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The Vancouver Canucks 2003/2004


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't be so quick to call JTG a dipshit... there is merit to what he is saying. No one condones "the incident" but you need to ask WTF was Granato thinking having him out there in the third period?!?!!?!


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs said:
No one condones "the incident" but you need to ask WTF was Granato thinking having him out there in the third period?!?!!?!


wtf was Granato playing Moore at all, he should have never played against Vancouver agian in his career.

Regs, you can't do that, sit guys because you are scared something is going to happen. Bert is the idiot here, not Granato. He may get 12 games the same as Johanson a few years back on a similar sucker punch.

The Aves just got a great back-up in Salo, for the play-offs.

Crow should not play Bert vs. the Aves if they meet in the play-offs. :rolleyes:



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs said:
Don't be so quick to call JTG a dipshit... there is merit to what he is saying. No one condones "the incident" but you need to ask WTF was Granato thinking having him out there in the third period?!?!!?!


I didn't call him a dipshit, I called him stupid. And if he isn't, his comment sure was. He basically implied the kid had it comming to him. There is zero merrit to what he stated.

I agree about one thing:
Big dummy #1: Bert.
Dummy #2: Crawford.
Dummy #2A: Cammi.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Dude said:
His hit on Naslund was a case of finishing a check. He answered the bell with a guy that he should be answering with- Cooke. Shocker.

Bullshit! Moore's hit was a blatant cheap shot and Naslund could have been seriously hurt. Anyone who thinks Moore was finishing his check can fcuk off. It was delibrate and cheap. Should we send Moore Christmas cards? Maybe the Canucks should just do nothing, keep our eyes on the ground, apologize for existing and address the Avalanche with "Sirs" and "Misters" and then meekly bow out in the playoffs. Granato should question his own players and his part in this. Fcuking guy is pissed off the Canucks coaching staff are not remorseful? Ya, well how about his and his players quotes after Naslund was knocked unconscious and received stitches (sound familiar?). I'll tell you what, if someone took out my best friend and my teams Captain and best player I'd pay the cnut back too. And it would be fcuking big-time. Obviously unlike most everyone here.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Dapotayto said:
Bullshit! Ya, well how about his and his players quotes after Naslund was knocked unconscious and received stitches (sound familiar?). I'll tell you what, if someone took out my best friend and my teams Captain and best player I'd pay the cnut back too. And it would be fcuking big-time. Obviously unlike most everyone here.

Dap is right here, I remember Worrel saying something about the Moore hit on Nazzy, "It's hockey, not Ice Capads."
Well, back at ya Worrel, welcome to the Garage.

I see nothing wrong with a Canuck going after Moore for retribution on the Nazzy hit. But do it face to face, or drive him into the boards on a hit (not from behind). On that note, let one of the 3rd or 4th liners do this dirty work, so if something does happen (injury or suspension) it doesn't hurt the team down the stretch into the play-offs.

This was bound to happen after the brawl between Ottawa and Philly got out of hand, players see this and no reaction from the league, so game on.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

You're an idiot.

Did you see Naslund out there in the 3rd? He finished with something like 13 minutes played on the night... Coaches sit out players all the time to avoid certain situations.

Granato goes on about it being a 5-0 game and obviously something is said by the Nucks coaching staff to start something. HELLO? How fcuking stupid are you?

BTW, Steve Moore received 7 stitches and a concussion.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs said:

You're an idiot.

Did you see Naslund out there in the 3rd? He finished with something like 13 minutes played on the night... Coaches sit out players all the time to avoid certain situations.

Regs, sticks and stones .....

Naslund, sat on the bench for two reasons, the first line did nothing in this game, so bench them. Second, with all the stupid stuff going on, who do you put out there, the grinders, Moore is a grinder, so you put him out to play.
It was said that if the Aves go after Nazzy, then the Nucks are going to go after the Aves top players, should they bench both thier top lines in the third because they are scared. Come on Regs, no player wants to hear the coach say, "why don't you sit the third period out, I don't want you to get hurt", "but coach I have played in tough situations before, I can handle myself". "No go, you are sitting, I don't want you to get sucher punched from behind".
Ya, lets just sit everyone next time, to be safe.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Lost in all of this is Worrell's stick poke at the bench and then going nuts on the bench and in the tunnel.

Deflection in the slot,



Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
According to the Penguins website, the Canucks are interested in aquiring Alexei Morozov in return for RJ Umberger. Tell me how this helps us. Morozov is like Richard Park, he just leaches off of Mario when he plays, but without him he is soft and unproductive.


Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
That was truely a disgrace and a blight on Hockey!!

Bert will get atleast the remainder of the regular season and possibly the playoffs. He should be on every talk show apoligizing to Steve Moore and his own teammates for that play and showing a little remorse.

Worrell should get suspended as well for his actions at the end. First the chump refuses to go with Brookbank, twice and then goes after the coaching staff of the canucks.

A bad night to be a hockey fan!!



Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
let one of the 3rd or 4th liners do this dirty work, so if something does happen (injury or suspension) it doesn't hurt the team down the stretch into the play-offs.
This will probably help them down the stretch. Getting rid of some dead weight for the remainder of the season can only be seen as a good thing. Fcuking guy is an idiot. Cheap cheap cheap.

Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude said:
I didn't call him a dipshit, I called him stupid. And if he isn't, his comment sure was. He basically implied the kid had it comming to him. There is zero merrit to what he stated.

