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The 2nd Annual TTP Golf Classic

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Upon further review Captain you are a Putz. No doubt about it. How could you not golf. You have no excuse even a planker like Guinness showed up. Not invited but nontheless showed up.:eek: You must think you are above all of us or something. Which by the way you are not. You are at Kelly O's in shorts for Fukc's sake. Em- Barr- Assing.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks to all

I would like to thank TheRob and Reg's for putting this together this year, well done.

Also thanks to Newlands and especially KOB's for fine food and atmosphere.

All in all I thought this year was much better than last as people were drinking and competing a little more this year. Except of course Stepchilds group who pounded back bottles and bottles..................of water. :rolleyes:

I thought we had it in the bag this year starting off with 3 birds on the first three holes. Then we plateaued for a bit. Ranger chips in from the fringe on 5 for birdie. It was magical. And then the dreaded Baja Rosa came out and before you know it we were shanking and hooking with the worst of 'em.

Best dressed: The Flaming Retards. Nice kits boys.
Biggest CNUT: Dude who thought last years joke would be funny again this year and bounced a ball off the restaurant window on 18.;)
Biggest dissapointment: Downtown getting closer than me on the KP. :(


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I'd like to thank everyone who made this year's tourney so much fun! That even includes TR who seemed a little distressed when he realised our group was not going to win anything :eek:

The get-ups some of the golfers displayed were magic! :D

Congrats to Downtown for the KP and Gavin for the longest drive (I have no idea what the prizes were though :rolleyes: )... which group got lowest score?

Congrats to Hammerhead as well for winning the draw for the Manchester/Celtic tickets... he was more excited though I think with the Team TTP shirt autographed by Fastshow and some knucklehead named CJ with the phone number 867-5309 :rolleyes:

Kelly O'bryans was a blast from what I remember... HOS was in fine form. The food and pints were top-notch as usual and the harem of dirty surrey girls was a nicely added touch :D

One question... who the fcuk asked my bird if she was the one in my avatar? :rolleyes: :D

I've set-up a gallery for the pictures taken yesterday/last night and uploaded the few that I have... I think others have a lot more and hopefully they'll add them as well. Here's the direct link:


I need another kip on the couch :eek:




Sep 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Weel done

Well it definately was a great time out there At Newlands, even though my golfing was utterly shocking( sorry Dude, One Dart and SYC). Next year I won't start drinking at 9am before the golf tourney but I wouldn't count on it.
As for Dude, thanks for sending me flying out of the cart not once , but 2 fcuking times, not to mention almost flipping the damn thing then ending up in the bushes. I've definately got bruises from that. How are you feeling after the nice hip check from Notty?.
It was also a good time @ KOB's especially the fine form HOS was in:D .
What a treat it was to meet Mr. England himself, Fastshow:rolleyes: ( couldn't turn down the Baja Rosa if he tried).
Also finally meeting Stiker14 and Spazz along with lightweight. And to Striker14 sorry about shooting it right in the miidle of your forehead. I guess my aim was a little off;) .

DemosigningoffwithanotetoNottythatthecallworkedgreat!YouknowwhatImean :wa:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Also finally meeting Stiker14 and Spazz along with lightweight. And to Striker14 sorry about shooting it right in the miidle of your forehead. I guess my aim was a little off .

WTF? Demolition DNA? Disgusting!:eek:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Monday morning and my head still hurts. I’m blaming the Baha Rosa. Curse you, Demo.

Thanks to TheRob & Regs for organizing this again. Obviously, a great time was had by all.

First of all, I can’t remember leaving the restaurant (although the walk from my seat to my ride was apparently quite eventful). I don’t honestly know if I paid on the way out. If anyone at our table got stiffed, let me know via PM, and I’ll write a cheque.

Blanket apology time:

· Demo- sorry for dumping you out of the cart. Twice. And sorry for the blackberry bush scars. My apologies to you.
· Fastshow- sorry for hitting into your group. Twice.
· Regs- don’t know who said that, but it sounds like something I’d ask. I’ll take the bullet. My apologies.
· The girl who I goosed on the way out the door (allegedly…no recollection of this event). I can only hope she wasn’t too badly offended at the drunk guy grabbing her arse. Good thing Kelly’s is a family restaurant. My sincerest apologies.
· Ranger & Steve- see above. My guess is, though, with all the post game Ranger celebrations that have taken part there, I’m not the single worst drunk Kelly’s has ever seen.
· KNVB- sorry for you being a Cnut.
· Ballbaby- sorry I didn’t say hi. How long were you there?
· Stomach- I’ve let you down again.

Finally, a big thank you to Mrs. Dude, who thought it would be funny to come into the guest bedroom at 8:00 yesterday morning, and jump up and down on the bed. The subsequent crawl to the bathroom toilet was pure hell. I guess I deserved that.

I need another kip on the couch.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, another year another tourney. This one was probably better then last years. I'm thinking it was because there was no WOP's. Always a good thing. ;)

Thanks to everyone who came out. The weather looked a little dodgy in the morning but it turned out to be a beautiful day.

I want to thank Newlands for letting us play there again this year, and putting up with our shinnanigans(sp?)which weren't that bad considering the state the lot of us were in. I want to thank KOB's for having us at the restauraunt, and supplying a great dinner and an amazing atmosphere. The KOB's part of the evening this year was better then last. Good times. Again, probably due to the lack of I-ties.

For those who couldn't hear me on Saturday night, the winners of the tourney with a score of -8 were: Gavin, Gregor, Tiff, and Notty. Roll on you Dragons! The longest drive went to Gavin and the KP went to that nut Downtown. Well done to all the winners.

