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Scottish Premier League News 2009/2010

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Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
A guy I played with for years works at Revenue Canada. I'm sure he could get his hands on some letterhead.:D


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Where have all the bluenoses gone?



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New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Right enough,

oh look, there they are.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LnwrRbQAvg"]YouTube - Dignity In Europe[/ame]

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Say it isn't so, Jinky......

From the eveningtimes online........this must be Chelsea supporters.

It didn’t help when crowd trouble broke out at half-time. With yellow-bibbed stewards struggling to contain a disturbance in the away section, the sight of punches, and seats, being thrown was depressing. The public announcer even pleaded with fans to stop, warning that the match could be suspended, and that there would be serious consequences for Rangers.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I knew you two would be on about it in no time.
You just don't miss a chance do you? ;)

Embarassing I know...
Fcuk me...like we need this with everything else going on...

That said, when I listened to it when it was happening from what I could hear was an 'older gentlemen' (or something like that) was talking to the stewards and then it sounded like the old guy was getting roughed up a bit down by where the big Union Jack was and that's when the Huns went mental and ran down.

Any truth to that or am I off base? :confused:

Still no excuse, just like them letting the Romanians score in the fcuking 90th minute.



New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
I watched the game so I didn't hear the bbc coverage live but there is a snippet of the exact bit of commentary from reporter John Barnes on the Radio Scotland site.

Unfortunately, I can never take bbc scotland's Rangers coverage seriously. The way they talk, you'd think they were trying to help sell the club to anyone who might be listening, or at least season tickets.

Neil McCann apparently compared Euro debutant Danny Wilson to John Terry and Craig Patterson chided the Romanians for trying their luck from distance as in his opinion, there was no way they could beat McGregor with a long shot and we all know how that prediction went.

The rioting is being spun by the meeja as having been caused by heavy handed stewarding. They really have to work on some new excuses, it's always evil stewards ruining the day for the peace loving, travelling Rangers support. Except when a T.V. breaks or as Steve said, Chelsea supporters in disguise are on the scene or a city council doesn't prepare themselves properly for a wee bit of raping and pillaging(sp?).

This is three incidents in four years for Rangers so look for UEFA to come down hard on the club with a possible European ban just when the club needs it least. The amazing thing is, Rangers could still qualify for the final 16, although that goal (served up nicely to Unirea by Natcho Ned) not only cost them valuable points, it deprived the cash crisis club of about 400,000 pounds worth of prize money. (probably more than just a few bears will need to buy a new telly today n'all)

The meeja will be praying for trouble in Hamburg on Thursday so they can engage in a session of "whataboutery".
Their wish may come true as apparently four coachloads of knuckle-draggers have left Ibrox for Germany to lend their 'support' to their red white and blue clad chums. This does not bode well for anyone.

C'mon the Hoops!!!!


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New Member
Sep 30, 2007
Dirty Money
Hi Sunshine.

hello buKKKY

What was the result of the last auld firm match?
winning an old firm match does give a team a few weeks of bragging rights but winning a game doesn't make one team better than another

And what European competition is Celtic in?
Celtic are in the Europa Cup (uefa cup ),the same second rate cup that Rangers supporters were so proud of, when they defended their way to the final a few years ago in Manchester. The night they terrrorised the citizens and police of Manchester because that's just what they do.
I know it was Asda's fault for selling cheap booze,no need to reply with your excuses.
I can honestly say I am proud to be a Celtic supporter and every time you post it makes me even prouder because your true colors come out just like your pals in Manchester and now the same thing in Hamburg.

If you're mum had balls she'd have four.

You mention male genetalia and homosexual acts quite often,dealing with that might be the reason for your deep rooted anger and hatred.
I've never had these thoughts but it is more socially acceptable to come out of the closet these days. You might want to think about it.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
CELTIC supporters have once again been congratulated for another great European performance following Thursday night’s UEFA Europa League match against Hamburg.

Around 3,000 supporters travelled to Germany for the game in the Nordbank Arena last night, with the German and Scottish police authorities fully satisfied with their conduct.

As is always the case, officers from Strathclyde Police travelled to the match and they have given the Celtic support high praise.

