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Nucks vs Boston - 2011 Stanley Cup Final

Stanley Cup 2011 Final - who'll win?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
1. On Luongo: This city and all the "expert" fans makes me sick. Does anyone remember that fanfcukingtastic save off of Pavelski in the Gold Medal game? No, they remember him not getting to a rebound so the Yanks could tie it up late. They won "in spite" of him. FFS. Do they remember the sheer robbery on Patrick Sharp in OT in game 7 vs the Hawks? How about Tuesday May 24th? Luongo stops 54 pucks on net to get the 3-2 DOT win. Game 6 of Preds series, in Nashville Lu stops 23 of 24 for a 2-1 Nucks win to clinch the series. Regs is right about the fans being fickle. That famous quote from earlier in the playoffs, If Luongo walked on water the headline in the Province would be "Luongo Can't Swim!"

2. On the Raymond play and the officiating in general. Read a fcuking rule book. This play, when you read the rule book on interference, is black and white and no different than the Rome v Horton play. Player A engages player B who's not in possession of the puck and the play results in an injury, this time however it's not 5 and a game for interference and a multiple game suspension, it's "Raymond lost an edge" Can someone explain to me how losing an edge results in a fractured vertebra(e)? And it's not just anti-Canucks... Raffi Torres was whistled for a delayed penalty last night, while TT was out of his net the other Ref's arm went up for a second call against Torres, and the two refs convened once the Nucks touched the puck and they only assessed him 1 minor penalty. How is this enforcing the rules!? I long, pine even, for the days when we can see Hockey be played and the officials just simply call the rules as they're laid out in the black book. It's so fcuking frustrating, as when the whistles go away it always will benefit one team more than the other, and the old "Lets let the players decide" isn't when you're watching whack-a-mole out there. It's not hockey, it's no different than when the NJD's won their first cup. It's a shambles with respect to officiating. You can't honestly tell me that every game has been played so evenly, then look at the amount of PP's granted to each team... the refs let some stuff go based on the state of the game, they call some stuff to "even it up" and they certainly don't seem to applying the rules evenly as far as in Boston vs In Vancouver with respect to what goes on after the whistle (Exhibit 1 being Sedin getting a 10 misconduct for headbutting Marchands glove 6 times)

3. The Sedins. If the Sedins fight back they will be criticized for being emotional, not focused, and for being undisciplined. If they don't fight back they're criticized for being pussies. they can't win.

I guess those are my 3 pet peeves, with #'s 1 & 2 being directly related to fickle Vancouver Sports fan.

I have faith and confidence that the Canucks will win game 7, even in OT. In fact, especially if it goes to OT. Luongo has won a championship in a "Game 7 OT" with his gold medal. TT was riding the pine in favor of Ryan Miller. TT hasn't been there, so I can't comment. Luongo has, and he has never failed me as a fan in that situation before, so I have no reason TO DOUBT that he is the right man for the job.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Let me also say that last night re: Raymonds injury: I don't think I would have called it a penalty, but I certainly wouldn't have given Rome a game and then a 4 game suspension. It has to do with CONSISTENCY. My comments reflect that IF the precedent has been set re: An Interference play away from the puck resulting in a severe injury...then Boychuck should have received 5 and a game, and surely to fcuk should have been suspended for tomorrow nights game. Further to that, if the injury last night was a result of Raymond losing an edge and not a result of Boychuck finishing the check with a player in a vulnerable position, how is Rome responsible for Horton's injury? Wouldn't Horton not looking where he is going be akin to "losing an edge?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
I agree someone else should have done it but when no one does. Is sticking up for yourself and losing, worse than just taking a punch or sorry punches to the face and doing nothing about it, especially when there is only one game left? You don't gotta swing for the fences, but throw something back.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
I hate to agree with a Ranger supporter who hangs out with a group of self important hooligans at the Whitecaps game but if it wasn't gay I'd throw a heart at post 243.


New Member
Mar 11, 2008
Dirty Money
1st and obvious choice - Luongo
2nd choice: Daniel
3rd: Salo (it may be his last year)
4th: Kesler
5th: Malhotra

R U for REAL - What a bunch of crap..............................Listen to yourself......................