On a personal note, it was nice, yes nice to finally meet my nemisis Buckfast. Good to meet you Bucky and it's too bad we couldn't chat a little bit more. Nice to see Kurgan out there. It's been awhile big man. It was a thrill and an honour to see Fasty out there and when he said hi to me I almost died. And then when The Panels bird took a picture of Fasty and I that was it. I sobbed like a little school girl who just met her favorite Beatle.

Anyhoo, good times had by all I think, and as hard as it may be for some to believe, I can't wait to do it again next year.

Cheers to everyone who showed up!:wa:


New Member
Oct 10, 2001
Dirty Money
Hey Dude!

Where's my apology?? You drank my beer at my table and then once it was filled you took off with it! .... promised me another one but didn't come thru! :rolleyes: ;)

It was great fun! Next year I'm going to golf (or at least try to) as I don't think I'd be much worse than most of you.... from what I'd heard!

And thanks to HOS for confusing me with the bathrooms..... I was opening the mens door (the beer made "Lads" appear as "Ladies" to my eyes) cause HOS was coming out of the womans..... and I figured I was going into the right one but when the door opened 2 TTp guys were coming out of the womens (or so I thought) and they invited me in....... urinals gave it away fast....
So HOS...... accident or something we should know?? :D

Demolition..... nice shot! :p



New Member
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
THE ROB!!!!!

Are you trying to say that you didn't miss darkangel and her side kick???

Sounds like and looks like you guys had a great time, don't worry the ital's and cheatside will be back to take the cup again next year.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Spazz: is that all I did? I appologize. That takes care of one of the "beers I didn't pay for" mystery.

One down, and about 9 to go.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Cheers everyone

Death to Baja Rosa and Baja Luna....

HOS was quite enjoyable from what I recollect?
I just remember "Let's go Rangers" being chanted throughout the land.
New York Rangers chant but Rangers, Rangers, Rangers nonetheless.
Note the three time spelling of Rangers. ;)

Great to meet some other pissers out there - Too many to name.

I must say The Panel lived up to his hype.
The look in that lad's face when I walked in wearing my Argentina T-shirt.
Unimpressed doesn't nearly come close. :D
I was referred to as "Argie" from then on with pure disgust in his voice. ;)
Fasty: Great to see you out mate - Top class.

Well done also to the Hoopsters who came out afterwards.
Without the Three Musketeers, HOS and I would have had no one to taunt, and the night could have been a bit boring.
Always good to see Neil, Joe and Stevie. :)

Very happy to see Notty's group ahead of us win the thing.
Those Sandbaggers from Kelly O's didn't deserve to win with their non-alcoholic shananigans. :rolleyes:

Last but not least, my sincerest thanks and apologies to my foursome.
Guinness, Yoda and Breadguy were outstanding to golf with.
The wee stout lover was almost too prepared but man, the Jimmy hat and supplies were first class.
shite the bed.
We're sitting at -8 at 18.
not a bogey all day.
Can you guess who's drive we still had to get in?
We finish at -7 and for the next two hours I got nothing from the three of them but their scorn.
They came around though and once the prime rib was served all was forgotten.

Easily the best or second best TTP Golf tourney I've been to.

Many thanks to Regs and TR for their efforts.



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Not bad at all

You can't take all the blame. Maybe 99.9% of it but not all of it.

Just remember, if you hadn't chipped in for a birdie on the front 9 we would never have even been at -8.

Still bitter about the KP that downtown apparently beat me on.
I think he was just pissed because after hassling about my wrinkle free Dockers I stuck it toit.

Cheers to RF and Guinness for keeping me well hydrated all day.

PS: Service was top notch at KOB's RF, TOP NOTCH!


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money

Yes...it was definately nice to put face to names...but I failed to have a "face to face" with knvb...although, when I attempted eye contact...he put his tail between his legs and looked away. The hat could not hide the FEAR in his eyes to come up to Spazz and myself and say hello, so we await our next meeting with knvb...shall be interesting!! ;)

HOS...you killed me Saturday...you fell asleep sitting up, chin up and all 2x and NOBODY pulled anything on you...man, what good friends you have :p

Well...until next time...see you on the pitch!!



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I was told never to stare directly into an eclipse. ;)

I think I met spazz as she was walking out didn't I? She said "you drive me crrrraaaaaazzzzzy!!" (which I find impossible to believe) and then she walked out on me, only leaving behind the torn and tattered piece I call a life. There was nothing left to do at that point, but pick up where I left off. Drinking.

TheRob, sorry about tossing you from the cart on 16. Fcuking funny as all hell at the time. What was funnier was Kurgan and Hammerhead driving over a stealing your beer from the yard sale I created when you went flying. :D

Thanks to Regs and TheRob for their efforts and to Kelly'O staff for putting up with us. Gong-show.

BTW, HOS you still owe me the 6 pints I won at tee box golf.


New Member
Dec 2, 2002
Dirty Money
KP Champ

Originally posted by Yoda
This rain is actually going to soften up the greens so that i can stick it close for the KP.

It'll be toit to the pin for sure.

It was a great effort Yoda. But let's face it, I laughed at you and your pants, and told you that I would be at least 6 feet inside of your shot. My apologies, it was about 8 feet. But hey, your pants looked great.

Thanks Regs and TR, great day. KOB - the usual. And TR, events without Italians will always be hugely successful. Half of them would have surrendered after nine holes once they saw the writing on the walls. Well maybe that would have been acceptable to wave the white flags on the day of Roger's death.
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