt the Canucks would have had an interest in picking up Simon.


bring up brandon ried

i think crawford should bring up brandon ried to play on a line that would look like this: Rucinsky Linden Ried, that would get rucinsky and linden both on the scoreboard


Sep 11, 2001
Dirty Money
I hate to say it, but Reid doesn't really have a spot on the Canucks anymore. He has proved to be too small. And the way Calgary plays, I'm sure he would be rubbed out of most plays quite easily.

I'm sticking with my prediction of Canucks in 5.


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
I hear Iginla will not be in the line up tonight, something to do with a broken triquetrium bone in his hand which was most likely the cause of an Ohlund kidney in the fist.

Nucks explode for 6 tonight , Ruchinsky, Linden, and the Sedins finallykick the fukc into this series in a big way....hed lets in 2

filling the net

Not Bright
Sep 29, 2003
Dirty Money
I heard that Ohlund has shoulder problems from the grasping and turtling during the fight with Iginla! Hopefully Bard May will play tonight; him running his head into the post was priceless!

Canucks win tonight 3-2

Where has Linden been.....I take him in a pool and the guy has been transparent! :(
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
filling the net said:
I heard that Ohlund has shoulder problems from the grasping and turtling during the fight with Iginla! Hopefully Bard May will play tonight; him running his head into the post was priceless!

Canucks win tonight 3-2

Where has Linden been.....I take him in a pool and the guy has been transparent! :(

I'm sorry, turtling? Iginla had his first punch in before Ohlund had even dropped his stick, all Ohlund could have done was defend himself. I wouldn't go as far as calling that turtling, as well he already had problems with his eyes, the last thing he needs is to take a left hook to the eye socket.

And if Iginla is sitting tonight, as stated in an above post, who looks like the smart one now?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Someone please tell me we're not going to have to miss some of the Nucks game for habs/bruins OT?!?!?! WTF?


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