A Strathclyde Police spokesperson said: “Following on from the earlier message published by Strathclyde Police to Celtic supporters travelling to Hamburg, both Strathclyde Police and the Hamburg Police were delighted with the behaviour of the supporters of Celtic Football Club.

“There were no significant issues or concerns either within the city of Hamburg or at the stadium.”

Celtic Chief Executive Peter Lawwell said: “In the face of a challenging and provocative atmosphere in the stadium, the Celtic support once again demonstrated fantastic positive backing for the Club.

“We have received extremely positive reports from Hamburg SV and the German authorities in relation to the behaviour of our supporters inside and outside the stadium. We congratulate our supporters for the manner in which they backed the club.

“Once again they did Celtic proud. I know Tony and the players greatly appreciated the magnificent support they received from the fans.

"We now look forward to Sunday's match against Falkirk and we ask our supporters once again to demonstrate similar positive behaviour and back the team the Celtic way.”

A minute's silence will be held before kick-off at Celtic’s match against Falkirk to mark Remembrance Sunday and to remember the fallen in all conflicts.

And in the same manner as last season at Celtic Park, the Club and its supporters will remember, in particular, the men who served Celtic Football Club and who lost their lives in wartime.

These include a number of Celtic players who fought and died in the Great War of 1914-18, such as Patrick Slavin, Leigh Roose, Donnie McLeod, Archie McMillan, Robert Craig, John McLaughlin, Willie Angus and Peter Johnstone.

Well done to the Bhoys and Ghirls who didn't make arses of themselves like their blue neighbours in Glasgow did in Romania. :D

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
A good article from Spiersy..........who happens to be a Rangers supporter, not a Hun. :)

From The Sunday Times

November 8, 2009

It is never the fault of Gers fans

Another away trip, another bout of trouble. Cue feeble excuses – yet again. Maybe this time they will face the music

Graham Spiers

If you are one of the legions of decent, fair-minded Rangers supporters then maybe you shouldn’t read on: you will only find the subject wearying, aggravating, a further embarrassment for your club.

In fact, your only conclusion might be this: the humiliations that sections of Rangers supporters continue to heap upon their club appear to be limitless.

Villarreal, Pamplona, Manchester, now Bucharest. Why is it that, when Rangers FC and their spineless supporters’ spokesmen start groping around for excuses, the common themes of “heavy-handed policing” or “these are not real Rangers fans” are forever trotted out? Can’t any club official, or any supporters’ representative, ever come clean on this? Will someone at Rangers finally find the guts to say: “We have a major problem with our support and it is ruining this club”?

The scenes in Bucharest last Wednesday night at Rangers’ Champions League tie against Unirea were tediously familiar. But almost as bad, in the context of accountability, was Rangers’ feeble response to it. It was Manchester and the Uefa Cup final riots of 2008 all over again.
Related Links

* Smith fears crowd trouble will lead to ban

* Uefa charges Rangers over crowd trouble

* Wilson has the quality to take step up

Do you remember what happened there? The big TV screens in town went blank so the Rangers fans started rioting. The very next morning, amid some of the quickest gathering of intelligence I have ever come across, Martin Bain and Rangers hosted a press conference at which it was established that this was just “a small minority” of fans who had been involved, and that the miscreants were people who “don’t normally attach themselves to our support”.

This was about 30 minutes before Sky TV began to broadcast gruesome footage of hundreds of “not real Rangers fans” drunkenly setting about anything in sight in Manchester. And it was about 10 months before “not real Rangers fans” were humiliatingly strung up like felons on the BBC’s Crimewatch programme, as the quest to track them down went on.

After the Manchester riots, just like after Bucharest four nights ago, Mr Bain and Rangers revealed an uncanny habit of placing more emphasis on defending, rather than condemning. Literally within half an hour of the aggro in Bucharest, Bain was issuing a 78-word statement, the first 21 of which said this: “Obviously, the behaviour of some of our fans in the stadium tonight is not acceptable — no one likes to see that.”

And the rest of it? Well, wasn’t it simply dreadful the way the Rangers fans were treated. I mean, come on, four turnstiles should have been operating, but instead there were only two. And all that CS gas being used on our poor fans.

