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The Vancouver Canucks 2002/2003.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks for summarizing and putting into your own words all the stupid callers from the Dan Russell show last night Guinness. I was picking my nose and you know how I hate to miss the hordes of Homers praising the officiating when THEIR TEAM comes out on the plus side and the opposition gets the shaft, but screams bloody blue murder if that was the other way around.
and a HUGE Canucklehead I believe the officials didn't make one bad call.
You summed it best yourself with that one. Thanks. Have you seen the Sens play other than last night? Besides being broke they are just as fast and skilled as the Canucks if not more so.

Get your head out of the proverbial Canack ass.

I'll wait eagerly for your reply... I'm sure you'll tell me to get bent or refer to me as a daft Dutchman, simply because I don't suck Orca knob, but if you didn't it wouldn't be you.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
peeps like peter piper picking his penis are the reason Vancouver gets a bad name for being uneducated fans

Where exactly are they saying Vancouver has uneducated fans? Phoenix? Tampa Bay? Carolina? Or perhaps this is something you just made up?

I'd surmise that the only uneducated one around here is you :rolleyes:

Have a great day,



Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Better a Homer than a Homo

First off, I have heard Russel's show maybe 3 times in my life and choose not to listen to such tripe as it is much like listening to you as you play darts... Cutting people off in mid-speech and chosing to explain how you hit 20 eight times on the trot at your Wednesday darts night!!! Nothing interesting...

Yes I have seen the Sens play many times this year and yes they have a talented team with speed....BUT last night they were caught napping and the Canucks pissed all over them!!! (We still don't wear yellow BTW) :rolleyes:

As for your sad attempt at mymicking your hero Fasty:
proverbial Canack ass

Actually I don't have a Canack ass (whatever that is)!!! The only reason you fudged in the term "proverbial" is due to one of Fastshow's late night binging episodes in the warm part of London... He's most definately talking to himself as he types and doesn't expect rif raf like yourself to understand his terminology let alone actually copy and paste it!!! (As if you could even spell it):rolleyes:

Is that what you expected??? Your still Daft!!!;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money

I'm truly surprised to hear that Guinness, you're the exact fan that show attracts, but you calling it tripe makes me smile for a couple of reasons, first because you used the word tripe and second, it means you can stand to listen to yourself. Let me tell you, you're not the only one.

As for the game, it should be easy to win when you're up a man for an entire period plus. The two power play goals they scored BTW, was the margin in which they won by. So your caught napping' theory is moot.

Although Fastshow is my hero, I came up with proverbial all on my lonesome. Honest. I believe it's even spelled correctly. I think.


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Another irate Irishman...


Man you read a lot into a simple statement about Cloutier's rough puck-handling night.

What do you disagree with? You think he did well in his distribution?

On the reffing issue, I think there was some history there between McCreary and Martin or something. That was almost embarrasing. The Senators played almost half the game down a man. This was the least penalized team in the league.

And by the way, I've been an unwavering Canuck fan since before your Ma was dipping your soother in beer to stop the insanity coming out of your babbling mouth and regarding the not getting layed thing...everyone, including Morrison, goes through dry spells.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

Nice to see you were just??????? Anyway, yeah Clouts battled the puck, but my point was he has carried this team thus far and is intitled to a few nights off??? He should not be getting booed or have people spout off when his team rallies around him and scores 6 goals...
and regarding the not getting layed thing...everyone, including Morrison, goes through dry spells.
That's too bad mate... Did you really have to explain yourself???

BTW, you have a grrrreat day Slappy;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money

Peter, he did.

Guinness, Dan is a professional athlete, he doesn't get a night off. That's a bunk excuse and I don't buy he's carried the team either. He's done extremely well (for him), but the top line is carrying the team.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
A couple of points:

· Dan Russle is the worst talk show host in the city now. He had free range and huge listenership for years, only because there wasn’t really any legit competition out there. Still, nobody goes up against him directly, but after listening to a few shows during the day (Pratt & Mojo have the best show), then tuning into Russle, I find myself really hating his show and turning the radio off. He’s a suck hole to Burke, Noonis, or any other Canuck higher-up, his guests are boring (even Harry Neal is getting boring…same old stories), and the guy can’t handle the banter. When Taylor was running the Grill (or whatever he called it), his ratings went through the roof. Why? He’s funny, super knowledgeable on a wider range of topics, and he could take the banter. He’d go back and forth with guys, and it was funny. Russle can’t take any criticism, and as soon as it gets too hot, he’ll just cut the caller off. You can tell all the other good hosts have played sports, and many at fairly high levels. They get what it’s like to be in a locker room. Conversely, you can also tell that Russle has never played sports. He’s a geek, he’s un-funny, and he’s a kiss-ass.
· I tuned in at the start of the 2nd yesterday, and I felt the play was exciting, and even. Lot’s of great speed and passing displayed both ways. Linden’s goal was a great finish, Naslund puts them ahead with a great wrist shot, but while up a man (holding call, I think)…then the parade to the box starts. The two that get me are the “Too many Men”, and the “Abuse of official”. Apparently, the first was questionable, at best (Jim Huston questioned it). The second is just an official teaching Martin a lesson. My guess is that had the refs put the whistles away for those calls, the flow would have resumed, and we would have had a game. Aside from two three more pretty goals to be scored in the game, the 3rd period absolutely sucked.
· I agree with Guinness’s assessment of many GM place fans- short memories. What is the point in TTPing Cloutier when the game is either tied, or the ‘Nucks are just down a man? Yeah, he gave them one, but was he really that terrible overall? Was it really the second coming of Red Light Rassicau? Don’t think so. Best to just support the guy, and if he has one bad night, so be it. Happens to all goaltenders. Think about Hasek and some of his brutal outing. Shocking.

