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Pakenham Cup Pak Cup 2010

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The Phantom

Oct 15, 2008
Dirty Money
Ghouse, stop your whining. You lost! Maybe your players should bring both sets of boots to every game like the rest of us do (BE PREPARED). End of story. Well done PAU.


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
Dirty Money
Ghouse, stop your whining. You lost! Maybe your players should bring both sets of boots to every game like the rest of us do (BE PREPARED). End of story. Well done PAU.

Totally agree. Sour grapes. Some games I bring multis, six studs, and turfs.

Football should be played on grass and it seems if you get ACBC on grass (where football should be played) you seem to have a better chance at winning.

Good luck in the BCs GHouse. I'll let you know well in advance that there's a good chance you'll be playing on grass so you can start preparing. Wah


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
PAU knew it was on grass well before the game. My guess would be that ACBC's manager didn't do his job...who is that again? I always find it weird how 90% of games are played on turf and then the biggest games of the year are then on grass.

This is a great point. In the vmsl this season, our team has played 23 out of 24 games on turf. Not that we are going to be there but both the Imperial Cup Final and the Provincial Cup final will be played on grass. I would like to see us go back to the old system where every game is scheduled to be played on grass and if the fields are closed then we switch to turf. The games look so much better on grass and it is how the game was meant to be played. It is unreasonable for teams to play and train all season on turf and then expect to play the biggest games of the year on grass.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Funny, we knew we were on grass, in fact we thought the opposite and told everyone to bring their turfs just in case things changed... and no one on ACBC was wearing traditional turf flats, everyone had studs on. Trust me, as 2 or 3 ran past me at break-neck speed I could see numbers and studs quite clearly... To steal a line from larsson, call the whaaaaabulance.

It was a very tough game for us. How do you coach against a 5 1 4 line up? I also think if ACBC could have a team of more than 11 show up 5 minutes to kick off and prepared themselves they would roll this league up. Every time I see that team it puts me off. It looks like they're getting ready for a Sunday 5 aside, as I see it they seem to have very little respect for who they are playing and that will haunt you occasionally.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
There is a reason this game was put on that shite field and not told to us and you know it...If I was to complain as I did It would only be sour grapes and the real issue of WHY it was moved to grass and not communicated to us by the league would be lost..a real good cover.
Face It ...If any of you were a turf team and played and trained on turf all year and new you had an important Cup game on grass you would have a session or 2 on grass to adjust and you would have Kleets instead of turf shoes...You would have been prepaired...If this happened to any of you ,you too would wonder WHY..
BUSH comes to mind and if you cant see that ..well Fukc you too

The only difference between Myself and Bob from Moody is ...I stand up when I see a wrong doing and speak my mind...I rock the boat so we all can see what goes on behind closed doors..Bob is a nice fella who doesnt need all the haters...But I can tell you Moody is choked they were not told either...of coarse they are.

The question is why was POCO and PAU told about the grass and Moody and ACBC not....?
We all know the answer.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
KNVB PAU played well and fought back and won in a gret game in PKS..I get that.And I wish them well in the final and hope they win to make the BCs as they are playing well right now....I just want everyone to know what the fukc is going on behind the scene..
And its Fukcin Bullshti.
Its Bush and you know it.
But hey..what ever it takes right...?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I agree with you...

We'll make it up to you.. Next time we play we'll wear turfs and you can wear studs.

Larry Dallas

May 8, 2004
Dirty Money
Port Moody knew they were playing on grass. Poco and PAU also knew they were playing on grass. GHouse, how come you didnt know you were on grass? Don't give us that crap that your players didn't have the proper footwear. No chance were any of them playing in turf shoes. If they didn't actually have the proper footwear, then you have no one else to blame then your own players. Why would you not have all your boots in one bag? I could see guys taking out their nice yellow boots and putting them on their dashboard or something. But really? On the website it does not say anywhere that the games were on turf. All year for our home games they were listed as Gates Turf.

PAU was deserving of the win. But apparently ACBC was shafted and instead of saying congrats PAU, you just had to make up some sad story on how you were once again so hard done by.
Nov 25, 2007
Dirty Money
i see the point of both sides. if acbc was uninformed of the grass, that is bush. however, every player in the lowermainland should have all there boots in there bag. do you leave a set at home everygame? that's what a bag is for, to have all of your tools for the game.