Parade will be in the EAST

Phat Monkey = provincial employee looking for the end of the work day

fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I guess we'll see tomorrow night UR Wabbley.

Out of curiosity, what, in my post, was a bunch of crap? That Hank would hand the cup to Lou? Or that Bettman would be giving it to Hank at all? Clearly you have made it known who you think will win. I still don't share your opinion, despite the ulcers growing more and more from each game this spring.

You see, I have been a Canucks fan since I was a child and the names Lever, Ververgaert and Kearns were broadcast from Jim Robson's magical voice through my radio. It didn't matter that the team lost most nights. They were my team. Whether it be Petri Skriko, Jim Agnew, Shawn Antoski or Adrian Plavsic, they were my guys. I always had faith and they were always my favourite to win the cup at the onset of training camp. Dillusional? Probably.

But unlike a lot of others out there, there is no Bandwagon for me. This is my team. These are my guys. Win or lose. As a result, I choose not to throw them under the bus.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
JBN, your point #1 about Luongo…I would say “fair enough” if he wasn’t his own worse enemy, and often times the team’s worse enemy. His consistency is diabolical. Give me a consistently good shot blocker, not a sometimes great, sometimes terrible bet wetter.

So here is my question…

Why is it when diehard fans refuse to support any one player on the team they are labeled “bandwagon Jumpers” or “Fickle”? Explain that? The same happened when Bertuzzi went out and effing sucker punched Steve Moore! No, not the same situation, but the same reaction. The whole “support the players no matter what” mantra is called blind faith. And if that’s the case, if we non-Lou believers are bandwagon jumpers, are you guys both blind and stupid, or just one?

When the 'Nuck win the Cup, it will be one of the happiest memories of my life, behind the real big ones. That said, I'll still be a critic of Lou, and feel he should be traded.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
So if Luongo wins the Stanley Cup, it still won't be good enough for you? Because of inconsistency?

Name 1 goalie to replace him with that would be a better alternative. One.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
So if Luongo wins the Stanley Cup, it still won't be good enough for you? Because of inconsistency?

Name 1 goalie to replace him with that would be a better alternative. One.

Anti Niemi, oh wait, he's not consistent either. Well then Tim Thomas, oh, that consistency thing again (except for this series apparently)....


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
So if Luongo wins the Stanley Cup, it still won't be good enough for you? Because of inconsistency?

Name 1 goalie to replace him with that would be a better alternative. One.
Schneider & a promotion for back-up.

If the 'Nucks could find anyone to take Luongo off our hands, the money would be better spent securing Bieksa and Ehrhoff next year.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
No big deal for sure, he even skated off the ice... no sign of a stretcher anywhere in Boston I guess.

What a diver.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
You would take Schneider who played 20 games this year over Luongo with a Stanley Cup ring? I'm surprised you didn't say Kirk McLean or Richard Brodeur or even Glen Hanlon.

I have no idea how anyone with this mindset will be able to fully enjoy a Canucks win tomorrow night.
Schneider & a promotion for back-up.

If the 'Nucks could find anyone to take Luongo off our hands, the money would be better spent securing Bieksa and Ehrhoff next year.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You would take Schneider who played 20 games this year over Luongo with a Stanley Cup ring? I'm surprised you didn't say Kirk McLean or Richard Brodeur or even Glen Hanlon.

I have no idea how anyone with this mindset will be able to fully enjoy a Canucks win tomorrow night.

Yes, and you are correct. I'll be a wreck tomorrow night because I'll be expecting Luongo to choke again. But I guess that makes me fickle, eh? The fact that I have so little faith in our tender, and I want the 'Nucks to win so bad, it actually makes me sick to my stomach.

FFS, I wasn't this nervous for either of my kids births.

At least we can agree that the officiating is diabolical, and that I have great hair.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money

Schneider & a promotion for back-up.

If the 'Nucks could find anyone to take Luongo off our hands, the money would be better spent securing Bieksa and Ehrhoff next year.

I think you may have been blow drying your hair to long this morning. What proven track record does he have. Remember how many goalies we had coming up that were suppose to be the next great one. Gamble, Weeks, Hirsh to name a few. I think Schneider is going to be good and maybe even better than Luongo but to say he is better now is silly to say the least. I doubt Schneider would even agree with you.

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