I agree about one thing:
Big dummy #1: Bert.
Dummy #2: Crawford.
Dummy #2A: Cammi.

sweet, i'd rather be stupid than a dipshit, that's one piece of good news.....i'm not condoning the way it happened, not at all, i love old time hockey and if it wasn't for moore getting seriously hurt by sucker punch, last nights game would have gone down just in history just like the ottawa v philly game last week, unfortunately it goes down for the punch

my only problem is, yes he fought with cooke, if u call that a fight, but then he backed away from ruutu and bouck later in the game, if he thought he was gonna get out of the hit on naslund by throwing one punch to cooke, he was sadly mistaken....personnally if he had fought ruutu and bouck, and finished the game, taking hits and stepping up when challenged, i think the whole thing would have been done, but the fact that he walked away twice, from two players that aren't even known for fighting, is what got me


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
I have to agree with Regs on this one. 8-2.....u do not play a extremely hated man when a team is fueled with frustration. Its moronic to say the least. I dont accept what Bert did, even if he is my favorite player, he hurt us in a way we don't even know yet. All I know is that Granato has to swallow his slice the responsibilty. I tell u this, If some kid took out modano, he would have gotten his head taken off by a dallas player. I hear Moore has a broken neck, he obviously didnt deserve anything close to that and I hope he's alright. Bert will at least be out for the rest of the season. By the way I think Cooke getting his ass kicked by Moore only fueled the hatred for that kid, it should have been rhuttu or linden droppin the gloves.Cooke is a big hitter, but just a bitch of a fighter, whatchin Moore kick his ass really pissed me off. It would have been a good game for Jovo to be in. I'm sure u would agree. Let's just hope this whole Bertuzzi ordeal doesn't damage the team mentality.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Being on the outside looking in, I find the Canucks at a real crossroads.

Watching last nights game, at 5-0 I really didn't think they were out of it and felt they could climb back into it. Unfortunately, they have too many players who really hurt them. May did well to score the two goals and stand up to Worrell but the penalty absolutely killed the momentum. Ruutu then tops it with stupid, untimely penalties and has more of a habit of taking penalties than drawing them from the opposition. Cooke followed suit and killed them. BTW, how does Cooke stay in the game with his tie-downs on his jersey not being ... tied down. I'm convinced that if Cooke had won a convincing fight vs. Moore, we wouldn't have seen Bertuzzi do what he did. Instead of Moore receiving his up-and-commence (sp), he won the fight and wasn't punished for the hit. None of this excuses Bertuzzi for what he did. It reminds me of what Domi did to Niedermayer in the playoffs. Both had reasons to do something but not what they did. The suspensions will be similar. Bert should do what Domi did and make himself available to the press and work hard to be in their good books until this blows over.

It didn't help with the top line not showing up last night.

Francis is off to Toronto. Vancouver still has done nothing. Crossroads.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
At the end of the game, when Worrel was at the Canucks bench, he was kinda just hanging around, calm. Next thing you know, a Canuck player said something, and Worrel went nuts. That is when he jabbed the player with his stick. As he was being taken off the ice, Rick Tocchet asked him what happened, and Worrel said something to Tocchet. Tocchet then walked over to the Canucks bench, and also started going crazy. Obviously something was said to Worrel. Later, Granato was talking to the ref, and it appeared he was mentioning something along the lines of a racial comment. Now, whether this is true or not remains to be seen. However, for the whole third period, the Canucks were trying to entice Worrel to fight, and he kept his cool. Something was said that made him fly off the handle.

Let's hope it wasnt a racial slur. Having played ice hockey from the time I was four years old, I have personally experienced the brunt end of many a racial comment, including those from coaches, parents, and fans. Let's hope that this didn't happen in this case.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Ruutu was the player he jabbed. Gee, no real surprise. Why do they need him again? Your telling me that his value is to get under the skin of the other team? You draft someone for that attribute? He may be the only Finn in the league history that can't score. Does he do that great of a job? I heard Larschid (sp) try to compare him to Esa Tikkannen. I don't think so!!!!

Apparently, the RCMP will be announcing at noon as to whether they will be pressing charges against Bertuzzi. It get's worse and worse. I can't wait to hear Burke's response at noon. Fireworks, fireworks.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Joely: the more you type, the more you come off as a complete idiot. You are trying to legitimize Bert's actions. Hell, 'Nucks fans should be thanking Moore for teaching Cooke a lesson.

I'm personally disgusted, and hope Bert gets a BIG suspension, and criminal charges are pressed. Do I think he should be thrown out of the game? Of course not...but a message needs to be sent. What a fcuking moron.

As for Burke, this is all looking good on him. He has been nothing short of a bold face liar all year to us, telling us that the team is ready and willing to make a move, and that the time is now. Well, he's waited too long, and now his arguably most dominant playoff performer could be out for at least the first round.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Things do not look good in Canuckville........I'd rather be a hockey fan in Pitsburgh or Washington right now...........a few thoughts:

-Bertuzzi will be lucky if he plays in the playoffs.
-With the amount of money he makes, I think it's fair to call him "overrated"
-Cooke is a putz...for the style he plays, he has to back it up, and his fight with Moore was embarrasing. At least Ruutu can drop the gloves (did well against Blake)
-I heard from 1040am that the comments from the Nucks bench towards Worrell was regarding his Drunk Driving charge.
-May taunting Aebieshier? First time, great.............second time,.....WTF?
-Combine this along with a lame duck GM, no trades (ala the Seattle Mariners), horrible goaltending. What does this do to the fabric of the dressing room?

Three points from the division lead and things have never looked so bleak? Wierd, weird, weird.


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