New Member
Sep 14, 2007
Dirty Money
I hate to say this but im with G-house on this one...

The grass field was not good at all. It was exactly how G house described. Infact Thomas Mills was still waddling around the field with a shovel during the first game warm up "trying" to fill holes and balance the nets on the end lines with dirt.

Each game consisted of fast (ACBC/MOODY) vs. slow (PAU/POCO) and with the playing surface it was advantage slow

This was arranged so Thomas could have the final he wanted and he got it by finding the only equalizer he could

Everyone can call it sour grapes if they would like... but there is no deying the fact that as long as Mills is running this league while coaching Poco there will always be a conflict of interest.


New Member
Nov 7, 2003
Dirty Money
i didn't play for moody this year and unfortunately i missed the game yesterday but if all ghouse is saying is true that makes me sick what thomas mills did. that is complete abuse of position that the FVSL doesn't want when they have individuals from teams running positions at the league. and for all those who are saying ghouse is whining give your head a shake and put yourselves in PM/ACBC shoes. this was a league setup semi final back to back. a lot different than just showing up at a poco home game and having them have a different field. how would you feel if it was held at your home park and you showed up to the game and SURPRISE the league has switched your game to the gravel field across the street without prior notice and left your turf or grass home field empty.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
who cares ... its just soccer... which in the chain of importance to canadian sports fans falls in between curling and field hockey....

Regardless to who is at fault, this is just another reason why soccer is a joke and will never get off the ground here.... MLS or Not


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
But hey..what ever it takes right...?

Dear Centre of the Universe,

Whatever it takes for what? to screw you over?
Seriously Ghouse, do you think the league is out to get you because you won it? Weak sauce. Whats Port Moody's excuse? The league wanted knock off the 4th place team? WTF?

Did the BCPL not happen because eveyone wanted to screw you over for that too? Seriously.

You both did play on grass didn't you? Or did Poco get turf on their half the field?:rolleyes:

I'm guessing more than 1 person at the league knew it was on grass. Or did the whole FVSL keep it a secret from just your 2 teams.

Larry Dallas

May 8, 2004
Dirty Money
The games were never switched over at the last minute. They had been scheduled to be played on grass for quite a few weeks now. And Port Moody did know they were playing on grass. At least some of them knew. We played them last week and after the game while having some drinks with a few of their players, it was brought up that the semis were to be played on grass. Whether or not the teams liked the decision for the games to be played on grass, they knew they would be.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
dear centre of the universe,

whatever it takes for what? To screw you over?
Seriously ghouse, do you think the league is out to get you because you won it? Weak sauce. Whats port moody's excuse? The league wanted knock off the 4th place team? Wtf?

Did the bcpl not happen because eveyone wanted to screw you over for that too? Seriously.

You both did play on grass didn't you? Or did poco get turf on their half the field?:rolleyes:

I'm guessing more than 1 person at the league knew it was on grass. Or did the whole fvsl keep it a secret from just your 2 teams.



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
And people wonder why no one ever routes or cheers for ACBC apart from themselves. Right as the poco vs moody games end (hand down one of the dirtiest games ive ever seen wow) #15 on acbc is asked to get off the field by TM (why i don't know) but he replies with "who the fcuk are you? and who the fcuk does this guy think he is" what class shown there. I didnt see one player on the field complaining from acbc and they were warming up right in front of us. Nice to see their new coach beat me and some friends the parking lot, did he even shake hands? but who are we kidding its a fvsl conspiracy to have acbc out.:rolleyes:


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
It was a sneeky bullshti move by the league(one person) to not inform everyone the game was on the Practice pitch...Come on why cant you see that...When its says GATES PARK on the schedule you think of the same god dam field you always play on ...Fukcin period...And for us to not be informed says alot ..I ask again..WHY?
Maybe you carry 2 pairs of boots with you everywhere you go...but some dont..and being prepaired ..go fukc yourself..we prepair as much as anyone..We were fukced over and if you cant see that..piss off.
I am pissed we lost of coarse..but this is bigger than that one game...this is about one person haveing control over way to much..While running a team too...
You all say it everytime i see you everywhere..well here is just one more example.
So either say its not a problem or agree its a problem....Take your pick
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