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NHL Trade Deadline 2008


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
Ok...your thread for the posting of all actual trades...as well as rumors that are floating around...

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Bob McKenzie was on the Team 1040 yesterday saying that the Canucks where in the running to get Brad Richards...??? I am not sure about this...7.8 Million still remaining on 2 years of a contract? Thoughts?

What about Sundin? Reports are that Sundin and Fletcher met again to discuss various teams that Sundin might like to go. Fletcher apperantly still has not asked Sundin to wave his no trade clause... Thoughts???

All right...feel free to discuss...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Would rather have big Brad long term...not sure the dollars or cost to get him will make sense. They certainly wouldn't be able to re-sign Naslund next year, and likely have to trade Morrison for some younger, and cheaper tallent, too.

Never mind that...what is the cost to get him? What did McKenzie have to say about that?

star #1

Active Member
Aug 8, 2002
Dirty Money
If we lock up Luongo to a long term deal (6-7 years) then I think that we can afford to include Schnieder in the deal as Tampa has struggled in that position ever since Khabibulin left. Give up Schnieder, Bourdon (just because Edler has done so well) Cooke and a first or second round pick.

This is something that a co-worker showed me if we get Richards.. makes sense to me money wise i guess...

Next year on the blueline:

Mitchell $3.5
Ohlund $3.5
Salo $3.5
Bieksa $3.75
Edler $0.550
Krajicek $1.1
Bourdon $0.850.....$16.75 mil


Luongo $6.75
Backup of some sort 600 k like this year.....$7.35 mil

Up front...and I'll take some liberties and include some unnamed fourth liners

Henrik...$3.575 (top 6)
Daniel...$3.575 (top 6)
Raymond....$850k (top 6)

Pyatt...$1.575 (third line/top 6)
Kesler...$1.75 (third line)
Burrows...$500k (third line)

Hansen...$500k (fourth line)
Fourth liner #2....700k
Fourth liner #3....700 k
Extra forward...600 k....$14.325 mil

Total so far: $38.4 mil.

Add in Richards and you have $46.225 mil. With a $54 mil cap that is anticipated the canucks have $6 mil to get at least one more top 6 winger (say Naslund at $4 mil) and $2 mil to spend on another borderline top 6 guy a la Pyatt. While still having a couple of mil in cap room.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Morrison and Naslund are not under contract past this season.

Questions that need to be answered are will Naslund play next year. Would he be willing to play in another city? Would Morrison and Naslund play here for a home town discount?

Including any of the young dmen is stupid. All of the teams that do well in the salary cap era have yound players making peanuts in the overall scheme of things holding down major positions in their team and contributing nightly.

They should really be working towards next year when they will have more cap flexibilty and their young players are contirbuting more.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Agree with Blaze, the only prospects I would part with would be Schneider and maybe Jaffray. Bourdon can be used next year as I'd take him over Weaver any day. Since Nonis won't sell the farm, I don't think we'll see any of our prospects leaving other than Schneider due to the Luongo factor. That's why I don't think we'll make any big splash anywhere other than Tampa, who need a goalie, but if they're asking for Edler or Bourdon I don't think it will fly.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
Morrison and Naslund are not under contract past this season.

Questions that need to be answered are will Naslund play next year. Would he be willing to play in another city? Would Morrison and Naslund play here for a home town discount?

Morrison was interviewed...and said that yes...he would take a home town discount. Naslund said yes...just not as fast....


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Would rather have big Brad long term...not sure the dollars or cost to get him will make sense. They certainly wouldn't be able to re-sign Naslund next year, and likely have to trade Morrison for some younger, and cheaper tallent, too.

Never mind that...what is the cost to get him? What did McKenzie have to say about that?

Fukc you have seriously lost your mind Dude. Richards is a good player but look at the type of season he is having. He is less productive then Naslund and more expensive. Sure he plays with shite players as he is not on the top line but he will be playing witht he same type of quality here. He is not the type of dominant center this team needs. Vancouver is just about to get out of the Naslund contract and we want to get into a even worse one, good thinking.

star #1

Active Member
Aug 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Agree with Blaze, the only prospects I would part with would be Schneider and maybe Jaffray. Bourdon can be used next year as I'd take him over Weaver any day. Since Nonis won't sell the farm, I don't think we'll see any of our prospects leaving other than Schneider due to the Luongo factor. That's why I don't think we'll make any big splash anywhere other than Tampa, who need a goalie, but if they're asking for Edler or Bourdon I don't think it will fly.

Maybe your right but you think that Nonis would part with one of our experienced d-men?... Salo??...would Tampa deal with us if all we are offering is Schneider, Jaffray, Cooke and a draft pick... because they want a D-men included according to team 1040..


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow Bully- don't be so sensitive.

BR has three things Naslund does not:

One (1) Stanley Cup Ring
One (1) Conn Smyth trophy
One (1) World Cup Championship

He's also won a Memorial Cup and was MVP, if I remember correctly.

Bottom line- Richards knows how to win. Naslund has not yet proven he has what it takes. Nice guy, but not a winner, and not an NHL Captain.

I'd be very enthusiastic about changing the make-up of this team, while improving the leadership, and making it younger.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Looking into the future the needs are fairly obvious.

The d is pretty set. Ohlund, Mitchell, Bieksa, Bourdon, Salo, krajicek and Edler.

Your top 7next year.

In goal you are set and the question is now what you have for forwards,

Sedin, Sedin, Pyatt, Kesler, Raymond, Cowan, Burrows are the only guys who are locks to make the team signed for next year.