Who else is starting to really believe that this could turn into a special year? I’ve been trying very hard not to get seduced, for fear of the big letdown…but it’s tough! I’ve always been a huge Canuck fan, but at the same time, I’ve been careful not to get my hopes up.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
There is no absolutely no way Cloutier is the MVP of the Canucks so far. The MVP is far and away Markus Naslund. Cloutier is a good goalie and that's it. There are many goaltenders in the league that would have the Canucks in the same position and saying crap like that is typical Canucknerd talk. Naslund not only scores half the team's fcuking points he also keeps Bertuzzi focused and committed and makes everyone else on the team better with his play, intensity and commitment. Fcuk sakes, Canucks fans are brutal. It's like someone got all the geekiest hockey fans on earth, put blinders on them and then stuck them all in Vancouver.

The Apprentice

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Naslund =MVP

How easy we forget that Dan Cloutier (not Naslund, Bertuzzi, Jovo, Mo or Linden) that has been the Canucks MVP so far this season!!!

Guinness, You are as stupid as you Look. This guy is not even in the top 25 in G.A.A. and Save %. Typically you'll respond by saying "But look how many wins he has and all the huge saves he makes". True he has the most wins in the league, but when you back-up gets 3 games a year and your playing behind a team that is capable of scoring 5-6 every game, there's a real good chance that your gonna win alot of games. Every Goalie comes up with big saves, saves that keep your team in the game but it is far fetched to say that Cloutier is the MVP.

For a Goalie to be an MVP they have to be the only reason the team has a shot at winning every night i.e. Hasek in Buffalo -90's, Theodore in Montreal-last year.

Cloutier has played better this year but overlooking Naslund as the MVP is ridiculous and I dont even like the Canucks. Without Naslund, Bertuzzi would be an underachiever, the Canucks wouldn't have the best winning % in the West, and Crawford wouldnt have a Job.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

Fcuk sakes, Canucks fans are brutal. It's like someone got all the geekiest hockey fans on earth, put blinders on them and then stuck them all in Vancouver.
Sounds like your describing the Hogtown Maple Leafs???:rolleyes:

I agree Naslund has been brilliant!!!;) who the hell is this apprentice guy anyway??? I've never seen him on here before!!!



Sep 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Sorry Guiness, I'll have to agree that it is Naslund and the big line that really do carry this team. It's not that Cloutier doesn't get the respect ( he actually does ) but when you have a team in ront of you scoring as many goals as the Canucks do hten you shoould have all those wins. ( It's all about who scores the most goals to win isn't it:rolleyes: )
I do think Cloutier is a good goalie but other than his wins, his other stats do not make him an MVP. That recognition definately has to go to Naslund.
Hey Apprentice what hole did you crawl out of. Shouldn't you be crying in the house of Habs thread about that call that kerry Fraser made that according to the NHL rule book was the right call!:wa:

The Apprentice

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Demo, Great Post....why dont you just take everything I say about Cloutier and put it into your own words:rolleyes:

And regarding the HABS, its only the regular season(something Canuck Fans should remember) and there is still half the season to be played, so I am not worried. And the rule says that you are allowed to have contact with the goalie outside the crease while he is trying to play the puck but it does not say that you are allowed to run him over. Thanks for Coming Out!!!!


Sep 4, 2001
Dirty Money
If you read the part that says
Then I put it into language that Guiness could understand:D .
As for that call, Freisen clearly got the puck and you are permitted to make contact with the goalie outside the crease and it is too bad that 99% of the time it does result in a penalty.
Now TA go back into hiding will you

The Apprentice

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
The Only reason I will respond b/c in a way it has to due with the Canucks. It is a shame that alot of Goalies are interfeared with and there is no penalty. Jeff Hackett was clearly knocked over and had no chance of getting back into the play, that my midget friend is a penalty. It probably wasnt called because Goalies like Dan Cloutier went to the Dominik Hasek school of goaltending and are so dramatic when they get touched that most Refs cant tell the difference and want to avoid phantom calls. Kerry Fraser and the HABS have a bad history, he had already blown a call on a dissallowed goal and the non call on Friesen was Brutal. Simple.

Back to my Hole.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Clouts a flopper? Not a chance, Bean Squeezer (what’s a Bean Squeezer?).

I’m sure he wouldn’t be a flopper if he were a Hab…he’d be a fouled goalie who didn’t get a call.

Of course, I could be posting just for the fun of being able to write “Bean Squeezer”.

The Apprentice

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Dude, Seriously...just cause Cloutier can fight and act tough doesnt mean he doesn't flop like a fish caught illegally by an Indian. If he were with the HABS they would have an even worse record.

Go ride your mountain bike off a cliff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
It's like the banana hammocks Ballbaby wears, but different. Clouts, flops more than my wedding tackle when I'm not wearing my bean squeezer underwear.

Goingoutofmywaytoexplain. :rolleyes:
Go ride your mountain bike off a cliff.
:D Hilarious :D
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