Note the different tone in Bain’s statement. The fact that Rangers fans rioted “was unacceptable” and “no-one likes to see that”. But the fact the Romanian police used CS gas to subdue them? Why, this was “totally unacceptable”.

The response of Andy Kerr, of the Rangers Supporters Assembly, was even worse. Kerr actually had the temerity to state: “I wouldn’t say the Rangers fans did anything wrong. The organisation was very poor.” And on the very same night we had the official Rangers website stating that “our fans suffered heavyhanded treatment by the police.” Ah, yes, the old “heavy-handed” policing line. This is an old Rangers favourite.

There is almost an indecent haste, as there was in Bucharest, to soft-soap some of this Rangers loutishness with anodyne utterances about policing, stewarding, whatever. I do not doubt for a moment that the situation in that Steaua stadium was unsatisfactory. One supporter I spoke to who was there testified to crumbling terraces and a bottleneck at the turnstiles, where Rangers fans were attempting to gain access to the ground. But is this a licence for thuggishness? Do decent human beings, in finding themselves in such a situation, start fist-fights, throw seats around, and brawl with stewards, as Rangers fans did the other night?

Denial, denial, denial. It does Rangers FC no good. And it assumes that the rest of us are too dim-witted to recognise the cold, hard evidence that is staring us — and the governing body of European football — in the face.

In the expansive canon of excuse-making for Rangers and their fans’ antics, one of the great farragoes that is used is this “heavy-handed policing” line. In Villarreal in 2006, when the bigoted chanting by Rangers fans and the attack on the Spanish club’s team bus occurred, there was, if you were prepared to believe certain Rangers supporters groups, “heavy-handed policing” which only served to worsen the situation.

Then we moved on to Pamplona a year later where — how unusual — some Rangers fans chanted bigoted anthems and fought with stewards. The Rangers supporters bodies’ reponse? “Really, we cannot condone some of the heavy-handed policing that we saw ... “

Then we got to Manchester in May 2008. Now, before I go any further here, can I just confirm one thing? The Greater Manchester Police — have they a reputation for aggression or heavy-handedness? No, I thought not. So we had these garish TV images of hundreds of Rangers supporters fighting, rioting, overturning cars. And what was the supporters clubs’ response? “While we cannot condone some of the antics of our supporters, we really believe that heavy-handed policing ...” Yes, yes. I think we’ve heard enough.

Rangers are the sick man of British football. They cannot gouge out the bigots and the undesirables from their support. There is something of the white underclass about a section of this club’s support which only guarantees intermittent but perennial embarrassment for Ibrox.

It is as if a previously arrogant attitude around Rangers FC, now being overwhelmed by a more modern, multi-ethnic, ecumenical society around it, cannot cope with these changes and feels threatened by them.

On Thursday Uefa quite rightly stepped in, cut through all the obfuscation around the events in Bucharest, and opened yet another prosecution case against Rangers. For the long-term good of Rangers, I hope Uefa throw the book at them, and I believe they will.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Back to football.......

I have just witnessed the worst half of football under Tony Mowbray and there have been some bad ones. :( It is disgusting and I can sincerely say my eyes are bleeding. Getting up at 4:45 in the morning to watch this shite is becoming a chore and that isn't a good thing. Strachan managed to do this to me and I'm slowly starting to think that big Tony Mowbray hasn't improved things much. Having said that, it is difficult to make chicken salad out of chicken shite. :(

0 - 0 and painful to watch.......McGeady missed a penalty and the rebound but Celtic wouldn't have deserved to be up at the half based on their performance. It was definitely a penalty but rotten take.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't let the 3 - 3 scoreline fool you........it was ****ing shocking in the second half too.

McManus comes into the middle of the back 4 for Loovens and we give up 3 goals.......hmmmmmm.

Massive point at Falkir, who are by far the worst team in the world, let alone the league.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Scottish Pub League.

Getting up at 4:45 for that is madness, especially when you can torrent the games and watch at a decent hour, and watch this magic between United and Chavski in full HD at 8am.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Great weekend for my teams. Rangers, Chelsea, Linfield with wins. Hamburg and Falkirk with a draw. Happy days!


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
And the aforementioned British clubs respectfully acknowledged the fallen.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5y2-U6Ll1Q"]YouTube- JSC Sports 5[/ame]
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