Grabner, Hansen, Jaffray are under contract and have played this year and there are some RFAs in Shannon, Rypien, Brown and somwe other no names.

Everyone else is a UFA. COntract info available NHLSCAP.com - Cap Numbers, Vancouver Canucks

Their need is at forward and Richards doesn't help them. Who is he going to play with and how can he make more than your best player.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
If you are going to trade a dmen it should be one of the more veteran players who make more money then opening up more room under the cap. the key to the "New" NHL are the cheaper players and that is why everyone wants young players. They don't make as much as the veteran guys.

Salo would be good if they could get from under his contract. He is hurt a lot but i think got a no-trade clause in the deal too.

The Canucks have decided it appears, rightly or wrongly, that the low scoring game etc is going to be their style of play. they have most fo their money tied up in their d and their goalie. Makes sense as the poo-poo platter they throw out there up front other than 5 or 6 guys is able to get enough goals to keep them in the playoff race/spot what have you.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
We need a player who will lead by example ON THE ICE. We don't have one player who has won a cup (actually, Shannon does...but does he count?). I don't think we have one who has won any significant championship, besides Luongo and maybe Cook & Morrison at the Worlds...and let's remember why they were available to play for Canada there.

I think the general make-up of the team lends itself to success as long as Luongo is there. They deffinitely need a big play-making center, and wouldn't it be nice to have one that is relatively young still (~27-28), and one who has been in the dance and won not only the championship, but the the MVP for it.

That kind of resume doesn't come cheap.

But, hey...what are the better options being presented?

BTW: wouldn't give up on Bourdon now. He's stepping up nicely for Krajicek, and has a way higher upside. Move Krajicek out next year. Fact is, Vancouver may not have enough to dangle for any trade, much less this one.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I would support the Canucks trading a first rounder, a prospect, a decent dman and Schnieder for Richards...why you ask? because he is not a rental and is in desperate need of a change of scenery.

Also note that TBAY is looking to dump money to resign guys, of course they want a lot in return for him, but are not in the position of strength, since they risk losing Boyle... They need to dump salary bad.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
I would support the Canucks trading a first rounder, a prospect, a decent dman and Schnieder for Richards...why you ask? because he is not a rental and is in desperate need of a change of scenery.

Also note that TBAY is looking to dump money to resign guys, of course they want a lot in return for him, but are not in the position of strength, since they risk losing Boyle... They need to dump salary bad.

Do you work for the 1040 or just repeat it???:D

Richards nope to big of salary.....and you people complain about how much we pay Naslund...check out Richards stats:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
We need a player who will lead by example ON THE ICE. We don't have one player who has won a cup (actually, Shannon does...but does he count?). I don't think we have one who has won any significant championship, besides Luongo and maybe Cook & Morrison at the Worlds...and let's remember why they were available to play for Canada there.

I think the general make-up of the team lends itself to success as long as Luongo is there. They deffinitely need a big play-making center, and wouldn't it be nice to have one that is relatively young still (~27-28), and one who has been in the dance and won not only the championship, but the the MVP for it.

That kind of resume doesn't come cheap.

But, hey...what are the better options being presented?

BTW: wouldn't give up on Bourdon now. He's stepping up nicely for Krajicek, and has a way higher upside. Move Krajicek out next year. Fact is, Vancouver may not have enough to dangle for any trade, much less this one.

I agree with what you are saying I just don't think Richards is the right guy. We need a dominant player, if Sundin was a few years younger a would feel a lot more comfortable trying to get that type of player to a 3 year contract. Even at Sundin's age he is a better option, he dominates when on the ice. A guy like lecavilier(sp) is worth 8 million, Luongo is worth 8 million not Brad Richards. I rather re-sign Naslund at 4 million, trade or give Morrison a pay cut and get another quality 4 or 5 million dollar player. I totally agree that in the right situation Richards is a guy you go for, Columbus is in the running and he would look pretty good next the Rick Nash.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
If we lock up Luongo to a long term deal (6-7 years) then I think that we can afford to include Schnieder in the deal as Tampa has struggled in that position ever since Khabibulin left. Give up Schnieder, Bourdon (just because Edler has done so well) Cooke and a first or second round pick..[/B]

That would solve their problems :rolleyes:

An unproven goalie...

I am sure Lecavalier and St Louis would want another 3-5 losing seasons before Schneider becomes anything resembling an NHL goaltender.

I can see the HABS unloading one of their two goalies in the off-season.
If Price can become more consistent down the stretch, Huet will be on the block....and should get something nice in return.

HUET and a 1st Rounder for Richards.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Z, that is not enough...

Richards would command more than that.
I don't know what games people are watching...Richards is a dominant player, but has been playing with total plumbers all year.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I am sick and tired of every Canuck fan and management/coach type stating that "next year looks to be THE year"

The time is now folks...If you can load up a few more guys Luongo gives you a chance in every game...

The Nucks are deep on D and now the freak injuries to the backline looks to have subsided and pushed the development of Edler and Bourdon up a bit the team is solid on D, has probably the best or one of the best keepers in hockey, all they need is a bit more punch up front, and a decent faceoff guy.

The fans are going to tune out and although the tix are bought, I am noticing some empty seats more and more than ever at the garage.

I am in favour of the Canucks going after a Richards or Marleau, since they are under contract and are both guys that need changes of scenery badly. Both can help.

Does Nonis have the balls to part with enough to make the move? I don't know...but with the cap going up the 'Nucks should be in a position to afford them since we all know they will spend to the cap or near it.

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